NET PRESS RUN> AVERAGE DAILV CIKCULATTO\ f I -• t y ♦■■./•. .* I. for the mooth of JunOi 1928 FoT«eaat''hr IT. 8. ,l|Tcather New Havea 5,141 Fa^ toalll^tv .Wedaisday pf8^ Member of the Audit Bureau of clpiidy jiad not much' change .in Clrculntiona temperature. •ib- VOL. XLII., NO. 246. (Classified Advertising on Page 8) / MANCHESTER, tONN., TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928. wi PRICE THREE ClENTS PRCBPERITY TO Jonah Would Get a Laugh Out of Thiis , BE SLOGAN OF G .0 .P ^ T 0 R S AREA Hdover and President Hold Six Members (if Nobile Party P lip e d to Resign at Once Long Conference on Is­ e rts and Six With Amiindsen; Bat After Conference sues of Campaign— Then Krassin Most Return to With President Decides i f Go Fishing. Refuel. London, July 17.— What is re-^L. Hoffman, noted statistician; Dr. ^ Remain Until Work b garded as the greatest world-wide ■ Burton T. Simpson, of the New Cedar Island Lodge, Wis., July Mosww, July 17.— With six effort ever made to grapple with Y ork! hospital for malignant di­ 17.— Herbert Hoover was determin­ seases; Dr. James. B. Murphy of the Cleaned Up— Work to members of the Nobile expedition the dreaded seCurge of cancer is Rockefeller Institute for Medical ed today to base bis drive for the Seventy-five huge blackfi^h, some of them as much as 30 feet in length, are "shown after they had been trapped on a sand bar by the receding tide near Orleans, Mass. The fish, like the whale, are mam­ and six members of the Amundsen under way here today with dele­ Research,’ Dr. George A. Soper, of Quit Also—Their Prob- presidency on the two great issues mals, and produce an oil valuable in lubricating the most delicate machinery. Orleans fisherihen made a relief squad still missing, the 10,- gates present from many foreign the American Society for Control of of Republican prosperity and com­ small fortune from the kill. 000 ton Russian ice breaker Kras­ countries including the United Cancer, and Professors from a num­ petent governmental manage­ States. ber of medical schools. ahle Successors. sin was on its way to Spitsbergen The international conference was ment as evidenced in the Coolidge The foreign delegatfes were, re­ today to refuel and to transfer to convened under the auspices of the ceived in audience by King George administration. the Cltta, di Milano the seven mem­ British empire cancer campaign. It at Buckingham .Palace yesterday. BOX lu n c h e s p o is o n Superior, Wis., July 17— Herbert This was the principal develop­ THAW PEEVED bers of the Nobile party that had was made possible largely through “ We are hopeful this conference ment of the Republican nominee's generosity of Sir Richard Garton, Hoover will remain In the Cabinet been rescued from the ice.. will give the greatest impetus that conference with President Coolidge honorary secretary of the British the .world has ever known in until after he has reached the Paci­ at the Summer White House. These There- are sixteen rescued men Campaign, who is bearing the en­ searching out the cause and cure of fic. coast. 150 PERSONS IN HUB O V E R B R in ^ in all aboard the Kyassin, the issues previously received the en­ tire cost of bringing to London the cancer,” Captain E. J. C. Chapman, President Coolidge let it be dorsement . of Vice President other nine being members of relief bulk of the foreign delegates. the organizing secretary, told In­ groups that had been searching for known today that certain matters Charles G. Dawes and of many high Three hundred cancer specialists ternational News Service. Every Republican leaders who saw the. the lost explorers. All on board the frona all parts of the world are at­ are still pending before the Depart­ m s REASONS ice breaker were described as be­ aspect of cancer will be discussed— nominee before he left Washington. 70 Men in ^One Plant Strick­ GIOLITTI IS DEAD; tending. Of this number about 25 pathological, diagnostic, medical, ment of Comn^rce with special in­ Hoover will emphasize these two ing in good health and spirits save came from the United States. The Alfredo Mariano who is still suf­ surgical. X-ray, occupational, pub­ terest to t^e west coast that he issues in his speech of acceptance en-H ospitals Filled With American delegation includes: Dr. lic health and racial;” wishes Hoover personally to handle. to be delivered August 11 at Le- Gives fin t Statement on Re- fering from his frozen leg. As re­ iand Stanford University in Palo FAMOUS DIPLOMAT ported by wireless last Thursday, The decision was acceptable to Alto, California. They will be Victims— Probing Chain the ship’s doctor fears gangrene Hoover following a conference with stressed too by party spokesmen all may develop. the President. The secretary of turn From Europe— Calls commerce iss anxious to relinquish over the country and a great army 1 To Continue Search MOTHER OF EVANtSLIST Restaurants. The Soviet relief committee met his Cabinet position .o that he may of Republican orators who will in­ Foremost Figure in Italian devote his entire time to the cam­ vade every hamlet and town once the English “ A Lot of this afternoon to decide whether the Krassin should continue the paign against Gov. Smith, but he the campaign gets under way. Politics Until Overshadow­ search for the Alessandri and TELLS ALL ABOUT AIMEE is willing to finish up his job as Mr. S ■ l*resident to Assist. Boston, Mass., July 17.— Chemists Hicks.” Amundsen parties. The committee Coolidge wishes. The president himself will take and physicians today were engaged is inclined to press the search un­ <S>- an active part in the campaign in an examination and analysis of ed by Mussolini. til there is definite ground for aban­ OVERNIGHT CONFERENCE making at least two political food from a la,rge chain restaurant New York, July -17— Harry K. doning all hope, despite the intima­ Her Daughter’s Talk to Ra­ Superior, Wis., «uly 17— The ap­ speeches in the heat of the cam­ tions from Premier .Mussolini, of SMITH CONSIDERS pointment of two njw Cabinet of­ system in an effort to discover ,the Thaw, who favored England with paign. He was said to have given _ Rome, July 17 — Messages of Italy, and Gen. Umberto Nobile ficers was Impending today as Sec­ source of food poisoning of more a visit,,only to be told the British that further aid from the Soviets is retary of Commerce Herbert Hoo­ this assurance personally to Hoov­ condolence from all parts of the dio Operator Were Heard er. One of the President’s ad­ than 150 persons, including 60 em­ shore line from a ship was the best not desired evidently on account of ACCEPTANCE DATE ver concluded his overnight con­ world today poured into the city of the King could do for him, is back the cost. It was indicated that there- ference with President Coolidge. dresses will be delivered in Boston, ployees of the Ford Motor Com­ it was reliably reported, while Cavour where Giovanni Glolittl, five in New York with a peeve on at is an unwillingness to pay further by Little Old Woman Sit- Hoover, enroute to California to pany’s assembling plant in "Somer­ be notified officially of bis nomina­ ' another probably will be made in times a premier of Italy, succumbed King. George and his clerks, expenses for the work of the Kras­ New York City. ville. to uremic poisoning early sin. tion for the presidency by the Re­ this “ England is hundreds of years be­ A radiogram from the Krassin ting in Church. Friends Want Him to Speak publican Party, has reached 'an The Republican nominee and While hospitals; filled with vic­ morning. Mrs. Hoover were the house guests hind the times,” was the theme of quoted F. Hehounek, one of the agreement with Mr. Coolidge as to tims in great pain reported that The famous statesman who was the date of his retirement from the of the President and Mrs. Coolidge only one patient was in a serious a statement issued in typewritten Nobile survivors, as saying he saw Week Before Hoover is , at the Summer White House since known as the “ Old Fox” of Italian neither flames nor smoke when the Los Angeles, Calif., July 17.— Cabinet. It Is probable official an­ way, the chemical and medical ex­ form by Thaw as ne stepped from nouncement thereof will be made, yesterday morning. The Hoovers politics, was, 85 ypars old'J - At bis Italia’s envelope was carried away Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, estranged perts of the state, city and restau­ the Ile.De Pianpe today. Later he in a "gale oh May 25. He b eliefs today when the President motors’in - .1 will leave tonight, to resume their rant system were first looking into bedside at the time of his ' death amended'the statement to make it mother of Aimee temple McPher­ Notified. from the summer White House for \ , westward journey to Palo Alto. The there is a possibility that the mx samples of chocolate cream pie were his dfaughler, Mai-y, his soh-in-;; read “ a million years.” ^ men carried away with the gas son, noted evangelist, has been va­ his semi-weekly visit to the tempor­ nominee will rejoin his train at eaten from box lunches by all the law and his family physician, Dr. Barfed as kn undesirable, accord­ bag may be still alive. riously reported as In physical and ary executive offices victims.
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