I Gift (SHcwortl) American* vol. lxv. )?;y,",”?»;r,,"cVV.-5",T“,-i ellsworth, Maine, Wednesday afternoon, February 5, ioi<>. :"Vr“^w^vPrTo?;,r.”i No. g. xuiumiBrnuniB. Suftcrttflemcnts. LOCAL AFFAIRS Ellsworth when a young man, and had made but few visits here since, his last -:- .- visit in November w hen he NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK being last, spent a week here. Funeral and in- 8imon Violette—Horse sale terment were in New York. J A Haynes—Cash and carry Not What a Man Is Born Notice of foreclosure—Addie F. Fiske The United War Work Campaign cer- Insurance statement—American Surety Co of New York tificates have been received by the loca s Bur km port: chairman, Mrs. G. JN. Worden, and are Board of Health—By-laws ready to be given the Victory girls upon or him K1 payment of their pledges. “Come on, what comes to by chance or inheritance— “The Have Made Good Their SCHEDULE OF MAILS let’s make Ellsworth one of the Boys" Pledge girls! but what he can do for himself makes a truly suc- AT ELLSWORTH POBTOPPICK. first over the top.” Miss Wentworth of | In Nov. 11, 1918. the high school and Miss Mullan of the cessful’man of him. effect, Their (heir devotion to their sacrifices U | courage, duty, grammar school will give out the certifi- we're all of. MAILS RECEIVED. proud Wf cates as soon as you pay in your money Week Day*. What are you to better YOUR financial and give them your enrollment card. doing Have you Made Good Your Pledge to Buy War Savings Stamps ? 9 From West—6.47 a m; 4.31 p m. The senior class of the school gave ? From East—11.11, a m; 6.24 p m. high prospects These "Baby Bonds” are a big help to Uncle Sam. If U an entertainment, at the high j you mails close at postoppick sfbool have not done so. buy your limit in a few % building last Friday eveniug. The pro- 1 An account us is to | stamps—oniy Going West—10.40 a m; 5.SO*p ni. \yith just what you need more to make gram was as follows: reading, Miss I days good. II Going East—6.15 a m; 3.55 p m. (4‘gsey; piano solo, John Mahoney; vocal help you accumulate funds for the future. Don’t Let It Be Said You Were a Slacker! E Registered mail should be at postefflee half duet, Catherine Austin and Madeline an Hour before mail closes. Sabans; reading, Dorothy Shackford; Sadie vocal soio, Martha | WEATHER reading, Kane; IN ELLSWORTH. Royal; piano boIo, Arthur Tower; vocal For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, solo, Miss Sophia Walker; violin solo, 1 Feb. 4, 1919. Miss Utecht; vocal solo, Gertrude Flood. $ Union Trust Company! | From observations taken at the powei Governor Milliken on Friday issued station of the Bar Harbor & Union Rivei a proclamation naming Sunday, Feb. 9, of E i>l sworth, Maine 1 Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation given in inches for the twenty-four hours as Roosevelt memorial day. Ellsworth ending at midnight.J has already made plans for the observance Weather Precip- Temperature condition* itation of the day, with a memorial service at the Unitarian church at 4 o’clock in 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon the with address Rev. — afternoon, Wed 22 30— fair cloudy by A. Thurs 20— 33— clear fair Ashley Smith of Bangor. Mr. Smith Soda Crackers, lb., 17c Krumbles, pkg., 14c Fri 27— 34- fair fair will be assisted in the service by Revs. Sat 16- 27— f^ir Tair R. B. Mathews, H. W. Conley and J. W. WHY BE A DRIFTER? Cream decker's Hominy, pkg., 15c Post Toasties, 12c Sun 20— 32— fair clear Tickle. There will be special music, || I Like a some follow the lines of least resistance 20c Cream 12c Mon 2T— 32— clear fair with Miss Sophia Walker as soloist. flowing river, people Ralston’s, large size, Kellogg’s Flakes. — Tues 16— clear clear and all cash for Two non-support cases have been heard spend their surplus luxuries. Drifting is easy but 22c Average temperature Jau. 1918, 15 Malt Breakfast Food, Kellogg’s Bran, 23c Crabtree in the Ellsworth rau- 1919, by Judge I accomplishment requires determination. Decide to save all you can nicipal court the past week. Alanson Cream of Wheat, 25c Grape Nuts, 15c j Start an account with the Hancock Bank. was ari- County Savings Arthur 1. Htuder, who has been very ill Jellison pleaded not guilty, but Grits, 15c Puffed Wheat, 12c and sentenced to a fine Hominy of influenza, is improving. | judgpd guilty, pay Hancock Bank All our i'ereals Stnctlv Fresh of $10, and $5 a to Arthur County Savings Harry L. Crabtree, with daughter Dor- I week, Salisbury, for the benefit of his wife, Annie EIJsworth, Maine othy, left last evening for Boston for a Jellison, and minor child. He also few days. paid to the county costs amounting to $10.29. Lin- Mrs. Michael Duffeehas received news wood F. Brailey pleaded guilty, paid costs of the safe arrival from overseas of he of $22.54 to the county, $15 fine and was son Owen. Suppose You Should Have a Fire To-Night? ordered to pay $20 a month for support of The woman's Hub will meet Feb. 11 wife and five children. I with Mrs. W. B. Mills. Henry M. Hall O. W. TAIMvIvY will give a talk on Lincoln. I will be at tny office CITY MEETING. Insurance and Real Estate The 05 Oak Thursday club will meet this week St., Ellsworth instead of at Tapley Building, 69 Main St. Telephones: Of**cc 14, Residence 41-3 ^ Friday afternoon, Thursday, I No New Business Before the Board- ?" Every Day, until further notice. 2.30, with Mrs. G. F. Newman. Bolls of Accounts. Edward H. Baker D. Shirley Norris and wife of Bar Har- The regular meeti ig of the city govern- GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST bor were guests ever Sunday of Mrs. ment was held Monday evening. Mayor FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. Victory Hoys and Girls. Norris’ Mr. and Mrs. G. F. New- Hagerthy presided. Aldermen present, Will the local chairmen of all towns irf Telephone 140-11 parents, | I Moore 2), Moore and man. Wescott, (ward (ward 4), City of. Ellsworth will Celebrate ! Hancock county, of “Victory girls” Owing to the illness of Miss Christina Small, ot “Victory boys” please send an imme- J. A THOM PSON In corpora lion To-morrow. I Rolls of accounts were as follows: her dancing at K. of passed diate report to Mrs. H. M. Hall of Ells- l»9 fS/IAIN STREET Doyle, juvenile party * the Ellsworth to-morrow will celebrate ; of how have been C. hall will not be held next Saturday Roll of accounts No. 12. #1,724 29 worth, many pledges F*ir©, Marine and Automobile Insurance 1919. 30 of its as afternoon. j High way roll, Jan., #96 fiftieth anniversary incorporation paid in full? 'sidewalk 4125 > a There will be afternoon and even- Honor cards are ready for organizations Representing Thursday being anniversary day, the 140 55 city. which have their "The Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Co. programs, and with anything like completed payments, regular meeting of Wra. H. H. Rice relief Common schools. #733 80 ing j good weather and traveling, there and a great rivalry exists to see which can OF HARTFORD, CONN. corps will he held Feb. 13, with Mrs. H. High school. 453 02 good j 82 will be here from all over the get cards first. Wake up, girls and boys, F. Wescott. 1,188 many people county. The day will be observed as a and chairmen! Mrs. W. F. Aiken, who has spent a week Grand total, #3,051 66 general half holiday, under proclamation j C. C. BURRILL & SON with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Baker, left This was the final meeting of the by Mayor Hagerthy. COMING EVENTS. —I stalilislieri for Machias, where Mr. Aiken municipal year. The board hopes to 1807— yesterday The afternoon exercises at Hancock ball ; is now located. make a creditable showing for the year, w ill begin at 3 o’clock. The program is as Thursday evening, Feb. 6, at Methodist in of the unusual demands. The FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Lieut. George Johnson, U. S. N., son of spite follows: vestry- Supper, 25 cents. board at the of the held Mrs. Ada M. Johnson, who is on a fur- beginning year epre'> 11 injr son of the leading companies of this and foreign countries Music, Orchestra ! Thursday, Feb. 6, afternoon and eve- of ten is his down the appropriations, decreasing the lough days, visiting aunt, Opening, Mayor Hagerthy ning—Celebration of fiftieth tax rate from to The assessors j auuiversary Mrs. Michaelis. i .029*4 .026. M. Y. McGown Mary 1 Ellsworth Greetings, of the incorporation of Ellsworth as acity. also, in a thorough overhauling of valu- j Wivurna encampment, I. O. O. F., will Responses: Tickets for evening concert on sale at C. tions, made readjustments favoring un- Eastern Hancock, Julieu Emery. Bar Harbor work the patriarchal degree on eight can- E. Alexander's store. productive property and widows. A9 it Western Hancock, didates next Monday evening. A large j has the were Dr Otis Littlefield, Bluebill Friday evening, Feb. 7, at Hancock is desired. transpired, appropriations j attendance | hall —Dance Ellsworth school not Urge enough to take care of the de- The Legislature, by high Dr. A. Phillips, Bar Harbor cadet 35 cents.
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