PITTON & FARLEY 1851 CENSUS, Wiltshire Pages 35 Persons 696 Male 365 Female 331 Enumerator: John Fulford Registrar: John Sopp COPYRIGHT Elaine Elder RO. 107/1846 Page 1. 1. Pitton WHITLOCK John 68 Widower Woodman, born Wilts, Laverstock J..JJS':f/ 8. Pitton WHITLOCK Charles 65 Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Sarah 62 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Jesse 19 Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Sarah 10 Grand-daughter Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Sarah Ann 9 Grand-daughter Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton 9. Pitton WHITLOCK William 46 Married Pensioner Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Ann 33 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Uriah 7 Son Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Sarah 2 Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton 10. WHITLOCK Elisha 39 Married Woodman & Fanner of 6 Acres, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Fanny 35 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Bessie 3 Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Noah 1 Son, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Letitia Mary 7 Mths Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK11.Son,Daughter,Wife,MarriedUnmarriedSon,WidowerAgriculturalAgriculturalnee1 SonRobertsJob 32310Married85656229Housekeeper,3839535132091823127Labourer,Labourer,Labourer,Unmarried Niece WHITLOCKROBERTSWHITLOCKROBERTS~..-----.--EmilySarahDanielLetitiaROBERTSWHITLOCKParkWHITLOCKNOYCEFanny TessaAnnMarySusannahSarahEllenPelidaSusanJane WHITLOCKROBERTS CharlesJohnWilliamWilliamThomasJames61 born Wilts, Pitton 37.29.28. Pitton 41. Pitton 12. born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Winterslow born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton .born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Ford born Wilts, West Grimstead born Wilts, Clarendon born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Pitton born Wilts, Milford ] of3 ] ]/16/2004 ]2:00 PM WHITLOCK Keriah 57 Wife, born Berks, East Garston WHITLOCK Hannah 31 Unmarried Daughter Servant, born Wilts, Clarendon Park WHITLOCK Thomas 20 Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Clarendon Park WHITLOCK Harvey 16 Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton JERRED Elias 79 Widower Visitor Pensioner, born Wilts, Pitton 42. Pitton Married Woodman, WHITLOCK Elijah 46 born Wilts, Pitton J..Jt:L3/1-t104 WHITLOCK Harriet 43 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Henry William 14 Son, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Uriah 11 Son Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Albert Luke 9 Son Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Ellen 8 Visitor Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Ann 76 Widow Mother-in-law Pauper, born Wilts, Ford 49. WHITLOCK George 37 Widower Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton ~ bS/N4Q.--' WHITLOCK Job 8 Son Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton LOCK Isaac 2 Visitor, born Wilts, Pitton 53. WHITLOCK Charles 27 Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Charlotte 20 Wife, born Wilts, Langford WHITLOCK Arthur 7 Mths Son, born Wilts, Pitton 55. WHITLOCK Elizabeth 52 Widow, born Wilts, Winterslow ~$f~ WHITLOCK Emma 16 Unmarried Daughter School Teacher, born Wilts, Pitton 72. Pitton Green WHITLOCK Stephen 22 Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Clarendon Park WHITLOCK Mary Ann 20 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Louisa Ann 1 Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK George 17 Unmarried Lodger Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton 77. 7053275521276825115173241147 WHITLOCKWHITLOCKWHITLOCKWHITLOCK SarahHarveyElishaEmmaSusanElizaLucySarah WHITLOCK ThomasRobertJonahJohnJamesStephen Unmarried Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton PittonPittonPitton GreenGreenGreen born Wilts, Pitton Unmarried Woodman, ,AJJS3 Unmarried Sister Housekeeper, born Wilts, Pitton Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton Wife, born Wilts, Milford Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Clarendon Park }JJA-Io ~).~ Wife, born Wilts, Pitton '1 Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton Wife, born Wilts, Winters low Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton Daughter Scholar, born Wilts, Pitton Married Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton 20f3 1]/]61200412:00 PM WHITLOCK Charlotte 63 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton 94. Pitton Green WHITLOCK George 50 Widower Woodman, born Wilts, Laverstock WHITLOCK James 19 Unmarried Son Agricultural Labourer, born Wilts, Pitton WHITLOCK Ellen 15 Unmarried Daughter, born Wilts, Pitton The End of that Part of the Parish of Alderbury called Pitton. Page 22. H.O. 107/1846 The Parish of Alderbury Village of Farley 25. On the Hill WHITLOCK George 26 Married Porter, born Wilts, Clarendon Park WHITLOCK Elenor 39 Wife, born Wilts, Farley 42. BATTEN James 88 Widower Pensioner, born Wilts, Farley FRY Thomas 79 Widower Pensioner, born Wilts, Pitton READ James 70 Married Pensioner, born Hants, West Tytherley SHEPPARD Richard 57 Married Labourer Inmate, born Wilts, Winterslow WHITLOCK Sarah 77 Widow Pensioner, born Wilts, Pitton BARTER Sarah 78 Widow Pensioner, born Wilts, Alderbury RUMBOLD Martha 81 Widow Pensioner, born Wilts, Collingbourne CHARLES Sophia 76 Widow Pensioner, born Wilts, Pitton COMPTON Elizabeth 82 Unmarried Inmate, born Wilts, Pitton COMPTON Mary 67 Widow Inmate, born Wilts, Great Bedwyn WHITE Thomas 70 Married Pensioner, born Wilts, Bascombe WHITE Elizabeth 75 Married Inmate, born Wilts, Farley WHITLOCK Catherine 64 Widow Inmate, born Wilts, Pitton SHEPP ARD Sarah 61 Married Inmate, born Wilts, Farley READ Isaac 36 Widower Inmate, born Wilts, Farley 44. Under the Hill PARSONS Joshua 45 Married Dairyman, born Wilts, Farley PARSONS Mary 42 Wife, born Wilts, Pitton PARSONS James 1 Farson?, born Wilts, Farley WHITLOCK George 18 Unmarried Son-in-law Apprentice, born Dorset, Hornhill The End of that Part of the Parish of Alderbury called Farley. 30f3 ] ]/16/2004 ]2:00 PM Name 1901 I~'lsl ~uS I Household:NameTRelationIMaritaIStatus! Gende'rIAge~" Birthplace ,.."",..r" Occupation ;-1-851: '--------------.-'----- ...-----'-m-----'------' ~m'm--'-r--.'-m_-'m-.--'-" ..-~ ...-m-m-m.-m-.-~'~m----"~ ' '~ ..'-'-m'-, I Thomas WHITLOCK I Head . M I Male L 53 i Pitton, Wiltshire, England i Gen Lab . ' 23 i fLetitia WHITCOCKm"iWife M IFemaieT48"' Pitton, Wiltshire,England ~~,~---' 18 i L,~illi~rn~~,I,!~2~~ __h~on-·······=:u---·· .·:==[=~ale,=]·····1~:'·····pitton,···V\!il!Shire',"Engia~,~_"_==m[~~nL~b"·"·· •••·_"_,_"",'-_1 i Louis WHITLOCK I Son , I Male i 17: Pitton, Wiltshire, England I Blacksmiths Apprentice' I ~~~~,.~,., .•...,.,.,w"wmm,.,.,,'.•''''.,.o,w'''.' •••~m~-m.,.m,._'~Mm.tMN',' w,""" _..,,~~ , _·_·_..~~_'h.M'M._u ......•h~ •..~. :~~"'''W"W'W'W'''''''''''''''''''''W''''~''W'W'''''''',' w .·_·.m~_ ••__·_·__··.·~ff ••' ••• _·_·_·_·_w_,·" •• __ .···_·.·_·.·,~".~. __ .·_·_·_··Y<,~.~ .'hh.~ ,·.·_·_w""._.,_·.'_W_M~._· ·."_~"m~·~~ WN~.W',~~=N.~ •. ;.,",,"""'_ ;_,; Walter,,,m_".m""WHITLOCK...' ",,,_,-! .._.Son ,,,...-,,, r'-""'-."'--.--·~"i Male ! 15, ..m~---""-'--""---'--"-'-"'--~,.-Winterslow, Wiltshire, England I Plough Boy "-".-"",,-,,.. t T.?_m~~.~~~2~~"._~"-s,.?~--.- -,,-.-,,-.mL~~,I~,,, !., l~,i_\fIL~xt.~,~EI~X:..~,?mpshi~~~~,~l?~~.L_PI?~~~.".~~y"_m"'_" _"''_,,_,: i Ida E. WHITLOCK i Daur i i Female! 9' Hampshire, England i Scholar i i ('." " m..m m."""'."'''''' ".""""" ,m","""mm""""""""mm""""m""""."""".,,.""""".,,",.."mmm.",m""", "" .."" .."."" "'."'.mm"""""..,,""",""""""""""".""""""."""""""",m,"""",,.""'"",,m"".' L_F_r_an=--k_IfV=H=IT_.._L=O_.~.=...KL~on...~1,__ ,,_,._1_~~~~_1~6_' _W_Tl_th_er_le_y,.Han:_ps_h_ire_,§ngl_an_dJ~S~_ho_la_r~_ ..m_,_ ...._'__ I Dwelling Stony Battery West Tytherley, Hampshire, England Family History Library Film 1341300 RG11 1227 /49; 15 ···Household: NamemrRelation!mMariiaiStatus[··Gender I Age: ..."'Birthplace"" ·r" Occupation '" •• ' "'."' ....••-." •••• "".".-"' "1'''' ''.'''...•. '.'_m."""",_"" • .,,,,,,,,,1"', ..•"••""." •••""..••" ••,...•"" ••• ,,,.._"""''''''''''',, .., ,,-,-, ' ,,,,.,, .'._" - ••",,,,,.- ..,,,- i Elisha WHITLOCK I Head , M ! Male I 59, Pitton, Wiltshire, England I Far '-SaratiVVHlTCOCK---i-"'Wife"-·'M",,-m-m'r"Fe"male ·!52"r"WlnterSIOw,'Wiltshire:"·England .."'.' .. "'" . "". " •.." ....'..... -""."-."'.-".""",,.-,,. ,..".•._ .._.'.""" .•mm"''''';''''''''''''''.''''.''''''' •., '''''''''''••..•_' .. -.''''' •..•-" ... ''''-.".- •.•..•--,.", ...•'''--'''-."''''.-".,,--,,--""--'.--1-."'-" i Thomas WHITLOCK i Son ,U i Male I 28 i Winterslow, Wiltshire, England I Farm Labourer I i [~harlesWHITLoCI{[S,?~=L~-:~·'[~§I~"=[[·[\AJi~te!.~I~\'J:lfVil!shir~,~~gl§~I[=~~,hC;I§r.",'=[:=: ..] Dwelling West Winterslow Family History Library Film 1341498 RG11 2066/20; 33 r:".~§~s,e~?!~:.H~r~~ ..•:=[~~~~c;~i:~~r~t§I.§t§~U.S.r=9.~~~~!."[~~~r=:.===~i~hEI.a.~~:::"" ..,,==""=:L_j~~~.u.e§i!c;~::.!.I85 I: I Arthur WHITLOCK I Head ! M i Male, 30! Pitton, Wiltshire, England i Shepherd ' Mnths r"'Martha"'W"HTTLOCK-r'Wife-: M~--rmFemale I 30 I Winterslow, Wiltshire:Eng-la-nd-~r Shepherd Wife'r--Mnths [:Julia~,··W8If~()·c8.:.::[q,~Lm.'!::g:m=,.:,_,:[[·E.~.~1~,:-··?~[:~tt?~~.yviits.~ir~,,,, Eng!~~d.L==[=i·· ~~~I§r. :",_':=r-:,,=~:= ! Isacc C. WHITLOCK I Son I U I Male . 4 I West Tytherley, Hampshire, England I Scholar i .................. _ _ m.f"~m .....•. _ m _. ~.m·······~_· __ · ~.. '" ···· ·_··_··r-······· ..·_..····"'· _ ~ _ ~>_ •••••••·•••_ •.••••..•••_••_m _ _ .~. m .._ ~ mm._ .. ·_'"r_ ·······_·m_ _ m ..•.. _.~".~ _ . Elizabeth WHITLOCK i Sister . U .. LP~m§I~J1~J"Pitt?~!lfViltshire,~ngla.nd ! Visitor Dwelling Rollstone Lane No 2
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