We are open in LIMITED capacity. Regular morning Mass and Weekend Schedule are back in place. However, we are limited to 110 people per Mass (25% capacity), as directed by the Bishop, due to COVID19. Sunday Mass will REMAIN LIVE on Facebook– Sunday at 10 AM- Father Chris 614 Route 517, Vernon, NJ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 785, McAfee, NJ 07428 Telephone: 973-827-3248 www.stfrancisvernon.org Welcome to St. Francis de Sales Parish We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our Church. We hope you will find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished. Your prayers, your presence, and your talent are most welcome. May God bless all of us. We Invite You to Celebrate Eucharist: Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM (& LIVE on Facebook)-10:00 AM 12:00 PM Morning Mass: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM Saturday (Memorial Mass) 8:30 AM Holy Days: 8:30AM, 12:00 PM, 7:30PM Reconciliaon: Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM ___________________________________________________________________________________ Served By: Rev. Chris Barkhausen, Pastor Deacon Dennis Gil ~ Pastor Emeritus Rev. John Boland Mission Statement As a parish family of St. Francis de Sales Church, we are committed to stewardship as our way of life. We place God first in all things. Centered in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we devote ourselves to proclaim the Gospel. We are dedicated to grow as a faith community to holiness through prayer, sacraments and service to all God’s people. St. Francis de Sales Church St. Francis Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2021 The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. — Mark 1:15 Page Two January 24, 2021 23- Saturday SATURDAY MEMORIAL MASS 8:30 AM Saturday Memorial Mass 5:00 PM People of the Parish The 8:30AM Saturday Mass during the month of 24 - Sunday January will be offered for the souls of: 8:00 AM Sabrina & Alexander Tumilowicz req by The William Connington, George Costa, Gennaro Family Fran Curran, Gary DeFazio, Catherine & 10:00 AM Barbara Teevan req by The LoPiccolo Family Edward DeYoung, Margaret Farrell, 12:00 PM Djordje Palic req by Joanne & Ed Connell Stephen Fava, Stanley Lazorczyk, 25 - Monday Marion & Albert Sinforosa, Paul Smitko, Jennifer Kirchmer Young 8:30 AM Marissa Jankow req by Family 26 - Tuesday 8:30 AM John Malady req by The Scheidle Family 27 - Wednesday 8:30 AM Anne & Stephen Yurchak req by Denise & Richard Drogo Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers 28 - Thursday SAT., JAN 30TH, 2021 5PM 8:30 AM Marie Hazen req by John & Mary Timchak 29 - Friday E1 Mike Molloy Marie Snow None 8:30 PM Frank Friedhoff req by his Sister & Family E2 Bob Snow 30- Saturday SUN., JAN 31st, 2021 8AM 8:30 AM Saturday Memorial Mass E1 Janice Gaughan Hal Avery None 5:00 PM Romana F. Ilaw req by The Carney Family E2 Cheryl Avery 31 - Sunday 8:00 AM Maria & Nicole Dean req by Avery Family 10AM 10:00 AM Ann Woods req by The DenBleyker Family E1 Frank McNulty Frank Garrity None 12:00 PM James Palumbo req by Deacon Dennis and E2 Jen Remington Madeleine Gil 12PM E1 Anne Healy Ami Byra None E2 Heather Baez Gluten-Free Communion Hosts Are you or a family member allergic to gluten? To receive gluten-free Communion : • Arrive 10-15 minutes before Mass and speak to an usher. Can you help out ??? • You must receive communion from the priest. Due to COVID-19, we are cleaning the • When it is your turn to receive; remind the priest that you church after every Mass. If you are require a gluten-free host. able, ASK an Usher if you can help in Wiping down the pews. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Parish Membership: A Parishioner is one who be- Mk 16:15-18 longs to our parish family. As such, he/she is reg- Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; istered and is committed through active par- Mk 3:31-35 ticipation in the life of the parish community by regularly attending Mass, joining ministries, and Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 financially supporting the parish. For Sponsor Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-2 Certificates for Baptism and Confirmations, rec- Friday: Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; ommendations, etc. please call the parish offic- es. The person requesting such must be regis- Mk 4:26-34 tered and be an active member of our Parish Saturday: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 community. We request that you register at our Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; monthly welcome meetings so that we can bet- Mk1:21-28 ter serve you. January 24, 2021 Page Three Please pray for those who are THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE January 2021 sick, especially: Mike Annunziata 23 - Sat. 9:00AM Religious Educaon -Virtual Sr., Sco Bartle, Eileen Behrens, Fr. 11:00 AM AA (SCB) Eugene Boland, Fr. Jack Boland, Sean Connell, Paul Contreri, 24 - Sun. Regular Mass Schedule S. Chmara, Hannibal DeeLorenzo ,Evie Dixon, Robert A. 12:00 -4:30 VVA (BH) Drogo, Anne Fleming, Maureen Frazer, George, Grausso 25 - Mon 6:30 Pm Circle of Friends (109-110) Family, Louis Hebert, Richard X. Heffernan, Tom Kelly, Anne Kolibas, Joseph Kolibas, Maureen, Lisa Merck, 26 - Tues. 4:30 Rel. Ed. Group A In Person, Nelson Ota, Janet Pagano, Janice Peak, Jimmy Pier, Group B Virtual Gene Rourke, Mahew, Gage Smith, Candace Tidd, 27 - Weds. No Meengs Chrisne Vozzella, Fr. Fred Walters, Patricia Weerlind, Harry Zweier, Nancy Zweier, Richard Zweier 28 - Thurs. 9:00AM Vietnam Vets 10 AM Book Club Baptismal Prep Classes 7:30 PM Boy Scouts (SCB) Next class is tentatively scheduled January 20th, 2021 At 7:30 PM. 8:00 PM KOC (106-109 ) Call Cathy in the office to sign up (973)827-3248 x 300. 29 - Fri. No Meengs Do you have a Sponsor/Godparent form that needs to be signed? Contact the Parish office. M-F 30 - Sat. 9:00AM Religious Educaon -Virtual 11:00 AM AA (SCB) STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE 31 - Sun. Regular Mass Schedule Sunday Collection : Jan. 17, 2021 Total $ 10,007. (This includes drop-offs, mail-ins, Prayers for the Sick and Dying bank bill-pay and OSV Online giving received for the period 01/11/21 thru 01/18/2021 The Divine Mercy Chaplet is one of the best means of Same Sunday last year $12,398. assisting the dying. Jesus revealed the power of this prayer to St. Faustina. The Lord gave many promises For those that use online giving, the following are regarding recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for upcoming collections the sick and/or dying. Feb 14, Eastern Europe There are parishioners who regularly pray the chap- Feb 17, Ash Wednesday let. We have a prayer chain and are accepting Diocesan Assessment Collection Jan 03, 2021 $ 736. prayer requests. (This includes drop-offs, mail-ins, and OSV Online giving received for the period 01/11/21 - 01/18/21) If you are interested in joining the Diocesan Assessment Collection fiscal YTD: $ 8,563. prayer chain, please contact Bea What we have paid to Diocese fiscal YTD $33,152.. Harrigan at (973) 827-0083. Diocesan Assessment for FY2020-2021 $66,301. If you have a special prayer re- quest, or prayers for a loved one We hope that you are able to support the Parish by who is sick and/or dying, you may mailing your donation or by donating online. call Bea Harrigan, Cheryl Avery at (973) 702-1342, or Denise Drogo at ONLINE GIVING OPTION (973) 875-6863. We are pleased to offer our parish website has a link to sign up for online giving. Simply go to Notes from the Bookkeeper : www.stfrancisvernon.org, where you will find the link un- der the home tab. Or if you prefer, go directly to the site. Contributions for 2020 must be received in the office NEW LINK by no later than January 4th, 2021 in order to be https://osvhub.com/st-francis-vernon/funds included on your 2020 tax statement. As always, we thank you for your support Statements will be mailed in January to all those of our parish. who contributed $100.00 or more in their envelopes During this unprecedented time, your continued or on-line giving during 2020. support of our parish is critical. If you have any questions, call- Janet If you prefer not to do online, your donations may be mailed to the church. Kubik on Monday, Wednesday, or Fridays St. Francis de Sales, P.O. Box 785, McAfee, NJ,07428 at ext. 325 Page Four January 24, 2021 A YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 A NEW DAY DAWNS Today we hear how Jonah, sent by God to warn the The Food Pantry served: 3,193 people, 981 Families people, storms through the streets of Nineveh, scaring the For THANKSGIVING 100 Baskets provided a Holiday citizens out of their wits. And it works! God has a change meals for 344 local residents. of heart, seeing “by their actions” how the people turn from evil (Jonah 3:10). A new day dawns. During the Christmas Season (20) $50.00 Gift Cards Next we hear Paul telling the Corinthians, “The world were distributed for Families in need through the Food in its present form is passing away” (1 Corinthians 7:31).
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