OA/1V/¥T TO JVX iTXUJX (JONESTOWN) BUFILE NUMBER : 89-4286 (BULKY 2233) BB-1 PAULA ADAMS subject g9-Vc3F^ File nnmf^fi f^/^p///- SOSAL pA^FS pA|€5 R6A.6A566 H. Ko. 3K 491572 145/76 Beg. Fee. ^1.00 2 Copi«a f^t,20 i¥ f A 1 4 ^2.20 5. 2. 71. ^••tisias is tti* Stat* af Qu7»a« p*r«oa«lSj' aaa* ud appaarsd Uff^lA aiuidOl, af a^a««to«a» I'art K«ltuaa« Vortb vast BaslWt stata af Ovjaaa. aiuca AiYfiAS£A atatad aadl daalarad that for dirtra good aautas «»d raasaaa ab« baa aada^ aaalaat^d, aoABtltutad and appoint ad tAbUL moA ifwXw^ TU;^iii.7ri., ^tb or Lot 121 ^fair^ ^tracCy Alb«rttOtta» Aaor^^town, Daa«rara» Oujantt« jointly )^i^^«aTtrall7 to b* bar trua and lawful Attoma/a in tb* &tata all; Quyaaa ,until roToeatlDa baraof, tu rapraaant bar la all aoTabla or iasorabla, and to ^aat and taka oa laaaa all property abaraaooTcr vbttbar raal or parsant*! aod/or to raoaiva and pais all traaaports and laaaaa tb«rafor«« aad to aooapt asj U.11 of ^obaa^a^ or bortsa^a on all or any af •voti propar^ aod aa payaaot balag aad* to oaaoal doouaaata la aoaaaotioa th^r^witb aad to appaar before any Judga of tba Si wGwft ar mSj Safilstrer «r vtnvr orfl3*r ef sas Court ef tba Supraaa Court ef Judieetura or abj Kaflstrata er maiatar ef Juatlo* for all er an/ ef tba aforaaald purpeaaa. 2* To •Dtar latot eifBt txoeuta aa^ dali-or all aonn ^eta, d**dB| doaua*ata« ae;r**a*Bta« tfuaraataeBt boada er etbar aoeouat docuaaDta ef a lika aatarot ar.d to opao and eperat* a bank aooouat la anj of taa baoks of Gu/asa is tar nnaa <..f tba Appearar« 5, AfiA> general 1/ for bar aad la bcr aa&e to eel 1 act* aa for, daaaad, ana for, lav/, reeover an., reeaive of a&t frv^a J- • a - 11 maA. ••rj p«rs«a aad ^r«oM o^ommtw all and ••yj M tVBs of MMJt priMip«l «Bd la««r«B«, •o«««, sbarfMi •KpMssit sad airrcars af r«Bt« goods, v«r«i» and Atbt»« Mr«h*Bdl00ft offoots oad ttlags «lwtoeov»r« obloh oajr porooa or porftooi vboosooTor My bow or oO oqj tiao ^rooftor bovo la ^Is or kor« or tbvir aaada, o«ato47, poo«o«oioa or othorwia«t 4iiOt o«iac aad pojOblo os Mloosias to kor or «poa or ty virtvo of aoy Mil af aaohaaso, taloftrapMo tr*ao« i*ollafs« •r otborvioo^ lto«oo«Tor« aot&lag oxeoptad or vooorrsd aad for tho purpoo* oforooAid »o ocacuat, aad to ooll to oooouat oad rMkoaiat oad viow, oxomia*, otat** oottXt aad odjttot all aeeouatt aad talftac«t taor*of« to rae«lyt «od oa rscoipt of jtbo aftaa or of aaj part th»r«of « aad of aaj or aT^rj aua or ^aafeo O'C aoaoy to bo r*oalT»d b/ tbe aald attoratya, aad to ^•^•nt good aad aefflolaat rooolpto« roloaaoo or dlsobarsoo tba itao la dao fan of la« and la aaao of refaaal aad dolay kiT' or oa part of all or aajr poraoa or poraoas a&oaoooTer — 7^ J^t^t0^3dW aad roador Jaot aad truo aoowiato, payaoats aad aotiofaotioa la tbo proalooa tb^rato* to ooapal thoa aad hla aad to offtotualljr proooouto oar or aoro ouit or auita, ootioa or aotloaa ov lav or la ogioltj aad to appour la all aotioaa bafora all Coarta aad boforo oU Jadcao, Vaglatrataa, Juatlooa aad Klalatora af tbo la« aa Coaplalaaato, Flolatiffa, or DofaaSaata, aa tbo aaao aaj ba, and thoa aad tboro to prooaouta olala, doaaad, aasaor, roplj la all aalto, aattars aad csttacs asd to dafaad aaj aatloa or aulto, ooaaaat ta aaataaoo aa tbo aaao aay bo^ tbat aay bo br;}0(t>t ar takoa a^laat bar by aay poraoa or porsoaa AoaaoaTor aad to tako all u*9mm*^r;f lo^al proea proot9dlaga aai to purauo, lapado« oalaoi datala, aa<iuaatar, arraotf attaebt laprlaoa^ ooadaaa aad oat of prlaoa a^ala to rtltaao ottd dtllvar alao to ooapouod, ooayroalaa, ooaoluda ood aaroa by arbltratloa* aad caaarall/ la ood about tbo proalooa to do, parfora, traaoaot aad aaooaplla^ all and abatovar fartbar aba aaj parfora froa tlao to tlaa, dlraot by latter or otbar arlttoa laatraaaato aa ftilly aad offootually ao ' If p«rs*a«llx 9r«»«s« Mid Mtlat tMr*U aaft all «to ntif^ All ana tataw k«r mIA •tton*/ Mr amnMgr* «te — or nbstltttM m MrrogiM ta m% Mr«la« •ball a» aaj W lavrttlly Xlabla 4a ar aava* %a ^ «a«a la aatf abent ttB [praalaaa iialar aad %y virtva af thtaa pva- aaata. tm^^^^^-j^WL ttX^ns at «ba Ollj af Oaor«i«aaB, Coaaty Of D«affie»r«» 0u7*na,>44%iM at aupr* la «ha praa*aoa af %ka AMU u vr gSLittmoi A TRUE CCFY c' t>if odpsal which «» tey of ftl)H««^19*|fc • AiinSnt SwofB Clerk A lt • 145/76 a. Ho. 3S 491572 ) ) R«g. Fee. ^1.00 ft y y A H 4 2 Copies ^1.20 QOOITI Of Y"*^"*"* ^2.20 5. 2. 71. IT jaOiH that M this 9-t>1Vt4«y of ^i>^— ---^ X976, ^ w * A, O.KR. HOLDER _ . _ praotlslng la th* Stat* Ouyana parsoaally eaaa and appaarad LUfiJOA JACISUI, of O^aaatom, Fort Xaitiua, Vortli Wwt oglOB, Stata of Onyaaa, oausaa and raaaoaa aha haa aada, noalaatad, oonstltutad and appelatad PADi^ ADAMS and JOXC^ TUIClUTIis^, both of Lot 121 Third Straet, Albarttown, (teorgatown, Daaerara, QuTana^ Jointlj jmd aararally to h* har true and lawful Attorne/a la tha &tata '^:rj^7ana until rorooatloa haroof , to rapraaant her la all ' I ' I' > r'' X ' |i I- 1 ^ raprfaaata atay ba lataraatad or ooacaraad inoludlag tha followingi ^\ * \^ /i, . 'To purehaaa and aall property whether real or peraoaalt property whareaoarer whether real or personal and/or to recelre and paae all tranaporta and leasee therefore, and to ae€vpt afi/ Sill of Jwshaagat or mcrtgago oa all or aay of •ttoh property and on payaent balag aado to oaaoel doouaeata la oonneetioa therewith and to appear before any Judge of the High Court or any Regietrar or other Offieer of the ^1^^ Court of the Bupreae Court of Judieature or any Uagiatrate or JUaiater of Juatice for all or any of the aforeaald purposaa. 2« To eater latOi BigB« ezeouta and deliver all oontraotSt deeds, doouaeata, aereemeata, guaraateea, bonds or other aooount docuaenta of a like nature, and to open and operate a baaX aooount la aay of the baake of Quyana la the nase wf the Appearer* 3. AtfD generally for her and ia her aa«e to colleet, aa for, deaaad, aue for, levy, reeoTer ana reeelTa of and froa - 2 - •11 aad %wmtj parsoa and parsoM nhoasoaTar all and arery B«B or avma of monvj^ prlaeipal aad lataraat, ooata, ofaargaa, ospaftia8| roata, and arraara of roat, goodo, woraa, aad dobtOt marohaadiaai offoeta and tUnge wfaatso»Tev, abioh aay paraoa or p«r«oa» vboasoarar wbj aov or at aay tlaa harttsTtar baTO in hio or bar, or thair hands, oustodj, poaeasslon or otheraloa, duat ovias aad pajakla or boloa^las to bar or. apoa or TlrtttO of aaj kill of azehaaga, talagrapUo trada. daallagBi or athorviaa, howaooTar* aethiag azeoptad or raaorrad and for tha purpoaa aferaanid tsi aoeouat, and to eall to aooount and raokottiac and Tlaw, azaaina, atate* aattia and adjuat all aoeouBto and balance a tharaef , to raeelTe and on racaipt of ^ .>''^cO^~^^^^* or of any part thereof, end of any or avery aua or ^ ^auaa^'-ttf^ioney to be reoeired by the eald attorneys, and to gpfaM gflifd aad aafflelaat raoaiptai X9l9mBB» or disobargaa '^Or ^t'^aana la duo forn of law aad in eaaa of refusal and C:^^C(/y^^'cf7^y or on part of all or any paraoa or paraons afaoas oarer 'to sake aad render Jast and true aaaountSt payaanta and aatlafaatloa la the praaiaea thereto, to eoapal thaa aad hla aad to affeotually proaaouta oar or aore auit or auite, aotioa or aotiOBS ao lav or la aq^ity and to appear in all aetloae before all Courts and before all ^udgea* Magistrates, Juatloea aad mnlstera of the lav aa Co^plaiaanta , Plaintiffs, or Defendanta, aa the eaaa may be, and then and there to proaeouta alaia, daaand, ana war, reply In all auita, aattera and cau aea and to defend any aotioa or auita, oonsent to aenteaee aa the •aae aay ba« that may be brought or taken against her by any parson or persona vhoaaoaTor aad to take all naooasaxy legal prooa< prooeediaga and to pursue, iapeda, seise, detain, aequester, arreat, attach i laprisoat oondeaa and out of priaoa agaia to release and dellTer also to ooapound, ooaproaiae, aoaolude and agree by arbitration, and generally in and about the preaioes to do, perfora« tranaaot and aoeoapliab all and vhatarer farther ahe aay parfora froa tiae to tine, diraot by letter or other vrittea laatruaents aa fally and affeotually aa - 5 - •MlA k«rMU -«Bd «e Pi in th* Mid /, yrtatmt aad Mtlag «h«r«lB aad all IT p«rtm«llj «m j powtrf tJi«ttaptloa, tabatitutioB and •urresatios At atMby M%lfl«St *Bd aoafizBa and proaltias aadl asraa %e aaofln aaA mtify all aad vbatarar kar aaid attevaay or attoratjs «ha m«7 ba asaoaad or aubatltatad or aarroofttad to aat horaia» ohalX or aaj bo laaltollj llabla «o do or oaus* to ba doaa la oafi about tha praaiooo oaAor and \j irlrtna of tliaoo pro* •aats.
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