Ort rcf:2011074 Secretary Electoral Distribution Commissioners GPO Box F316 Perth WA 6841 To the Secretary COMMENTS ON LIBERAL PARTY SUBMISSION RE: WEST SWAN ELECTORATE lam writing to provide comments on the Liberal Party submission, in relation to its proposal regarding the electorate of West Swan. I would like to make some preliminary comments about the electorate of West Swan. On the contrary to comments made in the Liberal Party submission there has actually been a strong groMh in enrolment in this seat over recent years. From February 2007 to lvlarch 20'1 1 there was a 10.7 per cent groMh in enrolment compared to the State wide average of 9.6 per cent. Additionally it is important to note there is significant urban development underway within the electorate. A number of new housing estates have commenced, with homes currently under construction in many different locations, including: . Brookleigh Estate, Caversham (Swan Urban Growth Corridor); . St Leonards, West Swan (Swan Urban GroMh Corridor); . Avonlee, Henley Brook (Swan Urban GroMh Corridor); and . Corimbia, Landsdale. Approximately 33,000 people are expected to move into the Swan Urban GroMh Corridor (Lord Street corridor), which is situated in the West Swan electorate (see attachment A). This expansive groMh will not be included in the 201 l Electoral Distribution, however it is important for background knowledge. ln relation to the Liberal Party proposal, the submission makes three key recommendations regarding the West Swan electorate. I believe the proposals are poorly researched and appear to give no consideration to the several factors outlined in s16l ofthe Electoral Act 1907. Ph: OB 9248 3822 Faxr 08 9248 3922 I Unit 1, 23 Exh b i on Drve, Malaga WA 6090 . PO Box 2656, Malaga WA 6944 westswan@mp wa.govau \,\,\,{\\i.ritasaffiot com ln particular the Liberal Party West Swan proposal gives no consideration to: . community of interest; . land use patterns, and . physical features; Below is a description of elements of their proposal and my response: 1. REMOVAL OF BEECHBORO (BENNETT SPRINGS) TO THE SEAT OF BASSENDEAN Liberal Pafty submission: "Mest Swanl would as described lose the localities of Beechboro." p.S "This adjustment will in tum enable the section of the locality of Beechboro lying nofth of Reid Highway and south of Marshall Road to be included in the dbtrict of Bassendean. ApaLt from the section within the Morley district, the locality of Beechboro would be concentrated within Bassendean and no longer spread over three disticts." p.5 RESPONSE: On 8 April 2011 the Geographic Names Committee approved the change of locality name to Bennett Springs. This means that part of Beechboro which lies nofth of Reid Highway (i.e. that part of Beechboro in the West Swan electorate) will now be a new suburb called Bennett Springs. (see Attachment B, official notification from Geographic Names Committee). This new suburb of Bennett Springs encompasses the former Beechboro that is north of Reid Highway and that part of the suburb of West Swan, west of the Perth Darwin Highway alignment. Bennett Springs is clearly separate from Beechboro. lt is divided from Beechboro by Reid Highway, is relatively new in comparison to Beechboro, and will continue to have new residential development in the west. Bennett Springs will have similar physical features to the new suburbs that are being created along the Lord Street corridor. These new housing developments along Lord Street, together with Bennett Springs will have a joint community of interest. The Springs Shopping Centre and service/commercial precinct in Bennett Springs will become the primary shopping/service precinct for a majority of residents in the neighbouring Lord Street corridor. Given this, it makes no sense to have Bassendean crossing Reid Highway to take in this new suburb. It should also be noted that in April 2010 over 400 households in Bennett Springs took part in a survey to change the locality name. The result was that 97 per cent supported the change to Bennett Springs. lt is understood that residents of Bennett Springs no longer hold any direct connection to Beechboro. Therefore, the entire justification for the Liberal Party proposal to remove Bennett Springs from West Swan because "Beechboro" would no longer be spread over three electorates is no longer relevant. 2. REMOVAL OF CAVERSHAM TO MIDLAND Liberal Pafty submission "West Swanl would as described lose the localities of ... Caversham." p.S "lt is proposed to include the locality of Caversham [to the Midland electorate], bounded by Lord Street to the west and Reid Highway to the nofth, and the Swan River to the south and east." p.7 RESPONSE Caversham is an integral part of the Swan Valley. The Swan Valley is indeed a key "community of interest". The Swan Valley is governed by its own legislation, the Swan Valley Planning Act 7995 and has very distinct planning guidelines and regulations. It has very distinct and common features. The Swan Valley has its own community of interest and unique land use patterns. Caversham includes the featured tourist road of West Swan Road. This primarily consists of vineyards and tourism businesses. Physically the Swan Valley is known internationally for its picturesque scenery and as Perth's premium food and wine destination. The Liberal Party proposal does not take into account any of these factors in proposing that this key part of the Swan Valley be redistributed to N/idland. Currently the Swan Valley is spread over two electorates, with the Swan River being the key divider between West Swan and Swan Hills. The Liberal Party proposal would see the separation of this community of interest (Swan Valley) over three electorates, Swan Hills, West Swan, and Midland. Labor's proposal on the other hand would be to incorporate the majority of the Swan Valley into one seat - West Swan. Additionally, the part of Caversham not within the Swan Valley is part of the Swan Urban GroMh Corridor (see Attachment A). There are new housing estates in this area that together with the housing estates north of Reid Highway all form a part of the Swan Urban GroMh Corridor. The Caversham housing estates will have direct transport links to the new housing estates north of Reid Highway, which are all within the West Swan electorate. New roads will be built to directly connect Caversham to these housing estates and the Caversham residents will access the community facilities north of the Reid Highway. To ensure consistency with the E/ecforal Act 1907, I believe this proposal has no merit and should nol be considered. 3. WEST SWAN TO GAIN A PART OF ELLENBROOK Liberal Pafty submission: "lt is proposed that the locality of Lexia and the southern poftion of Ellenbrook be transferred to the district of West Swan, leaving the locality of Aveley and the nofthern paft of Ellenbrook within the district of Swan Hills. The boundary would tun along Brookman Dive, Arbor Drive, Coolamon Boulevard , Pinegrove Drive, Bonney Lane and Henley Brook Avenue to the locality boundary of Aveley." p.8 "A fufther comparatively minor adjustment of the boundary between Swan Hills and L1lesl Swan ls suggested, by moving it weshr',/ards from the Swan River to West Swan Road, as far south as its junction with Reid Highway." p.8 RESPONSE The Liberal Party proposal is to split the suburb of Ellenbrook into t\,l,/o electorates, West Swan and Swan Hills and to have the new suburb of Aveley (which adjoins Ellenbrook) in the electorate of Swan Hills. The Liberal proposal is very conJusing and the proposed boundaries being slightly unclear. For example the Liberal Pariy proposal incorrectly names Brookmount Drive as "Brookman Drive". lvloreover, excluding Henley Brook Avenue, the roads that are proposed to act as the boundary are not major roads - they are simply minor suburban roads and would make one of the worse electoral boundaries in existence. These are not fit to act as electoral boundaries and would only result in confusion amongst electors. The Liberal Party proposal makes no sense at all. The Ellenbrook area is a significant community of interest. Currently the people of Aveley and Ellenbrook utilise Ellenbrook as the town centre as it was always intended to become. The Directions 2037 document specifically labels Ellenbrook as the "secondary centre" of the North-east sub-region. To divide this "secondary centre" contradicts the key factors in determining redistribution as set out in s161 of the Act. lt would be similar to dividing the suburb of Armadale right down the middle of the town centre. Ellenbrook is a growing region, and eventually will have its own electorate. ln respect to Swan Hills, it would be more sensible to contract Swan Hills around the region of Ellenbrook as much as possible at this stage, with the knowledge that in in the near future it will be its own electorate. I trust the information I have provided is helpful. I would be more than willing to provide verbal evidence to your Commission if required. lf you have any questions regarding this submission please feel free to contact me on 9248 3822. Yours sincerely Rita Saffioti MLA MEMBER FOR WEST SWAN 29 April 2011 Appendix B: Stoging fronfs Staging to commence in the north and to progress toward the centre. :fr, kiometres tr/apping and GeoSpatial Dala Branch Whitman Depannent lor Planning and nirashucture Produced on behal of Western Ausfialan P ann ng Commsson December 2008 f tw-mapl 1\\projecls\po \urb\gro man\ ] SUGC\SUGC ig Fna verson.dgn -aaaaaa: :a: ll Base nformaton suppied by: I HASSELL Ltd, ii.. ... ,r:. ...... .: -''i..',;l Legend '- ,^:i residentlal ,/ ",. /.> :ii9ri'r prmaryschoo .8d.5:'- educal onal support '\.,'\ ,..i:,.
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