OUTHBERTSON WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 Mails. Publications : The Mammoth Cave ; D'ACHE, Caran (Emmanuel Poire), cari- How I found the Gainsborough Picture ; caturist b. in ; Russia ; grandfather French Conciliation in the North of Coal ; England ; grandmother Russian. Drew political Mine to Cabinet ; Interviews from Prince cartoons in the "Figaro; Caran D'Ache is to Peasant, etc. Recreations : cycling, Russian for lead pencil." Address : fchological studies. Address : 33 Walton Passy, Paris. [Died 27 Feb. 1909. 1 ell Oxford. Club : Koad, Oxford, Reform. Sir D'AGUILAR, Charles Lawrence, G.C.B ; [Died 2 Feb. 1903. cr. 1887 ; Gen. b. 14 (retired) ; May 1821 ; CUTHBERTSON, Sir John Neilson ; Kt. cr, s. of late Lt.-Gen. Sir George D'Aguilar, 1887 ; F.E.I.S., D.L. Chemical LL.D., J.P., ; K.C.B. d. and ; m. Emily, of late Vice-Admiral Produce Broker in Glasgow ; ex-chair- the Hon. J. b. of of School Percy, C.B., 5th Duke of man Board of Glasgow ; member of the Northumberland, 1852. Educ. : Woolwich, University Court, Glasgow ; governor Entered R. 1838 Mil. Sec. to the of the Glasgow and West of Scot. Technical Artillery, ; Commander of the Forces in China, 1843-48 ; Coll. ; b. 13 1829 m. Glasgow, Apr. ; Mary served Crimea and Indian Mutiny ; Gen. Alicia, A. of late W. B. Macdonald, of commanding Woolwich district, 1874-79 Rammerscales, 1865 (d. 1869). Educ. : ; Lieut.-Gen. 1877 ; Col. Commandant School and of R.H.A. High University Glasgow ; Address : 4 Clifton Folkestone. Coll. Royal of Versailles. Recreations: Crescent, Clubs : Travellers', United Service. having been all his life a hard worker, had 2 Nov. 1912. little time and no inclination for in [Died sport ; Col. earlier fond of DALGETY, Edmund Henry, C.B. 1900; days riding, and later of golf ; commanding Cape Mounted Rifles ; was for upwards of 50 years a Sunday School (retired) 6. 17 1847 ; s. of late Lt.-Col. James teacher and identified with a of May variety* William Dalgety ; m. 1882, Margaretta Christian and philanthropic work. Ad- Helen Hill. Educ. : dress : 19 Belhaven Wellington College ; Terrace, Glasgow. Sandhurst. Gazetted to Scots Clubs : Royal Western, Glasgow ; Conservative, Fusiliers, 1867 ; sold out, 1876 ; came to Edinburgh ; Carlton, London. South Africa, 1877, and served in Galeka- [Died 26 Jan. 1905. Gaika war, 1877-79 (medal and clasp) ; CUYLER, Rev. Theodore Ledyard, D.D., LL.D. Basutoland, 1879-81 ; served as Lieut. -Col. (Princeton) ; retired pastor of Lafayette C.M. Riflemen, in command of Colonial Avenue Presbyterian Church; engaged in a Forces, Bechuanaland, Langberg campaign, ministry at large ; b. Aurora, New 1897 and served in Boer s. (medal clasp) ; War, York ; o. of B. Ledyard Cuyler, lawyer, 1899-1902, as Col. C.M.R. and in command and Louisa Frances Morrell. Educ. : Prince- of Colonial Division ton and Princeton (despatches). Decorated University Theological for defence of Wepener (Jammersberg Drift) ; Seminary. Pastor of the Third Presbyterian on committee King Edward's Horse, Terri- Church, Trenton, N.J. ; Market Street Reformed torial Force. Address : Oaklands Road Church, New York City ; founder, Bedford. [Died 5 July 1914. and for thirty years the Pastor, of the DALGLEISH, Walter Scott, LL.D. Lafayette Avenue Church of M.A., ; Brooklyn, Editor with Messrs. Thomas Nelson & New York. Publications : twenty-two Sons, one a publishers, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh books, volume of travels ; eighty correspondent of the Times since 1878 b. tracts on various subjects, and of the articles ; 25 March 1834 e. s. of for Edinburgh, ; John religious journals and magazines ; about Dalaleish ; m. 1st, Charlotte, d. of D. O. two hundred millions of copies printed in Hill, R.S.A. ; 2nd, Helen, d. of Adam Curror. The America, Britain, and elsewhere ; Auto- Lee. Educ. : Royal High School and Uni- biography, 1902. Recreations : fifty-eight versity, Edinburgh. Publications : years of active life in such health History perfect of School of 1857 as to need no recreations High Edinburgh, ; Macbeth, except walking and with Notes and Glossary, 1862 ; Gram- entertaining reading and talk. Address : matical Analysis, 1864 ; Progressive English Oxford Street, Brooklyn, New York. Club : 1865 in Chi Grammar, ; English Composition Alpha Society of New York. Prose and Verse, 1866 ; The Scott Reader, [Died 10 March 1909. 1867 The ; Shakespeare Reader, 1868 ; edited Royal Readers, etc., 1871 et sea. ; Political Year Book, 1878 ; Great Authors of D English Literature, 1884 ; Higher Grade English, 1888 ; Cruise of the Dunottar 1890 Castle, ; Periods of English History, DABBS, George Henry Roque, M.D. ; Medical 1892-93 Practitioner ; Cruise of the Tantallon Castle, (Consultant) ; b. Southsea, 3 1846 *. of 1895, etc. Recreations : cricket, bowling, Jan. ; a Staff-Surgeon, R.N., angling. Address : 25 Mayfield or and a Basque lady ; m. 1879, Nina Laura terrace, Parkside Clubs : (d. 1900), d. of Herbert Giraud, H.M. Bombay Works, Edinburgh. Arts, army, relict of Dr. John Peet, also H.M. Edinburgh ; Edinburgh Angling Club, Cad- donlee. 15 Feb. Bombay army. Educ. : Royal Naval [Died 1897. Sir School, New Cross ; King's College Hospital, DALGLEISH, William Ogilvy, 1st Bt : cr. 1896 London. King's College Hospital, 1864-68 ; ; LL.D., D.L., D.C., J.P. ; Pres. visits to and Dundee Spain France, 1868-70 ; county Royal Infirmary and many other of till institutions practice (Isle Wight) 1903. Publica- philanthropic and societies ; tions : Vectis Before b. 17 June 1832 e. s. ; Good-Night ; From Scotland, ; of late Capt. James Door to Door ; The Manor Inn ; The Dream Ogilvy Dalgleish, R.N., Woodburne and Fife Ugly, a Hospital Dog ; The Child Healer Baltilly, ; m. Elizabeth, o. c. of A a and a Man late Francis 1860. Erluc. : Sparrow, Mouse, ; Mr Mollison, Errol, Watch, Pawnbroker ; The Ladder of Pain Edinburgh University. Mercantile career ; to Baxter Brothers From Her Him ; Always ; Charlotte joined & Co., Dundee, in : 1854 Corday Prison. Plays Dante ; The ; made Chairman on death of Sir David Bt. retired Dreamers ; Blackmail ; Our Angels (part Baxter, ; 1904 ; C.C. for Perth- etc. shire. Recreations : author) ; Punchinello, ; editor of My golf, shootina, fishing. Journal. Recreations : walking, horse- Owned in Perthshire 3500 acres, Ross shire breeding, writing. Address : 18 Iddesleigh 20,000 acres, Fifeshire 300 acres, Forfarshire 35 acres. Heir : Mansions, Caxton Street, S.W. ; 25 Austin none. Address : Errol Friars, E.C. [Died 10 June 1913. Park, Perthshire. Clubs : Carlton : New. DACCA, Nawab Bahadur, Sir, Khwaya Sali- Edinburgh. [Died 21 Dec. 1913. mulla, G.C.I.E., cr. 1911 ; K.C.S.I. Ad- DALHOFF, Most Rev. T. ; R.C. Archbishop of dress : Dacca, India. [Died 16 Jan. 1915. Bombay. [Died 14 May 1906. 178 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 Alexander C.I.E. to DALLAS, Surg.-Gen. Morison, England, 1884-86-88-90-91 ; opened Daly's b. *. of late Hon. Samuel 1893 1886 ; 1830 ; Theatre, London, ; brought Miss Rehan Jackson Dallas, Speaker ofjHouse'Of Assembly, and his company to Germany, 1886, and to d. of late Jamaica ; m. 1856, Elizabeth, Rev. Paris, 1886-88-90. Publications : Life of Indian Medical J. C. Aldrich. Retired from Peg Woffington, 1889 ; about forty adapta- Service ; entered service, 1856 ; Superinten- tions for the stage from German and French authors. : dent Central Jail, 1859 ; Inspector-General Recreations travelling, reading. 1884 Address : of Prisons, 1863 ; Surg-Gen. Punjab, ; 15 Bayswater Terrace, W. ; 14 Inspector- General Civil Hospitals, 1885 ; West 50 Street, New York. Clubs : Man- : retired, 1889. Address 3 King's Avenue, hattan, N.Y. ; Catholic, N.Y. Baling. [Died 12 Nov. 1912. [Died 7 June 1899. C.B. 1886 Co. DALLINGER, Rev. William Henry, D.Sc., DALYELL, Ralph, ; Ticknevin, Kildare ; J.P., D.L. Fife ; b. 29 June 1834 : D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. ; Wesleyan minister, o. surv. s. of late John of Fife- 5 i Dalyell Lingo, without pastoral charge ; b. Devonport, and a"hd Jane Anstruther 1842 s. of J. S. ; m. Emma shire, Ticknevin, July ; Dallinger nis. of late Sir Ralph Bt., Bal- J., d. of David Goldsmith, Bury St. Edmunds ; Anstruther, caskie ; m. Annie Margaret Christina, d. of one s. Entered Wesleyan ministry, 1861 ; late Principal of Wesley Coll. Sheffield, 1880; Algernon Bellingham Greville, Granard, Co. 1870 four d. Educ. : Dur- commenced (1870) a series of microscopical Longford, ; ham School researches on the life-histories of minute ; Glasgow University ; Magdalen Oxford the septic organisms, which extended over 10 College, (B.A. 1857). Joined researches War Office, 1858 ; served as private secretary years ; followed by other cognate ; from 1872 to 1886 continuously, either to President Royal Microscopical Soc., 4 years ; senior lecturer on the staff of the Gilchrist the Financial Secretary or the Secretary of State for War ; created C.B. 1886 ; Educational Trust ; edited and rewrote the retired, last edition of The Microscope and its Revela- 1892. Recreations : fond of all kinds of as a was to fox- tions, which was enlarged and almost wholly sport ; young man devoted as an old one was an enthusiastic again rewritten in a later edition in 1901. hunting ; Address : 21 Publication : The Creator and what we golfer. Onslow Gardens, S.W. may know of the Method of Creation, 1887. Clubs : Arthur's, Wellington. 12 Recreations : nature-study, travel, cycling. [Died Apr. 1915, Address : Ingleside Lee, S.E. DALZELL, Lord, Robert Hippisley Dalzell ; [Died 7 Nov. 1909. b. 30 Sept. 1877 ; e. s. of 12th Earl of Carn- DALRYMPLE-HAMILTON, Colonel Hon. wath. Educ. : Trin. Coll. Camb. [Died 2 Aug. 1904. North de Coigny, Brevet Colonel (half pay) ; b. s. of Earl of Stair 1853 ; 2nd 10th ; m. DALZIEL, Edward ; b. Wooler, 5 Dec. 1817 ; 1880, Marcia Kathleen Anne, d. of Hon. 5th s. of Alexander Dalziel, Wooler, Northum- s. Sir Adolphus Liddell, K.C.B. ; two Educ. berland, and Newcastle-on-Tyne, artist ; m.
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