The Cosmic Microwave Background, Dark Matter and Dark Energy Anthony Lasenby, Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory and Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge Overview The Cosmic Microwave Background — exciting new results from the Planck Satellite Context of the CMB =) addressing key questions about the Big Bang and the Universe, including Dark Matter and Dark Energy Planck Satellite and planning for its observations have been a long time in preparation — first meetings in 1993! UK has been intimately involved Two instruments — the LFI (Low — e.g. Cambridge is the Frequency Instrument) and the HFI scientific data processing (High Frequency Instrument) centre for the HFI — RAL provided the 4K Cooler The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) So what is the CMB? Anywhere in empty space at the moment there is radiation present corresponding to what a blackbody would emit at a temperature of ∼ 2:74 K (‘Blackbody’ being a perfect emitter/absorber — furnace with a small opening is a good example - needs perfect thermodynamic equilibrium) CMB spectrum is incredibly accurately black body — best known in nature! COBE result on this showed CMB better than its own reference b.b. within about 9 minutes of data! Universe History Radiation was emitted in the early universe (hot, dense conditions) Hot means matter was ionised Therefore photons scattered frequently off the free electrons As universe expands it cools — eventually not enough energy to keep the protons and electrons apart — they History of the Universe: superluminal inflation, particle plasma, ‘recombine’ to form atoms of Hydrogen atomic plasma, recombination, Suddenly the photons are able to structure formation free-stream away crossing the entire universe without interruption Universe History History of the Universe: superluminal inflation, particle plasma, atomic plasma, recombination, structure formation Universe History Can see directly today the imprints present at recombination Good evidence these were created by amplification of quantum-generated irregularities during period of inflation, −35 s taking place about 10 after the History of the Universe: superluminal inflation, Big-Bang! particle plasma, atomic plasma, recombination, structure formation http://www.sdss3.org/surveys/boss.php (Chris Blake and Sam Moorfield) Development of these (initially quantum) fluctuations from inflation until recombination, imprints characteristic scales on the universe (basically how far ‘sound’ could have travelled by then) — should see this in both matter and CMB The Power Spectrum Look at power in fluctuations as a function of angular scale on the sky Shown is a theoretical curve Series of coherent peaks is crucial — if can observe them, then fluctuations must have been ‘phased up’ Inflation is only known mechanism for achieving this! Details of peak location and height depend on the cosmological parameters such as density and age of the Universe The ‘Omegas’ refer to densities in various components, and H0 is Hubble’s constant (linked to age) The Power Spectrum Look at power in fluctuations as a function of angular scale on the sky Shown is a theoretical curve Series of coherent peaks is crucial — if can observe them, then fluctuations must have been ‘phased up’ Inflation is only known mechanism for achieving this! Details of peak location and height depend on the cosmological parameters such as density and age of the Universe The ‘Omegas’ refer to densities in various components, and H0 is Hubble’s constant (linked to age) The Power Spectrum Look at power in fluctuations as a function of angular scale on the sky Shown is a theoretical curve Series of coherent peaks is crucial — if can observe them, then fluctuations must have been ‘phased up’ Inflation is only known mechanism for achieving this! Details of peak location and height depend on the cosmological parameters such as density and age of the Universe The ‘Omegas’ refer to densities in various components, and H0 is Hubble’s constant (linked to age) Dark Matter and Dark Energy THE TWO FURTHER INGREDIENTS: We know there are big problems with understanding the dynamics of galaxies and clusters of galaxies There appears to be a large amount of ‘missing mass’ — i.e. inferred dynamically, but not visible Very obvious in the ‘rotation curves’ of galaxies From mv 2 GMm Instead rotational velocity is = flat or even increasing with r r 2 distance! p expect v / 1=r outside galaxy Dark Matter (contd.) For clusters of galaxies, the visible matter is only about 1/10th of that needed to explain the dynamics we see (First pointed out by Fritz Zwicky in 1933 — so this problem has been round a long time!) General consensus is that the A cluster showing lensing ‘missing mass’ is provided by a hitherto undetected particle, which only interacts gravitationally (Though particularly for the galactic rotation curve problem, many attempts also to explain in terms of modifications to the laws of gravity, e.g. MOND theories.) Fritz Zwicky Dark Energy On the largest scales in the universe we see not extra attraction, but ‘repulsion’ The universe is accelerating, as measured by the brightness of distant supernovae Is this Λ? Einstein introduced this into his field equations for General Relativity to try to get a static universe When he realised the universe was expanding, he discarded this term — we finally knew that it was necessary in about 1998 A source term or geometry? Schematically, Einstein’s equations are: G = 8πT a geometrical object derived the stress-energy tensor of from the metricg of spacetime sources of matter and radiation Where does the cosmological constant enter? G − Λg = 8πT Modifies gravity itself or G = 8πT + Λg A new source of energy More generally, should we interpret the late-time acceleration of the universe in terms of a modified gravity theory? — or as the action of e.g. a new form of matter, such as a new scalar field (like the Higgs, recently discovered)? Lambda CDM Putting the two together, we get ΛCDM This is now the ‘standard model of cosmology’ (in analogy with the Standard Model of particle physics) Here dark matter particle is ‘cold’ — basically moving slowly and non-relativistically today Suitable candidates could be e.g. large mass WIMPS And what provides the repulsion for the accelerating universe is a simple cosmological constant Λ This has a constant ratio of pressure to energy density = −1 Other possibilities like scalar fields, this changes with time Key tests come from the CMB power spectrum 4. Flight traj e c to r y of HERSCHEl & PLANCK The launcher’s attitude and trajectory are totally controlled by the two onboard computers, located in the Ariane 5 vehicle equipment bay (VEB). 7.05 seconds after ignition of the main stage cryogenic engine at T-0, the two solid-propellant boosters are ignited, enabling liftoff. The launcher first climbs vertically for 6 seconds, then rotates towards the East. It maintains an attitude that ensures the axis of the launcher remains parallel to its velocity vector, in order to minimize aerodynamic loads throughout the entire atmospheric phase, until the solid boosters are jettisoned. Once this first part of the flight is completed, the onboard computers optimize the trajectory in real time, The Planck Satelliteminimizing propellant consumption to bring the launcher first to the intermediate orbit targeted at the end of the main stage propulsion phase, and then the final orbit at the end of the flight of the cryogenic upper stage. The main stage falls back off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean (in the Gulf of Guinea). On orbital injection, the launcher will have attained a velocity of approximately 9967 meters/second, and will be at an altitude of about 852 kilometers. The fairing protecting the HERSCHEL, PLANCK spacecraft is jettisoned shortly after the boosters are jettisoned at about T+243 seconds. Planck has been called ‘the coolest spacecraft ever built’! Certainly payload is one of the most complex scientific mission ever put into space Cost 700M euros, and mass at launch 1.9 tonnes It flew out to the Second Lagrangian point (L2) of the Earth/Sun system For more information, visit us on www.arianespace.com 5 Scanning strategy (1 rpm, Semi-stable — flies in a Lissajous plus 1 degree advance per orbit about L2 day) leads to2 × 7 month surveys, each covering entire sky once Planck Science So what did Planck see, and why is it such a big advance? The key is much improved resolution and sensitivity compared to the previous missions At the higher frequencies, each Planck sky map gives about 50 million pixels at each frequency — compare ∼ 3 million for WMAP Sensitivity about 10 times higher per beam Frequency coverage much improved compared to previously as well — can better discriminate the CMB from Galactic and other foregrounds Planck Science So what did Planck see, and why is it such a big advance? The key is much improved resolution and sensitivity compared to the previous missions At the higher frequencies, each Planck sky map gives about 50 million pixels at each frequency — compare ∼ 3 million for WMAP Sensitivity about 10 times higher per beam Frequency coverage much improved compared to previously as well — can better discriminate the CMB from Galactic and other foregrounds Planck Science So what did Planck see, and why is it such a big advance? The key is much improved resolution and sensitivity compared to the previous missions At the higher frequencies, each Planck sky map gives about 50 million pixels at each frequency — compare ∼ 3 million for WMAP Sensitivity about 10 times higher per beam Frequency coverage much improved compared to previously as well — can better discriminate the CMB from Galactic and other foregrounds Planck Cosmology Results 28 papers plus associated data products released Mar 21 Made headlines around the world, including front page of the NY Times Release based on first 15 months of data rest of data (another 15 months) + crucial polarisation data, due in 1 year HFI cryogens ran out in early 2012 — LFI observations finished recently and Planck now ‘de-orbited’ Planck Cosmology Results Broad overview of results wouldPlanck Collaboration: be: Cosmological parameters Table 8.
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