SCOTCH PLAINS H—E Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S mifwooD 'SK4 OUR 37th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 7 Thunday, February 15,199* EwyTlanri* 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS ID FANwnnn Tentative Agreement Reached on Repair Of Hetfield Bridge at $150,000 Cost Borough Council Meets With Representative of Firm Fighting Rate Hike by Elizabethtown Water Company By GLENN R. KAPUNSKV the bridge will also be reconstructed. Policemen's Benevolent Association has to follow by law. Each of the Specially Wrinnfor n» Timn It is hoped the work, officials said, At the conclusion of the Fanwood expired at the end of last year and that coalition members is putting up will commence in the spring of next there has been no response since $4,000 to fight the hike. Borough Council's February 6 con- year and be completed within two October from the association to the Councilman Jung termed the re- ference meeting, Borough Engineer months. The work on the structure borough's invitation to negotiate. quested rate increases as "rate shock." Richard Maraden announced a tenta- will be performed in conjunction with According to Councilman Walsh, A 29.6 percent in fire hydrant rates tive agreement has been reached to the county's milling of North Av- the association is looking for a "sig- and a 32.5 per cent increase for resi- repair the Hetfield Avenue bridge. enue. nificant" increase in salary and ben- dential customers is being sought by Scotch Plains, Fanwood and Union It is expected the contract will be efits. Councilman Louis C. Jung County win each contribute $50,000 the water company. drawn up and executed shortly. The stated the contract with the public It does not appear likely that toward the $150,000 costs. Scotch borough will pay for its share of the works union is also expiring. Plains will resurface the bridge which Fanwood will receive a requested material costs. The council heard a brief presenta- Mr. Marsden said was in "bad" shape. grant from the state Department of Raymond Manfra of Fanwood, tion from Donald P. Dudley, 3rd, The poor condition of the span led Transportation, said Mr. Marsden, to Director of Public Works, will over- President of Analytic Resources of provide landscaping for the north side to a recent meeting with borough, see the project for Fanwood along Wall Township. township, county and New Jersey of the Fanwood Train Station. The with Mr. Marsden. Mr. Dudley spoke of the coalition Transit officials. borough is to hear in April whether it Stabilizing core sample tests will of municipalities that has been form- It was decided at the meeting that has received the grant. be done on the bridge to see what ing to fight the large increase re- the bridge is in need of stabilizing A discussion ensued over whether work is needed. However, an "eye- quested by Elizabethtown Water and resurfacing. New Jersey Transit Fanwood should contribute $715 to ball" inspection by New Jersey Tran- Company in residential and hydrant officials has offered to perform tests fight the new fees set by the Union sit engineers revealed no major flaws, services. on the bridge and draw up the plans. County Utilities Authority for tip- NEWLY DELIVERER-Scotch Plain. Fire Chtef Jo^^EUta^wJSlf officials said. The coalition presently consists of Scotch Plains officials have offered ping charges at the county's incinera- Ibe flnt of two MW Ore engine* recently delivered to the north tide flrchouse. In other business, Fanwood Coun- 13 or 14 municipalities with Monroe tor in Rahway. Mayor J. Christian The new vehicles will replace two older truck*, one ofwhlchwHIflndanew home to manage the project and draw up cilman Bruce H. Walsh noted the Township being the latest addition. in Nova Scotia. the contract. The sidewalk adjoining Bollwage of Elizabeth has asked all 21 borough's contract with the Other members also include Scotch Union County municipalities for con- Plains, South Brunswick and tributions of $715 in order to fight the Readington. This is the fourth or fifth increase. Township Board of Adjustment Postpones Vote coalition to fight increases in water Mr. Walsh objected to the fee and rates that Mr. Dudley has been a part claimed it was a burden for Fanwood of. to pay while Elizabeth would have no Mr. Dudley said the other efforts trouble paying the fee. On Jewish Community Center Proposed Expansion have seen the water rate increase No action by the council was taken scaled back by at least 50 per cent. as the matter will be further studied. Applicant Wants to Use Newly-Acquired Two-Acre Parcel for Outdoor Activities The coalition intends to question the Councilwoman, Mrs. Karen M. water company regarding the costs Schurtz, said Fanwood Library offic- By MICHELLE H. LePOIDEVlN Cranford and North Edison. associated with its new treatment ers will hear in April, May or June Specially Written for the Times Mr. Corman stated, that, based on tain a temporary operational permit plant in Franklin Township which, whether it has received a $7,000 grant He said the center offers a wide the many daily telephone calls the to maintain a home office for his During its regular meeting on Feb- array of program including a nursery Mr. Dudley said, is too large. from the state Department of Educa- center has received, if the application home improvements business. ruary 8, the Scotch Plains Zoning school, a full-day Kindergarten, Scho- Mr. Dudley went on to explain the tion on the library's application to would not be approved by the board, Mr. Lucey told the board he pos- Board of Adj ustmen t decided to post- lastic Aptitude Test preparation rate Alike procedure Elizabethtown pone its decision on an application many members would feel forced to courses, cultural arts activities, youth find other campfacilities which would proposed by the Jewish Community activities, programs for the elderly Center, 1361 and 1391 Martine Av- accommodate their needs. He added and an eight-week summer day camp, the center could have considered rent- enue, to uti lize a newly-obtained two- just to mention a few. acre property for outdoor activities. ing space from another facility but New Township Ordinance Helps The summer day camp, which decided it would be "too difficult to The community center, which is seemed to be the focal point of the achieve on a consistent basis." already comprised of six acres, has application, has been established for been seeking a "D" variance from its Daniel Ray of 1351 Martine Av- Firemen Dig Out in Snow Storms 12 years. The camp is comprised of enue stated he is frustrated with the conditional use to expand the prop- three units including a nursery school erty. expansion because he is "the neigh- Snatch Plains Council Honors Community Dispute ResoiutUfn Program Members program of approximately 200 chil- bor next door." He added, "This whole Steven Tripp. an attorney for the dren, an elementary school program center has just outgrown itself." By GLENN R. KAPLINSKY ing equipment will be used, officials $147,800 for the purpose of provid- applicant, explained the acquired for ages 5 through 9 of 200 children Specially Written for The Times property would be used for the spe- The board decided to postpone its said. The action would be necessary ing an irrigation system at the Scotch and the Traveler s Group of 100 chil- The Scotch Plains Township Coun- cial outdoor camp activities because decisions and the testimony of other in order for the volunteer department Hills Country Club. dren. This group accommodates chil- cil adopted an ordinance Tuesday the activities require extra space and important witnesses in the applica- members to get to the fire house and The council honored six members dren in grades 3 through 9 and takes pertaining to the fire department the center would like to keep the tion to a special meeting which will respond to emergencies. The idea for of the Community Dispute Resolu- day trips through the metropolitan whereby fire department members' activities off-site from their indoor take place at 7:30on Thursday, March the ordinance originated with Coun- tion program: David Wendel, Steven area. driveways may beplowed in the event facility. cilwoman, Mrs. Joan Papen, and is Schwartz, Bruce Kahn, Mrs. Lois In other board business, the board of snow by fellow department mem- Richard Corman, Executive Direc- The newly-acquired property in- designed to promote public health, Sarvetnick, Jack Lay, Jr., and Tho- voted by five unanimous votes to bers, using a fire department pick-up safety and welfare. tor of the Jewish Community Center volved in the application would con- mas O'Brien. deny the application of John Lucey truck equipped with a plow. and who supervises the agency, its tain a multi-purpose field for two The council also adopted an ordi- Mr. Wendel. Mr. SchwartzandMrs. of 213 Mountain view Avenue to ob- No municipal or private contract- operations and staff, stated the com- groups to play kickball, soccer and nance appropriating the sum of Sarvetnick were on hand to receive munity center is a non-profit, social ragball. The applicants said they wish their resolutions. The six were hon- service agency and is a member of to maintain the wooded area and ored for volunteering their services four different United Way agencies. shrubbery and construct a smaller as trained mediators during 1994 and He said 80 per cent of members come building to house bathrooms, water Student Marketing Group Reports 1995. for Scotch Plains, Westfield and fountains, an office for the camp di- The three members who attended Fanwood, while 20 per cent come rector and storage area.
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