ipwIfipffk.^ &•&'&.•:•?,••••<• . mpw^^' YW:"':-' •'.- • m.>. WEATHER !|:'•!.-"'' .• > Min. Max. Prcolp, ^TSuWs^ay. Nov, 10 37 e:!' n.63 QUOTE 'Friday, Nov. 11 ....31 37 0.40 .Sfltui'day, Nov. Vi 25 34 0.20 "Children have more need of Sunday, Nov; 13 ..19 28 ; 0.00 Mojiclay, Nov. 14 ,., ..28 35 0.00 models than critics."/ - Wiesday, Nov. 15 ...34 52 0.03 . \ :.'•'•.•:• —Anonymous.; Wednesday, Nov, 16 33 54 1).04 :- -:'.'..•••'•• '• ,.•••;• '< • ' I'lus 4'P«!?o t)^E HUNDRED-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 23- 14 Pages This Week Sui)j>lpm<ytt CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1977 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PfiR. YEAR 1 '.«•**- •"f* ^' fi; ng rtsNext Tuesday |, With; a, minimum amount of Joe Reiser, Tony-Wisniewski arid time spent in -preparation, and Chuck Young", and sophomore [with one of the smallest squads Scott Dalton. i in a number of years, Chelsea JV wrestlers expected tp chal­ _h wrestlers will nevertheless lenge for varsity positions are |/b"$' on the mats Tuesday, Nov. 22, Bart Bauer, Adrian Saarinen and! "">r their: season opener against Chris Umstead, while newcomers I Jackson Northwest. Bob Gottfried, Bob Beeman and /Although only about 30 individ- Rick Risner also stand a chance mals-\vill be competing for Chel- to break into the, linkup, accordj Is^a. thfe season, ^'the quality of ing to Coach. Bareis; • ;•••< \ The/Chelsea .United Way canii-! people'in the , community;; One m§!.> wrestlers, should more than Other wrestlers; this season will paigri has,, soared 'past' its origi­ large ,jridustr(aj ¢1,9¾ fiasi riot*^cohv ! include sophomores Eric Gakenj nal goal ..of. $28,500. As of today,) pleted its campaign and 30Asnial- |C0;ni;pensate for the lack in • mim- Kevin Edict, and freshmen Andy v fcer,"' Coach.Richard Bareis said; gifts ari^l pledges of $33,463 have- ler. plants'arid sho'ps are stiil\ber [/Cliejsea will he led this season BuJick, Bill Freeman, Erie Head, been received.. ; , f: . • ; .. i ing solicited by United Way* \Vork- rick, Brian Hughes, , Chan Lahe^ The $33,463 ,- figure ': represents fers."- •'.' -:; -';' ••'•• •'•;' ' '''',;'^: by-? Iri-captains Mike Y6ung at Danell Lee, Jeff Osehtbskii Jim ; ; an all-time^ high :Jn', the history; .President Gerald rjresselhpjis'e' 132' lbs;,;; Todd Headrick at 178Ruffin s and Craig Stog^on,. : .: ! : [lbs;, rfttidvRiek-Beemah at 145 lbs< pL the local .'organization, which added, "We are hoping to pa^..\he Coach Bareis predicts. Chelsea raises funds for nine local chari-! $35,003 mark because every.' .pej.ny v.:'.Young was league -champ last will be able to • -make a run for ('ear jh • his weight division, and ta^ble agencies and social organi-' is- needed by "s'ocial agencies. : the league, championship," ;thi9 nations, as well as 23 state and! which are seriously pressed by! in­ jlaced. .fifth, in, the state meet.: year, but figures Saline "arid pos­ rational agencies. '' ;.. '• ••; flation." ; ' "". •. ;;••'••.-:. r-- idrick , finished .second in thesibl y South* Lyon will ,also,., be : i "The campaign is-, far from- . The total of $33,463 resulted from [league in his y/eight division last tough championship contenders, : 1 season; and was a' state qualifier,; ', "We shqyldhave some real over,',' Will'Connelly, general cam­ the f\rst .five' weeks of! the; Chel­ l?hile\Beeman was.a league champ strong weight classes, but we do paign chairman, stated. "We are sea United. Way effort, -according ihd a regional qualifier. have a few holes in the lifte-up still awaiting reports from our! to Dale Schumann, finance, chair­ |-looking forward to improve­ that need to be filled," Coach group, led by, David McLaughlin, man.' The previous record; for' a ment over last year's , performan-* Bareis concluded; "Our smaller now calling on doctors, dentists, Chelsea- United Way campaign lawyers and other professional was ^30,293. ' ' \ ' ' " tes are; letter winning seniors weight classes are again gdiftg to; John! Bulick, ferry Thompson, and be our inexperienced weight clas-i iJeon Brown;• juniors Tom Bareis, ses." ••....:.-. ,..• -, , • - FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS: People from various] ship; The group above, which wa^s formed as a community Senior Chelsea area churches, Chfelsea High school, and the community ; Choir under the direction of June Warren, will perform ''The Hal- at large, w6re at St; Paul United Church of Christ, on Old US-I2, \ lelujah Chorus" and "For Unto Us A Child Is Born," both from Tuesday to rehearse for the Dec' 11 Festival of Lessons and Carols. % Handel's "Messiah," during the festival. The group practices every >i# Escape Death in The festival, Chelsea's first community-wide Advent-Christmas J Tuesday night, 8 p.m., at St. Paul's church, and welcomes n.ew program, is being sponsored by the Chelsea Ministerial Fellow-* members. ,-.'• ' To Jackson Western !ar-Tractor Crash Jackson Western hacked its way the' game was played," Chelsea New Police Tires, Wheels to a 4*3 victory over Chelsea Sun­ team manager Richard Glasson Five .Chelsea area youths es- Mark Baize, 21, of 140 Island day in Jackson Ice Arena, com* noted. : •• '."".••: iped serious, injury Saturday eve- Lake Rd., received emergency Officer Joins Stolen from ing from behind in the third per­ Chelsea went out with a 2-1 ling, when their car collided with treatment at Chelsea Medical Cen­ iod to govern most of the re­lead in the first period as Pat tractor on Cavanaugh Lake Rd. ter and was then transported to maining hockey action. • : Stevenson began the .attack wiLh hie driyer of the car ,was cited St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Chelsea Force r Lot ' "This garne turned out the way an unassisted goal at 2:01 of the |y Sheriffs deputies for failing Arbor. Western wanted it, both in theperiod , while Chelsea . was • short- Heydlauff was transported to Richard Walter, 24, a native of First to report, hunting succes| ith. He plans to have the deer Chelsea police are investigating stop in a clear and assured, Milan, became. the newest full- dressed and the head mounted,; final score and the way in which (Continued on page eight) Chelsea Medical. Center were he locally on opening day of the ; the week-end theft of four tires ti'stance. time addition to the Chelsea Pol­ calling his trophy "a perfect 8- was listed in good condition Mon­ firearms deer season Tuesday, : and wheels frpm a vehicle parked Howard Schenk, 20, of . 1715 ice Department Monday, filling pointer." (ank Rd., Grass Lake, was driv- day. the, vacancy created Nov. 1 byNov . 15, was Ernest Sell of Chelsea in the parking lot of Lloyd Bridges who shot an &-point buck at 8:45 The Adrian hunter chose to! Jg a 1970 Oldsmobile eastbound the resignation :pf. Patrolman Roger t hunt in the. local area on open­ Chevrolet;, 1603 S, :Main; St. |i''Cavanaugh Lake Rd, at about GravesV Walter has been assigned a.m., one hour and 45. minutes 1 ing . day, alter being lured here; According to jipjice reports; four Basketball Team , pvrii.; •; when the vehiqle came JSoJ^jutm ios ihp'-dfib^trriejit's; night,'shifty afte.r. the season officiaHy/vgot ill?: by .'the-; prospect >of •., heavy <deer* '-"•>• •- ••' '. -»« ••••'•'' , : • .'•• •• ^imtf, a, crest..and' rammed';hY-' (Mftqya;!;i- ^aSstbeiited \tires ,ahd The ; new Of fleer resigned'"as a derway. , •-' herds as reported by his brother-' wheels' for . the .tires, were v re­ •the. rear of la' tractor operated partrtime; patrolman with. Green Sell sagged his deer while huutr ^in-law, Joe Branham of: 409 Grant James Heydlauff, 37, of 4011 I%Mfes^it5£rt^ Oaks township hear Brighton to ac­ ing near Waterloo with two com­ St.. , moved^ from .two '^-ton Chevy pick­ [almbach Rd.,: Grass Lake. The v ge Toni cept.! his- new "position. PUpr to panions, Tim Bareis and David A third deer hunter to meet .with, up trucks parked in" the dealership \efcfot was also- traveling ea.st- that,-he was 'employed- as a se­ lOt/ '•••.. :..'. Service Plhns Seyfried, • success shortly after daylight Tues­ ; Chelsea High cagers will get aserv e as a platform, for the intro­ juhd on Cavanfiugh ; Lake Rd. curity ; guard by Meijer's Thrifty Driving up to the Standard day . was 22-year-old Tim. Wade, The 'tires and' wheels were ta­ jump on their season today, Nov. duction of the 1977-78 varsity squad. [According to Sheriff's deputies, In a break with tradition, the Acres \in .Ypsijanti. office shortly after Sell had left of 209 Park St. Wade shot a 7- ken sometime between 5 p.m.17 , 7:30 p.m., when the seniors squad. ., ^6 tractor was equipped with a Chelsea Ministerial Fellowship He received his law enforce- was another successful deer hun­ point, :160-lb. buck at 7:30 a.m.Saturday , Nov. ' 12, and 8 a.m. take on the underclassmen in an This season the varsity cagers ^d : lamp and reflector • mounted. riient training while attending the Monday, Nov; 14.' Two. of the will not be sponsoring a special - ter, Royce Leacox of Adrian, who while hunting in an area near exhibition game. The public' is in­ Will debut with a new coach, the rear fender to assure its Union Thanksgiving Service this Southeastern Regional Criminal also downed an 8-pointer. Fletcher, and Trinkle Rds. tires, described as type G78-15, vited to attend the contest, billed Robin Raymond. Preceding today's year, but will instead focus its Justice Training Center, a police Leacox shot his 175-lb. buck Wade reported .this was hiswer e valued at -$52 each,' while as !'Meet the Bulldogs Night," to exhibition, he will run his 14- t Schenk and Connie Bentley, 16,effort s on the Festival of Lessons academy located in Ann Arbor. with a Browning automatic only first kill 'since he began hunting the two remaining tires, describ­ be held in the high school gymnas­ member team through several ; ed as type L78-15, were valued at :v316 N.
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