Bay men Again Attack Plan for Dredging SEE STORY BELOW HOME FINAL Partly Sunny * * * Becoming partly sunny today. Fair and cool tonight. Tomor- ) Red Bank, Freehold f M I M J\ M M I I M B J I M Home Delivery row, clear and mild. j Long Branch J X IX« Vf XK/X JUlX I (See Details Page 2) 45 Cents Per Week Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper tor 89 Years VOL. 90, NO. 222 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MAY 13, 1968 TEN CENTS (AP) - Representa- country as steps toward peace, United-SlalesLand. but U.S. officials declined to North Vietnam began their disclose when- sueh-proposals- long-awaited talks about a would be made. cease-fire in North Vietnam The French government was with a cordial handshake to- reported playing a quiet go-be- day. tween role in bringing the two U.S. Ambassador W. Averell sides together and helping Harriman walked into the or- them iron out problems. The nate gray and gold meeting Soviet government supports the room in the French Internation- talks and has wished them al Conference Center, spotted "complete success." Red Ambassador Xuan Thuy, stuck China has urged the North Viet- out his hand, said "Mr. Thuy," namese to fight on, and West- and they shook hands vigorous- ern diplomats believe Peking ly. would wreck the talks if possi- Harriman's deputy, Cyrus R. ble. Vance, then shook hands with The French government said HONORED* BY ELKDOM — Winners of Elks' statewide Thuy and several other mem- last week that forces "hostile bers of the North Vietnamese leadership contest received their savings bond awards to peace" were trying to upset 1 delegation. the talks by exploiting the stu- —at—Elks National Youth Day ceremonies in Red Bank AND THE BAND PLAYED ON — Threatening skies held The French government took dent rebellion which closed Saturday. They are Donald Sedlak of Little Silver, a back all but a few drops of rain until ceremonies mark- precautions to make sure that part of the University of Paris senior ai Red Bank Catholic High School, and Miss ing Elks National Youth Da/ were concluded at Red the opening session would not last week and resulted in street be upset by a 24-hour general . Georgene Moldova n of Bordentown, a senior at Borden- Bank Saturday. Participating bands with their majorettes fighting. Officials said private- strike today on behalf of stu- ly the government meant the town Regional High, the presentation is made by Ed- and color guards performed at the athletic field after dents demanding modernization Chinese Communists. mund H. Hanlon of Red Bank Lodge, the state youth marching in parade from Marine Park, of the government's education- al policy. The opening of official con- activities chairman. (Register Staff Photo) (Register Staff Photo)] versations between President —Thuy,ina gray suit and tie, AT TARIS CONFERENCE—Chief U.S. delegate Averell Johnson and President Ho Chi came into the big conference Harriman, center, and deputy chief Cyrus Vance, right, Minh through their ambassa- room promptly at 10:30 a.m., dors is the culmination of a At Elks Youth Day escorted by Bernard Durand, arrive at International Conference Center today to process that goes back directly the French chief of protocol. begin first full-scale meeting with North Vietnamese almost six months. They were followed by other delegation. Man at left background is an usher. Serious peace probes began members of the North Vietnam- IAP Wirepheto) in 1964 when the Viet Cong and oso delegation. Thuy smiled North Viotnamefe felt elosu fa at newsmen and photographers defeating the South Vietnamese Student Honored watching from both ends of the ^Advance word was that-Har- Hanoi has increased the sup riman would stress Johnson's plies and troops it is sending in- government. The U.S. govern- —RED-BANK — The presen- secretary-of the Red-Bank Er-Wlielan, stale-chairman of-Charles_Eussell,._33_Katherine room, and several times he lation of an $800 scholarship lodge, was master of ceremo- the scholarship committee. St., Fair Haven; and Mr. readiness lolift the bombing if to the-South. ment, unwilling to see the waved for the cameras. South overrun, took the posi- award to Alan Guerci, 7 nies. Also on the program were Ruda. North Vietnam would make The United States would like About a minute later, Harri- some showing of military re- to see a restoration of the de- tion the probes at that time Markwood Lane, Rumson, Edmund H. Hanlon of the lo- savings bond presentations to All the bands in the march man and his delegation walked straint. The U.S. government militarized zone between North were not serious. climaxed a - parade • and cer- cal lodge, state youth activi- winners of local scholarship to the- athletic field got trophic in. Harriman was also dressed claims that since Johnson lim- and South Vietnam and an With the Saigon regime on emonies marking Elks Na- ties chairman and nominee for and leadership contests, made to take home with them. in a gray suit but of a lighter ited the bombing on March 31, early cease-fire throughout the (See TALKS, Pg. 24, Col. 2) tional Youth Day Saturday. president of the State Elks As- by Patrick J. Vaccarelli and They Included the Eatontown shade than Thuy's. sociation, presented sav- The annual celebration, Mr. Hanlon, who served as Drum and Bugle Corps, mak- Both at Geneva ings bond awards to the win- sponsored by the Elks Lodge chairman and co-chairman of ing its first Red Bank appear- Harrisman and Thuy both ners of the state youth leader- of-this borough, started with a Youth Day and the lodge's ance, and the bands of Red served on the delegations to the ship competition. They went to 22-unit parade, from Marine youth activities committee, Bank High, Red Bank Catho- 1962 Geneva Conference on Park to the athletic field. Miss Georgene Moldoyan of They went to: lic, Rumson-Fair Haven Re- Allied Forces Crush Laos. Bordentown and Donald A. Sed- At the field, the marching Miss Joanne Curtis, 8 Eing- gional and the Keansburg Pub- While the atmosphere of the lak of Little Silver, seniors at bands performed, trophies ham Hill Circle, Rumson; Mr. lic Schools. meeting today was cordial, dip- Bordentown Regional and Bed were awarded to the best Sedlak; Miss Lois Lehman, 192 lomats of both countries" said inarching units, speeches and Bank Catholic High Schools, re- Also receiving trophies were Winding Way, Little Silver, Girl Scout Troop 330 of Red privately that one of the many awards were made, and the spectively. and Richard Ruda, 855 Syca- Reds' Saigon Thrust Bank, Cub Scout Pack 17 of problems facing the negotiators Elks distributed 1,200 hot dogs. The $800 award from the more Ave., New Shrewsbury, in their "official conversations" Red Bank, Brownie Troop 127 Lt. Gen. Fred C. Weyand an- The gathering was addressed Elks National Foundation to all leadership award winners, was deep, mutual distrust be- SAIGON (AP) -The U. S. engine C130 transport, killing of Red Bank, the Indians of nounced the victory over the by Mayor John P. Arnone and Alan Guerci, a senior at Rum- and these scholarship award tween their governments. Command says allied troops the six Air Force crewmen and the Little League, the Bed enemy's main thrust against Exalted Ruler Lawrence A. son-Pair Haven Regional High winners: Both Harriman and Thuy have crushed the main thrust an undisclosed number of ci- Bank School Patrol, th> vilian irregulars and South Saigon. McCarthy. Harold A. Duncan, School, was made by Walter Miss Lehman; Mr. Guerci; Shrewsbury Drill Team, tfe were reported to have opening of the Communist command's statements, but newsmen were nine-day-old attack on Saigon, Vietnamese army soldiers, "Although isolated small at- Elkettes of Middlesex, the St. U.S. headquarters said. James Camp Fire Girls and evicted from the room after but it also announced the loss tacks, terrorism and harass- the first six minutes of the ses- of a Special Forces camp 350 The camp, with about 400 de- ment by fire, including rockets, the Monmouth College Drill fenders, came under attack Team. sion. miles to the northeast. still are possible, large num- Building of Tent City Headquarters said Special Friday. Headquarters said pre- bers of the enemy have been U.S. officials had said they Ceremonies at the athletic expected Thuy to open with an Forces — Green Beret — troops liminary reports showed 19 attempting to withdraw from field ended just before hard attack on the United States and and South Vietnamese irregu- Americans killed and 89 wound- the battlefield for the past 48 rain came down, and were re- to set forth Hanoi's demand lars were evacuated by air ed. It had no figures on South hours, many being intercepted on sumed at the lodge, where buf- that President Johnson stop the air Sunday from the Kham Due Vietnamese casualties. in the process," said Weyand, fet supper was served. rest of the bombing of North Camp after North Vietnamese Troops of the U.S. 196th Light who commands the 2nd Field (See Related Story, Page 3) The demonstration, soaked by Mother's march The day ended with a Schol- Vietnam and "other acts of troops attacked one of its out- Infantry Brigade moved in to force. ,WASHINGTO\- The rain for most of its duration, was sponsored by the Nation- arship-Leadership Recognition war" against his country. The posts and threatened to over- cover the withdrawal, and mili- The general said more that Poor People's Campaign, offi- went off without incident.
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