Innovative transformation of China?s food production systems and agroecological landscapes Part I: Project Information Name of Parent Program Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program GEF ID 10246 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Innovative transformation of China?s food production systems and agroecological landscapes Countries China Agency(ies) FAO, World Bank Other Executing Partner(s): Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), Hubei Province Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Chemicals and Waste, Focal Areas, Pesticides, Climate Change, Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate resilience, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Biodiversity, Mainstreaming, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Influencing models, Demonstrate innovative approache, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Local Communities, Indigenous Peoples, Private Sector, SMEs, Large corporations, Beneficiaries, Type of Engagement, Consultation, Participation, Partnership, Civil Society, Academia, Gender Equality, Gender Mainstreaming, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Women groups, Participation and leadership, Gender results areas, Access to benefits and services, Integrated Programs, Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration, Sustainable Food Systems, Comprehensive Land Use Planning, Food Value Chains, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Generation, Workshop, Seminar, Course, Training, Capacity Development, Learning, Adaptive management, Innovation, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 0 Submission Date 6/18/2019 Expected Implementation Start 4/12/2021 Expected Completion Date 10/12/2026 Duration 60In Months Agency Fee($) 1,211,532.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($) IP FOLU Transformation of GET 13,461,468.00 402,190,000.0 food systems through 0 sustainable production, reduced deforestation from commodity supply chains, and increased landscape restoration. Total Project Cost($) 13,461,468.00 402,190,000.0 0 B. Project description summary Project Objective To support the innovative transformation of China?s agro-landscapes and agri-food value chains towards environmental and ecological sustainability at scale in support of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Rural Revitalization, and climate resilience. Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Type Fu Financing Financing( nd ($) $) Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Type Fu Financing Financing( nd ($) $) 1. Technic Outcome 1.1: Output 1.1.1 GE 2,974,375. 42,160,000. Developme al T 00 00 nt of Assistan Strengthened ILM Food and land integrated ce policies, plans and use collaboration landscape capacities that mechanisms managemen promote established or t (ILM) participatory existing systems in planning and mechanisms agricultural enable national and strengthened at landscapes provincial national and institutions across provincial level. agricultural landscapes to meet Output 1.1.2 their relevant sustainable County-level agriculture, rural ILM and revitalization, land restoration plans restoration and developed and related climate and implemented in a biodiversity targets. participatory process bringing Indicators: together public and private ? Number of sectors and county-level ILM supporting cross- and restoration sectoral planning plans in place and scaling up, ensuring ? Number of participation of decision-makers women. and technical staff of national, Output 1.1.3 provincial and local governments with Gender-sensitive increased capacity capacity building to apply ILM implemented for decision makers ? Area under and technical improved staff of the local management plans government on sustainable ? Number of new integrated land or improved and water monitoring systems resources in place and management, operational beyond sustainable project agriculture, biodiversity ? Number of conservation and improved policies restoration. drafted and recommended for Output 1.1.4 adoption Monitoring systems for sustainable food Outcome 1.2: systems and land use established Innovative payment (or existing for agro-ecological systems services incentive improved) and mechanisms in implemented. place for sustainable, safe, Output 1.1.5 and smart agri-food systems. Innovative national and Indicators: provincial policies drafted ? Number of and improved/newly recommended for established adoption to payment for agro- support ecological services sustainable food incentive systems and land mechanisms use. Output 1.2.1 Analysis of payment for agro-ecological services mechanisms conducted and national/provinci al policy reform on payment for agriculture supported, in order to strengthen biodiversity in agro-production system and sustainability of land and soil resources. Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Type Fu Financing Financing( nd ($) $) 2. Investm Outcome 2.1: Output 2.1.1 GE 5,643,694. 227,840,00 Promotion ent T 00 0.00 of Sustainable Sustainable and sustainable agricultural Climate Smart food practices deployed Agriculture production and scaled up that (CSA) practices enhance ecological implemented and and functions, improve scaled up to responsible soil quality and promote carbon agri-food fertility, mitigate sequestration and value GHG emissions emission chains for and establish reduction; the staple resilient demonstrate crops of agricultural effective soil and rice, wheat production models. water and maize, management; and selected Indicators: optimize the cash crops, agricultural and ? Number of newly environment. livestock developed or improved standards Output 2.1.2 ? Area under Climate-smart improved and ecologically practices/GAP sound livestock production and ? Carbon management sequestered or systems emissions avoided implemented and scaled up; ? Chemical livestock waste fertilizer and management pesticide reduction technologies; and the ? Soil organic implementation matter content of circular agriculture ? Average yield per technologies. hectare [Hubei only] productivity Output 2.1.3 ? Number of improved livestock Innovations to waste management reduce the use investments and discharge of supported [Hubei chemical only] fertilizers and pesticides implemented, such as precision Outcome 2.2: agriculture, soil testing, Responsible, integrated pest market-oriented management agricultural value (IPM), ecological chains interception implemented and systems, and scaled up, digital including through technologies. government-private enterprise-farmer Output 2.1.4 cooperative partnerships and Strengthened capacity building. high-standard ecological Indicators: farmland construction ? Number of implemented farmers (women according to and men) national participating in standards (such capacity building as land levelling, activities improved irrigation and ? Increased farmer drainage, and incomes from improved field project supported road agri-food value accessibility). chains [1] (disaggregated by Output 2.2.1 gender) Capacity and ? Number of green/ awareness organic/climate- developed among smart agri-food farmers brands certified (especially women), ? Number of farmer extension service cooperatives with providers, increased capacity enterprises and to support cooperatives on responsible value sustainable chains production and agricultural value [1] Such as from chains. yield increase, crop diversification, and Output 2.2.2 agri-food value chain development. Innovative market linkages and access to finance developed (in particular, for women farmers) in support of sustainable agricultural value chains. Output 2.2.3 Government- private enterprise-farmer cooperative partnerships established (or existing partnerships strengthened) and investments made to support scaling up of sustainable value chains and financing from input supply, to production, to processing and marketing. Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Type Fu Financing Financing( nd ($) $) 3. Investm Outcome 3.1: Output 3.1.1 GE 2,037,574. 71,450,000. Conservatio ent T 00 00 n and Enhanced Interventions restoration conservation and implemented and of restoration of scaled up to agroecosyst agroecosystems maintain and ems and and biodiversity. increase biodiversity biodiversity in Indicators: production systems. ? Species and ecosystems Output 3.1.2 indicators Ecological ? Carbon restoration/ sequestered or rehabilitation emissions avoided implemented and scaled up (e.g., ? Area of upland through and farmland revegetation of surrounding slopes, ecological ecosystems under corridors, trees ecological on farm, restoration/ vegetation rehabilitation buffers, hedgerows, nutrient interception) to enhance ecological functions of farmland boundaries and surrounding ecosystems. Output 3.1.3 Agroforestry interventions supported in upland agro- ecosystems to reduce water loss and soil erosion, enhance carbon sequestration, improve ecosystem service functions
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