VOLUME 59, NUMBER 52 CABS CITY, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1986 From the Sent to Jackson Prison ans iditor's Cornei Is it because we have the loca-. Breaking Parole tion or does the name gird resi- dents to action? In any case the Cass City Cultural Center is being used extensively for cultural proj- Costly for Guigar ects. !; Next Wednesday a lecture by An Ubly man who violated his ier this month for breaking into Dr. Leroy Augenstein is slated in probation was sentenced to Jack- the Caro elementary school. the series at the Center presented son State Prison Tuesday when he Plead Guilty .by the Cass City branch of the appeared before Circuit Court Frank L. Amy, Clarkston, and • Months of study by the Citizens' will include equipment and instruc- American Association of 'Univers- Judge James Churchill in Caro. William C. McCulloch, Ortonville, Advisory Committee for a Thumb tion aids too costly for individual ity Women. Marvin Guigar, 25, was sen- . both entered pleas of guilty when Community College were to have districts to provide. The Business and Professional tenced to Jackson for three and arraigned for breaking into the St. been culminated Wednesday when Because of massive State and Women have arranged for a dis- a half to 10 years. Michael's School in Denmark final plans are expected to be ac- Federal aid, the new Community play of paintings at the center Guigar was put on probation last Township on March 4. cepted and sent to the State Board College and vocation centers are April 7-20. Interest in the show has September for the Cass City cen- Amy was continued on $1,000 of Education for approval. expected to be built for a rela- been high, says Mrs. Phyllis Con- tennial week break-in at Wood bond and a pre-sentencing investi- The report is expected to reveal tively small--outlay in taxes on the nolly, publicity director, and we Rexall. Drug in Cass City. He broke gation was ordered for April 19. little that has not previously been local level. It is recommended that are happy to be able to bring tins his probation with his arrest earl- McCulloch was continued under discussed. One facet not previously not over a two-mill tax levy for outstanding exhibit to the com- $2,000 bond and a pre-sentence in- reviewed by the committee at all purposes-building and operating munity. vestigation was ordered for April large is for four vocation centers, - be requested and .56 additional If these two events live up to Book to 11. two located east of M-53 and two mills be used for the four voca- expectations, it is reasonable to Embezzlement west of M-53. tional centers. expect many others of a similar Mrs. Cathie Lewis, Vassar, ar- The centers will be for students According to projections made nature. Highligh1 t Meet C/ v>' raigned on a charge of embezzie- in the llth and 12th grades and in studies conducted by the Office Not; many small towns can boast ment, entered a plea of not guilty, of Community College Co-opera- of SUCCESSFUL programs of this The School-Community Associa- and bond of $500 was continued tion of Michigan State University, type. "MODERN MATH," that scourge of division problem under the new system. tion has scheduled a book fair at with the date for her trial set for the "old fashioned" parent, doesn't seem They are, left to right: LaDonna .Schuette, facilities must be provided initially Cass City High School Monday, May 10. Roy Robinson and Paul Bliss. for 700 full time students and for We suspect that most men sel- March 28, at 8 p. m. at the school. Mrs. Lewis is charged with em- to faze these three members of Mrs. Lewis 1,000 students at the four voca- dom if ever read the agent's corn- Featured will be Mrs. Mina Kin- bezzling funds from Vassar Public Tibbits' fifth grade class as they work a' (Chronicle photo) tional centers. er by Barbara Henrikson, home nane, supervisor of school librar- Schools in small amounts over a As previously announced, the extension agent, as it usually con- ies in Bay City. period of years. Officials became site recommended is within a radi- tains items of interest only to wo- Her topic will be "Books and suspicious last summer when a us of three miles of the M-53 and men. But this week we recommend Reading In Our Schools". Co-fea- fire in the school safe damaged Modern Math Mixes Old ai A Fairgrove supervisor has been M-81 intersection and must contain her column to everyone. tured with the talk will be the only the financial books. An inves- named caairman of the Thumb a minimum of 150 acres. Accord- It talks about water pollution. book fair which will include books tigation showed a shortage. Area District Health Department ing to the study, there are many It is another bullet in the battle on display, used from kindergarten Mrs. Lewis immediately re- in an election held Thursday, acceptable sites within the area. that has developed to protect our through the 12th grade. signed her position as head book- New While Confusing Parents March 17, at Vassar. The final report suggests that most precious natural resource.. Other features of the evening will keeper and secretary. She was Named to the post was Everett the entire proposition be presented Bringing the fight closer to later formally charged with em- Starkey, Fairgrove. Other officers be an open house in the art and •Modern math is a mess. Ask any as soon as possible at a regular home, the Cass River could be- home economics department fea- bezzlement. parent will recognize in a modern ey, are interested enough to see incmae: Clyde iioss, Oregon town- or special election. At the same come a scenic spot of the Upper Suit Settled frustrated parent who is trying to math division problem, aside from what's behind modern math. ship, Lapeer county, vice-chair- time that the money for construc- turing special displays of student help Johnny solve tomorrow's les- Parents Reply Thumb. All it takes is money and craft projects. In other Circuit Court news, a the numbers, are the terms "di- man, and Ed Oyster, Lapeer, tem- tion is requested, a board of trus- desire. Selections by an a cappela choir suit by Carl J. Raymond, Caro, son and he'll agree. visor"- and "dividend." "I didn't realize my child was porary secretary. Tne offices are tees to run the college will be It has always been a pet dream and refreshments will be other against Consumers Power Com- On the other hand, ask Johnny, Division Example working in modern math until he lor one year and are without sal- named by the voters. of mine to transform the Cass City highlights of the evening. pany was settled out of court for his teacher, or a.parent who under- As an example, Mrs. Tibbits came home with a bad report ary. Authorities pointed out that the dump to a park. The plan will an undisclosed amount in a jury stands it, and modern math is the gave the problem: 80 divided into card," says Mrs. Tuckey. "I went According to Charles Woodcock, advisory committee's recommen- probably find official support when trial. best thing to happen to arithmetic 59,374. First she explained that the to see Mrs. Tibbits and she spent Vassar,- chairman of the Tuscola dations are expected to strongly and if an alternative satisfactory Huron County to » Raymond was asking $250,000 for since Einstein's theory of rela- numbers are given place values of about 45 minutes after class trying County Health Committee, a ate influence whoever sits on the col- site for the new dump can be permanent injuries suffered when tivity. 100's, 10's and 1's. Therefore, 20 to explain it to me." for the department's location has , lege board. located. Decide Constant a gas leak under his house caused "Modern math helps the child times one is really two 10's times "After she was done, I could get not ,been determined. He stated, The new school will offer a com- Could this be the year? Milage Monday an explosion on Jan. 30, 1965. clarify his thinking," according to, one. the answer, but I couldn't work however, that the unit's central of- prehensive program. Offered will Jurors included: Virginia Bilicki, Mrs. Lewis Tibbits, fifth grade Thus; our problem is essentially the problem as I should." fice will be in Tuscola County at be a two-year college parallel and Constant millage will be decided teacher at Willis Campbell Ele- "My fifth grader had,to forget for Huron County Monday when George Atkins, Eleanor Hackey, eight 10's into 593-100's. Off to the least temporarily. transfer program; a vocational- Money Needed Mrs. Dorothy Schrrmek, Lyle Syl- mentary School. Currently in hex- right, on the first scaffold, we see everything he knew and start in technical program, and general electors vote on a recommenda- second year at Cass City, Mrs. Tib- again. My second grader has "We've got to hire a doctor and tion for 15.5 mills, a half mill over vester, Mrs. Edgar Hodges, How- that 700 times 80 gives the right a sanitarian now," Woodcock ex- education and adult education pro- ard Buchinger, Marie Thompson, bits started the modern math pro- answer. started it and seems to like it gram. the previous 15-mill allotment.
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