~II ~~~~~~~~~·-~II , Census of India, 1951 I DISTRICT POPULATiON STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 7-MATHURA DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: rING AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 MAT 01;'5 / __----~---- __---- ___________________.l 1/' ~ __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. __~. Price, Re.1-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to suppLy (hem for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohallajward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise fOt rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or \Jrban tract and the request from (he Uttar Pradesh Government came 'wh:~n the"slip sorting had been finished and (he Tabulation Offices closed. ~tthe censtis\lips "are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or vrban tra~t, collection'''qf data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards· and "vi1lages would' have involved enormous labour and expense I if sortirig of th\' slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a. secondary census record, vi~. t,~e- National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was availabl~ By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalIa/ward -wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. Th e required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' ,Register. This difference has been accen mated by an order passed by me during the later cpunt from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- 0) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District. Raidas and Bhagar as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob. Sweepers. Harijan. Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmiki/. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under' section 34] of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during. the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite' and uniform orders. I have tried (0 rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens) Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out In the cables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived a I by actual counting from the National Citizens) Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting. of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Sunll,nary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHWARJ PRASAD, I.A.S •• RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations, July 23, 1952 • Uttar Pradesh LIST OF ERRATA TO THE DISTRICT POPULA TIOM STA TISTIOS or MATHURA DISTRICT A-Errata to population figures (Urban) Page no. particulars , 2 3 4 5 6 Kosi M.B. · . For 2.600 1.219 Read 2,468 1.35) Total · . For 22,690 18,246 Read 22,558 18,378 2 Kosi (M.B.) • 2 7-Khachera Bas .. For 57 52 109 Read 101 90 191 82 2 8-8arai Nakhas · . For . 93 82 175 82 Rea~,.,.v, .,. '. 49 44 93 .,' ~ . :"I'':::± 2 14--Gangwan · . Por 137 10 Read'- 5 142 2 Total .1._ For ,!. 2.600 1,219 Read 2.468 1,351 -- -----~ .. B-Errata to column 1, Code hQ.- and name of v~llage, (Rural) (a \ Corrections in existing- names of villages ------_.-----_..... page Read n(·_ For 10 20-Larchawali 20--Barchawali . 10 78-Husalini 78-Huseni. 10 131.....!.Phalian 131-Phalen. 10 155--8en1a 155-Senaba. II 17-Asabad 17 -Asfabad. 12 204 -Pawersa " 204-Pavesra. 14 I·-Alchpura l-Abheypura. 14 94-Jhatautha 94--Jharaut.ha. -----, DISTI_:tICT MATHURA Summary of Urban Population Population Scheduled Code no. and name of Town Males Females Total Muslims ' Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 7-1-45 CHHATA TOWN AREA 4,010 3,504 7,514 1,042 764 5,708 7-1-101 KOSI MUNICIPAL BOARD 6,283 5,580 1I,863 2,600 1,~19 8,044 7-2-21SRAYA TOWN AREA 2,130 1,745 3,875 1,323 140 2,412 7-3-231 VRINDABAN MUNICIPAL BOARD 11,412 10,786 22,198 821 1,413 19,964 7-3-68 FARAH TOWN AREA 1,287 1,064 2,351 966 71 1,314 7-3-77 GOBARDHAN TOWN AREA " 3,333 2,774 6,107 223 495 5,389 7-3-188 RADHAKUND TOWN AREA .... ~ 1,146 956 2,102 61 41'1 1,627 7-3-222 SONKH TOWN AREA 1,823 1,591 3,414 129 492 2,793 7-4-19 BALDEO TOWN AREA 1.997 1,676 3,673 99 606 2,968 7-4-72 GOKUL TOWN AREA ~ 1,202 1,141 2343 45 153 2,145 7-4-125 MAHABAN TOWN AREA 2,152 1,727 3,879 1,134 964 1,781 7-4-192 SADABAD TOWN AREA 2,940 2,506 5.446 2,031 745 2,670 7-4-211 SAHPA_lJ TOWN AREA 2,334 1,953 4,287 419 843 3,0.25 7-5-1 MATHURA MUNICIPAL BOARD .. 52,245 45,438 97,683 11,632 9,192 76,859 7-5-2 MATHl,JRA CANTONMENT BOARD 5,350 1,876 7226 165 \ 735 5,'466 &3 (excluding the population of two missing N. C. Ea.' ) Total 99,644 84,317 183,961 22,690 18,246 142,165 (excluding the population of two missing N. C. Ra. ) Populati.on according to Primary Census Abstract 83,962 184,672 Pdpulali9u of Muslims according to Table D-II 22,319 Population or Scheduled Casles according to Table D_IlI 17,739 2 DISTRICT MATBURA Population of Towns by M;ohallasjWards Popu:lation Scheduled Code no. and name of Mohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHHATA (TOWN AREA) Wa,d-1 .. ' 2,101 1,903 4,004 852 563 2,589, Wa,.d-3 1,909 1,601 3,510 190 201 3.11~ Total 4,010 3,504 7;514 1,043 764 5,'108 Population according to PHmary Census Abstral!t 4,011•• 3,503 1,514 KOSI (MUNICIPAL BOARD) I Talab Shahi 166 , 120 286 286 2 Karimullah B'as 336 277 613 587 26 3 Gr~wseganj' 147 126 273 137 136 4 Kharot Darwaza 146 140 286 17 69 200 5 Naru Bas - 298 263 '561 339 107 115 6 Santhawaria Bas 196 165 361 361 7 Khachera Bas 57 ' 52 109 67 42 8 Sarai Nakhas 93 82 175 82 93 9 Hardeoganj 499 444 943 213 458 272 10 Baldeoganj 617 715 1,332 25 1,307 11 Sheikhan 262 320 582 143 439 12 Kh~ra 429 520 949 10 327 612 13 Tangra 387 337 724 12 4 708 14 Gangwan 487 454 941 137 10 794 15 Brlthminpuri 379 ],27 706 11 695 16 Biharipura 155 130 285 285 :J7 Bazar -Kalan .. 137 6f 198 4 194 18 Manj-Ram-Bas 847 540 1,387 416 98 873 19 'Mandi Kham 280 241 521 211 2 496 20 Sarai Shahi 205 160 365 102 9 254 21 Railway Area 160 106 266 25 24 217 Total 6,283 5,580 1~,863 2,600 1,319 8,044 popuJjltion accordblg to Primar,.,Censl s Abstract 6,531 5,324 11,855 RAYA (TOWN AREA) Ward-l 666 620 1286 10 1,276 Ward-2 832 650 1,482 1,173 309 Ward-3 632 475 1,107 140 140 827 .. Total 3,130 1,'1t5 3,875 1,323 • 140 2,412 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 2,054 1,766 3,820 a, DIS'fRICT MATHUR A Population of Towns by MohallasjWards Population Scheduled Code ~o. and name of,MohalIa Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----- VRINDABAN (MUNICIPAL BOARD) ]. Gyan Glldri 292 164 456 456 2 Brahma Kund ., .' . 373 331 704 5 699 3 Gopi Nath Ba£ar ", 99 108. 207 207 4 Gopi Nath Bagh 429 378 807 65 742 5 Gopeshwar --_ 421 406 827 4 823 6 Bansibat 117 114 231 231 7 Kesi Ghat 296 295 591 591 8 Hadha Raman 322 318 640 5 635 9 'Gopi Nath Ghera 107 149 256 256 10 Gapi Nath Nagla 172 211 383 44 339 II putbarpllra .. 361 394 755 755 12 Loi Bazar 47 53 100 100 13 Retia Bazar 108 95 203 203 14 Radha Niwas 1.. 064 890 1,954 90 336 1,528 15 Govind Dco Ji 509 -470 979 55 924 16 MandiBazar 28 23 51 10 41 17 Matbura Darwaza 398 337 735 313 18 404 18 Gali Raya 109 106 215 215 19 Bazaza ;;- 109 93 202 7 195 20 Syed Bazar r 84 87 171 15 156 21 Chipi Gali 340 364 704 704 22 Sewa Kunj 612 700 1,312 3 1,309 23 Vyaa Ghera 91 92 183 183 24 Bagh Bundela 88 93 181 181 25 Govind Bagh .
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