The original documents are located in Box 2, folder “Correspondence (2)” of the Charles E. Goodell Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Charles Goodell donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 2 of the Charles E. Goodell Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library GREATER WASHINGTON INVESTORS INC 1015-18TH STREET NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 Martin S. Pinson telephone ( 202) 466 - 221 0 September 18, 1974 Charles E. Goodell, Esq. Hydeman, Mason & Goodell 1225 Nineteenth Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Dear Charley: Given any sense that we were harboring a soon-to-be-named modern­ day Solomon in our midst Saturday night 1 am sure we could have managed to offer for resolution some of the world's thornier problems. But then 1 imagine that even the repositories of that seemingly scarce commodity must take an evening off now and then. In any event, Ginger and 1 are personally pleased that you have decided to devote your energies hopefully to alleviate the frustrations and dilemma associated with the amnesty issues. We know that your presence in the chair of the amnesty board will go a long way to insure that that body's deliberations will receive the temperate and even-handed treatment they require. We both hope that your actions and decisions during the next months are indeed touched by the wisdom of Solomon. If there is anything that we can do to assist you, please call upon us. MSP:jw ~fji~~,.­ .5.1-C/&wund~ _/7~~7- ./Y.CY. '1/01 September 18, 1974 Charles E. Goodell, Esq. 12 Elm Rock Road Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 Dear Chuck: I am writing to you at the only address I am able to find and hope that this letter reaches you in due course. First, I want to offer you congratulations and any support I am able to muster in your position of considerable trust in the present Administration. It makes me feel a good deal more confident knowing that you are there, and I hope that it will be possible for you to exert a moderate and sensible influence upon the Office of the Presi­ dent. I am afraid that I, like so many others, was badly shaken by the anticipatory pardon of Mr. Nixon. I had hoped that the President's press conference might reveal some new facts that had backed up his thinking. Since that was not the case I wrote a letter which I had until that time held off writing, and I enclose a copy of it for you. While I recognize that you have undoubtedly heard verbally am in writing along this line from others, and you may feel this way yourself, any voices that can be heard at this time need badly to be heard. Again, let me extend to you every good wish. It's a great pleasure to know that at long last your abilities are being recognized again and your talents depend d upon. Leonard B. Schlosser LBS:ng enc. ~·-·.·~;.~¥ ··· . .- I . :' • • ,::• • ·• ,· _;: ' .. ,.· ·. .-: ·. ·-. .... \.-. ~. , . " . <: ~-- .•. -. -- _£.;::ii:I:1.~ .·... >:-. >· ~6-~ ;:.~:::_ ... :x-- .. , . -r ··:.. ··:' '· .. 1/it'l' . .;>·:. ;:· ·~- -~ £. ., ~1..-J(:;,,_,f;':~ ~ ~. :~ ~~~'?: 't::~:~";:'; :.··.. ;'~~ ~ ' • ' .. ' I - ... , • ,,.a..;. ~ ~ ·~ · 'aeioaldR •.• rlmi~ -preaidellt · . ··~:;,e.'.·· ·:-_ -,.~: Sepiember't8,ii'F4·~··:"~:~y·.<.:~: The Wllita Hou1e· : .>·•\ ... ·.- ··': .. ;· -~: · · · · :<,.,.;:W . - ~-· .,,~,·· ;;'~-·<-~!.;, :~.;>.::·~:;_:,:··: .. ' Wubinp&a, J:),C.. .... -., · ·· : . ,.. :·_ . · .. :~ . · · ·.. ,. f:.i .. '": · '"' ' D<iu Mr. l'l'~ldellll .. .: . ·'' \. ,;.. ' ' :,, <· ' ~.. :_· ·.·.·.. '..·.· ·....·.· ;·~::.. ::-.:; _::y:_;.·._-,_·-.·:=...~·;·}!- .. ·.. : . ' . ·...... '.- ' : ' r:,. '· . -:.' ... - - ' - . .. ·By now you bave reaet,ed many letter• and o~her expre~aton• of ~P!aiaa__ - !' .._ ~-' regardlfaar YCNr pardon at J4r. NJx•.. : ·: .,_ · ·.. ; . ~- ·: · ,.. ,. .:iJi-~-:'- ·"-t,.-:~: ', . '· ·.. • ,• ,""'". "#. ' - ..........: ",( • ~.;;·· ,' .... ~· .... 1' -~,'1 '_·· ' ••• ~ ... ,·----· ..·1·-~;·· ',.. · 1 •hawd like to add ~Y I mall vofae &o tba~e· that bave up to now buen ~ard, /·t -:.' ' - .. ~.. ~ iayh'l &bat wt~ tAM futl pre1ently "t my tJommaad it •.r• tp .~ .'~t . :? <~' fOUl' aauoa , .. a& leut tQ ... ,tnaed,, .. •~•or•tlll-ocmoeived,' .(,,,> ;i;;\ :: ,.., _· ,.,, -.·· : ·~ ' . : '··~···' :\•' .·. •. , '. ' ·,• .· -"':::-'·~·;·.. ,·,> ' . -·-, ., ·.-' ':~ ;,.' ·:. "'t:·.., ·:_.;·;·,"· ..-~~~ · .: · ID the tu& aulylit ttmay well be etaat it 11 the t•Un1 of._Uae' A..,toaa ···:;·~:·~/t: ·"· ,., >-pubua··fbt »•N•UD 1hauld not JMt'·'-JII'lloaect for uy·iti'Hn•• h•="~Y ·.{-.·~·r{r .. '. Dot ..... committed, ···~~a~ &bat &be. JucUoial prao••• finds tatm.p_tlty, ..- :'~; c•·~L-, I '.' · but at U.. ,._ u,.e tt wa~~ld 11ee~ that th11 J"dtol~l pr~elli Q&lp~ .. ~·be·\ .· .. ~· :·.1 .·, },. .··- permuted to -~ ..at•. ~~~r.ae •. · ·-·-- . ···.: ., .\. tA~~~~~:-·'··· ···.:~~~ ':'·~-:::·:,-_~ _,-:-_.;;~r ~./.~ .:;:-.~~.i~~·· . -~ ~ n. '1'hia wu YoV flrat 00~ Oil tbe i~J)j.Ot upc.a:~.-.umtlll 'office,' ... tt _,. 'E': ·. bad my 1upport •• well u *"•' f1l IQ JaUY other•, . but rau• ut&olpe&ory ·· : :!~~-.~:~~·.. par4a.afl•w· '-'lbl faoeot )'QUI'.ow• IC.tedvlewa .. Ofl_~e lubjecttiBd pl'~dea .:::::;i"'"'·r·:·. \Wl80ell&ry ob~~l81 "'tM PRI'Jinl .o"t of the judtolal PI'OOIII. · ... ;. <",' 1 ','';'·. -~ 1 _ ! -- !_i·· .... ·-~-·-· · -·.o:. __ .·._ : : .~.. .. •. ~ _:;.~:-l_~~-,_-f·~., .. ~-:<'' ;._:·:·_~t- · ~ · -~ ~/<::_ ........ ..;< .. -JJrJ__ ,,. :~-- -_-- ... -·' --·:-\·-·- r • •• .• l hl4 bapel.f.l* JOUr.pr~ai caafmaae might f.Jveal aorft&i'beretalore· ·r;. ~.:: ,,.,.:;,; . ualm~ I'~QII-for YAW' lwrbll taken W• oour~• oC aattOG J»ut tt dld not, ... •· :;,::;, t and I OCIIllequentty ,_1 i ...Ued tq Wl'tte to Jadle•te my wboletsearted.dla• .. ~.,~ ·=· , · ••.. &gi'""J118111 ..~~~ 11M ~d-. '; ;· .. ' .. :: .<; ' . :J~'- ' ' .·. : •. ' ; :: ' . ,>~ :·. 31 It appear• to me tiW rather &baa bnq tfle ·Anutr~o~ public IJidc toptbcr i'- . ~ ~- :·j.~>, . a• you bad ~oa-t tt would do, at bu. .._ ~er cme ·tn tbe lflDI ;lertea of ·>i-- ~.:. '.:.;~/ . ., . dl•tatve' aota of wbiob tllen were ao many lJ1 the 1aat Adm&alatratlc,..,. ud : -~-~::.. ~-~-"' . ·. · ~ whioh 1& bad 4PPIU"Id had bee11 left l*dad whe11 ,_. ~·•uiMd office,.:.: , ·. :,:·.~·. ~- ;-~r: ·,· --~·· ... .,.. _'.i''r.;· .--~-~or~:-:_.. - ,·_··-~,...:-·:~--~--~-~ :•~l: ,.:·.;.'(_·. ::'' .~~~--..i.~-..:-~-·->')_f,-'~::-~._-... _--', .. •;-..'-~~-!·.:;/:('~ .. ~-'.·,._.:.. ·; .. :,;..-.:~,.(~~;~..;..'_.-·~-!·,.:"·-.t_.J'h ~ ' r' ••• AI olie 'wllo ''*"' tc. .•,: ~.... lit tbe ...t etMUt»n i· tl!t" .... thole TibO ':·; ~· .. :~ >.. -~ ·. ·~. · · · · felt betn,.cl M tbe ~ta at .the Preatdlat and tsta JUbordtnatea were a pre ad · :· • .,~ . on tba reoord by *be variaul &ave1ttptoey apmctea. 1 mua' -'•o ,., Qlat ': •., ~· · , my o'*tdeaae, uct .. m.J _Ailb ..t bopea ~ wiaa'pu aipoa·~r aaau111pt1~ ··• .·· :·. ·t of tilt preatdeaaJ, ud Uao•• ·llopea ..a4 ~at ~delle~ have JlOW been ._ · · · ·: · t· . su~~~ly "'!~~~· ,·>. .-:_.: .. · -. _: ~.<~'-:~~. ,, :;. gi·_,.{: , ·. -~-' , ·.' --,,~· .·~-: .~. ·~ :~.-~'.:;:·: .., · · .. : : Jt t•· probably too late k» rt$r~t bull dowa the naad yo" .._.., fakcn but 1· ·.. · ·· .• ; ·-·:} 1r wotild.urp yna U.lh'Oillb' Ill know ~~·*o· per~tt, )'ea, ·eAOour~Lge, the ·: \- ,_,._'! lnvaiUgJLthm af~·Ule Waterpte me11 Ud tbe otbel' acta of the laat Adminl~ .... ·.: <·~ :.-. · atraU011 to be brought to a; oonotuat"", for t& t• aaly tn that way that the ·..- '· -·;! · 1t· American pubUct lllQ be -l»rqught baak toptber llld their ooat•de110a tn the - : :· :.. ... ·t executtv• bruc~ be reatorlld. < ,. ' ... ,f . ' . ,,, ''· . ~ ·: ·,. ... ' ' . .-·. .·' .·;· .-· 'j <' •• ;:. •• '· il ·'' 4._, •• · ~ ., . -r. _.- ·.. -. ·.,...,t ' ~- ·: J ., ; .- ·, ~ ~ ' ·•••• - • ·.;- ~~ : . jl ',.: '' ,• . '• • 4•/":" ~.. •.. ·. ~ _·,_ : ;~\ . ' ~BStng .... .' ~- .•\·1.~ • ' :~ ~ ..........; •• / .. -...... t :; ' -- . --..· , .. ,.... ~; ·, ._ ...... ,. ·~-=·' r·~""'··--rl ·~ Charles E. Goodell, Esq. 12 Elm Rock Road Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 ., ~q;~~' 5.1-C/&vend~ ~~-G'~ff.~ t'//0/ .·: ,_-· ··.· ' ' ,. !' ·•·, 5 ~fer~r~_ca.­ W.Jlj ~~I ~'f. ()I'.(, 1 5epl--k J'i. 1~14 . : ~~~ .-h 4...:"·~ ~~ ,.,,•. S ,;J., / . ~ -Miw. ~~ .MAl ;n-l~ .; ,'"' -tk· ~v,.,Fs ~ ..,...=rv- r ~;.,,:J,e.s. o'A ~ ~ AJ f ~- ,.J:, -s7 - ·.'·--·· ;_ -, ''d~--*~A./• ,-··· I .~ .,. ·•' (),~~.5) ~" ~ -'--~ .~ p~,. lJi ~ ~i ~ •.:t..:~, ~ lr ~ ~ ~ ~ -M-, ,-~ hi.£ j ~ 6'"' 1-.M.. •.~.--Jr .M. ~-~­ ~. -"J(i 61-u,f. ~ ~ ·.J.,., ~ 1-o ;1 ~ --b M .AA ~ (f-? /.1;~ U....4- . ~ .. ~~ -'ffdiht~? ~ ~ ~.~ ~~~? 1L btM· ion ~ !rJ4- ~ , ~ .. · ~ b~·n. rL- ~· .t,,~ ~ /t·lt. •N ~r· ·vw ~ l • • • ' ,' ,J,,,, < • ". < '<' '"' ,; ....... ~ \ ,,~~ ••••,. ' ~ • ,: 1.. '• .-; ''> : .. , ,, ; ;., • ' • ' "•, • ' !I' '',>' • c~' * .:.t .. < ..,,.,,,,_., . .... 1 ' . ' .,' 'r .. • ·• . ~- 'c • < ).· ... ''· " ~>~- .. ~ •, ."'·" -- -~~ . ' .. t!:._ ... :· · ~ " .. -·. ;.r ' . :. ;: ·. ~ :: - .._ -~-·:-~;-.,, --··:·-.• :'"'~.'. ::·- •• ~ • ~. •:o •··• . :... ' ~\.- . :·-~ ' --· ' :- ' ... _,.··.
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