Weather T tJB. temperature U. Sunny today and tomorrow.' Tonight, fair. High today and tomorrow, 24,450 fl. Low tonight, «. Thurs- Red Bank Area day, fait, warmer. See weather, Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 2. MONMOUTff COUNTrS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS timed dally, Monday tirmnh Friday. Steond Clui Pojtijt VOL. 88, NO. 16 Paid at Re4 Bapk and at Additional Milling Offices. TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Defense Secretary Ends Five-Day Visit McNamara Paints Dark Viet Picture SAiIGQN, (AP) - U. S. De- tensity of enemy operations, the Vietnamese fighting strength. garrison fought off a powerfuu) The Viet Cong repeatedly as- helicopters and fighter-bombers cluding two young boys, were re- fense Secretary Robert S. Mc- disruption of communications McNamara said he would rec- Viet Cong attack in a "valiant saulted the camp, the, spokes- from Bien Hoa alrbase. ported arrested after what ap- Namara completed a five-day vis- throughout the country and an ommend to President Johnson stand" early today but suffered man said, but did not penetrate The Viet Cong also hit the 1st peared to be an unsuccessful Viet It to Viet Nam today and said intensification of terrorist activ- that the United States "fulfill the "an awful lot of casualties," a far into it. Division's Second Brigade near Cong attempt to assassinate U. S. he found "many aspects of de- ity. commitment of our nation to de- U< S. spokesman reported. He The biggest assault was Bien Hoa early today with mor- Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor. terioration" since his last visit Continuing to Fight fend Viet Nam." He declined to said Americans were among the launched at 8:30 a.m., the spokes- tar and small arms fire for the Reliable sources said police dis- dead. 15 months ago. "But the situation is not all elaborate, but during his visit man said. The Viet Cong hit the second day in a row. U. S. cas- covered a "claymore" bomb in a "The over-all situation contin- black,".said the secretary. The both U. S. and South Vietnamese Assaulted Camp north wall of the camp, swarm- ualties were described as "light." hollow log aimed at the main en- ues to be serious," McNamara Vietnamese people are continu- officials here recommended that Six U.S. Special Forces ad- ing across & moat and through Three American! were killed by trance to the Saigon Stadium 15 told a news conference before ing to fight, he went on, the Viet U. S. troops in the country "be visers and 200 Vietnamese made a mine field. a Viet Cong attack on the unit minutes before Taylor and se- flying back to Washington, Cong is suffering increasing loss- increased. up the garrison at Bu Dop, due The attack was repelled by a yesterday. nior Vietnamese officials were north of Saigon and five miles —He-cited increased Viet Cong es, and V. S. combat forces have On the battleJront, an outnum- handful of _deifenders who held Four Suspects scheduled to leave a giant cele- from the Cambodian border. concentrations, the rate and in- "added substantially" to bered Vietnamese Special Forces several fortified positions, armed In Saigon, four ^suspects, In- (See McNAMARA, Page 2) Middletown Sewer Project Resumes After Accord on Site MIDDLE/TOWN - The multi- r committee, said he will call a from the federal government, vocated that the township use its started," he declared, indicating million-dollar township sewer proj- special committee meeting this which Mr. Roth now estimates own funds for the engineering to that it may be possible to apply ect, stalled for more than a week. would total about $180,000, it will avoid further delay. for the loan even though engineer- year, will get under way; again Final Engineering take months or longer to get the Mr. Roth said yesterday this ing is started. this week— but the site issue may The next step will be prepara- final engineering started, accord- plan will have his support if it Three Year»? yet wind up in court. ion of final engineering plans ing to Mr. Kupper. will not jeopardize federal aid or How much more time it will As reported exclusively in The and specifications for the munici- Committeeman Douglas R. cause any other complications. take for a sewer system to be- Register yesterday agreement pal system. Burke, along with Board of Health "Regardless of how this prob- come a reality is still a matter has been readied for a Belford If the governing body waits for members Vincent P. Lamb and lem is worked out, we are going of educated guesswork. Commit- sewer plant site with Charles M. its second sewer planning loan Herbert F. Coffey, Jr., have ad- to get the final engineering (See PROJECT, Page 2) Cubbage, general manager of J. Howard Smith, Inc. John M. Pillsbury, attorney for BURNED AND BEACHED — Coast Guardsmen look over damage to 40-foot pound Mr. Cubbage, announced last •fishing boat "Virgin!* Lee" which w« extensively damaged by fire yesterday near night that the general manager mouth of Compton't Creek, Belford. Joseph Machanska, Atlantic Highlands, second yesterday signed over to the township a one-year option for Lifeguard Florida-Bound from right, owner of craft, was forced to abandon it and swim ashore. He was not the 14-acre parcel adjacent to hurt. Firs started in engine area. Craft beached itself on stone br»akv/a+er <<t mouth Compton's Creek, near the bay of creek. (Left open for the time being | is the question of wheither plant effluent will be dumped into the -By Way of a Paddle board Lone Occupant Unhurt creek or the bay. Purchase price for the parcel set by the Township Committee SANDY HOOK — A 22-year- is $51,800. old California lifeguard bound Leonard Nelson, president of for Florida on a paddleboard the North Jersey Fishermen's As- "refueled" here yesterday on Fire Damages Boat sociation, which has opposed the hamburgers, hot dogs, and soda site, said last night: for the 1,800-mile sea adventure. "If the Township Committee de Powered only by his two cides to dump the plant efHuen suntanned arms, Larry C. into the creek, we will have to Capune, Newport Beach, Ogllt., In Compton's Creek go to court." hopes to paddle to Cape Ken- No Action Now nedy In 35 days—if wind and BELFORJD'T- The 40-foot pound fishing Mr. Machanska told police he opened the He said the association wi! sea currents co-operate. boat "Virginia Lee" was heavily damaged engine hatch and saw smoke and flames. take no legal action at tfie present The paddleboard sailor left by fire yesterday at the mouth of Compton's He told police he tried to bring the craft time. Seagate, Coney Island yester-' Creek. into the J. Howard Smith Co., dock to put Although the committee and the day at 11 a.m. cheered on his the fire out. The craft, owned by Joseph Machanska, township sewer engineer, Charles way by curious onlookers and The fire quickly spread however, forc- 45 East Garfield Ave., Atlantic Highlands, J. Kuppar.have tavored dumping television cameramen. ing Mr. Machanska to jump overboard and was extensively damaged by the fire which effluent into the creek, indications swim several hundred yards to shore. At 3:15 p.m. he was spotted started in the engine area. now are that no formal decision beaching his paddleboard at the The burning craft then beached itself will be made on .this issue until Mr. Machanska, alone on the craft, was enlisted men's beach at Fort on a stone breakwater which guards the the final state Department of forced to abandon the boat after he made Hancock here by Boatswain fish company's docking facilities. Health dye test report is in. an unsuccessful attempt to bring It back to First Class Charles Heywood, Mr. Machanska was unhurt. The department recently sub- the dock. a lifeguard captain, who in- Two Coast Guard craft from Sandy Hook mitted an interim report stating According to police, the craft had just station and equipment from the Belford In- vited him to rest and "refuel" that discharge of effluent into as his guest. left the dock in the creek and was a short dependent and Engine Fire Companies put the creek would have' no serious distance offshore-when it caught fire. out the blaze. • effect on the fishing industry. Whittles and Kisses Meantime, Committeeman Ed- According to Heywood, Ca- ward J. Roth, who had advocated pune received a "royal wel- condemnation of the BeKord site come" from Fort Hancock bath- if no agreement could be reached ers, particularly the teenage Middletown Bank Plan commented: girls, who whistled and blew "Now that the option is signed kisses when the bronzed surfer we are going to move fast." left the hook after a 30-minute Mr. Roth, chairman of the sew- stay. He was escorted a half Rejected by Zone Board mile out to sea by Heywood IT'S THATAWAY — Young Sandy Hook swimmers point way to Cap* Kennedy, Fla.- paddling a surfboard. for Larry C. Capune, 22-year-old Californ ia lifeguard heeling over paddleboard. MIDDLETOWN — On recom- ter parking lot, off Rt. 35. The Planning Board ruled ear Flooding On The paddleboard voyager ex- mehdation of the Planning Board, Voting against a variance were lier this month that the site plained that his $1,000 craft Capune, who plant to paddle his way to Florida, stopped off there yesterday on first the Zoning Board of Adjustment members W.
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