UNIVERSITÉ LILLE 1 SCIENCES et TECHNOLOGIES Laboratoire Génie Civil et géo-Environnement LGCgE Discipline : Génie Civil Et UNIVERSITY of BALAMAND Faculty of Civil Engineering École Doctorale des Sciences pour l‟Ingénieur EDSPI THÈSE DE DOCTORAT Développement et Élaboration de Méthodes de Traitement de Données de Terrain et de Modèles Hydrodynamiques et Hydrodispersifs dans une Optique de Développement Durable En Matière de Gestion de L’eau au Nord du Liban Soutenu le 26/06/2014 Pour l‟obtention du diplôme de Docteur de l’Université Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies Par Marianne SABA Devant le Jury : Professeur Jalal HALAWANI Université Libanaise Rapporteur Professeur Lahcen ZOUHRI Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais Rapporteur Professeur Erick CARLIER Université Lille 1 Sciences et Technologies Directeur de Thèse Professeur Najib GEORGES University of Balamand Co-Directeur de Thèse ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Pursuing a PhD is a challenging experience where mixed and contradicting feeling emerged. It is just like climbing the highest peak of a mountain step by step accompanied by its bitterness, hardship and encouragement of so many people around me. When I found myself at the end of the journey, I realized that this long path toward my professional development objective would not have been possible without the support of all those people who supported me. My outmost gratitude goes to my honorable director, Professor Erick Carlier, whose support; advice and guidance were the main drivers toward the right directions. No doubt, learning from such a professional reference has influenced my learning experience and without his sustenance this thesis would not have been possible. My sincere gratitude goes as well to my co-director and trustworthy director, Professor Najib Georges, whose encouragement, guidance and support have enabled me to develop and accomplish my thesis. Special thanks go as well to the Environmental Engineering Laboratory at the University of Balamand, GIS center with Dr. Amal Iaaly in person, the North Water Establishment in Lebanon and the LGCgE Laboratory at Polytech Lille. Last but not least, I would like to mention that the accomplishment of this thesis would have not been successful without the full support of Professor Michel Najjar, Dean of Engineering and Vice President for Development. My greatest regards is to my beloved husband Michel and two little boys Boutros and Marc. Without the personal and emotional support that my husband provided unconditionally towards me and the boys, this journey would have ended long time ago. Truly, you are the origin and essence of my happiness and success. I would also like to convey my heartfelt thanks to my wonderful mother, whose understanding and support all through the three years have made me a stronger and more motivated individual in the pursuit of my academic degree. I am so thankful to all my family members from my father to my brother and sister as well as to my mother-, brother- and sister in laws who have encouraged me all along the way. iii ABSTRACT Keywords: Hydrochemistry, Groundwater Quality, Modeling, Visual Modflow, GIS, Sea Water Intrusion The increasing population in Tripoli and its surrounding has placed an increase in the demand of groundwater and the random drilling of wells. This situation has resulted in a higher demand of groundwater and thus endangered the Miocene limestone aquifer that will cause problems unless serious steps for the management of water resources are implemented. These steps should include defining stringent characterization of the properties of the aquifer in order to properly manage the quality and quantity of pumped water. Our aim in this study is to analyze the hydrochemical, hydro physical quality, and water level of groundwater in the Miocene aquifer in the North of Lebanon. The results have shown that the dominant type of groundwater in the area is highly chlorinated with sulfated calcium and magnesium with heavily charged nitrate and nitrite. The spatial distribution of anions and cations as well as electrical conductivity obeys an increasing pattern westwards towards the Mediterranean Sea. Due to the high concentrations of 2− − + 2+ − SO4 , Cl , Mg and Ca , NO2 , and the presence of bacteriological contamination (E. Coli, Coliform, Salmonella) and some ions in higher concentration than the maximum allowable levels and, not all of the 65 water sampled in wet and dry seasons are categorized in suitable ranges for drinking use. During the last decades, illegal groundwater pumping mainly for domestic and agricultural use has caused groundwater quality degradation due to saline water intrusion from western areas (Tripoli and Mina area). In order to study the origin and the hydrochemical aspect of groundwater, PhreeqC and Diagram software helped us determine the properties after inputting the measured data on site; as for the water level parameters (conductivity and transmissivity) the Aquitest software was used. GIS and Visual Modflow software were used to generate maps locating the spatial distribution of all parameters, including the potentiometric map of the region. The end result was the determination of anthropogenic and naturogenic sources of water contamination and pollution in North Lebanon. This is considered as one of the main concerns of the area; but due to the low utilities, budgets, political situation and unawareness of the population, the analysis and sampling were done in very crucial conditions in addition to the lack of studies and information on the Koura\Zgharta\Tripoli Miocene aquifer. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v ABBREVIATIONS xi LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1: HYDROLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 3 Introduction 3 1.1 Hydrology and Hydrogeology 3 1.1.1 Hydrologic Cycle 3 1.1.2 Elements of the Hydrologic Cycle 5 Precipitation 5 Infiltration 6 Run-Off 6 Evaporation and Transpiration 7 Evapotranspiration 8 Mathematical Statement for Hydrologic Cycle 9 1.1.3 Energy Transformations 9 1.2 Hydrologic Equation 9 1.3 Geology of Groundwater 9 1.3.1 Movement of Groundwater 10 1.3.2 Confined and Unconfined Aquifers 11 CHAPTER 2: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE STUDIED AREA 13 Introduction 13 v 2.1 Area of Study 13 2.2 Climate of Koura, Zgharta and Tripoli Area 14 2.3 Groundwater 14 2.4 Previous Studies 15 2.5 Geology of Lebanon 16 2.6 Lithostratigrahy of the Studied Area 20 2.6.1 Location of the Studied Area 20 2.6.2 Secondary Formation 23 Middle Cretaceous 23 2.6.3 Upper Cretaceous (C6) 24 2.6.4 Eocene (E1-2a) 24 2.6.5 Vindobonian (M2) 24 2.6.6 Pontian 25 2.6.7 Pliocene (P) 26 2.6.8 Quaternary 26 2.7 Structural Features of the Studied Area 27 2.7.1 Jabal Kelhat Anticline 27 2.7.2 Jabal Tourbol Anticline 27 2.7.3 Amioun Anticline 27 2.7.4 Kousba Anticline 27 2.7.5 Koura-Zgharta Basin 27 CHAPTER 3: HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE STUDIED AREA 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Minor Aquifers in Koura Zgharta Basin 31 3.3 Miocene Aquifer of Koura Zgharta Basin 32 vi 3.4 Potentiometric Surfaces 33 3.5 Karst in The Region 37 CHAPTER 4: MATERIALS, SAMPLING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURE (OR 38 METHODOLOGY) 4.1 Criteria for Sampling (Or Sampling Protocol) 39 4.2 Field Investigation 40 4.3 Steps for Groundwater Sampling 43 4.3.1 Handling Objects for Sampling 43 4.3.2 Washing the Sample Containers 43 4.4 Sample Registration 44 4.5 Groundwater Sampling Methodology 44 4.5.1 Sampling Procedure for Water Level 44 4.5.2 Sampling Procedure for Water Quality 45 4.6 Difficulties Faced in Sampling Campaigns 46 4.7 Laboratory Measurement 49 4.7.1 Procedure for Microbiological Tests: E.Coli ,Coliforms and Salmonela 49 4.7.2 Procedure for Chemical Parameters 50 CHAPTER 5: ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF RESULTS 53 5.1 Water Level: Static and Dynamic Water Level 53 5.2 Water Chemistry Analysis 53 5.2.1 The Physical Parameters 75 pH 75 Temperature 76 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 77 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 79 vii Conductivity 80 Salinity 82 Wilcox Method 85 5.2.2 The Chemical Parameters 86 Hydrochemical Results Obtained With PhreeqC 90 Phosphate 93 Fluoride and Fluorite 94 Bromide 97 Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonium 99 Chloride 102 Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium 104 Sodium and Potassium 107 Sulphate 110 Correlation Between Calcium, Sodium & Sulphate 111 Magnesium 113 Lithium 114 Bromide 115 E.Coli , Coliform and Salmonella 116 5.3 Brief Discussion and Conclusion 117 CHAPTER 6: ESTIMATION OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES AND GROUND 124 WATER FLOW TO WELLS (PUMPING TEST ANALYSES) 6.1 Estimation of Groundwater Resources 124 6.2 Ground Water Flow to Wells (Pumping Test Analyses) 13 4 6.2.1 Method to Approach Fractured Medium 135 viii 6.2.2 Determination of Conductivity and Transmissivity 135 6.2.3 Theis Method (Unsteady-state flow) 138 6.2.4 Cooper-Jacob Method 140 6.3 Interpretation of Theis and Cooper Jacob 148 6.4 Conclusion 151 CHAPTER 7: MODELING GROUNDWATER USING VISUAL MODFLOW 152 7.1 Introduction 152 7.1.1 Gridding Overview 153 7.1.2 Gridding Method 154 7.1.3 The Kriging Formula 155 7.2 Geographical Information System and Visual Modflow for Our Study 158 7.2.1 Procedure in Simulation of VMOD 161 Defining Properties 164 7.2.2 Boundary Condition 167 7.2.3 Proceed to Run or Define Optional Model Elements 175 7.3 Results 177 CHAPTER 8: MANAGEMENT OF GROUNDWATER IN MIOCENE LIMESTONE
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