THE OLD TIME RADIO CLUB OF BUFFALO Illustrated Press EXTRA! THE ~iliRC U R Y T.lEATRE ON THE AIR Program Log 12.:ll!1 (css, Non. 9PN EST) 2/17 WBurlesque Ww/Sam Levene 2/24 WState Pairw w/Amos 'n' Andy 7/11 wDraculaw (Premier) j{) WRoyal RegimentWw/Mary Astor 7/18 wTreasure Islandw ) 10 wThe Glass Keyw 7/25 WA Tale of Tw0 Citi es w )/17 wBeau Geste W 8/1 wThe )9 Stepsw )/24 wTwentieth Centuryw w/Joan 8/8 wll¥ Little Boyw, Blondell WI m A Foolw, Ww~len w )/)1 wShowboat Morgan &: "Open Window 4/7 wLes Kiserablesw w~alter 8/15 wAbraham Lincolnw Huston 8/22 wThe Affairs of Anatolew 4/14 wThe PatriotWw/Anna May Wong 8/29 wThe Count of Monte CristoW 4/21 wPrivate Livesw w/Gertrude 9/5 wThe Man Who Was Thursday" Lawrence 4/28 w~lack Danielw w/Joan Bennett (CBS, Sun. 8PM EST) WOrdealW 5J{5 12 wOur Townw 9/11 wJulius Caesarw 5/19 wthe Bad Manw w/Ida Lupino 9/18 wJane Eyre" 5/26 wAmerican Ca~lcadew 9/25 wSherlock Holmesw 6/2 wYictoria ReginaWw/Helen wOliver Twist" 10/2 w Hayes. Last show of season. 1/{9 wHell On Ice 10 16 wSeventeenW (css, Sun. 8PII EST) 10/2J "Around the World in Eighty Days W 9/10 WPeter IbbotsQnw w/Helen Hayes 10/)0 wlnvasion From Mars w 9/17 WAh, Wildernessw (wWar of the Worlds W) 9/24 wWhat BVery Woman Wants W w, W 11/6 wHeart of Darkness 10/1 "the CountW of Monte Cristo "Gift of the .~i", &: 1%,8 WAlgiers ~aulette Goddard wLife With Fatherw 10 15 wEscapew w endie Barrie 11/1) "The Bishop Murder Case" 10/22 wLiliomw w/Helen Hayes 11/20 wThe Pickwick Papersw 10/29 wThe Magnificent Ambersonsw 11/27 wClarence w 5 wHurricanew w/Wary Astor 12/4 wThe Bridge of San Luis 111X 12 wMurder of Roger AckroydW Rey" 11/19 wGarden of Allahw w/Claudette Colbert (CBS, Fri. 9PM EST) 11/26 wDodsworth Ww/Faye Bainter w l;{J wLost Horizon"w wlRonald Colman 1;{9 wRebecca 12 10 wYanessa w/Helen Hayes 12 16 "Call It A Da( 12/17 wThere's A Woman w 12/2) "A Christmas arolw 12/24 "A Christmas Carolw 12/)0 wA Parewell to Armsw w/Katherine Hepburn 12!!Q1 !.2..121 wBecky Sharp" w/Helen Hayes 1 X714 wTheadora Goes Wild w 1/6 "Counselor at Law· 1/21 wThe CitadelW WIt Happened One NightW w/Gertrude Berg 1/28 W 1/1) "Mutiny on the Bounty" ;{4 "Br oome Stages w/Helen Hayes 1/20 "Chicken Wagon Family" 211 wMr. Deeds Goes to Townw w/Burgess Meredith 2/18 "Dinner at Eight" 1/27 "I Lost W~ Girlish 2/25 wOnly Angels Have Wingsw Laughter w/Ilka Chase j{) "Rabble in Armsw "ArrowsmithWw/Helen Hayes ) 10 WCraig's Wife w w/Faye Bainter 2;.? 10 "Green Goddess" w/Madeleine (Last show of series) Carroll KNICKERBOCKER PLAYHOUSE Program Log GRAND f,iAHQUEE Program Log­ llJ2. (CBS, Sun. 10PM EST) l2!U1 (continued) .12!!:1' li!!11 5/21 "The President Speaks" /i5 "Little Brother" 1/2 "Sweet Voyager" 5/B wjWalter Huston 4 12 "The Best Nan" 1/9 "Wildcat Strike" 5/15 (Premier) 4/19 "Home to ~ther" 1/16 "If the Shoe Fits" 5/22 5/28 "The Ghost Bride" 4/26 "There's Always Tomorrow" 1/23 "Love is A Better Word" 5/29 6/4 "Business Before Pleasure" 7(3 "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" 1/30 "A Woman's Place" 6/ 5 w/Orson Welles 5 10 "A Honeymoon with Homocide" 2/6 "Talk To Me" 6/12 6/11 "Bright Shadows" 5/17 "Thar's Ghosts in Them Thar 2/1) "Deep Freeze" 6/19 6/25 "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" Hills" 2/20 "A Man's Home is Her 6/26 7/2 "Fleurett e" w/Orson Welles 5/24 "Is There A Baby in the House?" Castle" 7/ ) 7/9 "SeTenth HeaTen" 5/31 "Reflections on kurders" 2/27 "Not At Home on the 7/10 w/l"ranchot Tone 9/6 "Fifty ~illion Dollars Can't Range" 7/17 Be Wrong" )/6 "YippeeI It's Love" 7/24 19401 (NBC Red. Sat. 8PK) 9/13 "A Holiday---and A Hearse" 3/1) "Pygmalion---Girl" 7/)1 9/20 "Come Down To Earth" 3/20 "I Hear Trumpets" 8/7 9/21 "The Stars are so Distant" 9/27 "Knockout (The Sap)" 3/27 "Mr, Pennfeather and 8/14 9/28 "A Hero Comes Home" 1X4 "Two's Company" the Stranger" B/21 "Life Sto~ 10 11 "~under Mountain" 4/3 "Inside Story" 8/28 10lX5 12 "Rightful ritage" 10/18 "C.upid and the Corpse" 4/10 "When Knighthood Was 9/4 10/19 "~ More Orchids" 10/;r "Think Nothing of It" in Flower" 10/26 "Janey Comes to Stat" 11 1 "Regards From Gentle" 4/17 "Here Lies Marcia" 11/2 "Thanks to ~ Lou 1}(8 "Hold Back the River" 4/24 "J. Cartwright's Camera" 1}(9 "So Many Roses 11 15 "Lo?e on a Shoestring" 5/1 "The First Hundred Years" 11 16 "The ~itiT8" 11/22 "Bennett and the Brat" 11/23 "Third im~s the Chance" 11/29 "What's New at the Zoo?" 11/30 "Fools Come in Bunches" 1;{6 "Kid Glamor" f%7 "The Man Who Couldn't Lose" 12 13 "With Banners Flying" 12 14 "Last Chance At HeaT-8n" 12/20 "The Challenge" 12/21 "Miracle At Midnight" 12/27 "Service Plus" POPEYE THE SAILOR Pr 12/28 "I Can Fix It" ~I !i12' (CBS, Mon.jWed./Fri. 7115PK) l2!U1 ?{3 "The Corpse Was Doing Nicely" 8/31 The Hero's Return 7(4 "LoT-8 is Like ~t" 1 10 "Ginger Takes A Ride" 9/2 The Auction Sale 1 11 "A Little Date With Murder" 1/17 "Let's Get Married" 9/4 Grand Opening 1/18 "Jerry Takes Charge" 1/24 "Abi~'s Irish Rose" w/Sydney 9/7 Popeye in Africa (1) 1~ "Made in Heayen" Smith & Betty Winkler. This 9/9 Popeye in Africa (2) 2 8 "The Pink Peril" show grew to gradUall~ take 9/11 Wimpy's Disgrace 2 }i "Marriage in lfaste" KNICKERBOCKER PLAYHOU E's 9/14 The Magic Carpet (1) 3 1 "LoT-8's Old Sweet Song" place as the latter was 9/16 The Magic Carpet (2) X8 "That's the Man" phased out. ABlE'S IRISH 9/18 Popeye in Politics 3 15 "The Hard War" ROSE ran 1/3?{42 to 6/27/42, 9/21 Cemmunity Sing 3/22 "An Orchid, Murder, 9/12/42 to 4 10/4), and 9/4) 9/2) Wimpy Land Slide and You" to 9/44. 9/25 "Unhand Ite. ~I" )/29 "A Stolen Confession" 9/28 Rip Van Popeye-rIl 9/)0 Rip Van Popeye (2) 10/2 Rip Van Popeye ()) 10/5 Campaign Tactics 10/'7 The Complete Anglers 10/9 The Un~iling GRAND MARQUEE Program Log 10/12 The Living Statue 10/14 The Barbecue 1946, (NBC, Tues.) .!.2!±21 (c ontinued) 10/16 The Galley Slaves 10/19 The Old Will 7/9 "Half A Dog is Better 9/17 "Ways That Are Da~ k " 10/21 Pepeye Qoes Roller Ska~ing Than None" (Premier) 9/24 "Mexi can Interlude" 10/2) The Submarine 7/16 "No Room For A Lady" 10/26 Old King Cole 7/23 "Hold it, Please" (NBC, Sun.) 10/28 A Rest Cure in Yellowstone 7/)0 "Hold That i'iemory" 10/)0 Popeye "s lfalloween Program ~6 "Weddi~ in Colombia" 11/17 "Hol d That Cur tai n I " 11/2 Popeye in India (1) 8 1) "Love, hat Is" 11/ 24 "East is East" 11/4 Popeye in India (2) 8/20 "Man or Mouse" 1;(1 "Run. Grunnion. Run" 11/6 Popeye in India (3) 8/27 "Home is the Sailor" 12 15 "Chickens Oon't Fly" 11/9 Little Red Riding Hood l() "The Warrior's Return" 11/11 Mountain Land Slide 9 10 "Miss Livingstone, I (NBC, Thurs.) 11/1) Popeye and the Three Bears Presume" 11/16 Humpty-Wimpy 12/26 "The Slide Rule Says 'Pass'" YHOUSE Program Log GRAND !'iARQUEE Pr-o gr- an Log---continued !.2!!:l' (continued) ~, ~, ·(continued) 4/5 "Little Brother" 1/2 "Sweet Voyager" 5/8 "Crazy Over Horses" 4/12 "The Best Man" "Wildcat Strike" 5/15 "Danger, No Obstacle" 4/19 "Home to Mother" 1Xl "If the Shoe Pits" 5/22 "Por the Lo~ of James" 4/26 "There's Always Tomorrow" 1/23 "Love is A Better Word" 5/29 "Hew Now, Brown Cow" 5/3 "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" 1/30 "A Woman's Place" "Hex Marks the Spot" 5/10 "A Honeymoon with Homocide" 2/6 "Talk To Me" 6~G "Uncle Will and the Hot Dollar" 5/17 "Thar's Ghosts in Them Thar 2/13 "Deep Preeze" 6/19 "Betty and AI's Wife Horace" Hills" 2/20 "A Nan's Home is Her 6/26 "The Unexpected Guest" 5/24 "Is There A Baby in the House?" Castle" 7/3 "No Room Por A Lady" 5/31 "Reflections on kurders" 2/27 "Not At Home on the 7/10 "Here We Go Again" 9/6 "Pifty Million Dollars Can't Range" 7/17 "Hocus Pocus Can Be Murder" Be Wrong" 3/6 "Yippeel It's Love" 7/24 "Sometimes You Strike It Rich" 9/13 "A Holiday---and A Hearse" 3/13 "Pygmalion---Girl" 7/31 "The Pirst and the Last" 9/20 "Come Down To Earth" 3/20 "I Hear Trumpets" 8/7 "'Til Crime Do Us Part" 9/27 "Knockout (The Sap)" 3/27 "Mr, Pennfeather and 8/14 "The Magic Wire" 10/4 "Two's Company" the Stranger" 8/21 "Haunt Me A House" 10/11 "Thunder Mountain" 4/3 "Inside Story" 8/28 "Wedding in Colombia" 10/18 "Cupid and the Corpse" 4/10 "When Knighthood Was 9/4 "What is This Thing Called Love?" 10/25 "Think Nothing of It" in Plower" (last show of series) 11/1 "Regards Prom Gentle" 4/17 "Here Lies Marcia" 11/8 "Hold Back the River" 4/24 "J.
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