U.S. DEPARTMENT OF' AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN No. 60. D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. MANSON'S EYE WORM OF CHICKENS {Oxyspirura Mansoni), WITH A GENERAL REVIEW OF NEMATODES PARASITIC IN THE EYES OF BIRDS, NOTES ON THE SPINY-SUCKERED TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS {Davdinea cchinobothrida ( = Y)vjiia botrioplites) and /J. tetragona). BY B. H. RANSOM, B. Sc, A. M., Scientific Assistant in Charge of the Zoological Laboratory, Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTINC^ OFFICE. 1904. ORGANIZATION OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Chief: p. E. SALMON, IX V. M. Assistant chief: A. D. MKLVIN, I). V. S. Chief cleric: K. B. JONES, LL. M., M. I>. Dairy Division: , chief; CLARENCE B. LANE, I>. S., assistant chief. Inspection Dirision: A. M. FARRIN<;TON, P>. S., I >. Y. M., chief. Quarantine I)irisi<m: RICHARD W. HICKMAN, Ph. CJ., Y. JM. ])., chief. Editor: GEORGE FAYETTE THOMPSON, M. S. ^LrZi\<- AY. S. I). IIAINES. ••Expert in Animal Ilnshandri/: GEORGIO M. ROMMEL, B. 8. A. Librarian: BEATRICE C. OBIIRLY. LABORATOlilES. Biochemic Division: MARION DORSET, M. T>., chief. Pathological Division: JOHN K. MOIILER, A. "M., V. M. ])., chief; HENRY J. WASH- BURN, I). V. S., acting assistant chief. Zoological Division: BEAYTOX II. HANSOM, I>. SC, A. M., acting zoologist. EXPERIMENT STATION. Superintendent: .E. C. SOHROEDER, M. D. V.; expert assistant, W. K. COTTON. INSPECTORS IN CHAKGE. Dr. F. W. Ainsworth, Union Stock Yards, Pitts- Dr. Geo. Ditewig. care Union Stock Yards, Cin- burg, Pa. cinnati, ()hio. Dr. M. O. Anderson, care Geo. A. llonnel & Co., Dr. E. P. Dowd. care White, Pevey A Dexter Co. Austin, Minn. Worcester, Mass. Dr. Don C. Aver, Post-Otlice Building, Soutli Dr. O. K. Dyson, 31M Exchange Building, Union Omaha, Nebr. Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Dr. G. S. Baker, (ith and Townsend sts., San Fran- Dr. Geo. C. Faville, Box 7%, Norfolk, Va. cisco, Cal. Dr. T. A. Geddes. care U. S. consul, London, •Dr. L. R. Baker, South St. Joseph, Mo. England. Dr. Boyd Baldwin, care Cudahy Bros.. Cudahy, Dr. II. II. George, 507 Johnson st., Louisville, Ky. Wis/ Dr. W. H. Gibbs, care Morton-Gregson Co., Ne- Dr. A. E. Behnke, room 432, Federal Building, braska City. Nebr. Milwaukoe, Wis. •Dr. L. K. Green, care Hammond, Standish & Co., Dr. John A. Bell, Watertown, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Dr. S. E. Bennett, room 33<s, Live Stock Exchange Dr. IT. A. Hedrick, 215 St. Paul st., Baltimore, Md. Building, Kansas City, Kans. Dr. (). B. Hess, care Frve-Bruhn Co., Seattle, Dr. E. L. Bertram, Tri-City Packing Co., Daven- Wash. port, Iowa. , Mr. G. S. Hickox, P. (). box 1145, Salt Lake Citv, Dr. Fred Braginton, care Continental Packing I Utah. Co., Bloomington, 111. i Dr. A. A. Holcombe, Aurora, 111. Dr. J. J. Brougham, care Missouri Stock Yards, Dr. Julius Hudson, care Jersey City Stock Yards St. Louis, Mo. » Co., Jersey City, N. J. Dr. G. W. Butler, care Drummond Bros., Eau Dr. F. W. ifuntiimton.U. S. customs ollice wharf, Claire, Wis. G.T. K. R., Portland, Me. Dr. J. B. Clancy, National Stock Yards, 111. Dr. R. Jay, care Jacob E. Decker & Sons, Mason Dr. L. Clarke, 'room 320, Quincy Building, Den- City, IOAVJI. ver, Colo. Dr. G. A. Johnson, Exchange Building, Sioux Dr. Charles Cowie, Ogdensburg, N. Y. City, Iowa. Dr. David dimming, (.)12 Lapeerave., Port Huron, Dr. James Johnston, care U. S. consul, Liverpool, Mich. England. Dr. Robert Darling, care Chas. S. Hardy, San Dr. J. S. Kelly, care Blomer «fe Michael Co., Diego, Cal. Quincy, 111. Dr. E. T. Davison, Rushville. Neb. Dr. F. I). Ketchum, South St. Paul, Minn. Dr. J. F. Deadman, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Dr. Albert Long, care Sperry & Barnes, New Mr. Albert Dean,' room 328, Stock Yard Station, Haven, Conn. Kansas City, Kans. Dr. C. Loveberry, room 402, Custom-House (new), Dr. F. L. De Wolf, care Chas. WoliI Packing Co., Portland, Oreg. Topeka, Kans. Dr. H. D. Mayne, Malone, N. Y. Bulletin No.6O, B. A.I. PLATE 1. HEADS OF CHICKENS AFFECTED WITH MANSON'S EYE WORM. Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—BULLETIN No. 60. D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. MANSOJTS EYE WORM OF CHICKENS (Oxyspirara Mansoni), WITH A GENERAL REVIEW OF NEMATODES PARASITIC IN THE EYES OF BIRDS, NOTES ON THE SPINY-SUCKERED TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS (Davaineci echinobothrida ( = T;vnia botrioplites) and D. tetragona). BY B. H. RANSOM, B. Sc, A. M., Scientific Assistant in Charge of the Zoological Laboratory, Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1904. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, Washington, D. 67., July £5, 1901^. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith for publication the man- uscript of two articles entitled, respectively, "Manson's eye worm of chickens (Oxyspirura Manwni), with a general review of nematodes parasitic in the eyes of birds," and " Notes on the spiny-suckered tape- worms of chickens, Davainea echhwbothrlda (= Tien fa botrioplites) and D. tetragonal by B. H. Ransom, B. Sc, A. M., scientific assistant in charge of the Zoological Laboratory of this Bureau. The first-named paper is in two parts. The first part comprises a complete account of a parasitic nematode, the presence of which in North America has not previously been recorded. This parasite is found beneath the nictitating membrane of the eyes of chickens and peafowl, and chickens thus affected frequently exhibit a severe oph- thalmia, which, if left untreated, ends in the loss of the eyes and may even lead to fatal results. The second part contains a complete sum- mary of all the parasites allied to Oxyspivura Mcmsoni which occur in the eyes of birds. The second article consists in a discussion of two important tape- worms of chickens. These worms, although distinctly different species, show such close anatomical similarities that they have hitherto been much confused, and indeed their specific identity seems so far never to have been clearly and precisely recognized. One of them {Davainea echinobothrida = Tien!a botrioplites) is the form which frequently produces the nodular disease of the intestines, first reported for this country in 1895 by Dr. Veranus A. Moore, at that time pathologist in this Bureau; while the other {Davainea tetragond) produces no appar- ent lesions. The economic importance of recognizing and distinguishing between the two species is evident. Upon the basis of the specific diagnoses given in this paper, the worms may be readity identified and separated from each other, the characteristic differences between the two forms being here given for the first time. The illustrative work necessary for the articles has been done by W. S. D. Haines, the artist of this Bureau. Very respectfully, D. E. SALMON, . Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary. CON T li NTS. Page. MANSON'S EYE WORM (Oxyspirura 3fausoni) OF CHICKENS 7 Introduction 7 Symptoms 7 Treatment 8 Historical review 9 Anatomy 10 External appearance 10 Internal anatomy 13 Nervous system : 13* Excretory system 14 Muscle system 15 Digestive system 15 Reproductive system 16 Life history and development 18 GENERAL REVIEW OF NEMATODES PARASITIC IN THE EYES OF BIRDS 20 List of species, with synonymy and specific diagnoses 20 Compendium of nematodes parasitic in the eyes of birds, arranged accord- ing to hosts 45 Bibliography 50 NOTES ON THE SPINY-SUCKERED TAPEWORMS OF CHICKENS (I)arainea echinobo- thrida ( = Tivnia botrioplites) and D. tetragona) 55 General discussion and historical review 55 Specific diagnoses of Davauiea tetragona and D. echhiobolhrida 63 Bibliography 66 INDEX TO TECHNICAL NAMES 70 3 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE. Page. Heads of chickens affected with Malison's eye worm Frontispiece. TEXT FIGURES. FIG. 1. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Male and female worms, natural size 7 2. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Anterior view of head 11 3. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Dorsal view of head 11 4. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Ventral view of posterior end of male, showing papilke 12 5. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Side view of anterior end of body 14 6. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Side view of posterior end of male 16 7. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Side view of posterior end of female „ 17 8. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Eggs 17 9. Manson's eye worm (Oxyspirura Mansoni): Embryos 18 10. Oxyspirura anacanthura: Posterior end of male : 21 11. Oxyspirura anacanthura: Right spicule 21 12. [? Oxyspirura'] anolabiata: Lateral view of head 22 13. [? Oxyspirura] brevipenis: Posterior end of male 22 14. Oxyspirura cephaloptera: Anterior view of head 24 15. Oxyspirura cephaloptera: Posterior end of male 24 16. Oxyspirura ophthalmica: Head 26 17. jOxyspirura ophthalmica: Side view of posterior end of male 26 18. Oxyspirura ophthalmica: Transverse section through lateral field of body wall 26 19. [? Oxyspirura] papillosa: Anterior view of head 27 20. [? Oxyspirura] papillosa: Posterior end of male 27 21. Oxyspirura siamensis: Side view of posterior end of male 28 22. Oxyspirura sygmoidea: Posterior end of male 29 23. Ceratospira vesiculosa: Posterior end of male 30 24. Ceratospira ophthalmica: Anterior end 31 25. Ceratospira ophthalmica: Ventral view of posterior end of male 31 26. [? Filaria] campanulata: Female, natural size 34 27. [? Filaria] campanulata: Anterior end of female, enlarged 34 28. [? Filaria] campanulata: Posterior end of female, enlarged 34 29. Filaria obtuso-caudata: Posterior end of male 36 30. Filaria obtuso-caudata: Anterior end of male 36 31. [? Spiroptera] tenuicauda: Anterior view of head 39 32. Aprocta cylindrica: Posterior end of male - 40 4 ILLUSTRATIONS. 5 Page.
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