c | :> f-1 k * >:# r * k C A K -K T LO 1 ##L*0 .1f. f [ WES I"! I t ’. LD Ml MORTAL L IB R A R Y P'.hO E BK>1 Ai > Li i WESTFIELD MJ 07090-2116 3b |)opulos. /2ou Sbitus, Jtrtienmuis Published Evers Thursduv Since 1890 (008) 232-4407 USPS 6801)20 Thursday, January 23, 2003 FIFTY CENTS OUR 113th Y EA R-ISSUE NO. 20-113 Periodical - Postage Paid at Westfield, NJ. www .goleader.com [email protected] Transfer of Liquor License Raises Queries on WF Code Ity LAUREN S. PASS man Kevin Walsh, who resigned ef­ Specially Written for The Westfield Leader fective January 8, was presented with In the conference portion of Tues­ “Ditto on everything,” a resolution. day night’s Westfield Town Council ■ Westfield Mayor Gregory Mr. Walsh thanked that council meeting, the governing body decided McDermott and the residents of Westfield. He to postpone a vote on the transfer of expressed that he “ learned a lo t" on a liQuor license which was previously the council, and stated, “ how lucky held by Sinclair's Restaurant, and is Westfielders are” to have a dedicated similar problem at Sweet Waters being purchased by Fujiama Mama. council and dedicated professionals. Steakhouse on E lm Street and that he 1 Town Attorney Robert Cockren The members o f the council wished “can't see making an exception.” stated that there are issues with the Mr. Walsh w ell in his new position as First Ward Republican Council­ license and Town Code. He said that an Assistant U.S. Attorney. man Sal Caruana asked i f this was the the code prohibits alcohol to be Councilman Goldman said that Mr. same issue that put Ken Marcotte's served at a counter, and because the Walsh’s new job is an "opportunity out o f business. restaurant has a sushi bar and service that young litigation lawyers strive Councilman Goldman replied that bar, this would not comply with the fo r" He added that Mr. Walsh should it was a sim ilar issue. code. come back and serve Westfield when Mayor Gregory McDermott stated Charles Brandi, former Town At­ he is done. that the code is “outdated” and that torney and Attorney for Fujiama Fourth Ward Democrat Council- he was not sure he wanted “ to make an Mama, said that the code was written woman Susan Jacobson stated that exception." before sushi bars were commonplace. M r. Walsh was "great to ta lk to " and Second Ward Republican Coun­ Mr. Cockren said that a clarifica­ had a "grasp on the community.” cilman Matthew Albano asked for the tion was necessary in order to make C ouncilm an Albano stated that Mr. clarification that the problem only the sushi bar seating the same as the Walsh was a "very affective leader to Lauren S Pass for The Westfield Leader incurred with this particular type of SWEARING IN...Former Third Ward Councilman Kevin Walsh, left, swore in David Haas, third from left, as the Third dining room’s seating. (his) constituents." liQuor license. He said that other li­ W ard Councilman on Tuesday evening. Councilman Haas w ill complete M r. Walsh's unexpired term on the council, which Second Ward Republican Coun­ Councilman Caruana told Mr. censes had broader language. expires in December of th is year. cilman Rafael Betancourt suggested Walsh that he had watched him work Mr. Cockren confirmed that this and, “ respected that you fought hard.” Mayor McDermott dosed the re­ marks with. "Ditto on everything." Mountainside Zoning Official Not Councilman Goldman then moved a resolution to appoint David Haas as Mr. Walsh’s replacement, which was Reappointed; Residents Distressed passed unanimously by the Mayor and council. By MARY RONK ate $22,000 from the Capital Im­ Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Haas was then sworn in by Mr. provement Fund for a library and Walsh, and took his seat on the dais. Residents o f Mountainside showed “Mayor Viglianti is not re- Circulation Desk/Reservation Ser­ Councilman Haas will serve as great concern at Tuesday night's qu ired to explain his decision,” vice. Chairman of the Building and Town Borough Council meeting because Mountainside Borough Attorney. Ordinance 1057-2003 to replace Properly Committee and will also ■ Valeric Saunders, a 20-year employee John Post in its entirety Chapter 10 o f the code serve as the co un cil representative to as a zoning official, did not have her of the Borough of Mountainside, the Planning Board. contract renewed*!))1 M avor Robert Community Pool Regulations and In other business, the council passed Viglianti and the council for 2003. Fees. resolutions authorizing the demoli­ Various Mountainside residents Deerfield School playing field. The next open meeting w ill he on tion of a single-family home at 108 spoke directly to the council looking Ordinance 1056-2003 to appropri­ Harrow Road and another single-fam­ Tuesday, February 18. for a clear understanding as to how ily home at 13 Breeze Knoll Drive. this decision was reached. The council also passed the first Janet Kelp of Pembrooke Road, reading o f an ordinance to amend the prepared a detailed speech to the fees at Memorial Pool. County Manager Submits group asking for them to reflect on Another ordinance was approved authorizing the closure of South their decision. She specifically men­ Chestnut Street. tioned some o f the thoughts Mayor $340.5 Mil. 2003 Budget Councilman Goldman staled that Viglianti spoke of at the recent MS Reorganization Meeting on January this is a "fall-back mechanism in ad­ By FRED ROSSI o f positions, implementation of an early 2. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader dressing safety at Gumbert (Park)." retirement package foremployees that He stated that the area is unsafe on A t that meeting, the mayor praised In the m idst o f what he termed “ ex­ could save $6.4 m illion over the com­ Saturdays and Sundays during the many o f the borough employees w ho traordinarily difficult financial times," ing four years, reduced (ravel ex­ spring baseball season. dedicated years of service to Union County Manager George penses and the outsourcing of vari­ C ouncilm an G oldm an stated that Mountainside. Ms. Kelp reminded Devanney submitted a $340.5 million ous functions, such as the county the tow n w ould prefer to w ork out an the mayor that his past speech to the 2003 budget proposal to print shop. agreement with Garwood, and that community praised longstanding the Board o f Chosen Free­ In addition, all county Lauren S Pass for The Westfield Leader holders, a spending plan PROM T (M A HON OK APPRECIATION...May or Gregory McDermott pre­ they did not want to create another employees as Mountainsides' great­ departments reduced that is 1.8 percent higher sented fo rm e r Third W ard Councilman Kevin Walsh w ith a resolution thanking safety issue on North Avenue. He est asset. Since Ms. Saunders was a their operating expenses than last year's budget. by seven percent, result­ him for his service on the tow n council. M r. Walsh resigned from the council after stressed that this is "not a permanent 20-year employee of the borough, accepting a position as an Assistant C.S. Attorney. With the economy still ing in close t o $ l m illio n closure" of the street. she should receive the same consid­ stagnant and governments* in savings. Further, the that a provision be written that only particular license was designed to A resolution was also passed per­ eration. dealing with homeland se­ I County Manager antici­ people who are eating can be served have alcohol served at tables. mitting public comment at the Ms. Kelp, also commented that if curity issues, "v irtu a lly a ll pates saving an addi­ It was decided that the conversa- council's Work Session and Confer­ a lco h o l. Ms. Saunders had done something revenue sources dimin­ tional $600,000 by en­ ence meetings. The resolution per­ Fourth Ward Democrat Council­ lion would continue at next week's inappropriate or contrary to her du­ ish,” Mr. Devanney said, couraging employees to man Lawrence Goldman stated that conference session, to which the coun­ m its a 15-m inute period at the end o f George Desanney ties that the council consider her many “while costs, such as take voluntary furloughs the code its e lf needs to be redone, and cil invited Mr. Brandt. those meetings for public to com­ years of service and possibly recon­ health care, public safety, and another $2 million that the same issue was raised six During the public portion of the ment. Each speaker is lim ited to three sider their decision not to renew her insurance, contractual salaries.and utili­ through a refinancing o f insurance years ago. He said that there is a meeting, former Third Ward Council- m inutes, and m ay speak on any topic. ties, continue to rise as they do else­ in her position. premiums. where." He noted that insurance costs The Freeholders will hold budget At this point. Mayor Viglianti, w ill rise $5.2 m illio n and public safety hearings over the next several weeks asked the Borough Attorney. John costs w ill increase $1.5 million as a before formally introducing the 2003 Post to comment on the situation. Mr. result o f increased security, additional budget, containing any revi sions, some­ Post gave everyone a clear under­ hiring of county police and sheriff's thing in early spring.
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