Weather Distribution Today t»d*y wS tbwreri, BED BAM Mtjh b tit* m Pirttydwtfd ; twrfght, few in dw «Vf. Fatr «». morrow, Ugh la the Ws; Sktw- Mcmtur nnouoH ruDiY-tn, tm day fair and pleasant.' gee Dial SH 1-0010 Weather, page 2. TV SSfe Uiud dm?. nuns»» p rnd»j. MUM eiiw funt RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY W, 1962 VOL. 85, NO. 22 ran u tu« Buk 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Board Loses Ten Cents ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—The Board of Education last night Will Take a New turned the former New Jersey Natural Gas Co. building. First Ave., over to the Borough Coun- cil—and in the process lost 10 cents. For the past four years, the school board had used the build- LookatRedHillRd.Plan ing as a school annex for 'ele- mentary grades, four through 6. FREEHOLD — The Monmouth the area of the proposed toll sta- arine Elkus White, the chairman, >e $317,000, not including $50,000 tion. It was only because of the Because of the annex, the board County Board of Freeholders is tion. and John B. Townsend had — in to build a connecting road from ultimatum from Mr. Tontl that was able to keep students on 1 Though a majority of the free- informal telephone talks — con-the Red Hill Rd. site to Dwight the construction would be at Red full-day sessions during this pe- going to take another look at the decision of the New Jersey holders took the preliminary sented to award a contract to Rd., Middletown. Hill Rd. or nowhere that we riod. view, when questioned by The the low bidder subject to formal The Register report, which Mr. agreed to it. The Authority it In 1958, when the utility do- Highway Authority to build a Garden State Parkway inter- Register, that nothing can be ratification at the commission Imith said requires study by thean authority of its own and the nated the structure there was a done now to alter the Red Hill meeting next Thursday. change at Red Hill Rd. on the freeholders, was followed by a freeholders have no control over •light switch on the usual $1 pay- Rd. decision, Mr. Smith said the Commissioner Sylvester front page editorial urging that Holmdel-Middletown line. it. meat to make the transfer legal. facts brought out by The Register C. Smith, Jr., is in Europe. The the authority's decision be re-ex- "This Information (from The Togetherness Freeholder Charles I. Smith were news to him and warranted low bidder, L. Zimmerman and amined by the governor, who ap-Register) was not known to me, In this case, the nine board said Last night he will ask the re-examination. Son, Hillside, submitted an offer points authority members. It wasI think the Board of Freehold- members, board secretary and board, at a conference meeting The Highway Authority is on of $443,423. contended that the site does not ers should discuss it and I as- school superintendent took 10 Monday, to review the issue in the verge of ratifying a contract Estimated Costs best serve the needs of the com- sure you I will bring it up at cents each out of their pockets- the light of information divulged for construction. A spokesman Total costs have been esti- munity and that its use will force our next conference meeting making the total "payment" $1.10. last week by The Red Bank Reg- for it last Thursday announced mated by the Authority Execu expenditures of between $1 and Monday. Last night they got a dollar ister concerning land holdings in that Commissioners Mrs. Kath- tive Director D. Louis Tonti to t'j million by Taxpayers of the "This brings our county- coun« back. county and Middletown and sel, Mr. (Howard W.) Roberti, At the time the building went to Holmdel to adequately improve into the picture and we should the school board, the agreement access roads. discuss the situation from one was that when it no longer was Reactions of four of the five end to the other." needed for school purposes the freeholders (Freeholder Earl Freeholder Director Joseph C. Woolley, recently released from Irwin: board would deed it to the bor- BARGA,M DAY _ Atlantic Highlands Borough Council Committee Won't Fitkin Hospital, Neptune, after a "I have no comment on any to last night got. for $1 a building which will be converted long illness is convalescing and developments or personal hold- alter the structure and convert it into a bofough hall. Four years ago the Board of Edu- was not available) are as fol- ings. AH such questions should Into a borough hall. lows: be addressed to the chairman of cation took over tha structure for use at a school annex. Oppose New Road Smith Comments the Highway Authority, Mrs. Councilmen Vincent H. Fox and It is the former New Jersey Natural Gas Co. building, Freeholder Smith: White. That is their responsibil- John A. Joslin said last night MIDDLETOWN — Despite requests by hold off work on the project until a local they will recommend that the which was donated by the utility. Here, Edward G. "The freeholders, the county ity. No member of the Board of several residents last night, the Township study on all aspects of the interchange has engineer, the highway depart- Freeholders has any interest, di- present borough hall building be vValder, right, school board president, hands deed to Committee refused to take a formal stand been completed. ment, Planning Board Director rectly or indirectly, in any land ""£•' £5ff £?« ^ Mayor Russell W. Morgan a, dollar al.o change, against the proposed construction of Garden The committee previously had asked Her- Charles Pike, have constantly op- oi development in that area. Our State Parkway interchange at Red Hill Rd., bert H. Smith Associates, Inc., West Trenton, posed the Red Hill Rd. proposl- (See COUNTY, Page 2) by the New Jersey Highway Authority. planning consultants, to study the effect of Taking such a stand was termed "an the proposed interchange on the township. empty gesture" by acting Mayor Thomas S. EFFECT ON TOWNSHIP Seek Farm Tax Break Field. - The purpose is to determine what the Mr. Field said the parkway agency al- project will mean to the township in added Asks Investigation By The Associated Press farm land to be taxed on the recommendation to endorse basis of its agricultural value broad-based tax for New Jersey, ready has informally awarded contracts for growth, costs for improvement of the road A proposed constitutional alone, independent of its potential specifically a selective sales tax the project. The pacts have not been formal- network leading to the interchange and the amendment to give farmers a value for residential or industri- exempting food and medicine. ly ratified by the Authority's Board of Com- amount of traffic that the project would place Of Interchange Plan missioners. on other local roads. long-awaited property tax break al development. It needs the ap- Hughes said the proposed con- HOLMDEL - Archie R. Price, Democratic Committeeman Earl Moody Holmdel and in behalf of the resi- will be introduced in the state proval of both the-legislature and stitutional amendment would ful This report is expected by the Aug. 8 Democratic candidate for Town- dents of this area, I would like to advanced the resolution formally voicing pro- meeting of the Committee. legislature early next year, Gov. the voters. fill campaign pledges he and Sen ship Committee, has asked Gov- request that you, through your Richard J. Hughes says. Waddington have made. test to the interchange. The resolution died Mr. Pandolfi suggested that the com- Meeting Set for lack of a second. ernor Richard J. Hughes to offices, insist that the. proper Sen. John A. Waddington, D- The pledges, the governor said, mittee might seek an injunction to stop work state agencies investigate tha A farmers tax convention meet- AGAINST SUGGESTION on the interchange. investigate why Red Hill Rd., Salem, plans to introduce the ing at the State House Friday were based on the outcome of Middletown, has been selected by facts concerning the location se-> test case before the State Su- Besides Mr. Field and Mr. Moody, Com- Lawrence A. Carton, township attorney, lected for this interchange. measure with bipartisan sponsor- night is expected to endorse the mitteeman Paul Pandolfi was the only other ruled that the committee does not have "legal the New Jersey Highway Author- ihlp at the opening of the 1963proposal and also back other preme Court Since the campaign ity as the site for a Garden "A review of the many valid pledges were made the high court member of the governing body at the meet- grounds" for such action. legislative session, Hughes said measures designed to ease the ing. State Parkway interchange. reasons given by local interested property tax burden. has ruled that a provision pe In response to questions from residents, parties in opposing this tlte sad Wednesday. The committee also refused to go along Mr. Pandolfi outlined the committee's posi- Excerpts froih Mr. Prlca's The amendment would permit The convention will vote on a mitting farmland to be treated a: a check into facts revealed in a special category and taxed foi with a suggestion by Martin V. Lawlor, Dem- tion throughout the planning of the inter- letter to the governor follow: an article about the Red Hill exit its agricultural value alone is un- ocratic Committee candidate, to the effect change. - "The Garden State Parkway that appeared In the Red Bank constitutional. that the governing body ask the authority to (See COMMITTEE, page 2) Authority Is about to «tart con Register (copy • enclosed) will Court Ruling structlon of a new interchange raise many questions that mutt Airport Application Hughes said the court's rulin between Holmdel-and Middletown be answered.
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