The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus The Notre Dame Alumnus Vol. IV Contents for January, 1926 No. 4 "Singing Irish" Schedule Two Tours 99 A Breath of The Notre Dame That Was ; 101 Hon. Edmond H. Moore, L.L.D., '25, Dies 102 Editorial 105 Band and Glee Club Record for Victor 109 Athletics Ill Notre Dame's Art Galleries 119 The Alumni 121 The Alumni 89 The magazine is published monthly during the scholastic year by the Alumni Association of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; the price of single copies is 25 cents. The annual alumni dues of $5:00 include a year's subscription to The Alumnus. Entered as second-class matter January 1, 1923, at the post office at Notre Dame, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1897. All corrcs-- pondence should be addressed to The Notre Dame Alumnus, Box 81, Notre Dame, Indiana. JAMES E. ARMSTKONG, '25, Editor The Alumni Association — of the — University of Notre Dame Alumtii Headqitartcrs: 232 Administration BUg., Notre Dame. Alfred C. Ryan, '20, General Secretary. ALUMNI BOARD REV. M. L. MORIARTY, '10 Honorary President WILLIAM P. MCPHEE, '90 President DANIEL J. O'CONNOR, '05 Vice-President JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 Secretary WARREN A. CARTIER, '87 Treasurer THOMAS J. MCKEON, '90 Director JOSEPH M. HALEY, '99 Director JOHN P. MURPHY, '12 Director EDW. C. MCHUGH, '13 Director THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME GLEE CLUB Prom teft to RUht Top Row Second Row From Top Third Row From Top Fourth From Top Fifth Row S. Fuean J. Grifflh J. Gin/, W. Mahin • J. Prelli V. Carney J. Mascnich S. Bower .7. HarrinBton C. Flanagan C. RcKnn J. Curtis T. Fcrritor A. HiRhberKcr E. Edwards F. WiiBner J. IjinKton H. Lynsltey J. Harriisan V. Lemmer J, Lcnihun J. WootI F. Sohroeder V. Ducey •I. Casasanta R. Dixon C. Oohoa C. Uontempo }'. Loprcati C. PitsenbcrKcr W. Dcoley R. Wehs T. Hart W. Corcoran A. Haley F. HuKcnbarth C. Shclunolicy J. IJiady E. Krcnnnn A. Mulrcany R. McNuniui'a P. Crciulon E. Uyan J. Cusick A. Meyers il, AdumH 1'. Drudy Jos. Griflln F. Pfoi'tner .1. Butler T. Cir.cy 10. Flynn IVI. Farrell V. SoisBon n. Sturm T. Walsh T. O'Malley Ci. MeDermott A, Kopceky % K. I.owth J. Reidy ir "Singing Irish" Schedule Two Tours i_ Notre Dame's Glee Club, which last year A number of specialties have been ar­ made two triumphant tours through Michi­ ranged by the officers and directors of the gan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvanfa, club to vary the program. -Eugene Ed­ besides concerts in more immediate regions, wards, captain-elect of the football team, is preparing to invade new and farther and Christy Flanagan, sensational half­ fields. The quality of the music and the back, are regular members' of the club and general success of last year's trips con­ will appear in a specialty number. The vinced University authorities that the con­ Glee Club Quartet will hold its usual popu­ certs are a decided credit to the University lar place on the program. Ray McGrath, as well as a wholesome stimulus to the de­ a vocal soloist and banjoist with Harry partment of music. Denny's orchestra, will give a number of Under the direction of Doctor J. Lewis selections. He will appear in company Browne, Chicago choral director, and with Joe Prelli, also a prominent football Joseph Casasanta, B. S. in Mus. '23, the man, who has been a member of the Glee Glee Club will make a tour through Ohio Club for three years and who will give and Pennsylvania between the semesters. a number of Spanish songs. Jack Curtis, The dates already fixed call for appearances violinist, and a member of Denny's orchestra at Tiffin, O.; Chillicothe, 0.; Carnegie Hall on the European tour last summer, will in Pittsburgh; and Connellsville, Pa., on round out the program of special numbers. Feb. 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Negotiations The Glee Club, represented by a triple ax-e pending for several concerts to fill out quartet, assisted the Notre Dame band in a week's trip but nothing definite has been recording the "Victory March" and the arranged by Victor Lemmer, president. "Hike Song" for the Victor company in A second tour during the Easter holidays Chicago last month. It has been unofficially will be of wider scope and will carry the reported that the records, made by the Club to the Atlantic coast. Concerts sched­ new orthophonic process, were, successful uled to date include Pawtucket, E. I.; Ho- and ^vill be issued the latter part of this boken, N. J.; Binghampton, N. Y.; Milford, month. The opportunity to make these Mass., the home of Mr. Casasanta; Boston, re'cords for Victor was presented to the Fall Eiver, and Lawrence, Mass. This is Notre Dame organizations through the ef­ a tour that the club officers have had in forts of Mark Duncan, Ph.B. '15, Chicago, mind for several years and the splendid and Eev. J. Hugh O'Donnell, Litt. B. '16, in record of the club, collectively and individu­ conjunction with the Elbel music company. ally, on the trips last year, resulted in the Dr. Browne's reputation as a choral di­ University's permission to plan the tour. rector and composer is nation-wide. The Dr. Browne and Director Casasanta have Club's program last year featured several organized a group of 60 men, chosen from of his compositions and it is hoped that 200 applicants this fall. This number per­ Dr. Browne's name will again appear mitted careful try-outs of the men's voices among the composers of selections on the and the result is a finely blended chorus list. Joe Casasanta, a brilliant young gradu­ which renders a beautifully balanced pro­ ate of the Notre Dame music school, is also gram. John Butler, tenor, Lakewood, 0., a composer. He was co-author with Vin­ and Alfred Meyers, bass. La Grande, Ore., cent Fagan, '20, of the "Hike Song", and it are the soloists with the club this year. In is rumored that another stirring march is addition to the two concert tours scheduled, about ready for publication. Prof. Casas­ it has been arranged for the Club to sing anta has also directed the band's highly in the Auditorium theater, Chicago, on successful season this year. March 14, and they will appear at the com­ Under these two men the Glee Club is mencement exercises of the De La Salle entering upon eager preparation for two Institute in Chicago in June. There will trips which are expected to win unanimous also be the local concerts, St. Mary's, South pi-aise for the Club and, through them, for Bend and Notre Dame. the University. 100 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS LAY TRUSTEES MEET hall. The housing problem on the campus is being largely taken care of by the new A. R. Erskine, South Bend, president freshmen group of Howard, Morrissey and of the Studebaker Corporation, was re­ Lyons halls, but this will only aggravate elected for a term of six years to the presi­ the present boarding problem and a new dency of the Board of Lay Trustees of the University of Notre Dame at the annual dining hall is practically imperative. meting of that board last month. Mr. Fred Ralph Adams Cram, eminent Boston Fisher, of Detroit, president of the Fisher architect and the recipient of an honorary Auto Body Corporation, was elected to fill LL.D. in '24, was a guest of the University the chair left vacant by the death of Max last month and inspected the possible sites Pam. Mr. Solon 0. Richardson, Jr., presi­ on the campus with the building committee. dent of the Richardson Company, dealers in No statement has been made concerning the investment securities, president of the Fifty selection of a definite site but it is probable Associates Co., and former vice-president of that plans will be rushed through as soon the Libbej' Glass Co., Toledo, was re-elected as the spot is definitely chosen and that for a term of six years. work will be begun as soon as possible. Mr. Byron Kanaley, '04, of Chicago, and Mr. Daniel P. Murphy, A.B. '95, LL.B. '96, LL.M. '97, Rockaway, N. J., ALUMNI AUTHORS who were elected last June by the Alumni The Jan. 6 issue of The Commonweal, one Association, took their seats at the meeting, of the leading Catholic reviews, contains thereby completing the Alumni personnel a number of articles of special interest to of six members. The other Alumni mem­ Notre Dame alumni. "Nationalism as a Re­ bers are: James Dawson Callery, '20, ligion" is the fourth of a series of articles old student of '73-'74, president of the by Prof. Carlton J. H. Hayes, LL.D., '21. Diamond National Bank of Pittsburgh Prof. Hayes also replies to a criticism of and head of the traction company there; one of his earlier articles. Angus Daniel McDonald, '13, old student 1896-1900, vice-president and controller of "Ad Matrem, in Caelis" is a beautiful the Southern Pacific Railroad; Hon. War­ poem from the beloved Father Charles L. ren A. Cartier, '87, prominent banker of O'Donnell, 'OG, Provincial of the Congre­ Ludington, Mich., and treasurer of the gation of the Holy Cross. Dr. James J. Alumni Association; William P. Breen, Walsh, Sc.D.
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