Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel TORAH JOURNAL Yom Ha’atzmaut 5775 A YESHIVA COLLEGE CAMPUS PUBLICATION In loving memory of Anthony Kur, Chaim Avraham David Ben Mendel A friend of the Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel Mission Statements: The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel is a genuine “makom Torah” founded in the heart of the Yeshiva College Campus. It aims to: • Provide a consistent and impactful learning seder for the Avreichim • Engage with the broader community through involvement in Torah growth • Create a platform for the Yeshiva College School talmidim to flourish in Torah learning, through interaction with Talmidei Chachamim “The Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel aims to be a Torah centre at tthe hear of Centrist Orthodox Judaism. This centre will develop true Torah leaders while at the same time provide the community at large with access to the depths of Torah. Ultimately, the Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel aims to transform Jewish Societye Tinto one wher orat Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael are central to daily living.” Highlights We welcome new Rosh Kollel Rabbi Shlomo Glicksberg who will be working alongside Rabbi Levy Wineberg 4 Avreichim have concluded an advanced Smicha exam covering the intricate laws on Hilchot Shabbat guided by the Roshei Kollel A new program on Wednesday mornings has seen the Beit Midrash fill up with community members learning and socializing, 3 Shiurim take place, featuring our Roshei Kollel and Avreichim A post high school program has been began, structuring high level learning for students during their busy university schedules A Midrasha learning program has been implemented, and has seen over 13 young women participate in high level learning over 3 times a week 100’s community members participated in an Elul Program in preparation for the Yamim Nora’im Erev Yom Kippur Learnathon –over 1000 people participated in special Shiurim and activities in preparation for Yom-Kippur ,all ages took part in this unforgettable event ,with guest speakers,activities and Shiurim catering for all 150 people participate in the Monthly Avot uBanim learning programs in conjunction with Yeshiva College. Ladies learning programme - ladies are present in the Beit Midrash three times a week between Mincha and Ma’ariv participating in Shiurim given by our Avreichim 3 annual Torah Journals: Yom Ha’atzmaut, Yom Yerushalayim/Shavuot & Chanukah 400 community members participated in the Tikkun Leil program with over 100 learning through the night Rabbi Levy Wineberg has begun an Halachic competence course catering for the working man, these in- depth Shiurim are geared towards high level learning and have enriched the lives of many working men around Johannesburg The Avreichim of the Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel have recently begun learning the very pertinent and interesting Halachot pertaining to: Ba’sar Ve’chalav, Ta’arovot and Machlei Akum New Rosh Kollel Rabbi Shlomo Glicksberg has begun giving various Shiurim and series of enlightening topics, his insightful Shiurim are a must for all Avreichim Rabbi Levy Wineberg Rabbi Shlomo Glicksberg Rabbi Alon Friedman Rabbi Shmuel Bloch Rabbi Shmuel Kagan Rabbi Moshe Schnerb Rabbi Gabi Bookatz Rabbi Mordechai Abraham Rabbi Eli Goldfein Rabbi Jeremy Katz Rabbi Gary Rogoff Rabbi Avron Schwartz Chazan Chilly Chrysler Dr Dean Gerson Dean Sher Liav Kalmanowitz Ahron Perelman Ori Smadja Rafi Moskowitz + 7 8 ! 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He could not have imagined the thriving, bustling campus we have today that serves the needs of close on a thousand boysm and girls fro Nursery School to Matric, including the Kollel which represents higher Torah learning for all ages. I congratulate Rav Shlomo Glicksberg, Rav Levy Wineberg and their devoted colleagues. I also salute the lay leadership o f the Kollel who have brought us to the great heights we enjoy. A special thanks to the Chairmen, Mr Marc Chipkin and Mr Richard Herring, the Financial Director Mr Ronen Goldstein, the entire executive and Rabbi Alon Friedman, who have made the Kollel their personal calling. This year the Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel’s publication and breakfast is in cherished memory our beloved Anthony Kur z”l. Anthony, our child at Yeshiva School, our friend, our congregate aonngd str supporter of our Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel. In his short lifetime, Anthony personified the values of sincerity, humility, total loyalty and friendship to all of us. May the Torah learning be an eternal zechut to his blessed memory. Ase w e ar in the season of counting-Sefirat Haomer, we need to remember that it hasn’t really been about counting days as much as trying to ‘make our days count’. We make time count by using each day as a precious resource – to achieve something significant or to invest, to prepare in future achievements. Just as we learn each day and daven each day, so too it is important that we give to others and do a kindness for others every single day – at least one kindness. (Try for 3.) We prepare for Sinai and Kabalat HaTorah not just by learning, but equally by caring and by kindness. Thus the theme of the Sefirah period mourning has been one of ‘respect for each other’ – respect for peers and siblings, colleagues and friends. Not just love – Kavod. Hashem doesn’t give Torah to people of ego, only to people of humility. “Vayichan” –and the people camped (singular) at the mountain – as one man with one heart” (Rashi). This is the most basic prerequisite for receiving the Torah and for becoming great in Torah. This is chavershaft and is the essence of the refined personality. 6 Rav Shteinman noted that never has it happened that a Gadol B’Torah becomes renowned for his genius or knowledge; rather he becomes gadol through refinement of character. The Mitzvah of Talmud Torah is not a ‘brain mit zvah’ but a ‘character mitzvah’, it is the mechanism that Hashem gives us to become people of ‘gadlut’ – greatness of character rather than simply colourful personality. This is what sets Talmud Torah apart as the biggest mitzvah – to become a great person is the biggest service that one do for Hashem and His people. This separates Shavuot as possibly the most exciting opportunity of the entire calendar. This is indeed our hopes and prayers for all the participants of our Yeshiva Torah Campus. May our Kollel go from estrengngth than dto co str ntinue to uplift and inspire our community. Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach. 7 Foreward Rabbi Alon Friedman – Director Beit Mordechai Campus Kollel and Associate Rabbi Beth Harav Glenhazel We find a very unique statement of Chazal in reference to the importance of Eretz Yisrael. “Dwelling in the Land of Israel is equal to all the mitzvot of the Torah.” (Sifrei.Re’eh 28) In a letter discussing the mitzvah of dwelling in the land of Israel, the “Gadol of Minsk”-Rav Yerucham Yehudah Leib Perlman-writes: “Every time G-d spoke to Avraham Avinu, He mentioned Eretz Yisrael. The same is true of Yitzchak and Yaakov. The land is mentioned in practically every parshah in the Torah. With this in mind we could understand Chazals underlying intention when they say “Dwelling in the Land of Israel is equal to all the mitzvot o f the Torah.” Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk (author of Ohr Same’ach and Meshech Chochma) concurs: “From the day we received our Holy Torah, prophecy did not stop commanding us about settling the Land. Moreover, there is not a single parshah in the Torah that fails to mention Eretz Yisrael” In his famous essay Ikveta DeMishicha, Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman points out that approximately two thirds of the Chumash as well as two thirds of Shas, depend on Eretz Yisrael. And Rav Yaakov Emden goes as far as to say that Eretz Yisrael is the “peg upon which the entire Torah hangs” (Siddur Beit Yaakov) Eretz Yisrael and Torat Eretz Yisrael are an integral part of our campus and the central foundation on which our Kollel prides itself. Our own Kollel provides a high level Torah learning centre, serving as the educational and spiritual engine room energizing all we do on the campus. This is truly a privilege, which plays a major role, and also represents the fulfilment of a vision - that Torah should be the nucleus of our lives. The articles which appear in this publication reflect so much of what is unique about our Beit Midrash-holistic broadminded and relevant. Some articles deal with the realm of Halacha-Jewish Law-while others focus on the realms of Emunah and Hashkafa-ideology and perspective-with respect to Yom Ha’aztmaut. A big Yishar Koach to all involved in putting together this publication. The Roshei Kollel, Rabbanim, Avreichim and contributors to our Torah Journal. We hope that these Divrei Torah make a meaningful difference to your Yom Ha’atzmaut experience. 8 A Tribute To Our Dear Friend Anthony Kur z”l Rabbi Laurence Perez – Head of World Mizrachi The nature of the ingathering of the exiles in the modern State of Israel is unparalleled in Jewish and human history.
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