Heathland Wind Farm Chapter 7 EIA Report Archaeology and Heritage 7 CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY 7.1 INTRODUCTION 1. This Chapter of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) evaluates the effects of Heathland Wind Farm (the Development) on the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage resource. This assessment was undertaken by Arcus Consultancy Services Limited (Arcus). 2. This Chapter of the EIA Report is supported by the following Technical Appendix documents provided in Volume 3 Technical Appendices: Technical Appendix A7.1: Heathland Wind Farm Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA); Technical Appendix A7.2 Consultation Records. 3. This Chapter of the EIA Report is supported by the following figures provided in Volume 2a: EIA Report Figures: Figure 7.1: Study Areas; Figure 7.2: Non-designated Heritage within 1 km Study Area; Figure 7.3: Designated Heritage Assets within 10 km; Figure 7.4: Cumulative Wind Farms within 10 km; Figure 7.5: Wireframe of Wilsontown Ironworks (SM2654); Figure 7.6: Wireframe of Woodmuir Farm, coke ovens and reservoirs 600 m SSE of (SM11227); Figure 7.7: Wireframe of Tashieburn, horse engine platforms 50 m NE of (SM9700); Figure 7.8: Wireframe of Haywood, deserted mining village (SM9684); Figure 7.9: Wireframe of Cleugh House, bell pits and inclined plane 130 m SSW of (SM11234); and Figure 7.10: Wireframe of West Harwood, burial mound 720 m SSE of (SM11210). 4. This chapter includes the following elements: Legislation, Policy and Guidance; Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria; Baseline Conditions; Assessment of Potential Effects; Cumulative Effect Assessment; Mitigation and Residual Effects; Summary of Effects; Statement of Significance; and Glossary. 7.2 LEGISLATION, POLICY AND GUIDANCE 5. A detailed review of the relevant heritage legislation and guidance is provided within the DBA in Appendix A7.1. A summary of the relevant legislation and guidance used within the EIA Report is provided below. Further details of energy and planning policy is found in Chapter 4 - Energy and Planning and within the Planning Statement submitted as part of the application. 7.2.1 Legislation 6. Heritage legislation of relevance includes: EDF-R Arcus Consultancy Services Ltd January 2021 Page 7-1 Heathland Wind Farm Chapter 7 EIA Report Archaeology and Heritage The Historic Environment Scotland Act 20141; The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 19792; The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 19973; and The Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (as amended)4 (the EIA Regulations). 7.2.2 Policy and Guidance 7. In addition to the aforementioned legislation, the following is a summary of the key heritage policy and guidance: Scotland’s Third National Planning Framework (NPF3)5; Scottish Planning Policy (2014)6: Valuing the Historic Environment, Paragraphs 135- 151; EIA Handbook7; Historic Environment Policy for Scotland (HEPS)8; Our Place in Time: The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland9; Policy 15: Natural and Historic Environment (South Lanarkshire Council Local Development Plan Policies (SLLDP) (2015));10 Policy ENV 32: Archaeology (West Lothian Council Local Development Plan (2018))11; Planning Advice Note (PAN) PAN 2/2011: Planning and Archaeology12; CIfA Standards and Guidance13; and 1 Scottish Government (2014) The Historic Environment Scotland Act [Online] Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/19/pdfs/asp_20140019_en.pdf. (Accessed 23/6/20) 2 UK Government (1979) The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act [Online] Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1979/46 (Accessed 23/6/20) 3 Scottish Government (1997) The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act [Online] Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1997/9/contents (Accessed 23/6/20) 4 The Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2017/101/contents/made (Accessed 23/6/20) 5 Sottish Government (2014) National Planning Framework 3. Available at https://www.gov.scot/publications/national-planning-framework-3/ (Accessed 04/08/2020) 6 Scottish Government (2014) Scottish Planning Policy [Online] Available at https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-planning-policy/ (Accessed 04/08/2020) 7 SNH and HES (May 2018). EIA Handbook. Available at https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and- research/publications/publication/?publicationId=6ed33b65-9df1-4a2f-acbb-a8e800a592c0 (Accessed 04/08/2020) 8 HES (2019) Scottish Environment Policy for Scotland [Online] Available at: https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and-research/publications/publication/?publicationId=1bcfa7b1- 28fb-4d4b-b1e6-aa2500f942e7 (Accessed 04/08/20) 9 Scottish Government (2014) Our Place in Time: The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland 10 South Lanarkshire Council, South Lanarkshire Council Local Development Plan, Adopted 2015, Available at https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200172/plans_and_policies/39/development_plans/6 [accessed 13/10/20] 11 West Lothian Council, West Lothian Local Development Plan, Adopted 2018, Available at: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/media/38765/West-Lothian-Local-Development-Plan-Adopted- 2018/pdf/West_Lothian_Local_Development_Plan_-__Adopted_final_Web_Version_Amended_-_2020-01- 08.pdf?m=637140907284930000 [accessed 13/10/20] 12 The Scottish Government (2011) Planning Advice Note 2/2011 [Online] Available at https://www.gov.scot/publications/pan-2-2011-planning-archaeology/ (Accessed 04/08/20) 13 Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (2017) Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment, Published December 2014, Updated January 2017 [Online] Available at: http://www.archaeologists.net/sites/default/files/CIfAS%26GDBA_3.pdf (Accessed 04/08/20) EDF-R Arcus Consultancy Services Ltd January 2021 Page 7-2 Heathland Wind Farm Chapter 7 EIA Report Archaeology and Heritage Historic Environment Scotland (HES) (2016) Managing Change in the Historic Environment Series, specifically ‘Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Setting’14. 7.3 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY AND SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA 7.3.1 Scoping Responses and Consultations 8. Consultation for this EIA Report topic was undertaken with the organisations shown in Table 7.1. Table 7.1: Consultation Responses Consultee Type and Date Summary of Response to Consultation Consultee Response Historic Scoping Response HES were broadly Wireframes were Environment 18/12/19 content with the produced from all the Scotland (HES) Scoping Report. They assets identified by HES identified that the and are included as following assets may Figures 7.5-7.10. These experience a significant assets are fully assessed effect: within Section 7.5 of this Wilsontown chapter. Ironworks (SM HES was provided with a 2654) finalised list of assets Woodmuir Farm, that would be considered coke ovens and for indirect effects. HES reservoirs 600m responded stating that SSE of (SM 11227) they were content with the list provided Tashieburn, horse (November 2020). engine platforms 50 m NE of (SM 9700) Haywood, deserted mining village (SM 9684) Cleugh House, bell pits and inclined plane 130 m SSW of (SM 11234) West Hardwood, burial mound 720 m SSE of (SM11210). West of Scotland Agree with the WoSAS was provided Archaeology Service proposed study as set with a finalised list of (WoSAS) out in the Scoping assets that would be Report 2019. considered for indirect effects. Scoping Response 18/12/19 South Lanarkshire 7/2/20 South Lanarkshire No further consultation Council Council considered the undertaken. scope of topics within the Scoping Report 14 HES (2016, updated February 2020) Managing Change in the Historic Environment: Setting [Online] Available at: https://www.historicenvironment.scot/archives-and- research/publications/publication/?publicationId=80b7c0a0-584b-4625-b1fd-a60b009c2549 (Accessed 04/08/20) EDF-R Arcus Consultancy Services Ltd January 2021 Page 7-3 Heathland Wind Farm Chapter 7 EIA Report Archaeology and Heritage Consultee Type and Date Summary of Response to Consultation Consultee Response acceptable. No specific archaeological or cultural heritage comment was made. West Lothian 14/2/20 West Lothian Council No further consultation Council confirmed they were undertaken. generally content with the scoping report. No specific archaeological or cultural heritage comment was made. 7.3.2 Scope of Assessment 9. The assessment of potential cultural heritage effects relating to the Development is focused upon direct and indirect effects. 10. A direct effect is an effect upon features of cultural heritage interest, where sites or potential sites / buried archaeology are in danger of being disturbed or destroyed. Physical effects are likely to occur during the construction and are permanent and irreversible. 11. An indirect effect is any change to the setting of a heritage asset that affects its cultural significance so that it alters the understanding of that asset or its ability to be appreciated or experienced. 12. The potential effects from the Development to cultural heritage assets are: Temporary indirect effects arising from the construction phase, such as noise and higher vehicular and pedestrian activity, which may cause reduced access to and / or reduced appreciation of the historical environment; Permanent direct effects due to land take by the foundations and access tracks; and Indirect effects,
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