0Q Cabinet, parties and everything What you need to know about President Jokowi’s new Advance Indonesia cabinet Our mission: Advance the people-to-people links in science, technology, education and innovation Our partners: Our programs: %#%$ '#)% )2+>C9?8//.>9589A+,9?>#</=3./8>959A3G=8/A.@+8-/8.98/=3++,38/> &%!# /@38@+8= "->9,/< *9?+</+669A/.>9-9:C.3=><3,?>/+8.><+8=73>>23=A9<509<898-977/<-3+6:?<:9=/= Disclaimer The AIC Backgrounder is a general overview and is not intended to provide exhaustive coverage of the topic. The information is made available on the understanding that the AIC is not providing professional advice. While care has been taken to ensure the information in this report is accurate, we do not accept any liability for any loss arising from reliance on the information, or from any error or omission, in the report. We do not endorse any company or activity referred to in the report, and do not accept responsibility for any losses suffered in connection with any company or its activities. About the Australia-Indonesia Centre The Australia-Indonesia Centre is a bilateral research consortium supported by both governments, leading universities and industry. Established in 2014, the Centre works to advance the people-to-people and institutional links between the two nations in the fields of science, technology, education, and innovation. We do this through a research program that tackles shared challenges, and through our outreach activities that promote greater understanding of contemporary Indonesia and strengthen bilateral research linkages. 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Terawan Agus Putranto 14 Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Peter Batubara 15 Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah 16 Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita 17 Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto 18 Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif 19 Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadi Muljono 20 Minister of Transport Budi Karya Sumadi 21 Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate 22 Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo 23 Minister of Environment and Forestry Dr Siti Nurbaya Bakar 24 Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo 25 Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Abdul Halim Iskandar Transmigration 26 Minister for Land and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Sofyan Djalil 27 Minister of National Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa 28 Minister of the Civil Service and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahjo Kumolo 29 Minister of State Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir 30 Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Teten Masduki 31 Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio 32 Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Gusti Ayu Bintang Darwmawati 33 Minister of Research and Technology/ Head of the National Agency for Professor Bambang Brodjonegoro Research Innovation 34 Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali Ministerial level appointments Attorney General ST Burhanuddin Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung Wibowo Head of the Office of Presidential Staff Gen (ret) Moeldoko Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board - BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia Other Presidential Spokesman Fadjroel Rachman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