This year, the most powerful military alliance in the world – NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is celebrating its 70th anniversary. NATO was founded when the Iron Cur- tain had descended across Europe, and freedom was thre- atened by the Soviet Union’s totalitarian communist regime. The end of the Cold War brought hope that the world would change fundamentally and the international order would no longer be faced with major challenges. LATVIA IN However, the events in Europe in recent years – the illegal and illegitimate occupation and annexation of the Crimea Ministry of Foreign Aairs Ministry of Foreign and Russia’s aggression in the east of Ukraine – demons- NATO 15 Photo: trate that we need NATO more than ever. Since the restora- tion of independence, Latvia has sought to gain a foothold in Edgars Rinkēvičs the space of Euro-Atlantic values and security. And we have Minister of Foreign Aairs of the Republic achieved that goal! of Latvia 2019 marks the 15th anniversary of our membership in NATO. Latvia is an active and reliable NATO ally and it diligently fulfils the responsibilities incumbent upon it. As a NATO member state, Latvia takes part in decision-making at the highest level, and this has a direct influence on Latvia’s security. Although Latvia enjoys security guarantees unpre- cedented in its history, being part of the Alliance comes along with serious commitments. Therefore Latvia, mindful of its security and being a faith- f ul ally, takes part in NATO operations, provides the required host nation support for the Allied troops in Latvia and invests 2 percent of its GDP in defence, thereby upholding collective decisions. From the aspect of national and regional security, it is in Latvia’s interests to promote further practical collective defence measures by the Alliance in the region. NATO’s Baltic Air Policing and the deployment of NATO battlegroups, as well as the stationing of the NATO Force Integration Unit in Latvia are the most visible signs of the Alliance’s presence and sup- port. Latvia’s interests lie in a strong NATO; and with this in mind, the country will actively support the further enhancement and - vely to the challenges of the 21st century. Latvia on the path to NATO 1991 20 December 1994 14 February 1995 April 1995 13 December 1996 3 April In “The Foreign Policy Concept of the The first Latvian peacekeeping unit arrives Republic of Latvia”, accession to NATO in Bosnia and Herzegovina is named as one of the foreign policy priorities Photo: NATO Photo: NATO Photo: Photo: NATO Photo: NATO establishes the North Atlantic Latvia joins the Partnership for Peace Latvia applies for participation in the Cooperation Council (NACC) for coope- programme, which gives the possibility NATO-led Implementation Force (IFOR) ration with potential partners. Latvia for taking advantage of consultations by and signs the Status of Forces Agreement also takes part in the NACC foundation NATO civil and military experts, their (SOFA) between the North Atlantic Treaty session in Brussels, thereby becoming support and practical assistance in the Organisation member states and countries a member state of that Council development of the defence system. The participating in the Partnership for Peace document is signed by Prime Minister programme and its Additional Protocol Valdis Birkavs in the NATO Headquarters in Brussels 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1992 11 May 1995 1995 15 May 1996 January 1996 19 April With the view to strengthening coope- The Saeima approves a decision to take Latvia deposits the instrument of rati- ration with NATO, the former Minister part in the NATO Peacekeeping Mission fication of the Status of Forces Agree- of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, in the territory of the former Yugoslavia ment and its Additional Protocol Jānis Trapāns, is appointed Minister of Special Assignments for NATO and the Western European Union Photo: Ministry of Foreign Aairs Ministry of Foreign Photo: Aairs Ministry of Foreign Photo: The Minister of Foreign Aairs of the From 1995 onwards, Latvia is taking part Republic of Latvia, Jānis Jurkāns, visits in the Partnership for Peace Planning NATO Headquarters in Brussels and Review Process (PARP) to better prepare for joint military exercises 1997 30 May 1998 16 January 1998 15 October 2000 18–19 May 2002 5–6 July The delegation of Latvia headed by the Foreign Minister Valdis Birkavs takes At NATO Headquarters in Brussels, the part in the foundation meeting for the President of Latvia, Guntis Ulmanis, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), presents Latvia’s NATO Integration Plan the successor to the North Atlantic Cooperation Council, in Sintra, Portugal Photo: Ministry of Foreign Aairs Ministry of Foreign Photo: Photo: Ministry of Foreign Aairs Ministry of Foreign Photo: In Washington D. C., the Charter of The Foreign Minister Indulis Bērziņš Riga hosts the summit meeting of NATO Partnership among the United States of takes part in the meeting of the Foreign aspirant countries “Riga 2002: Bridge America and Latvia, Estonia, and Lithua- Ministers of NATO aspirant countries with to Prague” nia is signed NATO Secretary General in Vilnius to dis- cuss further enlargement of the Alliance. The Vilnius Declaration is adopted on the need to further coordinate the coopera- tion among the nine countries aspiring for NATO membership. In 2001, Croatia joins the Vilnius group 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1997 8–9 July 1998 22 April 1999 23–25 April 2001 11 September 2002 21 November Photo: NATO Photo: Photo: NATO Photo: Photo: Ministry of Foreign Aairs Ministry of Foreign Photo: Photo: NATO Photo: The NATO Summit in Madrid sees the The Ambassador Extraordinary and At the NATO summit meeting in Washing- NATO invokes Article 5 for the first time The President of Latvia, Vaira Vīķe- adoption of a landmark decision on NATO Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia, ton, USA, NATO proposes that Latvia and in its history aer the 9/11 terrorist attacks Freiberga, takes part in the NATO enlargement to the East. The first coun- Imants Viesturs Lieģis, submits his the other eight aspiring countries elabo- against the United States Summit in Prague, delivering a brilliant tries acceding to NATO aer the collapse credentials to the Secretary General of rate a Member Action Plan (MAP) for speech to the leaders of the Alliance. of the USSR are the Czech Republic, NATO. Latvia establishes full diplomatic participation in NATO. Countries aspiring At the NATO summit meeting in Prague, Poland and Hungary (1999) representation to NATO to NATO membership, including Latvia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, must prepare their annual national plans Slovakia and Slovenia are invited to that reflect their preparations for the begin negotiations on accession to membership of the Alliance NATO. NATO draws up the Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism in 2002 2002 26 November 2003 2003 8 May 2003 4–5 December 2004 29 March The US Senate ratifies unanimously the accession protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty, thereby expressing sup- port for the admission to NATO of seven countries, including Latvia Photo: NATO Photo: I. Kļava Photo: Photo: J. Poikāns J. Photo: Photo: I. Kļava Photo: The State Secretary of the Ministry of Latvia joins the largest NATO operation The Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete Latvia, together with other aspirant Foreign Aairs, Māris Riekstiņš, is ap- in Afghanistan – the International takes part in the Meeting of NATO Minis- countries, deposits its accession docu- pointed head of the delegation to ensure Security Assistance Force, ISAF. On ters of Foreign Aairs in Brussels, which ments to NATO in Washington and Latvia’s participation in NATO accession 1 January 2015, it is succeeded by NATO’s is the first time when Latvia is repre- oicially joins the Alliance. The Prime negotiations. The State Secretary of the advisory, training and support mission, sented in the session of the North Atlantic Minister Indulis Emsis presents Latvia’s Ministry of Defence, Edgars Rinkēvičs, Resolute Support, in which Latvia con- Council at the foreign ministers’ level documents to the United States Secretary is appointed negotiator for the “Defence” tinues participation together with NATO member states and of State, Colin Powell chapter. The negotiations are held in other countries invited several rounds 2003 2004 Latvia in NATO 2004 30 March 2006 28– 29 November 2010 19–20 November 2016 8–9 July Photo: NATO Photo: NATO Photo: Photo: Ministry of Defence Photo: Mažeiks J. Photo: NATO launches the Baltic Air Policing The NATO Summit in Riga addresses The NATO Summit in Lisbon approves At the NATO summit in Warsaw, in res- mission deployed on Zokniai air force the unity of the Alliance, the mission in the Alliance’s “Strategic Concept for the ponse to Russia’s illegal annexation of base in Siauliai, Lithuania Afghanistan, enlargement matters, and Defence and Security of the Members of Crimea and aggression against Ukraine, energy security. At the event, NATO Sec- the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”. the allies decide on the enhancement retary General issues a statement on the In 2009–2010, the former Ambassador of their military presence in the eastern NATO Response Force being at full ope- Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of flank of the Alliance. A decision is taken rational capability Latvia to the US and NATO, Aivis Ronis, to deploy a battalion-size multinational works as part of the wise-men group of battle group in each of the Baltic States 12 experts headed by the US Secretary and Poland. Canada assumes the role of State, Madeleine Albright, whose re- of the framework nation for the battle commendations are fed into the NATO group in Latvia Strategic Concept document 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2004 2 April 2010 28 May – 1 June 2014 2017 19 June Photo: Ministry of Defence Photo: Photo: NATO Photo: The flag of Latvia is raised at NATO Riga hosts the NATO Parliamentary The NATO Strategic Communications In an oicial ceremony, the NATO enhan- Headquarters in Brussels Assembly session.
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