7400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 19, 1990 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Apri/19, 1990 The House met at 11 a.m. Slippery Rock, PA. He subsequently and greens of the landscape promise a The Reverend James Trusel, Bridge­ served as pastor at the West Liberty rich harvest. Earth Day reminds us of water United Methodist Church, United Methodist Church for 17 years. the realistic challenges of protecting Bridgewater, PA, offered the following For the last 10 years, he has served as our planet. Yet, we must also offer our prayer: pastor at the Bridgewater Church. children and ourselves the realistic Almighty God, we come before You Reverend Trusel has served his com­ hope of places like Earth, TX. in gratitude this morning-grateful for munity with distinction. In addition to Today, they give our Nation a spe­ this new day and the challenge it his formidable responsibilities as cial, hello from Earth. brings, ·grateful for this great land of pastor, he has somehow found the ours-filled each day with new life and time to be a leader in a variety of local new opportunities-grateful for the civic activities, including his service as COMMEMORATION OF 20TH peace and freedom we enjoy; grateful trustee for the Beaver Area School ANNIVERSARY OF EARTH DAY for the high privilege of serving our District education foundation, and as fellow man in our individual and col­ director of the Bridgewater Communi­ <Mr. WOLPE asked and was given lective capacities. ty Development Corporation. permission to address the House for 1 As we face this new day and the I take pleasure in joining with Rev­ minute and to revise and extend his challenges it presents, we acknowledge erend Trusel's family-his wife, Pat, as remarks.) our need of divine guidance. There will well as his sons and grandchildren-in Mr. WOLPE. Mr. Speaker, in com­ be decisions facing each person, deci­ congratulating him on this exception­ memoration of the 20th anniversary of sions that will affect the lives of a ally distinguished moment. Earth Day this week Americans multitude of persons-decisons that around the country are speaking out won't come easily. And so, Father, we and participating in activities to help pray for wisdom and courage and guid­ PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO SIGN AND SUBMIT REQUESTS protect our world's fragile environ­ ance for each Member of this body­ ment. that the right decision might be made, TO ADD NAMES TO LIST OF COSPONSORS ON H.R. 2273 This week is also the time that Presi­ this day and always. Amen. dent Bush is hosting an international Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask conference on global warming, a con­ THE JOURNAL unanimous consent that I may be au­ ference he promised to convene during thorized to sign and submit requests to the 1988 campaign when he pledged to The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ add the names of the following Mem­ amined the Journal of the last day's bers to the list of cosponsors on H.R. counter the greenhouse effect with proceedings and announces to the 2273: Mr. CRAIG WASHINGTON, Mr. the White House effect. Ironically, House his approval thereof. CHARLES HATCHER, Mr. JOHN PAUL however, instead of calling for action Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the HAMMERSCHMIDT, and Mr. CHRIS SMITH to counteract the greenhouse effect, Journal stands approved. of New Jersey. President Bush in his opening speech The SPEAKER. Is there objection on Tuesday questioned whether there PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to the request of the gentleman from is indeed enough factual information to conclude that global climate change The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Maryland? from Michigan [Mr. WoLPE] please There was no objection. merits preventative action now. come forward and lead the House in Scientists may not agree on the the Pledge of Allegiance. speed with which global warming is oc­ THE SPIRIT OF EARTH DAY IS curring, but there is virtually no dis­ Mr. WOLPE led the Pledge of Alle­ IN EARTH, TX giance as follows: agreement on the direction of global <Mr. COMBEST asked and was given change. Moreover, many scientists I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the permission to address the House for 1 United States of America, and to the Repub­ have warned that global temperatures lic for which it stands, one nation under minute and to revise and extend his could rise 4 to 9 degrees by the middle God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for remarks.> of the next century if we do not take all. Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, there action now to stop the accumulation is a community in my congressional of the greenhouse gases. district named Earth, TX. I rise today REV. JAMES TRUSEL to note that the people of Earth, TX I submit to the President that while <Mr. KOLTER asked and was given are celebrating a special Earth Day. In there may be some factual uncertain­ permission to address the House for 1 Earth, sharing a day named after your ty, this uncertainty does not necessari­ minute and to revise and extend his town is cause for celebration. Now, ly mean that the situation is not as remarks.> while those of us in Texas may at bad as we fear; it could just as easily Mr. KOLTER. Mr. Speaker, it is times be accused of exaggerated prove to be worse than we could possi­ with particular pride and privilege claims, the folks in Earth, TX· do not bly imagine. that I rise this morning to honor Rev. claim originality for Earth Day, but If there is some factual uncertainty James A. Trusel, pastor of the Bridge­ they are glad to share a good idea. about the extent of global climate water United Methodist Church in These people depend on good water change, would it not be wiser to err on Bridgewater, PA, located in my con­ and fresh air to grow their crops and the side of safety? Mr. President, the gressional district. Reverend Trusel raise their children. To them, the pop­ world is looking to the United States has offered the opening prayer for ular phrase, "the environment" has for leadership on this vital question. It today's legislative session. always been known simply as "the is not a time for timidity, it is a time Reverend Trusel began his ministry land." for action. in 1963, when he was appointed to St. There are still places where the skies John United Methodist Church near are a deep blue, and where the tans 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor . ... .. __.. - - I ._ .... ~ Aprill9, 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7401 NATIONAL "CANS-TO-CONGRESS" Perhaps in addition to Earth Day we lish an independent, nonpartisan MAIL CAMPAIGN need two more celebrations each year. Bureau of Environmental Statistics <Mr. HENRY asked and was given On June 21 we can celebrate Presi­ within the EPA, and President Bush permission to address the House for 1 dential Promises Day-because that's said he would veto that bill if it minute and to revise and extend his the longest day of the year. passed. Apparently, he does not want remarks.) And on December 22 we can com­ those independent statistics, and if Mr. HENRY. Mr. Speaker, earlier memorate Presidential Performance successful, will prevent the public this week supporters of H.R. 586, the Day-because that's the shortest day from getting its environmental data national bottle bill, launched a nation­ of the year. developed independently of political al cans to Congress, writing and mail In reality, we must celebrate Earth Day every day because our commit­ interference. campaign. Many Members will be re­ Mr. Speaker, we cannot stand these ceiving used beverage containers ment to a clean environment must sur­ vive perishable campaign promises. broken promises, Indeed, while the en­ urging support of this legislation. vironmental planting of trees is nice, I would simply like to indicate to when it comes to the environment, we Members that we have made arrange­ 0 1110 ments to have the containers picked cannot stand a forest of broken prom­ up and a call to my office will arrange INTRODUCTION OF THE NEWS- ises. that and they will be delivered to a re­ PAPER RECYCLING INCEN- sponsible recycling source. TIVES ACT OF 1990 Mr. Speaker, I would also like to in­ <Mr. SLAUGHTER of Virginia asked dicate a most bizarre and unusual ar­ and was given permission to address EARTH DAY LEGACY: gument now being made in opposition the House for 1 minute and to revise GREENSPACE FOR FLORIDA to this legislation. That is, because of and extend his remarks.) <Mr. STEARNS asked and was given the value of the potentially recyclable Mr. SLAUGHTER of Virginia. Mr. permission to address the House for 1 glass, plastic and aluminum, that we Speaker, as publicly elected officials, should not recycle it through the de­ we have the responsibility to shape minute and to revise and extend his posit mechanism because it will under­ those policies which will better enable remarks.) mine the cost recovery of broader re­ the American people to share in a Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, 20 cycling. It is as if St. Paul's question, commitment toward preservation of years ago this Sunday, April 22, 1970, "Shall we sin all the more so that our surroundings and an overall reduc­ it was a picture-perfect spring day in grace may abound?", is answered in tion of waste.
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