DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY VOLUME XIII 1st PLACE VIKINGS, ROCK ISlAND ILL COIlO\"I'r. U\·e;;a.}". M:l.Ufllj: Uudlc)' ~ I, IG 5th PLACE STAlESMEN, SACRAMENTO, CALIr. ~hlJltl. M:l~h:1I1o. GiLsIr:lII. Dll\'all - \ I\\, I HELMSMEN, NEW BEDFORD, MASS BoloSI,o«" Bosll on, Ho'nburgos, Duarte I ~.J ~ THE VOLUNTEERS,"\BALTIMORE,1-:MD. Mayor. Madoo,y __""Cuthbort Mjl!~r.. _ 13 OF THE SEMI-FINALISTS AT DETROIT (See inside back cover for the other 12) Published by Tbe Harmonizer J TilE The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, ]nc. at OE'Y01f:O TO THE" UlTEllH,TS OF 640 CAXTON BUILDING TIME PENALTIES IlJ!ISHlm SIp' C1W:RTH HAq,,()l'/Y by Berney Simner Yol. XIII - SEPTEI\lUEU,I951 - No. CLEVELAND 15. OHIO Subs(Tiplion price $2.00 per )'oor, Chainnan. Int'l Contests and 50e per COP}'. Judging Committee Issued quarlerly. Editorial and Advertising* Onice Deal' Friends: l\huc:'h, June, September. IJcccmbcr 20619 FENI{ELL AVENUE Entered as Seeond ClaM Matter DETROIT 23, MICHIGAN "Time" has always been a prccious at. tho Post. Office at. Cleveland. Ohio. thing, and in our Society Contcst.s it assumes an importance that can be EDITORIAl. AND PRODUCTION CONTRIDUTING EDITORS very distressing! ROBERT G. HAFER llud Al'berg Charlc3 M. Morrin J. George O'Drien In the early days our Judges recog­ (20619 Fenllell Ave" Detroit 23, Mich. Rowland Davis nized that an inequality existed which Phone: KEnwood 2·8800) Robert Hockcnhrough Sigmund Spaeth JAMES F. KNIPE Dose (C. T.) Martin F. Stirling WII,on had to be eliminated if we were to compete on an equal basis~hellcc, our present rule establishing a minimum DUSINESS MANAGER and maximum of singing time. Imag­ Donald I. Dobson ine one quartet presenting two short 10619 Fenkell Ave., Det'roit 28, Mich. Phone KEnwood 2-8300 01' fast numbers of about thrce min­ Eutera Repreuntatlve-S. A. Moscato, 5 Columbus Circle, New York 19, N. Y., Phone COlumbus 5-7256 utes total singing time, and another presenting two medleys consuming six SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT minutes. Basically, the latter quartet OF BARBER SHOP QUARTE'l' SINGING IN AMERICA had twice the opportunity fot' error. IlICOl'(lOl'ated Therefore, in our prcsent Official Con­ test Rules we find: INTERNATIONAl, OFFICERS 1953·54 PrcHidenL JOHN Z. MEANS. 832 Lincoln Blvd., Milnitowoc, Wis. ARTICLE 14. SINGING TIME lind (Gen'l, Sup't., Eddy Plll>cr COTilOrntion) PENALTIES. The lotal singing Immedill.te Pll.sl President EDWIN S. SMITH, 1310 So. Wnyne Rond, Box 431, WRyne. Mich. (Pres., Edwin S. Smith, Inc.) time of any two songs or medleys Fin'l. Vice-Presidcnt CARL C. JONES, Room 10, Chnmber of Commerce Bldg.• Terre Hnute, Ind. shall be not less than foul' minutes (Gen. Mgr., Roselnwn Memorinl l'ss'n, Inc.) nor more than six minutes. A pen­ Second Vice-President ~ __ ~ DEAN SNYDER, 7 HuntinK Cove, AlesAndl'in, iVfI. alty of five points shall be assessed (U. S. GO\'crnlllenl Omcinl) '1'reRs\lrel'_~ ~~ RA YMOND C. NIBLO, 3rd Floor, Hubbell Bldg., Dcs Moines, lown for each second a quartet sings (Home Omce RCI)., Aetllll LlfJ;l Ins. Co'.) under ·time or over time. In case of Founder-O. C. CASH. deceased variancc between the timing of the Secl'ehU'y ROBERT G. HAFER, 20Gt9 Fenkell Avell\le, Detroit 23, Mich. two timekeepers, the time most fa­ vorable to the quartet shall prevail. BOARD OF DIRECTORS All quartets registering for the four­ The Officers (except Secrctar)') and teen recent Preliminary Contests re­ (Term Expiring June 30, 1955) (Term Expiring June 30, 1950 ceived a copy of thc Rules and yet PAUL F. DePAOLIS. 150 Long Acre RORd, F. C. ARMSTRONG, 429 Lo~nn Ave., S.E., there were twenty-five Time Penalties Rochester 21, N.Y. (Chemicnl Engineer, Wnrren, Ohio (Al'mstron~ Motor Sales) ranging from 5 to 120 points! Some ERslman Kodflk ComjJilny) ROWLAND F. DAVIS, Room 17571 195 Broad- way, N.Y.. N.Y. \Amel"icRII 'lclevhone & of you who suffered these penalties Dr. PAUL C. HAH'rIG, 302 Donnidson Bldj{., 'J'eleJ{'l'lIl)h COllll)l\n~' may have been good enough to qualify MlnnenPOlis 2, Minn. (DcntiBt) FRANK A. GRAHAM, Jnsper, Otegon (Saw- in all five categorics but lost your HARLEY S. MILLER, P.O. Box 1391, PIRnl mill Owner) CilY, FIOl'idn (Attol'ne~') Wr.!. P. HINCKLEY, 256 Lowell Street, Relld- opportunity because of a needless HOWARD D. TUBBS, 16534 Greenview, Dc- ing, MaliS. (Supervisor. Field Sales Engl- penalty. It is inexcusable for an ex­ trolt 19, Mich. (Construction Engineer, neering, Northenst Division, Cherry-Burrell perienced quartet to suffer a Time C&.O Rnilway) Corp.) JAMES S. MARTIN, 12122 Richard Ave., Penalty but one of the Semi-Finalists REEDIE A. WRIGHT. 3787 Mountain View Pnlos Heights, Illinois (President, James in Detroit would have been within six Ave., PnsndenR 10, Culi£. (Kraft Foods Co.) Marlin CompAny) points of becoming Medalists had they not becn assessed a 30 point 'rime PAST PIlESIDENTS OF SPEBSQSA Penalty! 'l'hink of the hours of re­ 1939_40 - Rupert I. lInll, 224 E. 4th, Tulsa 3, 1946-47 - Frnnk H. Thorne, 6216 W. 66lh PI.. hearsal lost in six seconds!! OkIR. Chicngo 38, III. 1940·41 - Dr. NormRn F. Rnthert, 9th Floor, 1947.·18 ----. Judge Chns. M. Merrill, 205 nret It is an established fact that most Arende D1dg., St. Louis, Missouri Harte Ave., Reno, NevndR Time Penalties are assessed for sing­ 1948·50 - O. H. King Cole, Box 76, Mnni­ ing under time, It is natural for a 1941·42 - Carroll P. Adams. 107 Wendell Ave.. towoc, \Visconsin AI>t. No. I, P.O. Dox 425, Pitts­ quartet to step up the tempo and sing field, Mliss. 1950-51 - J. D. Beeler. P. O. Box 607, Evana­ ville, IndIana faster undcr the stress of a Contest, 1942-44 - Harold n. Staab, deceased 1951-52 - James F. Knipe. 640 Cnxton Bldg.. so play it safe - time your numbers 19-14-46 - Phil W. Embury, 30 Park St., Wnl'­ Clevelnnd 15, Ohio SRW, New York 1952·53 - Edwin S. Smith (see Rhove) to run between 280 and 300 seconds. It is not difficult to shorten or lengthen DISTRICT PllESIDENTS the two songs by slllall effective C'lItrnl Stntu ~ GEORGE H. WILLIAMS, 1520 Grnnd, Silencer, IOWII changes in al'l"angemCllt, Ot' in tempo nLde ~ MEnTON H. BARHETT, 1817 Union St. So., SI. Petersburg, Fill. through interpretation of the num­ I-;nrgreell ~_~ WELDON SLOAN, 384 S.W. Fnil'mont St., BeA\'el'ton, Ore. bers, and it can mean the difference Far Western G. MARVIN BROWER, 1403 Wnshington Ave., Snntfl Monien, Cnlif. in winning or losing a Contest. Illinois CHARLES lIECKING. 3507 N. Walcott An'., ChieRgo 13, 111. Indlann·]{.nt'uck)· ~ • GLEN A. REID, 511 Erie Ave.• LognnSjlOrt, Ind. CHECK YOUR SINGING TIME! Johnny ,A.ppleU'ed ~ ~_~ R. TRACY EVANS, 221 13th St., Parkersburg, W. Vn. LAnd O' LAkes ~ ~ __ ~_ALLAN KAPITZKE, P. O. Box 631, Oshkosh, Wis. MichleRll CLARENCE Ii. JALVING. c,fo People's Stnte Bnnk, Holland, Mich. 'l'HE COVER Mld·Atlnntic ~ ~ __ ~ JOHN SALIN, Hotel Wentworth, 59 W. 46th St.. New York 19, N. Y. The Harmonizer is "in hock'" to Bob Northell5tHn ~ CHARLES 1". RlCKE'lvI'S, P. O. Box 186, Edgewood 8ta., Providence 5, R. 1. Hockenbrough again for the fine covel' OntRrlo ~ ~ __ ~ WM. S. HUTSON, 79 McLnughlln 8h·d., Oshnwa, Ont. illustration on this issue. It's a great SeneCA I~And ~ JER]D STINE, 131 StJ;luben SI., PAinted Post, New York help to have that kind of talent on Southwestern JOSEPH E. LEWIS, 2912 Gllston A\'enue. Olllin!, Texfls tap. The Bdito,·s. SEPTEMBER. 1953 Rill. \ --'"' Owen Clifton (0. C.) Cash February 13, 1892-Augus~ 15, 1953 A man who symbolized an important yond his immediate environs; the well as some of his intcrests apart phase of an era is gone. The era was conviction, courage, and tact to win from the IlOW famous harmony avoca­ the 1890s and 1900s into the first others"to his thinkin~j and the pa· tIOn. World 'Val' j the phase was informal tience backed by driving force to harmony singing of popular music. attain an objective which holds no Whcn Owen was about age six his That music is important today because pot 0' gold reward ... Cash has Baptist-minister father took the fam­ it reveals musical customs of an done more than spread wholesome ily from northern l\lissouri, where the earlier era while it.s lyrics carry much enjoyment to the carly 1940s; he bo~' had been born February 13, 1892, of the thought and many event.s of has furnished the means to preserve near the tiny hamlet of Keytesville in those more tranquil days. Also by that a period rich in American traditions Chariton County, on a wagon trek time informal harmony singing had ... It is conceivable that his So­ over the dirt roads and trails to the evolved into a distinct American pat· ciety may in the future be the con­ Southwest. After a trip cOJllparable tern that was basically the same nccting link between whatever gen­ with crossing Africa by motor car wherever foul' or more men able 01' cration is current, the one preceding today they arrived in Catale in the willing to carry foul' parts got to· it, and the one to follow, as oldsters Coo· Wee·Scoo-Wee District, Cherokee gether. and youngsters group in harmon>'''. Nation, Indian Tel'l'itory, to become a part of Oklahoma later.
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