All abstracts are directly taken from online abstract system as abstract writers insert, Eurosoil 2016 İstanbul Organization Committee did not modify abstracts for any reason. INDEX PAGE NUMBER Message from President of EUROSOIL 2016 İSTANBUL 16 Message from President of Soil Science Society of Turkey 18 ORAL PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS A - Best Management Practices For Protection of Environmental Resources 21 Florida-Friendly Landscaping Green Industries Best Management Practices Program Extension Outreach to Prevent Water Polllution Training and licensing of pesticide applicators; an IPM best management practice Best-Management Practices for Sustainable Landscapes: Water Conservation in the Residential Landscape Adsorption of heavy metals on the clays and calcareous soils B – Biochar 26 The role of mycorrhizae and biochar application on carbon fixation Biochar and ligninolytic fungi: two birds with one stone ? Biochar’s effect on C sequestration and N2O emissions depends on soil type and biochar substrate Effects of biochar and garden soil as amendments on the physicochemical characteristics of contaminated soils and on the growth and the potential use of 6 Salix species for phytoremediation Biochar and compost for mitigation of elevated copper concentrations in vineyard soils C - Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Quality: A systems approach to improve Agroecosystem Services 32 Modelling the impact of historical to current (1800-2010) intensive agriculture on carbon, nitrogen & phosphorus cycling in the UK SoilGen2 a tool to assess soil evolution induced by global change Influence of Sugarcane Production on the Clay Mineral Assemblage in sugarcane fields of Khuzestan Province (IRAN) Making the Sahara desert green - design of the system for sustainable transport of bottom lake sediments via pipelines to produce new agriculture land from desert Past human interactions with agroecosystems and the impact they have on current agroecosystem services in the UK Changes in soil bulk density with hazelnut husk compost (HHC) application: main effects of soil texture and sampling time Comparing the Fertility of Soils in an Arid Region with Soil Quality Index Calculated by Expert Opinion and Principal Component Analyses The Effect of Zeolite on Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat in Coarse Textured Soils Silicon uptake in a repeated wheat cropping system: effect of soil type, Si pool and diatomite addition CAL – FitzPatrick’s vision on soil: Calcretes: Formation, Distribution and Anthropogenic 43 Anthropo-calcretisation in archaeological mounds (tells) - A case study of Tell Maresha, Israel Biogenic (β-fabric) constituents within the hard laminated crust (calcrete hardpan) in the Mersin-Adana regions, southern Turkey Genesis of palygorskite and calcretes in the Pliocene sedimentary units of the Eskişehir basin, west central Anatolia, Turkey Preliminary microscopic and mineralogical characterization of relict calcretes in Morocco Soil Degration as a Result of the Influence of Antropogen Factors on Mil-Garabagh Plain CS1 – Can Sustainable Land Management mitigate desertification in drylands? 49 Reclamation of salt effected soils in the Iğdır Plain - Turkey: A critical review Soil trafficability mapping in Estonia Rehabilitating degraded landscapes through soil and water harvesting: water-spreading weirs in Afar Region, Ethiopia Biophysical and Econometric analysis of adoption of soil and water conservation techniques in the semiarid region of Sidi Bouzid (Central Tunisia) Assessing the impact of soil and water conservation structures in the Ethiopian highlands. A case study from the Lake Tana Basin Short-term effects of Olive-mill wastewater spreading on chemical properties of soils in arid Lands, Study case from Southern Tunisia D – Climate Change and Agricultural Systems 56 Sensitivity of potential soil evaporation and reference evapotranspiration to climate change in Southern Turkey Comparison of soil CO2 flux from an agrıcultural land surface under arıd condıtıons DS1 – Distribution of soil biodiversity and related ecosystem services from local to global scale 59 Distribution of Mites (Acari-Oribatida) and Their Relationship With Ecological Factors Effects of wood ants (Formica rufa group) on abundance of soil microarthropods and litter decomposition Structure and functional responses of soil bacterial communities to acidification and alkalization under laboratory conditions Soil Properties And Plant Diversity As Affected By Slope Aspect In A Semi-Arid Grasland In North Central Anatolia The impact of various land cover flows on the capacity of soils to act as soil biodiversity pool Role of myrmecological fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in nitrous oxide emissions from humid tropical rainforest soils The Effects Of Ammonia Fertilization On Co2 Production, Dehydrogenase Enzyme Activity And Ph Changes Under Wheat Vegetation Undertaken By The Injection Method (Cultan) DSS – Decision Support System (DSS) For Soil Management, Case Study: Integrated Agricultural Information System 67 Spatial Distribution of the some Soil Properties Using GIS A comparative study of three land evaluation system (LCC, STORIE, INSID) in North of Algeria Principles of the integrated system of agricultural soils for policy makers Chemical Weathering in Semiarid Region: Evaluation in the Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Soils Developed on Different Parent Material E – Hydropedology 72 Hydrology of Gypsisols Clay-Calcareous Aggregate Formation in a Calcic Haploxerept Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Differences as Affected by Slope Properties and Soil Horizonation in Gypsic Haplustepts Effect of land use on physical soil properties of riparian zone of Andirin river, Kahramanmaras, Turkey Effect of land use on chemical properties of soil of riparian zone of Andirin river, Kahramanmaras, Turkey A consistent set of thermodynamic data for iron, reevaluation of green rusts and fougerite solubilities and determination of the solubility product of ferrous hydroxide Evaluation of Soil Hydropedelogical Properties By Factor Analysis Soil Moisture Simulations under the Climate Change Projections in Aydin Region of Turkey Daily and monthly precipitation concentration over western Turkey Drought analysis from irrigation perspective in western Turkey ELD – Economics of land degradation: Soil dimension 84 Sustainable soil management: a decision making guide Assessment of the areas under risk of land degradation in Europe Ecological-economic assessment of soil degradation in Russia, taking into consideration ecosystem services Comparing regression results land degradation drivers for Russia F – Detection, risk assessment and remediation of polluted soils from mining and smelting areas 89 Remedıatıon of Cadmıum Soıls By Means of Hyper Accumulator Plants and Effıcıency of Fertılızer, Humıc Acıd and Chelate Applıcatıons Risk reduction with cost-efficient interventions at the abandoned mining site Kruvashan Carbon dynamics and sequestration in restored minesoils Phospholipid fatty acids analysis-fatty acid methyl ester changes during bioremediation of crude oil contamination soil Detection of polluted soils from historical processing of Zn-Pb ore deposits using geoelectrical methods FOR – Forensic Soil and Enthomologic Studies 96 Entomological analysis of old soil samples recovered underneath a pig carcass (Sus scrofa domestica) G – Soil Information System for Sustainable Soil Management 98 Soil degradation evaluation in the Czech Republic, focusing on water erosion The structure and principles of functioning of the Russian National Soil Information Institutes Exposing Vocabularies for Soil as Linked Open Data Application of the Soil and Terrain Information System and the EPIC model for Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River, China A spatial data infrastructure for storing and exchanging global soil data Soil İnformation Systems in Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Geospatial Modeling of Soil Carbon Fractions across Florida Asessment of Spatial Distribution Patterns of Soil Properties at the Experimental Fields of Igdir University Soil testing system – basic tool for rational nutrient management in agriculture Determination of available micronutrients in DTPA extracted soils using the Agilent 4210 MP- AES H – Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Climate Change 110 Carbon sequestration on a long chronosequence of landslides in the Outer Western Carpathians Effects of climate change on carbon sequestration in different plant-soil systems Mapping and Estimating Carbon Stock of Diyarbakır’s Soils By Using GIS Analysis Reduced soil tillage practices as the contribution to the mitigation of CO2-fluxes from soil to the atmosphere Soil Organic Carbon Management in Turkey Negative CO2 emissions in desert soils Impact of Manure Application on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Microbial Activity under a Long-term Corn-Soybean Rotation in South Dakota Impacts of Grazing Cover Crops on Soil Health Parameters and Corn Yield Carbonates in soil: source of bias or important factor in carbon sequestration? I – Challenges of Land and Water Use Management 122 Effects Of Rıce Husk Compost On Water Use Effıcıency And Yıeld Of Tomato Strategies on Pastures with Environmental Concerns - Case Study Turkey and China Night Irrigation: Learning from Traditions for Efficient Water Use in Semi-Arid Region, Southeast Turkey Adaptive governance of irrigation in the GAP Region, Turkey – From the transdisciplinary viewpoint Application of electromagnetic induction technique
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