STAFF MAGAZINE OF THE IRISH HEALTH SERVICE VOL. 15 | ISSUE 22 | SUMMER 2020 Hea th HOLD FIRM HSE staff at their best ,a IIIIOI.DnRH WELCOME TO THIS CONTENTS HEALTH MATTERS SUMMER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION COVID-19 OF HEALTH MATTERS 6 TRIBUTES 27 BEAUMONT CEO praises efforts The faces behind the PPE WE pay tribute to our health service 8 VIRTUAL VISITS 27 NURSE’S TRIBUTE and frontline workers who have made UHL initiative My team at work phenomenal efforts and sacrifices since 9 TECHNOLOGY 28 ESTATES the COVID-19 pandemic first hit our shores Connecting families Additional capacity in late February. 10 COMMUNITY HUBS 30 CITY WEST FACILITY It is a pandemic like nothing we’ve seen in Easing loads Mary answers the call our lifetime. It is changing the way we live 12 NIALL HORAN 32 SLÁINTECARE now and how we will live in the future. For Singer’s contribution Integration Fund projects those working in our health service and other 12 BATTLING LONELINESS 34 SWAB TEAMS essential services, every day brings a new Letters and drawings NAS at the forefront challenge that has never been faced before. 13 CHILDREN TESTING 36 NEOC But our staff are meeting those Supports in place Emergency response room challenges head-on, using kindness and 13 HSE AND IWA 37 POSTAL INITIATIVE compassion as well as innovation to Join forces Thinking of You continue to treat the patients that are 14 DANIEL O’DoNNELL 37 DISABILITY SERVICES relying on them. Concert for nursing home Reconfigured The dedication to the cause, which has 15 WEDDING ON hoLD 38 FAMILY thANKS seen many HSE staff members having to live Aisling puts patients first Clonmel staff praised away from their families for weeks on end, 16 CONTACT TRACING 39 CHI MURAL is evident across the board. We speak to Its role in battling COVID-19 Young patients get creative Aisling McGarrell, a clinical nurse manager 19 GoLDEN MOMENTS 40 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALth in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, who was Dementia care packages Airports and ports forced to cancel her wedding plans. But 20 HOLD FIRM 42 FIRST AID rather than taking off what was supposed to New campaign For staff mental health be her wedding day, she opted to join her 22 SURVIVING COVID-19 43 MOVING colleagues on a 12-hour shift. Patients share stories While cocooning We take a look at the way technology 24 PPE 44 UNITY IS OUR STRENGth has transformed the way healthcare is How to use safely Swab team being delivered in many settings, allowing families to speak to loved ones in hospital, giving healthcare staff the opportunity to engage with patients remotely, and even monitor their recovery remotely. The healthcare system has responded rapidly to the increased demands on it. This is shown in the testing centres and the step- down facilities, added by the work of the Estates division to create additional capacity in facilities all across the country. Thanks to everyone for their help and contributions to the magazine in these unprecedented times. Remember to stay safe, protect each other and hold firm. Joanne Weston Joanne Weston, Editor This magazine is produced by the HSE COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION PUBLISHERS: Celtic Media Group www.celticmediagroup.ie FEEDBACK: Send your feedback to [email protected] summer 2020 CONTENTS HEALTH MATTERS SUMMER 2020 ,. •• - 70 •• • -~6 71 46 VIRTUAL coASTAL toUR North west walkers " 47 GARDEN HURLING MARAthoN €62,000 raised 48 TALLAGht’S ART Keeps on beating 48 WARD SIMULATIONS Held daily 49 HOMELESS HUB COVID-19 challenges 50 QUIttING During a crisis 52 STAff WEBSITE Support in crisis 53 NEW App Keeping 2m back 53 NISRP Still progressing 54 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY Your options 9 55 FACE VISORS UL works with hospital 56 CANCER RISKS Don’t ignore symptoms 58 SEXUAL HEALTH Advice and support 59 FACE covERINGS How to use 60 STAff AppS Keeping everyone connected 23 20 • L 71 55 2020 summer health matters 3 CONTENTS HEALTH MATTERS SPRING 2020 11 12 61 DIGITAL TEchNOLOGY Moving at rapid pace 62 ALCOHOL Reduce your intake 63 VACCINATION Virus highlights importance 64 ADVANCE PLANNING Talk to your family and GP 65 BEREAVEMENT LINE New project 66 DEMENTIA PATIENTS Activity matters 68 SAFE CARE MN-CMS response 70 IN thIS toGETHER Helping people cope 71 TALLAGht TECHNOLOGY 17 How it is helping during pandemic 56 72 TEMPERATURE MONItoRING New stations operational 15 28 78 4 health matters summer 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS HEALTH MATTERS SPRING 2020 ONLINE Sites wetrust www.hse.ie fl: our h~alth service ---Symptoms 11 12 Prot ect yourself ;md o th• rs ... ___...11.- General News www.gov.ie 73 MPowER HIV Ireland links up with HSE 74 INNovATION COVID -19 (Coronavirus) In Irish healthcare 75 PERfoRMANCE AchIEVEMENT ....,_·---~-1..."""~----- ....-.... '-~~...._._ -........... --,..-- ..__ .,._ All HSE staff 75 EXCELLENCE AwARDS 649 entries received 76 ANTI-BULLYING SYMpoSIUM Behaviour not tolerated 76 FIONA MURPHY New head of screening 77 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY www.hpsc.ie personal journeys 77 FORMULA MARKETING Stricter rules 78 WATERfoRD FACILITY Boost for mental health services ► Epida,mlologyo r COVI0 -19 In Ireland • d8ly repcwts,June 20'20 c:,..._,d(OC.I•.,--....,.-•,-,:•,,,.,car www.healthservice.ie I-/: Hl'.'llth Service -===--. E1mcutwe _..__ _ -----·----· ------::-..::..-....- SairbllillSlailte Buildinga Nmfee,r BeHarl-klallh /£ 6Forbut 8eMce 2020 summer health matters 5 !' ~ ! ~----~ ----; ‘FOR YOUR HARD WORK, SACRIFICE AND SOLIDARITY, THANK YOU’ A message from CEO Paul Reid EAR Colleagues In recent weeks we have witnessed a significant step D in the Government’s roadmap to re-open Irish society in a carefully managed, phased manner. The roadmap sets out five stages for unlocking restrictions. At the time of publication, we have entered stage one with some restrictions eased. As this first phase mainly relates to outdoor workers, the majority of Health Service employees continue to maintain existing procedures. We are applying the appropriate protocols to ensure the health, safety and there is the opportunity to accelerate change welfare of all staff, patients and people who in the way we deliver services. We can re- use our services. imagine how we do this to create new ways of While it is important to remember that working and embrace many of the innovations we are all still dealing with a very deadly recently witnessed across the country. virus, we should also note the significant We recognise that the availability of progress we have all made over the last widespread, responsive testing with a short few weeks and months. turnaround time is critical to the public health Significantly too, these newly reduced response to the pandemic. Earlier in May, I set restrictions have given us all hope. Having out a new change management plan that gave achieved so much within our health service to us the capacity to deliver 100,000 COVID-19 accelerate and expand our frontline services and tests per week and improve our turnaround protect the vulnerable, we are now challenged times significantly. As you are aware, we are with maintaining our resolve and focus. implementing new initiatives to automate the As you will be aware, we had to cease majority of the tests. We have also improved non urgent services since for a period of the turnaround times for the more complex time, based on a recommendation from the cases which require further follow through National Public Health Emergency Team and contact tracing. It is our intention that the (NPHET). Since the lifting of this restriction vast majority (90pc) of COVID-19 testing and we have begun introducing scheduled contact tracing will therefore be completed acute and community care in a planned, within the target time of three days. appropriate and considered way. We are I am, as ever, immensely proud of the doing this while minimising risks to the dedication and resilience shown by all our public, to healthcare staff and to the wider staff during this very challenging time. Since healthcare system. the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in I do understand that this is not easy and I Ireland, it has become apparent to everyone want to acknowledge the dedication, energy the vital role our health service staff plays in and innovation of every person working in our responding to this threat. health service at this time. I know you are For all that you have done, for your hard focused on your commitment to the patients work, sacrifice and solidarity I would like to in our care and I know too you are equally again say thank you and urge you to stay safe sensitive to the need to protect our services and hold firm. and the people with whom we engage and work every day. Paul Reid Out of all the negatives of this pandemic Chief Executive Officer 6 health matters summer 2020 THANK YOU TO OUR HEALTHCARE HEROES THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND POST MESSAGES OF GRATITUDE TO FRONTLINE STAFF “Thanks to all the nurses for helping our ED country.” - Heidi “While we stay safely at home, you leave yours to take care of our very sick loved - ones, friends and neighbours. Behind the PPE and face mask your care, gentle voice and medical expertise wraps comforting arms around those in peril. In their moments of vulnerability, decline and fear, you are there. You raise them up and show them the way. You become their eyes in - the darkness, their light in the shadows and their hope and salvation. You are our heroes! No words can thank you enough.” • - Síobhan “Well done to all the men and women on the frontline beating COVID-19!! From doctors to cleaners and everyone in between you are all doing amazing!! Well done and we will win this battle.” - Grace “For your bravery, kindness and selflessness, a hugeG o raibh mile maith agaibh!” - Linda “For your incredible work care and dedication to the care and well being of people, a sincere heartfelt thank you.” - John “Thank you most sincerely each and every one of you, in whatever role you have, for putting your own health at risk to care for all of us and for doing it with true compassion and kindness.” - Pauline “Thank You all so much for your professional and mannered way you all have conducted your enormous task.
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