Teoretičeskaâ i prikladnaâ nauka Theoretical & Applied Science 04 (84) 2020 International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science Founder: International Academy of Theoretical & Applied Sciences Published since 2013 year. Issued Monthly. International scientific journal «Theoretical & Applied Science», registered in France, and indexed more than 45 international scientific bases. Editorial office: http://T-Science.org Phone: +777727-606-81 E-mail: [email protected] Editor-in Chief: Hirsch index: Alexandr Shevtsov h Index RISC = 1 (78) Editorial Board: 1 Prof. Vladimir Kestelman USA h Index Scopus = 3 (38) 2 Prof. Arne Jönsson Sweden h Index Scopus = 10 (33) 3 Prof. Sagat Zhunisbekov KZ - 4 Assistant of Prof. Boselin Prabhu India - 5 Lecturer Denis Chemezov Russia h Index RISC = 2 (61) 6 Senior specialist Elnur Hasanov Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = 7 (11) 7 Associate Prof. Christo Ananth India h Index Scopus = - (1) 8 Prof. Shafa Aliyev Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = - (1) 9 Associate Prof. Ramesh Kumar India h Index Scopus = - (2) 10 Associate Prof. S. 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Philadelphia, USA Impact Factor ICV = 6.630 Impact Factor ISI = 0.829 based on International Citation Report (ICR) The percentage of rejected articles: ISSN 2308-4944 0 4 9 7 7 2 3 0 8 4 9 4 2 0 1 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 QR – Issue QR – Article SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Year: 2020 Issue: 04 Volume: 84 Published: 30.04.2020 http://T-Science.org To'lqinjon Xoliyarov Termez State University Senior lecturer +99 899 676 81 85 HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE POPULATION OF NORTHERN BACTRIA Abstract: the article included clarifications as a result of comparing the results of archaeological data with written sources in the discussions between researchers on the issue of the Northern Bactrian territory. Also in the study, the geography of the occurrence and distribution of anthropogenic landscapes in the Northern Bactrian territory was studied. Key words: Baqtriya, Northern Baqtriya, Gazaba, Teshiktosh, neandertal, Machay, Sopollitepa. Language: English Citation: Xoliyarov, T. (2020). Historical geography of the population of Northern Bactria. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 04 (84), 601-604. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-04-84-100 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2020.04.84.100 Scopus ASCC: 1207. Introduction B. Eat it. Stavisky relied on new data on Ancient Bactria is a large historical and cultural archeology and epigraphic studies of the northern country and occupies one of the leading places in the borders of Bactria, indicating that the territory from history of the peoples of Central Asia. Interest in the the Amudarya to the south and north during the culture and history of ancient Bactria, its inhabitants, Kushans period reflects a single historical and cultural territorial location, and geographical boundaries region in its ethnic and cultural relations, starting from began in the XIX century. In the 50 years of the XX the fortifications. century, M.M.The concept of "Northern Bactria" was American scientist R.According to fray, Bactria introduced into scientific circulation by Dyakonov [1, is a large-scale cultural center, surrounded by s. 22]. Since that time," Northern Bactria " is mountains from the North, East, and South, watering surrounded by the Fortress system from the north, its lands, the Amudarya divides it into two parts: the from the west to the Muslim and Kuhitangtag, from South, that is, the Afghan Turkestan and the North, the the east to the Babotag and Pamir ridges, and from the right bank, that is, Tajikistan. A group of scientists south to the Amudarya. It includes the coast and added to this idea. They believe that in the sources of Foothill plains of Surkhandarya, Sheraboddarya, antiquity the above – mentioned region belonged to Sangardakdarya, Khujaipaksay, Kafirnihandarya, Sogdiana and the northern border of Bactria passed Tumulangdarya and Amudarya [2, s. 7]. The northern through Amudarya-Oks [4, 23 b.]. Bactrian border is divided into two territorial parts- K.Rapen, on the other hand, in his article, put southern Uzbekistan and South-Western Tajikistan. forward ideas that in the territory of Kiziltepa in This term appeared based on the concepts of North- Gazaba in the present-day Surkhondarya there was a East and North-West Bactria. The application of the marriage wedding of Alexander of Macedon and term North-West Bactria is associated with a Roksana, and that the southern border of Sogdiana considerable extent of the territorial borders of went to Oks-Amudarya [5, p. 257]. Northern Bactria and the introduction into its I.V.Pyankov notes that in ancient written sources composition of the south-eastern region of Oks was recognized as a boundary between Bactria Turkmenistan from Kelif to Kerk and even the Chorju and Sogd, but there was also information that radically [3, s. 41]. opposed to it. This data is based on two different Philadelphia, USA 601 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 assumptions. According to one of them, the south- - 40 thousand years ago. The remains of these people western part of the Hisar Ridge and the region were originally found in the Neanderthal Valley of between Amudarya differ from Bactria, but in this Germany. In 1938 in the cave of Teshiktaş, located in period it was also separated from Sogdiana. the mountains of Boysun, A.P.As a result of the According to the second opinion, this territory excavations carried out by Okladnikov, the was directly called "Bactria" [6, 77 b.]. According to assimilation of the Northern Bactrian territory by several researchers, the border between Bactria and humans began from the Middle Paleolithic period and Sogdiana passed along Amudarya and Surkhandarya. revealed that the process of formation of Anthropoid There are also opinions that this border passed through landscapes took place[7]. As a result of the excavation Wahsh and Amudarya. work, five cultural layers with a total thickness of 1,5 The discussions on the northern borders of meters were identified. From the cultural layer, the Bactria I.V.Pyankov made it clear in a certain sense. grave of a nine-year-old boy was found in the thickest He stressed that based on the analysis of the written Upper(first) layer, where there are bones of animals, sources of the antiquity, it is not true that the views on stone weapons, the role of a bonfire. Anthropologist Bactria say that it is a region located only on the Left M.M.Gerasimov restored his appearance. G.F.Debes Bank of the OKs. When we say" Bactria " (in the sense believes that the sex of the man in the hole is, of a purely geographical term), originally meant an V.P.Alekseev concluded that the girl should be a boy. oasis of Balkh. Later, its meaning changed: in the The data obtained through DNA showed that the earliest period when we say" Bactria "and" Bactria", punctured man belongs to the Neanderthal type. the Kingdom of Zaratushtra," the people who fought Ternes Ritsman researched in 2003-2004 and against dirt", the state of Ahamonids, Alexander of identified the man of the hole as the man of the first Macedon, the Salavkids and finally the Scythians Homo sapiens [8, 51.]. The people of the primitive founded, became the so-called part of the Kingdom or period, who lived in the Amir Temur cave spaces of satrap understood. the Middle Teshiktaş and the last Paleolithic period, I.V.Pyankov attributed the idea that Amudarya- we're mainly engaged in hunting and vermiculture. By OKs was the border of Bactria and Sogdia to the the Middle Paleolithic period, the types of weapons generalization of the state of Alexander of Macedonia increase, and they are mainly spear-sharp-ended races, in the late Kelif (south-east of Turkmenistan), but the hunting weapons. Various types of Labor and hunting situation in the upper reaches of the river, that is, in weapons of the same period are known (stone knives, the regions of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, was cutters, sharpeners, clamps, sharp-edged stone different. Also, this border with Bactria was restored fractures, etc.). mainly based on the data of historians of the One of the greatest achievements of primitive Macedonian Alexander period. And there are no people was the assimilation of the flame.
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