33RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE,RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 THE ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS CONFERENCE Measurement of hadron-carbon interactions for better understanding of air showers with NA61/SHINE H. P. DEMBINSKI1 FOR THE NA61/SHINE COLLABORATION2. 1 Institut fur¨ Kernphysik, KIT Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, D - 76021 Karlsruhe 2 Full author list: https: // na61. web. cern. ch/ na61/ pages/ storage/ authors_ list. pdf [email protected] Abstract: The interpretation of air shower measurements requires the detailed simulation of hadronic particle production over a wide range of energies and the forward phase space of secondary particles. In air showers, the bulk of particles is produced at later stages of the shower development and at equivalent beam energies in the sub-TeV range. NA61/SHINE is a fixed target experiment using secondary beams produced at the SPS at 1 CERN. Hadron-hadron interactions have been recorded at beam momenta between 13 and 350 GeVc− with a wide-acceptance spectrometer. In this article we present measurements of the inelastic cross-section and secondary particle yields of pion-carbon interactions, which are essential for modelling air showers. Keywords: hadron interaction, QCD, air shower, pion 1 Hadronic interactions in air showers Cosmic rays initiate extensive air showers (EAS) when they collide with nuclei of the atmosphere. The EAS data recorded by experiments like the Pierre Auger Observa- tory [1], KASCADE [2] or IceTop [3], is used to infer their properties. The interpretation relies on simulations of the shower development during which electromagnetic and hadronic particle interactions are followed from primary 20 9 energies of & 10 eV down to energies of 10 eV. The penetrating muon component of an EAS is particu- larly important for the interpretation of data from ground detectors. Myons that reach ground typically originate from mesons produced in low energy interactions in the late stages of an air shower. Depending on the primary energy and detection distance, the relevant interaction energies are between 10 and 1000 GeV and the modeling of the corre- sponding low energy interactions contributes at least 10% Figure 1: Schematic layout of the NA61/SHINE experi- to the overall uncertainty of the predicted muon number at ment. ground (see e.g. Refs. [4–7]). Comprehensive and precise particle production measure- properties of the onset of de-confinement and a search for ments in this energy range are of great value. Unfortunately, the critical point of strongly interacting matter (see e.g. direct measurements are sparse, even for the most numer- Ref. [10]). ous projectile in air showers, the p-meson. Thus new data The layout of the NA61/SHINE detector is sketched in 1 with pion beams at 158 and 350 GeVc− on a thin car- Fig. 1. A set of scintillation and Cherenkov counters as bon target (as a proxy for nitrogen) were collected by the well as beam position detectors upstream of the spectrom- NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS and prelimi- eter provide timing reference, identification and position nary results from this data set are presented here. measurements of the incoming beam particles. Large time- projection-chambers (TPCs) inherited from the NA49 exper- iment [11] are used to measure the charge and momentum of 2 The NA61/SHINE experiment particles. The momentum resolution, s(1=p) = s(p)=p2, 4 1 NA61/SHINE (SHINE = SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Ex- is about 10− GeV− c at full magnetic field and the track- periment) [8] is a multi-purpose fixed target experiment to ing efficiency is better than 95%. Particle identification is study hadron production in hadron-nucleus and nucleus- achieved by measuring the energy loss along the tracks in nucleus collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron the TPCs and by determining their velocity from the time (SPS). Among its physics goals are precise hadron pro- of flight provided by large scintillator walls placed down- duction measurements for improving calculations of the stream of the TPCs. neutrino beam flux in the T2K neutrino oscillation experi- The centrality of nucleus-nucleus collisions can be esti- ment [9] as well as for more reliable simulations of hadronic mated using the measurement of the energy of projectile interactions in air showers. Moreover, p+p, p+Pb and nu- spectators with a calorimeter [12] located behind the time cleus+nucleus collisions are measured for a study of the of flight detectors. For nucleon-nucleus collisions, the cen- Hadron-carbon interactions measured with NA61/SHINE 33RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE,RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 1 0 1 0 10− 10 10− 10 103 103 102 102 2 c 2 10 10 − 1 1 1 1 / mb GeV 10− 10− T p d σ 2 2 2 lab d 10− 10− p d 3 1 + 1 3 10− h− at 158 GeV c− h at 158 GeV c− 10− NA61/SHINE preliminary NA61/SHINE preliminary 4 4 10− 10− 103 103 102 102 2 c 2 10 10 − 1 1 1 1 / mb GeV 10− 10− T p d σ 2 2 2 lab d 10− 10− p d 3 1 + 1 3 10− h− at 350 GeV c− h at 350 GeV c− 10− NA61/SHINE preliminary NA61/SHINE preliminary 4 4 10− 10− 1 0 1 0 10− 10 10− 10 1 1 pT/GeV c− pT/GeV c− 1 Figure 2: Inclusive pT-spectra of charged hadrons produced in p−+C interactions at 158 and 350 GeVc− . In each figure, 1 1 the particle momentum p ranges from 0.58 to 145 GeVc− in steps of log10(plab=GeVc− ) = 0:08 from top to bottom. The 1 markers alternate between circle and square for each step in log10(plab=GeVc− ) to guide the eye. Hadron-carbon interactions measured with NA61/SHINE 33RD INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE,RIO DE JANEIRO 2013 ] 10 2 0.5 NA61/SHINE preliminary simulation 1 0.4 1 1 − [mb/(GeV/c) T 0.3 σ 2 d -1 dp 10 /GeV c 10 1 0.2 data T − p QGSJetII-3 lepton fraction EPOS1.99 0.1 10-2 Sibyll2.1 NA61/SHINE preliminary 2 10− 0.0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 p [GeV/c] 10 10 10 T 1 plab/GeV c− Figure 3: Transverse momentum spectrum of negatively Figure 4: Predicted fraction of negative leptons in charged 1 charged hadrons produced in p−+C interactions at particles produced in p−+C interactions at 158 GeVc− 1 1 158 GeVc beam momentum at plab =10.4 GeVc . beam momentum (average of VENUS and EPOS). − h i − trality is determined by counting low momentum particles are displayed in Fig. 3. The uncertainties shown are the from the target (so called ’gray protons’) with a small TPC total uncertainties including the statistical uncertainty and around the target. systematics from model correction, normalization, trigger NA61/SHINE started data taking in 2007. During the last bias, calibration and track topology. four years, a wealth of data has been recorded by the exper- These preliminary measurements are already useful to 1 iment at beam momenta ranging from 13 to 350 GeVc− judge the quality of event generators used in air-shower with various beam particles and targets. simulations. An example of the pT distribution of negatively charged hadrons produced in p−+C interactions at a beam 1 momentum of 158 GeVc− is shown in Fig. 3 for particle 1 3 NA61/SHINE results for the momenta with plab =10.4 GeVc and compared to h i − interpretation of cosmic ray air showers predictions by QGSJETII-03 [19], SIBYLL2.1 [20] and EPOS1.99 [21]. As can be seen, none of these hadronic 6 The analysis presented here is based on 4:7 10 inelastic interaction models which are used to simulate air showers · 1 events collected with pion beams at 158 and 350 GeVc− on can reproduce that data and especially SIBYLL2.1 predicts a thin carbon target. We present the production cross-section a too steep spectrum at high transverse momenta. The and momentum spectra of produced charged hadrons [13]. underestimation of charged hadron production at large The production cross-section in p−+C interactions was transverse momenta is present at all momenta for EPOS1.99 determined in a similar manner as described in Ref. [14]. and SIBYLL2.1. Of all the models studied QGSJETII-03 The experimental interaction cross-section is corrected for describes our data best with only a small deficit of tracks residual contributions from elastic and quasi-elastic scat- with high pT at large particle momentum but slightly too tering as well as for the inelastic contribution to which the many particles at low traverse momenta. Comparisons with NA61/SHINE interaction trigger is not sensitive. The uncer- the latest models will be shown at the conference. tainties of the measurement are currently dominated by the A shortcoming of the present analysis is the model de- model-dependence of this correction. Preliminary values pendent correction of the charged hadron spectra for lep- : : are sprod = 172 2(stat ) 4(syst.) and 178 2(stat ) ton contamination (almost entirely e±). The contamination ± ± 1 ± ± 1 1 4(syst.) at 158 and 350 GeVc− respectively [15]. This exceeds 20 % at plab < 10GeVc− and pT < 0:1GeVc− measurement is compatible with previous results [16,17] as indicated in Fig. 4 and data in this range are not shown and already gives the most precise value of the production because of the associated large systematic uncertainty. 1 cross section at around 160 GeVc− . Currently work is ongoing to use the measured en- The momentum spectra of charged hadrons produced ergy loss along the tracks in the TPCs to identify the in these interactions are presented in Fig.
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