St. Valentine Church Heartline Mission Statement: Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to live and share the Good News of Jesus Christ so that all may come to know God. As a Catholic Church and School Community we welcome, serve, teach, learn, reconcile and provide comfort and hope in the spirit of St Valentine. March 7, 2021 3rd Sunday of Lent In today’s first reading from Exodus God offers His people another covenant. This one is much more personal M the words are His words, carved into stone by His hand, and spoken to each one of us. The covenant with Noah gave us hope after chaos. The covenant with Abraham showed us the extent of God’s love. Through Abraham and Isaac we saw how the father so loved God that he was willing to give his only son M a foreshadowing of the role Jesus would play many generations later. Now, with the Ten Commandments we hear in Exodus 19:5, “I will bestow mercy down to the thousandth generation on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments M my covenant.” Is this new covenant a new set of restrictions? They are, in fact, a part of a larger collection of laws known as the Covenant Code (Exodus 2123). But, in reality the Ten Commandments are all about love. John Parsons of Hebrew for Christians has summarized them this way: 1. “I am your only deliverer, the One who loves and chooses you; 2. Love me exclusively; 3. Regard my love as sacred; 4. Rest in me; 5. Honor your life and its history. Do no harm to others: 6. Forsake anger, 7. Abandon lust, 8. Renounce greed, and 9. Abhor lying. 10.Refuse envy. Know that you belong to me and that you are accepted. Love others as you are also loved.” 3rd Sunday of3rd Lent In the Mosaic covenant, God swore eternal devotion to his people and they swore their devotion in return. Consider what Jesus said, in the new covenant, about the greatest commandments M “lovethe Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:3640). With this Mosaic covenant, God shows us His love and outlines how we can show Him ours. Have we thought about the Ten Commandments as a covenant of love? Have we considered that they are, as we heard in today’s psalm, “the words of everlasting love?” The third week of Lent reminds us of yet, another covenant God made with His people. This week, our meditation could center on looking at how we live our lives in the love expressed in the covenant made with Moses. Join us for Stations of the Cross at 7 pm in Church. Confessions will be heard prior to Stations of the Cross from 6N7 pm in Church. Page 2 St. Valentine Heartline March 7, 2021 et us pray for those who are Readings for the week of Liturgy Schedule ill and have asked for our March 7, 2021 L Sunday: Ex 20:117 or 20:13, 7 prayer: 8, 1217/Ps 19:8, 9, Mass Intentions Judi Marshall Tony Janisse 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/1 Cor Josiah Wardrop John Fitzpatrick 1:2225/ Jn 2:1325 or Ex 17:3 MondayNMarch 8 Lenten Bridget Brennan Patricia Longo Hurley Mike Rodriguez 7/Ps 95:12, 67, 89 Weekday, St. John of God, [8]/Rom 5:12, 58/Jn Religious Kaitlin Klaus Maryanne John Dillon Senkowski 4:542 or 4:515, 19b 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Jim Dwyer Dick Nelson 26, 39a, 4042 Loretto Shirley Bette Dishman Monday: 2 Kgs 5:115ab/Ps TuesdayN March 9 Lenten Zimmerman George Nikolaj 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4 [cf Weekday, St. Frances of Colleen Devine Rita Barthlow 42:3]/Lk 4:2430 Rome, Religious Clara Macek Parish Family Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 3443/Ps 8:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Autumn Marcia Favor 25:45ab, 6 and 7bc, 8 Pattenaude Michael 9 [6a]/Mt 18:2135 Loretto Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 59/Ps 147:12 WednesdayNMarch 10 Lenten Carol Sneary Bonenfant Joan Reilly Tom Hurley 13, 1516, 1920]/Mt Weekday 5:1719 No Mass at St. Valentine or Our Barb Schenden Suzy Cervi Andrew Ricotta Paul Danic Thursday: Jer 7:2328/Ps 95:12, Lady of Loretto Jeanette Marilyn Mootsey 67, 89 [8]/Lk 11:14 Thursday, March 11 Lenten Shamma Patricia Cislo 23 Weekday Enrico Canini Judy Gregory Friday: Hos 14:210/Ps 81:6c 8:30 a.m. Mass in Church Dan Jenkins 8a, 8bc9, 1011ab, 14 Margaret Holt req. by Friends and 17 [cf. 11 and 9a]/ Antonio & Ida Barile req. by Mk 12:2834 Graziano Canini Prayer Requests Saturday: Hos 6:16/Ps 51:34, We enjoy hearing the good 1819, 2021ab [cf. FridayNMarch 12 Lenten Hos 6:6]/Lk 18:914 Weekday news of recovery and extend our deepest Next Sunday: 2 Chr 36:1416, 1923/ 8:30 a. m. Mass in Church sympathy to those who Ps 137:12, 3, 45, 6 For all those who are sick and for have departed. Please [6ab]/Eph 2:410/Jn their caregivers contact the parish office 3135324394 3:1421 or 1 Sm 16:1b, SaturdayNMarch 13 Lenten for any changes. 67, 1013a/Ps 23:1 Weekday 3a, 3b4m 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:30 p.m. Mass in Church 5:814/Jn 9:141 or Richard & Georgiana Rydzewski 9:1, 69, 1317, 3438 req. by The Ustes Family Jack & Eleanor Mote req. by We offer our deepest Family sympathy to the family Birthday wishes for Fr. Socorro and friends upon the req. by The Parishioners of St. death of Onda Payne Valentine and to Gary Estermyer SundayNMarch 14 Fourth upon the death of his wife, Maureen. Sunday of Lent May all the souls of the faithful 8:30 a.m. Mass in Church departed through the mercy of God, Sally Pellerito req. by Jean & Paul rest in peace. Benedict Antonio & Ida Barile req. by Graziano Canini Collections for ... Birthday wishes for Fr. Socorro February 21 and 28, 2021 req. by The Parishioners of St. Not Available at time of printing. Valentine 12 noon Mass in Church Did you Daylight Saving Time Begins Special intention req. by The know….??? March 14th Tworek Family Don’t forget to spring forward! Antonio & Ida Barile req. by Father Socorro Graziano Canini will celebrate his Birthday wishes for Fr. Socorro birthday on req. by The Parishioners of St. Saturday, March Valentine 13th. March 7, 2021 St. Valentine Heartline Page 3 Congratulations Ministry Mass Assignments Congratulations to our 2nd March 13N5:30 p.m. graders who made their Sacristan: Suzanne Mote First Reconciliation on Lector: Tom Sesko Saturday. EMHC: P. or S. Lewis Thank you to the teachers Usher: who helped prepare them: Mrs. Julie March 14N8:30 a.m. Jeffries, Ms. Jacqueline Sigler and Ms. Sacristan: Jim Soter From Faith Formation Julie Kelly. Lector: George Baughman EMHC: Patty Soter Parents Just Don’t Understand Faith Formation News Usher: Frank Tislerics First Eucharist Parent Meeting March14N12 noon Anybody remember the old rap song All parents whose children will be Sacristan: by the Fresh Prince, aka Will Smith, receiving their First Holy Communion Lector: Alan Pawlik “Parents Just Don’t Understand?” As on May 2nd are reminded of our parent EMHC: we grow up, it is sometimes a struggle meeting on Monday, March 15th at 7 Usher: for us to imagine that our parents pm in Church. March 20N5:30 p.m. understand us. It can seem impossible Sacristan: that Mom and Dad remember the Confirmation Practice Lector: John Udanoh EMHC: stress of exam week or peer pressure. All candidates and their sponsors are Usher: We never saw them as children; we reminded of their Confirmation practice March 21N8:30 a.m. never saw their disappointed faces scheduled for Thursday, March 18th at Sacristan: when they weren’t invited to a party, or 6:30 pm in the Church. This is a Lector: George Turibiak their dashed hopes at a bad test grade. mandatory practice. If your sponsor EMHC: We never saw them homesick their first cannot make it that evening, one of Usher: week of college or nervous to ask their your parents may sit with you for the March 21N12 noon crush to Homecoming. practice. Any questions, please call Sacristan: We’re often the same way about God. Bonnie in the Faith Formation Office at Lector: Claudia Williams We gripe about what He asks of us. 3135324394 x201. “He doesn’t understand sin N he’s all EMHC: good,” we think. “He doesn’t Usher: understand temptation N He is Blood Drive If you would like to be trained in one perfect.” Our next blood drive is Palm Sunday, of the ministries, we will be more than In Scripture, God can be very much a March 28th, from 8 AM to 2 PM, please happy to train you. Call the office at father, telling us what we can and sign up to make your appointment 3135324394 if you are interested in cannot do. And yet, in His divine soon. If you want to contact me for an being trained. genius, He is sometimes simply a man appointment you can send an email at a well, asking for a drink. with the time you would like For me, it turns out I didn’t need to to [email protected] or tell my parents anything about what I call 2483476427 or sign up at the was going through as a kid N they table in the back of church for the next Where Are The Candles? knew already.
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