Monitoring Report Part of the Blackburn with Darwen Local Development Framework 2 December 2006 Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Monitoring Report Contents Contents Page Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 2 2. Local Development Scheme: Milestones 4 Analysis of Local Development Scheme Milestones 4 Blackburn Town Centre Masterplan 4 Darwen Town Centre Masterplan 4 Freckleton Street Masterplan 5 New East Blackburn Masterplan 5 Griffin Housing Market Renewal Masterplan 5 3. An Introduction to Blackburn with Darwen 6 Population 6 Ethnicity 6 Deprivation 6 Education 7 4. Economy 8 Contextual Indicators 8 Unemployment 8 Socio-Economic Profile 8 Weekly Earnings 8 Output Indicators 9 Amount of land developed for employment by type 9 Amount of land developed for employment by type, which is in development and/or regeneration areas 9 defined in the local development framework Percentage of land developed for employment by type, which is on previously developed land (PDL) 9 Employment land supply by type 9 Losses of employment land in development/regeneration areas and local authority area 9 Amount of employment land lost to residential development 9 Performance of Local Plan Policies 10 Policy EC1 – Business and Industrial Allocations 10 5. Housing 11 Contextual Indicators 11 Council Tax Bandings 11 Housing Fitness 11 Household Composition 12 Output Indicators 12 Housing trajectory 12 Percentage of new and converted dwellings on previously developed land (PDL) 12 Percentage of new dwellings completed at: less than 30 dwellings per hectare; between 30 and 50 13 dwellings per hectare; and above 50 dwellings per hectare Affordable housing completions 13 Performance of Local Plan Policies 13 Policy H2 – Development of Large Unallocated Sites 13 Policy H1 - Housing Provision 14 Demolitions 14 6. Accessibility and Transport 15 Contextual Indicators 15 Infrastructure 15 Car Ownership 15 Modal Choice 15 Accessibility 15 Output Indicators 15 Percentage of completed non-residential development complying with car-parking standards set out in 15 the local development framework Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, 16 primary and secondary school, employment and a major retail centre Monitoring Report Page Contents Performance of Local Plan Policies 16 Modal Split Statistics 16 Bus Passenger Journeys 16 Rail Passengers 16 Pedestrians 16 Cycling 17 7. Town Centres and Retailing 18 Contextual Indicators 18 Retailing survey 18 Retail change 18 Output Indicators 19 Amount of completed retail, offi ce and leisure development respectively 19 Percentage of completed retail, offi ce and leisure development respectively in town centres 19 Performance of Local Plan Policies 19 Blackburn 19 Darwen 19 Development on Allocated Sites 19 8. Neighbourhood and Community Issues 20 Contextual Indicators 20 Health 20 Crime 20 People’s satisfaction with their neighbourhood as a place to live 20 Number of Conservation Areas 21 Output Indicators 21 Percentage of eligible open spaces managed to green fl ag award standard 21 Performance of Local Plan Policies 21 Design Quality Indicators and Conservation Areas 21 Effectiveness of the Local Plan in Co-ordinating Development 21 Policies used in Planning Appeals 22 Policies used in Refusing Planning Applications 22 9. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Resource Use 23 Contextual Indicators 23 Air Quality Management Areas 23 Amount of previously developed land identifi ed through NLUD study 23 Percentage of water courses complying with river quality objectives 23 Areas of fl ood risk in the borough and properties within them 23 Output Indicators 24 Number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency on either 24 fl ood defence grounds or water quality Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance, including: 24 (i) change in priority habitats and species (by type); and 24 (ii) change in areas designated for their intrinsic environmental value including sites of international, 24 national, regional, sub-regional or local signifi cance Renewable energy capacity installed by type 25 Performance of Local Plan Policies 25 Policy RA2 - Safeguarded Land 25 Policy RA4 - Identifi ed Major Sites in the Green Belt 25 Policy LNC2 - Landscape Break 25 10. Conclusion 26 References 28 Appendix I - Local development scheme: Update of milestones 29 Appendix II - Development on allocated town centre sites 33 Appendix III - Summary of planning appeal decisions 35 Appendix IV - Policies used in planning appeals 36 Appendix V - Priority habitats and species 37 Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Executive Summary Executive Summary Executive This is the second Annual Monitoring Report The Annual Monitoring Report includes of the Local Development Framework (LDF) information such as: for the Borough of Blackburn with Darwen. Government legislation requires a report to be The amount of Business and Industrial produced annually for submission at the end land developed since 2001 is 80% of the of each calendar year. This report includes provision for 1991 - 2006 as set out in monitoring information covering the period the Local Plan. 1st April 2005 - 31st March 2006. Further land will need to be designated for business and industrial uses in the The LDF, which will eventually replace the LDF. current adopted Local Plan, is still in the The housing trajectory recognises development stage. Therefore there remain an oversupply of approximately 639 areas where monitoring was not possible. dwellings. The current completion rate is The report is however as comprehensive as approximately 180 dwellings. is possible at this point and provides a snap- The percentage of houses built on shot of the borough. The monitoring has been previously developed land was 76%. completed using a set of indicators. The core 62% of houses are being built at output indicators used are those identifi ed by densities greater than 30 dwellings per the Government and will ensure consistent hectare. monitoring data is produced in future years. 55% of large-scale non-residential The current adopted Local Plan was seen to developments complied with the Council’s have performed well with policies being used parking standards. effectively. 27.5% of the Borough’s open spaces are managed to green fl ag award standard. The report also monitors progress on the Between 2001-2006 the Council lost Local Development Scheme (LDS). The 24% of planning appeals, compared Council has adopted three documents since to an approximate average of 33% the latest LDS was produced, the Statement nationally. of Community Involvement, Queens Park 4.1% of the Borough is within Floodzones Flats Development Brief and the Borough identifi ed by the Environment Agency; Wide Design Guide Supplementary Planning this includes 4.3% of the Borough’s Document (SPD). There have been signifi cant properties. hold-ups regarding consultation on the Core No planning applications were granted Strategy and all fi ve of the Development Plan contrary to the advice of the Environment Documents (DPD) has slipped from the LDS Agency on the grounds of fl ood defence timetable to the point that the milestones are or water quality. no longer achievable. One SPD will no longer 25% of the Borough is protected through be produced and two SPD’s require further County Heritage Sites designation. consideration whether to proceed. Slippage has occurred in the majority of the remaining SPD’s. 1 Monitoring Report 1. Introduction 1 | 1.1. The Borough of Blackburn with 1.3. The indicators to be included in Introduction Darwen adopted its current Local Plan in 2002 monitoring reports are: and since then produced monitoring reports in 2005 which updated the current position Contextual Indicators – These provide a in relation to planning policy and the plans backdrop against which to consider the effects performance in achieving its objectives. The of policies and inform the interpretation of review of the Plan will now take the form of a output and signifi cant effects indicators. Each LDF and this report provides information which section of the report begins by setting out the will further monitor impact on the Local Plan contextual indicators relevant to the theme and also provide baseline data for the LDF. being monitored. 1.2. This report represents the second Output Indicators – These measure Annual Monitoring Report of the Borough inline quantifi able physical activities that are directly with the requirements of The Town and Country related to, and are a consequence of, the Planning (Local Development)(England) implementation of planning policies. They Regulations 2004. The annual report will will eventually be derived from the key spatial include the most up-to-date information to and sustainability objectives of the LDF as it 31st March each year and will be published is developed. In the meantime however, the in December. Over time, the production of current strategy and policies of the Local Plan the LDF will develop a full set of indicators will be monitored as output indicators. There in a monitoring framework against which to are also some output indicators prescribed by monitor performance of the LDF. However, the Government that are called Core Output whilst the Local Plan is still the adopted plan Indicators. These have also been included in and the LDF remains in the early stages of the relevant chapter by theme. development, this report will monitor the statutory indicators as well as those seen Signifi cant Effects Indicators – These will relevant at this time to assist in developing be derived from the sustainability appraisal the LDF. By creating a set of indicators for process as the LDF develops. They enable which new and updated data is regularly a comparison to be made between the available, the approach to monitoring will be predicted effects of the policies on society, the consistent and will subsequently allow analysis environment and the economy and the actual of results. The culmination of the indicators effects measured during implementation of the will be an assessment of how effectively the policies.
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