APPLICATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO REGULAR REGISTRATION 2720 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID 83843 (208) 882-5578 www.appaloosa.com [email protected] INSTRUCTIONS: (Print in ink or type) 1. The application is only acceptable when completed IN FULL by the owner or authorized agent. 2. Four current colored photographs including, a direct face and a rear view and both sides, clearly showing all face and leg markings, as well as close-up photographs of any brands and/or scars. If there is not an Appaloosa coat pattern present, to be eligible for Regular registration, close up photographs depicting mottled skin and one other characteristic must be submitted. (If your Appaloosa’s description has changed, the ApHC will describe your horse as it appears in the new photographs submitted) Photographs must be on photo quality paper and not larger than 4x6 inches (10.2 cm x 15.2 cm). The ApHC reserves the right, at its discretion, to require additional photographs of better quality. Pictures become the property of the Appaloosa Horse Club. 3. The original Registration Certificate must accompany this application. 4. If the certificate is returned within 1 year of the original registration date, the advancement will be reviewed free of charge (one time only). If a horse is denied advancement and resubmitted at a later date, the advancement fee will apply. After 1 year a fee for advancement review is a non- refundable $50. Horse’s Name: Registration #: Color: Sire’s Name: Registration #: D a m ’ s N a m e : Registration #: SEX: Mare Stallion Gelding Date Gelded: Month ______Day ______ Year______ Signature of Recorded Owner or Authorized Agent: X Printed Name of Owner: ApHC Membership #: Mailing Address: City: State/Province: Country: Zip/Postal Code: Day Phone: (_____) ________ - Evening Phone: (_____) ________ - E-mail Address: APPALOOSA CHARACTERISTICS: CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOXES: Mottled Skin Visible White Sclera Striped Hooves Coat Pattern Muzzle Encircling the Eye Left Front Anus/Vulva Right Eye Right Front Sheath/Udder L e f t E y e Left Hind Both E y e s Right Hind NEW: Horses registered Non-Characteristic (N) and denied advancement after all properly completed advancement requirements have been submitted to the satisfaction of the Registrar, may advance to Regular through Leopard Complex (LP) genetic testing if all of the following requirements are met. 1. Horse must be parentage verified and LP tested through an ApHC approved laboratory using ApHC-approved testing procedures; 2. The genetic sample used for the horse’s parentage verification must also be used for the LP test; 3. The LP test results must be positive and will be noted as such on the horse’s ApHC Certificate of Registration; 4. Properly completed genetic test request forms are available from the ApHC, must be submitted prior to genetic testing, and may be submitted along with the initial application for registration. Please check ONE of the options below if you wish to have the applicant horse LP tested if denied Regular from submitted photographs.. I WISH TO ORDER A DNA & LP TEST KIT. The cost is $100. The applicant horse’s sire and dam must have their DNA on file with the ApHC to parent verify the applicant horse. THE APPLICANT HORSE HAS ALREADY BEEN DNA PARENTAGE VERIFIED WITH THE ApHC. As owner of the applicant horse I wish to request LP testing from the stored hair sample.. Enclosed is $50 to have the applicant horse LP tested. THE APPLICANT HORSE HAS ALREADY BEEN LEOPARD COMPLEX AND DNA PARENTAGE VERIFIED WITH THE ApHC. I have enclosed the $50 Advancement fee, the original Certificate of Registration and required photographs for this request. If the applicant horse tests negative for the LP gene, the horse will remain registered with Non-characteristic (N) classification. The owner will need to apply for a Performance Permit for applicant horse to show at ApHC approved events. See back of form for Performance Permit fees. Outline all markings of the horse in the diagrams below. Give complete written description of markings. Base Color of Foal: Coat Pattern Blue Eyes: Chestnut or Sorrel Red Roan Visible White Sclera Right Left Both B a y Bay Roan Dark Bay or Brown Buckskin Partial (1/2 blue eye) Mottled Skin Black Blue Roan Striped Hooves Right Left Both G r u l l a Gray D un Palomino WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF MARKINGS Cremello or Perlino W h i t e On head: Brand Location Brand Left fore leg: Right fore leg: Brand Location Left hind leg: Scar Location Right hind leg: Unusual marking or color: R e v 12/2018 T H w e b FEES Fees subject to change -- Make checks or money orders payable to Appaloosa Horse Club, U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank. If you wish to pay by credit card, please provide credit card information below. Applications received without required payment will be assessed an Invoicing Fee. Check the current Official Handbook of the ApHC for current fees. * * U nless otherwise indicated, the fees below reflect ApHC Member Advantage prices and are based on a current year ApHC membership ending on December 31st. If, for any reason, you are not an ApHC member and do not wish to become an ApHC member, please submit your request in writing, along with current member fees and an additional $100.00 non-member surcharge per application. Advancement to Regular Registration Fee $50** Transfer of Ownership (membership of buyer determines fee) $25 ** Foundation Pedigree Designation (if eligible) $30 ** 5-Generation Pedigree $15 4-Generation Color Pedigree $20 FAX Charges ($5 first three pages, $1 each additional page) SPECIAL RUSH SERVICES Rush fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Rush fees are in addition to other fees. Rush Fee, maximum 10 working days to process, add: $50 ** Rush Fee, maximum 48 hours to process, add: $100 ** If you wish your horse’s application to be rushed, please indicate RUSH on outside of envelope. OPTIONAL RETURN SHIPPING FEE (US residents only) US Postal Express Mail Contact ApHC office for UPS Next Day Prevailing Rates PERFORMANCE PERMIT: (for Non-characteristic “N”- registered Appaloosas only) DNA parentage verification is required. DNA testing must be on file for the sire, dam and the applicant horse. Please refer to the Official ApHC Handbook for additional information. I wish to apply for a Performance Permit for this applicant horse. (Performance Permit fees below are in addition to other fees.) Foal date to 24th month foal date: Appaloosa X Appaloosa $50 ** Appaloosa X Approved Outcross $150 ** 25th month and thereafter Appaloosa X Appaloosa $75 ** Appaloosa X Approved Outcross $250 ** GENETIC TEST KITS: I wish to order the following test kits: (If desired genetic testing kits not offered below, please contact ApHC Registration Dept for additional available testing services) I wish to order DNA testing only for this applicant horse $60 I wish to order a DNA & LP Test Kit for this applicant horse $100* I wish to order a DNA, HYPP & LP Test Kit for this applicant horse $150* I wish to order a DNA kit for the dam of this applicant horse $60 I wish to order a DNA kit for the sire of this applicant horse $60 * Refer to Official Handbook of ApHC for DNA, LEOPARD COMPLEX and HYPP testing rules. I. CREDIT CARD CHARGES: Starting January 1, 2019 Appaloosa Horse Club will implement a credit card surcharge of 3% Applications received without required payment will be assessed an Invoicing Fee Credit Card Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___- ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Expiration Date: ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ CVV #: ___ ___ ___ (PLEASE INCLUDE 16 DIGIT RAISED NUMBERS) ( M o n t h ) (Year) Signature of Cardholder: X Printed Name of Cardholder: Mailing Address: City: State/Province: Country: Zip/Postal Code: Day Phone: (_______) ________ - Evening Phone: (_______) ________- E-mail Address: @ CHECKLIST - DID YOU REMEMBER: The original Certificate of Registration Four current color photographs (Photographs must be on photo quality paper and not larger than 4x6 inches-10.2 cm x 15.2 cm) Fees (including transfer and/or membership application) Transfer of Ownership form (if you are not the current recorded owner of the applicant horse) Complete front and back of application (Please include both sides of this application when mailed to the ApHC.) .
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