■ I Jl, -V'. ^ ^ - ' r' ‘ ^ /■ i \ /.■ . ■ A. • y L t - ";■% ' MONDAY, NbVEM pER 29, 1984 . iKanrlifatfr lEttruittg HrraUi \ Stor^ 0pen Tonight Until 9 for Your Shopping Convonionce- *- '• "Ae-.e ^ 'I -y T ■-■'•.'ii/- • .iv ■-.a. Merabora of Mancheater Lodge of Klka who t* serve on the sub-committo4 are AnmifcBail .. ^ | q ^ T o w i i v o lu n ^ r Group to Study serving aS individuals in this phase Daily N t t PPMa R ub od to help in the ~ to-houiw PMrmoted at Hamilton Standard . Fkf Mm Week ^ TM w y i y ^ ____ canvtoaa of UckeU to pancdta of the work, rather than aa tho ’ la invited to featlval are re^ueated to repreeentativba of their original luemRPETS-BROADLOOMS '•■jMljSti tke public ehowinc of the at Issues on .Charter organisationa The membera arc: Mtadd iMee taken by memberaot the American Legion H< to- f morrow night a t 6 o'clock. At' Mrs. Louis Heard, chairman; Mrs. Fair, osMer ta « l|^ Law -aijip., : M iar OM Scout Tro^ I on their Further study of . the Roger Olcott, secretary; Franklin , "THE HOUSE OF BEAUTIFUL CARPETS’* ~tHp to jBurqM teat mimmer to* Ume they wiU be aaaigned to ./ 99a. WOdMoiay fair, BMa diaMaa varioua diatricta. They are requeal raised at the recent Anderson. Mrs. Marshall Banever, Member e f ^ Audit ■artinr Bight. at 7:M in Wood- Russell Broderick, Atty. Wesley Eoreoo eC OU^olstlaa In ttm paratoio, ntff Rail of tho Center Congrega- ed to wear their Blk haU. The pro- Manchester's Town Charter," ceeda of the feaUval will go Gryk, Mrs. Charles Jacobson, U a n t h e ^ r ^ A City of Viilage Charm aoy. n g k mid. Church. Some of the girla sored by the League of Georgs Kats, Willard Marvin. Mrs. MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER* f- : I ao want on tlM trip will talk towarda the Blka local high achool Voters, will be done by a sub-conv ..X acholarahip fund. .William Minnick, Frank Reilly, 4M MAIN 8T. AT M1DDI.E TURNFIKE TEL. MI-9-4f4S \ about tho all dee aa -they are mittee chosen from the workshop ,ty. Jay Rubinow and Atty. Her- VOL. LXXIV, 'NO. 51 ' Runra. Tho 14 membera of the p^icipanta. Their purpose Is to miito Tules, A. (SDETOEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1954 (OtaaMflai ASvwMkk^ m Fagt 18) and their throe loadeniment . Mancheater Lodge No. 7S, A. T, debate more thoroughly points OPEN * A Jf. to 9 PAL TBVBllDAYS and FRIDAYS PRICE PIVB cm ^ (I throe Bsontha in Kuropa viaitinf and A. 1C., will hold a apecial com- raised at the three charter meet­ V Rngiand, Scotland, Dennuu-k, Ger* municaUon at the Maaonic Tern ings and tp write a report compris­ DAILV to 5:1(1 PJjL, pie tomorrow night at 7;S0. Thla X. jjany; SoriUrtaad and lyance. ing majority and, when necessary, s t I a m e d c l a m s Winnte's Birthdayl picture I'.-X will be the laat time Worahipful minority - opinions. Toll at 37 Tho llancheater Moariah Chorua Maater John L. Von Deck and hia This report will be read at a will meet toni|^t a t t o’clock in aaaoclate officera for 1*54 will ex* fourth and final ieasion of the ^ c mz 4>>-; Luther HkU. Bmanyel £aithoraa amplify the Maater Maaon degree. workshop to be held in January Church. It la moat important that They will be aaaiated in the work and will be voted on, by ballot, is­ In Britain by membera of the. Fcllowcraft CHATTIERIBOX \ ovoty membor attend theao «»«*» sue by issue, by the entire group. 813 Main SL—TeL lin-9-aoM \ rriioaraala. C3ub. At the conclualon of the The report, together with the re­ IlIRRORS-^-AUTO 6LAS| meeting there will be a aoclal hour sults of the voting, will be sent and refreahmenta. back to the 10 orgimisatians wlUch Hurricane joined with the league in present FURNITURE TOFS Kvery Ready CiKle of Klnga ing-the workshop material. These lAindon, Nov. 30 (ff)—^The Daughtera will hold ita fall rum­ particiMting organlsaUons will be British freighter Treaillidn mage aale tomorrow, beginning at _Hamll^SUi^anl Photo. \ __ Hamilton Standard Photo free to'act ono the report as they •:S0 a. m., in the Sunday School Harold Tedford ^momaa J. Norriaaey fit. EMER6ENCY sank in the Irish Sea today room of the Second Congregational The people who have consented under the hammering of •two Manchester nelghbon were prontdted recenUy at Hamilton OILRURNEII J. A. WHITE eds ‘Brothers ChUfch. Mra. Jamea T. Picklea and Mra. Cleon Chapman, chairman Standard, division of United Aircraft CorpMtlon, Windsor LorJea /SIRYICI Winds of hurricane force and and co-chairman reapectlvely, atnd Harold Tedford of 33 Campfleld Rd. was a d v a n ^ from supervisor of GLASS CO. at^xleast 15 of her 40-man aaalatanta will be at the church product sales to stair assistant to the sales manaMr, while T. J. Mor-' CALL crew\were droAvned. thla evening to receive articles for riaaey, 128 Campfleld Rd., formerly aaaistant s u p ^ a o r of product 24 BIRCH ST. O tber,^ips pl-.Teked 19 survivors McCarthy Goes to the Senate Chamher the aale, proceeds of which will be sales, took over Tedford’s former duties. Tedford joined Hamilton Dee Claims Standard iii 1935, Morrissey, in 1942. ^ ^ T*L MI 9-7822 and thre^ead men from tbe water devoted to the Circle's charitable ---------------------------------------- ------^ MI-9-4548 'X in perlloua^.reacue opbratlona and work. "YYe Can’t Hide Behlad reported eighting 13 more bodies The Clothes Horae Thlift Shop of UHLUAMS floating face down. Hope for the Wrangle Marks A daughter, their SfUi child, \ Our Prodaef* War Action The High School Parent Teacher the Junior League of Hartfoi:d, ^ m Nov. 23 to Mr. ^ Mrs. i OIL SERVICi half doxen- otJlara aboard waa Organisation will keep “open Inc., will hold its 'annual Christ­ Dorian Shainin, 35 Lakewood\Clr- slight. One of the igodiae recovered house” ,at the high achool tonight mas Sale Wednesday and Thurs­ cle. s., has been named RUen was that of the toaster of the at 7:30 for parents of mominjr aes- day at 1000 Farmington Ave., West 7,373-ton vessel, idemified aa a In Blockade aion atudenta. Marie. Hartford, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Captain Winter. \ X . on Wednesday and from 10 a.m. Feud Four Mips Slalix Rainbow Girls are reminded of Ifiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii > 11 ‘ WSahington, Nov. SO (A")— Past Maater Wilber Uttlo and to 6 p.m. on Thursday. All the the rehearsal for the minstrel . a . _ le known death toll of seamen hia stair will install the new of- proceeds from that sale and to five-day storm that^-Mnk Presideht Eisenhower feels >roceeds from this sale and show tonight at 7 o'clock in the a naval and air blockade of Washington, Nov. 80 (4V-Sen. Jenner (R-Ind) snarily•. lieers of Manchester Orange at an M wnlc Temple. A full attendance four other ahlps in waters ar^nd took Sen. Flanders (R-Vt) to task in the Senate today .w. open meetiijr Wednesday at S p. m. lord Rehabilitation Workshop, is hoped for. the Briooh Isleo mounted to ^ Red China Would amount to sy n>r a in Orange Hall. A social period The Trebiman, bringing a carg^ broadcast in which Jeniier said Flanders referred to the with refreshments will follow. war action,” the White Members of the Army-Navy Center of grain to England, from eastern louse said today. Soviet peoples as "brothers.” Flanders snaimed Diat Jenner Auxiliary are reminded of the pot- Church will meet this evening at Canada heelsd oyer and went down "has taken leave of his intelligence.” . PH O N E The Ladles Home League of the luck supper tomorrow night at 8:30 44 miles off '3oKk, Irelanc. The le White House 'view waa Salvation Army will meet in the 3 o clock in the Federation Room, Stom-Iaocd BrlUoli Primo Mimator 8ir Wlnstoo Cborchlll fooM stafqd by James C. Hagerty, press The hot clash came as the Senate was moving into the MItchsll 9-7196 at the clubhouse. Bach member is asked to brins a iiiiil the comera hi the Cabinet Room of Londoa’s 10 Donming St., in this crew of 40 went ovbr the aide into Citadel at 2 o’clock tomorrow af­ mountainous waves. NThe ship's secre^ry, shortly after v Sen. final stages of its long debate oYer proposals to censure Sen. 142 E ait Center St. ternoon, to sew and fold bandagea ^Uen^ for state hosintal iiiiii apecially posed portnUt te a u rk the eUtemaa’e birthday. S(r Wln- Knowlud of California, ths Re- A son was bom at the St. Fran­ aton la M yearn oM teday. (AP Wirepboto). owners, the Pe::lnaular Kod Orien­ McCarthy. Under a unanimous consent agreement, voting is or Mitchell 3-8606 for the hospital. The hosteaaea will cis Hospital in Hartford Saturday tal Steal, ohlp Co., said t h ^ were publicanMeeder, had renewed his. to begin tomorrow afternoon. Leaders forecast that amend­ U a a d ie ste r be Mrs. Annie Russell and Mias to Mr. and Mra. Maurice McGee, no passengers aboard. cku for' a^lookade in the face of Edith Jackson. 17 Devon Dr. '"»tn«:tor a ^onounebment laat night by ments would be disposed of and a final vote reached by s(»ne ^ “ Cheater’s public Tba 1.044-ton Scottish time Thursday. -------------- schools. !• In charge of the pro- Secretary of Stole Dulles.
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