Plants in green are new species offered at our plant sale. Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Amsinckia menziesii Menzies fiddleneck Annual Sun Humboldt Clarkia amoena Farewell-to-spring Annual Sun to part shade Humboldt Clarkia bottae Punchbowl godetia Annual Sun Humboldt Clarkia concinna Red Ribbons Annual Sun to light shade Clarkia purpurea Purple clarkia, winecupped Annual Sun Humboldt Clarkia unguiculata Woodland Clarkia Annual Sun Collinsia heterophylla Chinese Houses Annual Sun Humboldt Eschscholzia californica Coastal California Poppy Annual Sun Humboldt Gilia capitata Globe Gilia Annual Sun Humboldt Gilia tricolor Bird’s Eye Gilia Annual Sun Humboldt Lasthenia californica Calif gold fields Annual Sun Humboldt Layia platyglossa Tidy Tips Annual Sun Humboldt Limnanthes douglasii California Meadow Foam Annual Sun Humboldt Lupinus bicolor Bicolored annual lupine Annual Sun Humboldt Lupinus nanus Blue Lupine Annual Sun Humboldt Madia elegans Common Madia Annual Sun Humboldt Nemophila maculata Five-spot Baby-blue-eyes Annual Sun Nemophila menziesii Baby blue-eyes Annual Sun Humboldt Phacelia tanacetifolia Tansy Leaved Phacelia Annual Sun Salvia columbariae California Chia Annual Sun Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Fern Shade Humboldt Polypodium calirhiza Nested Polypody Fern Fern Shade Humboldt Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern Fern Shade Humboldt Polypodium scouleri Leather Fern Fern Shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Calamagrostis foliosa Leafy reed grass Grass Sun, Part Shade Humboldt Calamagrostis nutkaensis Pacific Reed Grass Grass Sun to part sun Humboldt Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Grass Sun Humboldt Festuca californica California Fescue Grass Sun / light shade Humboldt Festuca idahoensis Idaho Fescue Grass Sun / light shade Humboldt Festuca rubra Red Fescue Grass Sun / light shade Humboldt Melica californica California melicgrass Grass Sun to part shade Humboldt Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass Grass Sun Stipa pulchra Purple Needle Grass Grass Sun / light shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Achlys triphylla Vanilla Leaf Perennial full to part shade Humboldt Asarum caudatum Wild Ginger Perennial Shade Humboldt Boykinia occidentalis Western Boykinia Perennial Shade Humboldt Boykinia rotundifolia Round Leaf Boykinia Perennial Shade Claytonia sibirica Candyflower Perennial Shade Humboldt Clintonia andrewsiana Red Clintonia Perennial Shade Humboldt Dicentra formosa Bleeding Heart Perennial Shade Humboldt Heuchera micrantha Small-flowered Alum Root Perennial Shade / partial shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Heuchera pilosissima Hairy Alum Root Perennial Shade / partial shade Maianthemum dilatatum False Lily-of-the-valley Perennial Shade Humboldt Maianthemum stellatum Star Solomon's Seal Perennial Part shade to shade Humboldt Oxalis oregana Redwood Sorrel Perennial Shade Humboldt Phacelia bolanderi Bolander's Phacelia Perennial light shade Humboldt Psuedotrillium revale Brook wakerobin Perennial Partial shade Humboldt Romanzoffia californica California mistmaiden Perennial Part shade Humboldt Tellima grandiflora Fragrant Fringe Cups Perennial Shade to partial sun Humboldt Thalictrum fendleri Foothill meadow rue Perennial Shade / partial shade Humboldt Tiarella trifoliata Sugar Scoop Perennial Shade Humboldt Tolmiea diplomenziesii Piggyback Plant Perennial Shade Humboldt Vancouveria hexandra Inside-out Flower Perennial Shade Humboldt Viola adunca Western Dog Violet Perennial Sun to shade Humboldt Viola glabella Stream Violet Perennial Shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Achillea millefolium Yarrow Perennial Sun Humboldt Aquilegia formosa Red Columbine Perennial Sun / light shade Humboldt Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly everlasting Perennial Sun Humboldt Angelica hendersonii Coast Angelica Perennial Sun-part shade, drainage Humboldt Angelica lucida Seacoast Angelica Perennial Sun to part shade Humboldt Armeria maritima Sea Thrift Perennial Sun Humboldt Asclepias cordifolia Heart Leaf Milkweed Perennial Sun Humboldt Asclepias fascicularis Narrow Leaf Milkweed Perennial Sun Humboldt Asclepias speciosa Showy Milkweed Perennial Sun Humboldt Calyptridium monospermum Pussy paws Perennial Sun to part shade Humboldt Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia Beach evening primrose Perennial Sun Humboldt Chlorogalum pomeridianum Wavyleaf Soap Plant Perennial Sun / light shade Humboldt Clinopodium douglasii Yerba Buena Perennial Sun / light shade Humboldt Cynoglossum grande Hound’s tongue Perennial Shade to part shade Humboldt Epilobium canum California Fuchsia, ZauschneriaPerennial Sun Humboldt Erigeron glaucus California Seaside Daisy Perennial Sun Humboldt Eriogonum compositum Arrow leaf Buckwheat Perennial Sun Humboldt Eriogonum elatum Tall Wooly Buckwheat Perennial Sun Eriogonum latifolium Coast Buckwheat Perennial Sun Humboldt Eriophyllum lanatum Oregon Sunshine, Woolly SunflowerPerennial Sun to part-day shade Humboldt Fragaria chiloensis Coastal Strawberry Perennial Sun Humboldt Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry Perennial Sun Humboldt Geum macrophyllum Big Leaf Avens Perennial Sun to shade Humboldt Grindelia stricta Gum plant Perennial Sun Humboldt Heracleum maximum Cow Parsnip Perennial Sun to light shade Humboldt Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet Gilia Bi-Annual Sun Humboldt Iris chrysophylla x douglasiana Yellow Leafed Iris x Douglas Iris Perennial Sun to part shade Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris Perennial Sun Humboldt Iris longipetala Long-petaled Iris Perennial Sun to partial shade Humboldt Iris macrosiphon Long tubed Iris Perennial Sun to partial shade Humboldt Iris tenax x innominata Perennial Sun Linum lewisii Blue flax Perennial Sun Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Lomatium dissectum Fernleaf Biscutroot Perennial Sun to part shade Humboldt Lupinus albifrons Silver Bush Lupine Perennial Sun / Dry Humboldt Lupinus leucophyllus Velvet lupine Perennial Sun Lupinus polyphyllus Many-leafed Lupine Perennial Sun to part sun Humboldt Lupinus rivularis Riverbank Lupine Perennial Sun Humboldt Lupinus variicolor Many-colored lupine Perennial Sun Humboldt Monardella villosa Coyote Mint Perennial Sun Humboldt Penstemon rydbergii Meadow Penstemon Perennial Sun / Dry Potentilla anserina ssp. Pacifica Pacific Silverweed Perennial Sun Humboldt Polygonum paronychia Dune Knotweed Perennial Sun Humboldt Primula (Dodecatheon) clevelandii Padre's Shooting Star Perennial Light shade Humboldt Primula (Dodecatheon) hendersonii Henderson's Shooting Star Perennial Part shade Humboldt Rudbeckia occidentalis Western Coneflower Perennial Sun Humboldt Scrophularia californica California Bee Plant Perennial Sun Humboldt Sidalcea malviflora Checkerbloom Perennial Sun Humboldt Silene californica Indian Pink Perennial Sun to light shade Humboldt Sisyrinchium bellium Blue eyed-grass Perennial Sun Humboldt Sisyrinchium californicum California Golden-eyed Grass Perennial Sun Humboldt Solidago elongata West coast Goldenrod Perennial Sun Humboldt Symphyotrichum chilense California Aster Perennial Sun Humboldt Symphyotrichum hendersonii Henderson's aster Perennial Sun Humboldt Wyetheia angustifolia Narrow-leaf Mule’s Ears Perennial Sun Humboldt Xerophyllum tenax Bear grass Perennial Sun, part shade, shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Aralia californica Calif. Spikenard Perennial Part sun to shade / Moist Humboldt Epipactis gigantea Stream orchid Perennial Sun / Moist Humboldt Helenium bigelovii Sneezeweed Perennial Sun to light shade Humboldt Hypericum anagalloides Tinker's Penny Perennial Sun to part shade Humboldt Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet Monkeyflower Perennial Sun / Moist Humboldt Mimulus guttatus Seep-spring Monkeyflower Perennial Sun / Moist Humboldt Petasites frigidus Northern Coltsfoot Perennial Sun or shade Humboldt Plantago subnuda Tall Coastal Plantain Perennial Sun Humboldt Triglochin striata Three-ribbed Arrow Grass Perennial Sun, wet Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Allium dichlamydeum Coast Onion Bulb, Perennial Sun Allium unifolium One-leafed Onion Perennial, Bulb Sun Humboldt Bloomeria crocea Goldenstar Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Calochortus albus White fairy lantern Perennial, Bulb Sun Calochortus amabilis Golden Fairy Lantern Perennial bulb Sun Humboldt Calochortus tolmiei Pussy ears Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Humboldt Camassia leichtlini ssp suksdorfii Suksdorf's Large Camas Perennial, Bulb Sun to part shade Humboldt Camissia quamash Common Camas Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Humboldt Dichelostemma congestum Ookow Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Humboldt Dichelostemma ida-maia Firecracker Flower Perennial, Bulb Sun Humboldt Dichelostemma volubile Twining snakelily Perennial bulb Sun, Part Shade Erythronium multiscapideum Sierra fawn lily Perennial, Bulb Partial shade Erythronium revolutum Coast Fawn Lily Perennial, Bulb Partial shade Humboldt Humboldt Scientific name Common name Type Growing Conditions Native Fritillaria affinis Checker Lily Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Humboldt Hastingsia alba Schoenolirion Perennial, Bulb Sun Humboldt Lillium columbianum Columbia Lily Perennial, Bulb Sun / partial shade Humboldt Lilium Kelleyanum Kelley's lily Perennial bulb Part shade to
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