SCSH'ITIFIC. NAT/PEN/1 # 13 (Penguins) C.S. S 93 2. No. ZoZj32. GrOv t. natural is t. SUBJECT. 193 2. PENGUIN POPULATION OF THU FI■ - >ALTD I3LA3SDS : - 22 rd July c Suggested census of. Previous Paper. MINUTES. / (l Draf t C ensus form. blOCJLfJlaJi 'Ee.fcLfin' Lc Cs2X, &cxrtr~.f> \'0jysrrC3-r^rf> - 2 Q 32 . 2' 4- % j?J-d 7 >V. J%e ■ Sc+*js\ H . to .'Sir* Subsequent Paper. 'J?4>//1732s. o". ^hj.cyy. Jt' ££■ fi 2 - //. Jj *$■ ys'/J 2- L r U/ vo V/ V®? ? n. s> V 3ijtoh ~2-- ■12^. /^-h fi* ftUjtf</, ft***. ^ *e V ' //' //- JX , fU. ej. vJjlUuPP /Ik^ (tip 4)0^ |V t Qjetuj-rn ^ycrvr^- flovl^ C^-Tv~+w /^ - ^OL^^-Ecvv-ud. 8j/ii/3ol Retuuvo ^Vcnvi Par)' <3$ UA1 iLo^/Vi CO . Ho O c.s.o. No.... Inside Minute Paper. Sheet No i. ■iufLI /<a $/?//&' V" T°( KjupoyU ' ^C-'t- 'i 7 O' V/ ' ^ r 7. ;z1- / / ^ /Z, <«, - MtUX. fcbJru^djicl Tc^iuj-y^ <£*> £-0 • ^vx^i 7u/7" ^irf' >iO^ f ^ f' 3pp- J) ftj ^ <P^- CL fO-^^d&Cjvui Zs~$ -'STi^NN CL^^/^tL'Z/&zr~l& iS“ y?-0>yc-^4^<? f -2syjrt~£^A.—.-.I_'-?- ^ -’ ~b£r ft*ti^JLJLspp*--/. v / *y * / i ' -•' i- ftJjtfU ft 4'^. .2* / 7 , /2_ iA I f'' /O, 3, 33 /' J£> 'fcoAi^; 'fHjhA' V - v /^ -3, / // —•-' (A^Oiy' AljwoC'^C^ i /&. 3, 33 s. ? 3j s <Sp > / ' /2>, 4 V7 /£ 2, 33 <C i C.S.O. No Inside Minute P aper. Sheet No. * K 2 4 /Os 3y 33 /^h. t fcr{ ^ ' cf 4s4h^-<^L c<. C3r^ ycN~ 4" ^ 2f T*^t?rl5uC r to .\< T> 3> /fj, £>d Lu L <jx y^ o/ y4v Pi*. CudJ ^ ? / 4*«f 4 Cruvc£k. /i 3, 3 3 ■■ Grt- W: *'/'“ &*S* ^?*>“»-» 4r&-^ yz£*>_ ~~£L^{ /<v /y *i ^ 3J 30/ fisvi*' U#%A&<sO <s/ ( A/y-^tC h y CKhnSxAW ^/‘. 0- » .*3 ■ 3-s , ’ V^-v Ity’irl ij /|, j^J, U, 3V»I ^?. 3. 3J , r 23. C.S.O. No Insule Muuttc Paper. Sheet No.. 7?. J 6 l~<W2- / u I £ ts4 -'n / / / ^ ^/ ^ w/ / 4, '( (no c X X^X '/ 1/ 44 7 ' AJ7 l —r n .- • A7> J J— •• /l*u c -r iy<7uj a^NjiXS^Ixj^ p/Ut/c>tA>-7xxA^ -uui dp^x. QTL&N . 3^1 ^ 0 ' ^ / /? *e l 5 v. 3 ~l4<m : w/' ■/eW" _2^|, 5*~S un^> £<~4*Y A^tr^L f /zsfcCf l^r<J^ * c& a^r<^ &Lc a^/~€^tx- X^Y^Z. i/& a*U<r<>^o *> tX> ytf° yT /^v^/L ir&ry' *, rznrT^erx^o fpsY isr* . $Q If* Cr<ryiYY<L<Y <C+^ryL. 6^7-^fr-rsslles* f V <*-v-e JX. >vv*w^ T^-<2~/\*A- nv^XM: r-^<~^YT ~ ?~~<sj3-<4^£AJo t fU ~2> ^<^>vtt/^, rjtt-.H .A fibr**-* *o ’>uf}~ Tirvr -jL&TT*j 0~K §X>&+>XA***+* f <&v/~ jjy J* IS* xrf /X £3£a (Ur&^f’. y*&£r»^y£* ,/a£i jYr>*y-4->6£*** T^C^c. ■*U t£ fZ&Y^ , 'inr'fLc^ <7*^ f^Ct+'/l*/' AT7VX r *<» £* S^i^-y^cL , IflYj'f jf-, /ir>v^ \Z*yisJ4*>Oiru*o , Ov-- £ 7*. <<. jfasicV-^A^C v <K%£c£i frnu^rK)^ 'jj' &<sV -tf~r\/L^tt*~* l • *5 hrtsr- -rff -* C.S.O. No..JAZ/$Z. !ust(Jr Minute, Paper. Sheet No 3 / \ A J°/x^yJ^j (y/ / ( /4 Z / v, yjv/‘ / UU ^2772,' / / / *7 ^ i/* 7 ‘Vkti ^ 3V/ v7 ■K.'/a & c* ( I / tk U- 6K^ l ^W- 4. &T~<^ti~j~ /<, / / c*^fU u(z 4 /<so^' 4 / /Jri. • /x&4jl <: / 7 /- 4. 34 V4 JU_C_- ^ / cILa 6L ^ juJ- d nxOut(x^Ly(r^-^ • ~ u i 3 'H. I *% 47. 4/ 41/. _ /? 9 ♦ 0. S.O. No...'?.u//i3 inside Minute .Payer. Sheet No. ft. 9**-' Lr . > b s> 4 / rf ,- <L&~s^u6lL9--r<j 1 "T*® - _ • y is r V " H' T ' u7 n % v/f^. v^/u C^f ' /7%'i 0 ■*. ^ " / '-0 7< 7^>* * £utg)* J/crteNf . rt (s£&s(\ ® 2/-^-3> L ) ‘ # 1 f^^'0L^-&{_^. a_^A ^S^'C'-a—-<?—5> Ot-^€-y / 1-0 . k . o\ / zt// /? v. J^!A. dpt^\yvyl *£y( X" ? ,r— X ^ /J<^ <? <2 / *^7. 6't^UZ^/ t- *y</■ C^£/CC£+^ • , #• / / / / / A <x<r Cv • Xa 4^ -----C7<£. / / X XA^ivv Ov^c - «c4L--u) / /Vtv^v—, di-J AyL*i^cX^Lc>Y L^-^3 -£—-X. , IJ. U.JJ r} LC-Xj, d+Xj - aXXX^~ijXcd{"' J ( n O.S.O. No Zp2jp2 s' Inside Minute Payer. Sheet l\t /SbA^Ar^G < O 6J/ r/P't> ’ . /*^A. ■i^L," ^r-^o r^J^-'/Lo fX-^- ~f" c^^C/-^rV ^-^-^T. A^CL^y^. 3/ • /Ox ^ i . J |£y£ JlctLruCj CjCRrf* ^ lo/|4/S3- 3& • tsC&vy i. ^c Y^- Co\' <StS^xvv v /VW .:•* \ i * \ % A v C.S.O. No.. 53.2/32,. inside Minute Payer. Sheet No b a J~cx „ /K CS Jr /- V - Mr*: OtscXL i 3/V/Ss' JS. /{ylft/X? OcriTJ U\ -ttj l'hrn:fLr(' /V 9^ t V t^tTY £/jL^*rT**~f £~tr~ns*-z. •^o \*JL^l iM" £ tr B 5 7 jocrw^ 3.S.^d6-<LnU f?_y. I LfSD • »• /1 ^ >4 ^ /ua. (&’'($. C~t /*, »*. /. • ^ ■yy^zz^Lt^fr' t ft C 4 yyzHL. / /'hW . / /? ^ / -A-, A u, 2 * ' t "Y / dA^Zj- , l«l>7 / 1 JL. CY Y A- AQ^Pv+^uZX ^Vch; d^riy't AC^C^v 6" cxoe-v jC ^ —✓ A /^l / /<?, ,, /U -%■ HoiZsiaLl'Ij f^^ucuX^o/ ,o/^y -a s. «i o.s.o. Inside Minute Paper. Sheet No. 7 ^—yC~. ^^7-5-w—v£r «/ V f£/ 9 // . / ->/ r /J2 <2^ £'; / w'Stf-CstC d x / 'X^Jsa*s+—4 piaXl Xj^-X aX>Xx, , / ir/ : C' * gj /L , AaUsU ) '^trr^ CiA. i ^*3' <r-i «snn- / ti\jL/ri~4^JC4L I'"’1- 0^ cr^ 2_s. II. </-<? Oc Wt d4: &s. /r^ ~ ^ O/ifj M '* „ ft. ^ C-J^ tV^ k<u" ^ U' M sUO U ^ irtL* <A^ y tfi(k '%»fc \ V t Colonial Secretary’s Office, Stanley, Falkland Islands. 29th Septeuber, 1932. CldClWl Sir, I am directed by the Governor to inform you that it is desired to for;.: an estimate of the Penguin population of the Colony and that with this object. in viev, it is proposed to hold a Penguin census. 2. I am to say that his Excellency rould be grateful for your kind co-operation in this matter and I am to ask chat you will be good enough m furnish me xith the information desired under the several heads set out in the enclosure in this letter. in h 3 o I am .o add that it is realized that the information furnished can oe only of an approximate accuracy. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Colonial Secretary. F i-ikUK LAN i) l vj'JLtv;>1 H» Penguin Census. STATION LitiTirf Please give the position of every penguin rookery, according to species, on y-ur station including islands. -dso /louse give name of rook rv { if any), locality on map { nearest set-clement, cape or other Iu«u;;x»ri :.'U di;i ounce uv;uy), approximate nu:.,nc:r of nests, ana state vmesher eggs are taken from it for denes tie use and also whether the rookery appears to be increasing or ditunisning in size ; thus r- in ,L locality AFPliOXlLuTE WUPliihP LGGL hh :-TL .3 .:LY BO Oh Li a iiUh Jhh -a- -via h/hmaL .,r..r-. •. .upriiUTion ip v-kri- '1- ~ SXXIi hOTlOld Gentoo Sparrow North 3,000 1:0 Yes ; is Cove Shore of diminishing. i Tort William at Babult Cove. i ' ; .Bock- Ido ,nt south 50,000 Yes No apparent hopper Low Shore of change. - Berkeley oound beneath mount Low 1 NAME OF LOCALITY APPROXIMATE ROOKERY ITHETEIBR EGGS WHETHER ANY NUMBER OF AHisi TaIUSN alteration NESTS. IN SILL r NOTICED. KING PENGUINS Please give particulars of any King Penguins seen during the last year : were they known to nest; FALKLAND ISLANDS. Pengain Census. Date Station. ................................................................... Please give the position of every penguin rookery on land or adjacent islands occupied by,or forming part of the station,giving the name of the rookery,(where there is one) and its compass position and distance from named spot on the chartiAlso indicate which rookeries are used as a source of domestic supply of eggs. Gentoo. Give each rookery & roughly the number of nests in eaeh:- Rock-hopper. Give each rookery,and.roughly the number of nests in each:- 'w Give XBSC particulars of any King Penguins seen within the last year; did they nest? Kindly state the increase or decrease of any rookery within the last ten years. —% /<?<■/ 3-X • The Chartrob West FalKlan&s Oct 24th 1932 Sir In refer ence to yew letter of September 29th 1 bog to state ■we have no Penguin Hoohery'a on this STATION. I am. sir, rour obedient servant. t (f■ O^LstssSZZr<TL. r FALKLAND ISLANDS* Penguin Census. STATION lute j"'' / ? 2 3 Please give the position of every penguin rookery, according to species, on your station including islands* ■also please give nane of rookery ( if any), locality on map { nearest settlement, cape or other landmark and distance away), approximate number of nests > and state whether ogga are taken from it for domestic use and also whether the rookery appears to be increasing or diminishing in size : thus SPECIES NAME 01 LOCALITY APHiOni^TL WHLTuLB LOGS uiiLTli^R ALT BQCKlLflY EUIIL-N OP AKjT TiiEifft iv.LTLHuTI0I4 XL EASTS SLOE N OTIC Li) Gen too Sparrow North 3,000 No Yes : is Cove Shore of diminishing.
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