Fairview South Plant Sale Spring is in the air and Fairview South will be selling flowers and vegetables for our spring fundraiser. The sale will run from Friday, March Ist through Friday, March 22nd. Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund the 2019 Graduation. All flowers and vegetables are grown locally by the students at Genesee Lake School, Homegrown Farms, as part of their vocational training. * Please fill out the attached form(s) and return the form(s) along with payment to Fairview South no later than Friday, March 22nd. We will not be able to accept money the day of pickup. + Payment should be turned in with your order forms). Cash or checks made out to Fairview South, are accepted. Don't forget to please add $2.00 per order for the delivery fee. Flowers and vegetables will be delivered to Fairview South and will be available for pickup in the Fairview South Gym on Wednesday, May 8th between 1:00 and 6:00. Questions? Please contact Angela Sidebottom at [email protected] or Beth Freydank at [email protected]. We can also be reached at Fairview South at (262) 781-9464. Thank you for your support and happy planting! Angela and Beth HOMEGROWN FARMS - SPRING 2019 GREENHOUSE PHONE (262) 569-5531 • CELL (414) 581-4532 • FAX (262) 569-5513FVS [\]3ff)€ _(gfl _ PfOp)€ > GERANIUMS - 4.5" FLATS (48 Plants) GRASSES - 6.5" Price $.4,7F Price s /Io.DD Price 54. 76 Pink Alyssum-White Purple Fountain Grass Purple Begonia (Bronze)-Red Corkscrew Big Twister Red Begonia (Bronze)-Rose [,, Total # of plants Salmon/coral Begonia (Bronze)-White White Begonia (Green)-Red WAVE PETUNIAS Begonia (Green)-Rose Price s2 .5l Total# of plants Begonia (Green)-White Purple Celosia-Mix (8-10") Red NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS Coleus-Mix White Price 5 f-.9Q Dia nth us-Mix Total# of plants Magic Pink Dusty Miller-Silver Dust Pink Impatiens-Lavender Blue HERBS - 3" POTS Red Impatiens-Burgundy Price 53.22 Sweet Cherry Impatiens-Mix Basil Sweet Purple Impatiens-Orange Cilantro White Impatiens-Red Lavender Impatiens-Rose Oregano Total# of plants Impatiens-Salmon Parsley Impatiens-Violet Rosemary NON-STOP BEGONIAS Impatiens-Violet Star Thyme Price ; 5D Impatiens-White Total # of herbs Orange Lobelia-Blue Pink Marigold-Mix (10-12") BASKETS - 10" Red Marigold-Orange (8-10") Price T20.17 White Marigold-Yellow (8-10") New Guinea Impatiens Yellow Pansy-Mix Impatiens-Shady Total# of plants Petunia-Blue Ivy Geraniums Petunia-Blue Vein Multi-Color Ivy Geraniums Petunia-Blue Star Begonias-Non-Stop POTATO VINES Petunia-Crimson Star Petunias Price v 4,5 Petunia-Mix Total# of baskets sssssso Black Petunia-Plum Green Petunia-Red VEGETABLES Total# of plants Petunia-White Price 2.60 Petunia-Pink Vein Peppers MISCELLANEOUS Petunia-Sunshine Yellow Better Belle Price 495.7€0 Portulaca-Moss Rose (mix) Jalepeno Asparagus Fern Salvia-Sizzler Red (8-10") Hungarian Sweet Wax Spikes Salvia-Mojave Red (10-12") Vinca Vines Salvia-Blue (16-20") Tomatoes Dahlias Snap Dragon-Mix (8-10") Beefsteak Snap Dragon-Mix (10-12") Celebrity Early Girl ee . .. Total# of Flats Sweet 100 Sun Sugar 100 Roma Delivery Fee 4 2.0D Total# of plants I I Total # of Veggies Perennials Order Form All perennials are $5.00 » Perennial Name Quantity Agastache Hybrid - Kudos Coral Agastache Rupestris - Orange Hyssop Aquilegia Hybrida- Swan Mix Columbine Aquilegia Vulgaris - Winky Red-White Columbine Asclepias Tuberosa - Butterfly Milkweed Buddleia Davidii - Bicolor Butterfly Bush Clematis Paniculata - Sweet Autumn Coreopsis Hybrida - Big Bang Red Shift Delosperma Fire Spinner - Ice Plant Delphinium Elatum - Magic Fountains Dianthus Caryophyllus Grenadin Yellow - Carnation Digitalis Purpurea Dalmatian Rose - Foxglove Echinacea Hybrid - Coneflower Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea Purpurea - Coneflower Feeling Pink Gaillardia Grandiflora - Arizona Apricot Shades Honeysuckle Lonicera Hybrid - Mandarin Leucanthemum Superbum - White Magic Lupinus Poly phyllus - Minarette Mix Lupine Monarda Didyma - Balmy Rose Monarda Hybrida - Sugar Buzz Blue Moon Penstemon Heterophyllus - Electric Blue Phlox Paniculata - Glamour Girl Pyrethrum - Robinson's Mix Rudbeckia Triloba - Prairie Glow Sedum Sunsparkler - Blue Elf Sedum Lemon Ball - Stonecrop Sedum Maximum - Touchdown Teak Total # of plants x $5.00 = Total Amount Due eFS Perennials $95,00 weep®w g® ® 0 a 9w --» +- -------·---5 --r-- rail % grim ff ]7" AGASTACHE «a AGASTACHE AQUILEGIA»sA AQUILEGIA us»xis ASCLEPIAS 1uBsRosA KUDOS CORAL RUPESTRIS SWAN MIX WINKY RED • WHITE BUTTERFLY FLOWER PP # 25.613 (Orange Hyssop) (Columbine) (Columbine) (Butterfly Milkweed) ..... - -, -~- .--.) I y\ .e% so fj i a .awl at» l ii. 4' 3 A'%• il »s '[g\5y,¢ (. ; . (:,~ ' .. , ? LT49 '9 ·rs7 , .'. << » t , avs"ge ~ ; -' 2 ; gl: Kg/ ( "yoar 3o9RE w,+ .Ko Fil 2 WTB LIGHT BLOOMS WTB LIGHT BLOOMS LIGHT L.00Ms WTB LIGHT [ soows WTB LIGHT I BLOOMS WTB I [. Late Spring• t Summer-F all ± Mr {@ June-Frost (ttt Summer ts -~ Spring ts? «tart HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGH'T SACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT ] SPACING ZONE $ : t, e"]'vs so l 20-24" 18-15° 4-10 20-24 12-16" 3-9 , 12-18° 12-16" 3-8 "' 18-24" 16° 3-8 st Features; Bold orange blooms Features; A mix of vibrant Features; Rose red blooms with 2017 Perennial #ian # the Year Features; Vidcoral.colored 3, h~ ) plumes have a sweet mint scent. ';' above silvery-green foliage has a bicolors and solids. Long-spurred, white sepals that attract bees, Featu res; Native Prairie Plant. ±\¥ Plants have a nice compact habit. rich, lavender aroma. nodding blooms are large and are ~l butterflies. and hummingbirds. Bright orange flowers followed by 'held on sturdy stems. ¥ Uses; Borders, butterfly gardens, Uses; Beds, borders, pots, and L1sos; Beds or cut flower. narrow pods. Monarchs lay their ~ Beds or cut flower. eggs on this plant. mixed containers. butterfly gardens. ADLE # 1IE ARD4 HODA.E DO# DIE GARDEN 'MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN, FRONT OF Pi ARDAN LJses; Cutting, beds. «oaoecuc $ ~ ' '_· ? C /~- -=----- ' • r Ii BUDDLEIA ov CLEMATIS COREOPSIS sRi» DEL OSPERMA DELPHINIUM euruu PANICULATA BICOLOR BIG BANG RED SHIFT -FIR.E SPINNER® -MAGIC FOUN-TAIN-S • SWEET AUTUMN (Butterfly Bush) pp # 20,412 (Ice Plant) PURE WHITE - » LIGHT 9L. I OoMSWTB LIGHT [ BL.ooMs WTB LIGHT BLOOMS WTB LIGHT I BLOOMS WTB #s Summer- Fall ~ Summer df Summer ft Summer Summer st HEIGHT ZONE ZONE HEIGHT [ SPACING ZONE sciwa ] HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEON'T 8/ACING HEIGHT SPACING ZONE ]All!I 15' s6 4-8 1-2° 18 5-10 5-6° I 3-5 5-9 I 24-30° 12° 30-36" 18-24 3-7 {{R¥: EFaaturs; A vigorous vine t.·. Features; Shiny green foliage ~ Features; Raspberry rose Features; Large flowers of • w» Features; Upright spikes of blooms fade to butterscotch producing clusters of 1" pure creamy, butter yellow with red 2] In a dense carpet with masses of striking pure white flowers. white flowers with a delicate fiery orange flowers with hot pink yellow. Attracts butterflies and centers "shift" in stages to ruby -s"el', Usually do not need staking. fragrance. Fall blooming. hummingbirds. red as weather cools. centers. LJses; Beds, borders, or Uses; Tall borders and las; Grow on a trellis. Uses; Beds, borders. or Jags; Groundcover. cutting. archway, or fence. borders, or rock gardens. one#m#vino backgrounds. BACK OF THE GARDEN containers. Ip\ E r Tat Ano fit E # Tl8 4 4 iii 4 ' • FS Page 2 ~----------•--·--•--·-- - --·-·-·\---·--·-· =-----= DIAN THUS cxNwoHYtu DIGITALIS PURPUREA ECHINACEA HYBRIDA I ECHINACEA F'URl'U~EA GAILLARDIA co-oRA GRENADIN YELLOW DALMATIAN ROSE CHEYENNE SPIRIT FEELING PINK ARIZONA APRICOT SHADES (Coneflower) ' (Coneflower) (Carnation) [" (Fox?.~glove-);. (Blanket Flower) t i in} } 2+ - ti .t, ~ ¥ As±» ~ il [~ LIGHT BLOOMS WTB LIGHT BLOOMS WTB ~r~'"" LIGHT BL.OOM8 WTe Summer Summer Summer Late Spring: «tie ai ? Summer a Summer ft) iii HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE y HEIGH'T SPACING ZONE > 30-36° 24 4-9 20° 16" 4-10 20 15" 3-8 24" 18-24" 5-9 . 12 12" 2-10 "Y Features: AAS Award. Kieft Features: Solid, true-pink isl Features; Bright yellow, double. Features; Compact foliage, with Features; Blooms have apricot , Seeds. Unusual color mixture blooms with no purple undertone fragrant flowers on strong, upright unique, soft lavender rose blooms i,? centers surrounded by a brilliant ·'?» of red, orange, purple, scarlet, have golden yellow cones. stems. have red spotted throats. I golden-yellow on uniform, cream, yellow, and white. Well A good tough garden perennial! compact plants. Flowers without lg@g; Borders or for cutting. Early to bloom. Uses; Borders, beds, /ses; Beds, borders, branched habit cold treatment. LJses; Cutting, borders. 'oouoecucen cut flower, specimen. 14,44 0 THl soilan it#it z fl¢ slft pi pots, and great for cutting. woe o so Ll@es; Beds, borders, and »owwoiua 3 } cutting. -~----- -~? ~-•- ·---- 4 ·r -·-··--·-··,--7-·-- F ~- ·-~·---· ..... •~r J . ---- -. ··-··· =min [ LIFEUUCcANTzrH±-EMroUrM \]] L11UiPIiN tuUSs vPove#v.uus ]] [ MONARDAu»w [[ MONARDA «w» SUPERBUM BALMY ROSE HONEYSUCKLE MINARET TE MIX SUGAR BUZZ BLUE MOON LONICEHA HYiBRi WHITE MAGIC PPAF (Lupino) pP 4# 26.567 '• PAF MANDARIN PP # 11,083 ?:··'~-~''•-:- -. ~-_,•_--"--::-;~ ,-----~.-~-- --.· _:1..$ %. • ,> 8- . ·. ' .• \ .. 'l-- % f o # "R?Ail k4c ,4/lhga ' 4@ % g8 .>"a ,.," Se u"L [l • v, .. 's ✓- ··-- - .. % 4.a.1l. ply rji! .#• al @i" 7 t 4 " i s T ' if gg y s l 5{3, a L, o LIGHT BLOOMS WTB •BLOO MS _ LIGHT 1 LIGHT BLOOM8 I WTB I Summer Summer Su4mer Early -Lafe it Summer HF[a#T 8PAIN@ ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE HEIGHT SPACING ZONE SPACING 20NE ~ HEIGHT I0-12° 12-14° 4-9 20-24 18-24 5-9 24" 18 4-8 16-24" 26 4-8 16-18' 4-5 4-9 Features; Bright rose flowers Features; Large, semi-double [Features; Very colorful spikes show early on compact dark [Features; Lavender blue flowers Features; Tubular, bicolor crisp white blooms show over an of pea like flowers.
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