Feminism, Gender, Woman... A List of Articles, Books, Chapters in western languages available at the École Française d'Extrême-Orient Library in Chiang Mai, 131 Charoen Prathet Road Opposite The Alliance Française or at Louis Gabaude's home in Sansai Louis GABAUDE Chiang Mai - Sansai July 2016 Feminism, Gender, Woman... A List of Articles, Books, Chapters in western languages available at the École Française d'Extrême-Orient Library in Chiang Mai, 131 Charoen Prathet Road - Opposite The Alliance Française or at Louis Gabaude's home in Sansai (Contact: <[email protected]> More than 2000 References Note 1: This list includes records entered up to 2007 [Before my retirement from the EFEO]. For later acquisitions, consult the EFEO librarian, Dr. Rosakhon, at the library, or Louis Gabaude <[email protected]> Note 2: Records with "Inv. LGTAP" are located in Louis Gabaude's home in Sansai Note 3: Records with "Inv. LG + a number higher than 35000" are located in Louis Gabaude's home in Sansai L.G. ---. "Women and Buddhism in Thailand: A changing identity for religious women". 21 p. - NOTE: Manuscrit. - CALL Nr.: TAP. W872W: Inv. LGTAP 04544. [4544] A. A. "Enceintes dès le seuil de l'adolescence". >>> Croix (La) - L'Evénement (2001/02/21), p. 13. - CALL Nr.: TAP. A???E: Inv. LGTAP ???. [90000] Abbott, Susan M. "[Review of] Simmer-Brown, Judith. Dakini's Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Shambhala Publication, 2001. xxv, 404 p.". >>> Pacific World (The) [Third Series], 04 (2002), p. 281-287. - CALL Nr.: PER. E. P001[3]-04: Inv. LGPER. E. 0164. [164316] Abeyasekere, Susan. Jakarta: A History. - revised ed. - Singapore, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. - xviii, 298 p.: couv. ill. coul.: 10 cartes: 48 phot. en 24 pl. h.-t.; 22 cm. - 0 19 588947 9. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 267-283; Index: p. 286-298. - CALL Nr.: ASIE ISIE A147J: Inv. EFCM 08168. [2684] Abinales, Patricio N. "Women, Islam, and the Law [Review of: Badlishah, Hjh. Nik Noriani Nik (ed.). Islamic Family Law and Justice for Muslim Women. Malaysia: Sisters in Islam, 2003; Gender, Muslim Laws and Reproductive Rights. Davao City: Pilipina Legal Resources Center, Inc., 2001]". >>> Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, 05 (2004, March), 10 p. - NOTE: Source: http://kyotoreview.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/issue/issue4/. - CALL Nr.: TAP. A148W: Inv. LGTAP 07472. [7472] Abu-sahlieh, Sami A. Aldeeb. "La Suisse face à l'inégalité entre homme et femme en droit musulman". >>> Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé; International Academy of Feminism, Gender, Woman... 4 Comparative Law. La religion en droit comparé à l'aube du XXIe siècle = Religion in Comparative Law at the Dawn of the 21th Century. XVe Congrès international de droit comparé = XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law - Bristol 1998. - Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2000, p. 69-122. - CALL Nr.: GENE. REL. A168R: Inv. EFCM 08392. [68943] Adul Tinaphong. Patpong Road: Untold Story. - Bangkok: ghaowmai publications, 2004. - [15], 336 p.: couv. ill. coul.: nombr. phot.; 21 cm. - 974 92367 2 6. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. A244P: Inv. LG 32155. [32155] Agustina, Nural; Julianto, Irwan. Riding the Paradox: Indonesia. - Manila: AIDS Society of the Philippines, 2004. - [6], 88 p.: couv. ill. coul.; 26 cm. (Safe Sex and the Media in Southeast Asia). - 971 0370 01 4. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 84-85. - CALL Nr.: ASIE ISIE A284R: Inv. EFCM 08792. [71706] Agrawala, Prithvi K. Mithuna: The Male-Female Symbol in Indian Art and Thought (Murti, T. R. V.: foreword). - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1983. - xxxii, 105 p.: 266 pl.; 30 cm. - NOTE: Gloss.: p. 83-92; Bibliogr.: p. 93-95; Index: p. 97-105. - COTE: GENE. ARTS A277M: Inv. LG 20100. [162] Ahir, D. C. The Legacy of Ambedkar (Bharat Ratna). - Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation, 1990. - ix, 357 p.; 22 cm. - 81 7018 603 X. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 345-348; Index: p. 349-357. - CALL Nr.: ASIE INDE A285L: Inv. LG 09311. [9311] Ahmad, Maqbool. Khajuraho: Erotica and Temple Architecture. - New Delhi: Asian Publication Services, 1985. - 80, [30] p.: ill.: plans; 25 cm. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 76-80. - COTE: ASIE INDE A286K: Inv. LG 20509. [220] Ai. "Reunions with a Ghost". >>> Kudaka, Geraldine (ed.). On a Bed of Rice: An Asian American Erotic Feast. - New York: Anchor Books, 1995, p. 82-83. - COTE: ASIE GEN. K095O: Inv. LG 10363. [1829] Aitkenhead, Decca. "Lovely Girls, Very Cheap". >>> Granta, 73 (2000), p. 129-150. - CALL Nr.: TAP. A311L: Inv. LGTAP 05174. [20166] Ajalbert, Jean. Raffin Su-su suivi de Sao Van Di. - Paris; Pondichéry: Kailash, 1995. - 298 p.: couv. ill.; 18 cm. (Coll. "Les Exotiques"). - 2 909052 44 3. - CALL Nr.: ASIE LAOS E. A312R: Inv. LG 32255. [32255] Ajalbert, Jean. Sao Van Di. - Paris: Éditions G. Crès, 1922. - [6], 227 p.: 1 portrait en front.; 23 cm. (Bibliothèque de l'Académie Goncourt). - NOTE: Portrait par Eugène Carrière gravé sur bois par Paul Bornet. Exemplaire numéroté sur pur fil Lafuma, N° 491. Dédicacé. - CALL Nr.: ASIE LAOS E. A312S: Inv. LG 11107. [11107] Ajalbert, Jean. "Sao Van Di". >>> Ajalbert, Jean. Raffin Su-su suivi de Sao Van Di. - Paris; Pondichéry: Kailash, 1995, p. 71-298. (Coll. "Les Exotiques"). - 2 909052 44 3. - CALL Nr.: ASIE LAOS E. A312R: Inv. LG 32255. [32255] Ajee, Nit; Ajee, Jack. Thai for lovers: A Complete Guide to the Romantic Culture of Thailand. - Bangkok: Paiboon Poomsan Publishing, 1999. - 183 p.; 21 cm. - COTE: DIC. E. THAI. A312T: Inv. LG 29276. [1034] Al-Amin, Hazem. "La révolution, le voile et les 'ruses féminines'". >>> Courrier international, 812 (2006/O5/24), p. 35. - NOTE: Primitivement publié dans Al Hayat (Londres). - CALL Nr.: TAP. A???R: Inv. LGTAP ???. [633513] Feminism, Gender, Woman... 5 Albertsen, Ken. Lali's Passage. - 2nd ed. - Bangkok: Tathata Publication, 2003. - IV, 300 p.: couv. ill.; 21 cm. - 1 5536 9077 X. - NOTE: Sous-titre en page de couverture: "Burmese beauty escapes from brothel to Native American hills of California". - CALL Nr.: ASIE BIRM. E. A334L: Inv. LG 28933. [28933] Albritton, Robert B. "[Review of] Mills, Mary Beth. Thai Women in the Global Labor Force: Consuming Desires, Contested Selves, New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1999. v, 218 p.". >>> Journal of Asian Studies (The), 59, 1 (2000, February), p. 217-219. [746] Alizart, Mark. "Houellebecq, patate tiède". >>> Libération (2002/01/04), 2 p. - COTE: TAP. A???H: Inv. LGTAP 0???. [26306] Allen, Douglas (ed.). Culture and Self. Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, East and West (Malhotra, Ashok: collab.). - Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997. - xv, 184 p.: couv. ill.; 22 cm. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 162-172; Index: p. 177-184. - CALL Nr.: ASIE GEN. A425C: Inv. EFCM 04205. [1780] Allen, Douglas. "Social Constructions of Self: Some Asian, Marxist, and Feminist Critiques of Dominant Western Views of Self". >>> Allen, Douglas (ed.). Culture and Self. Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, East and West. - Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997, p. 3-26. - CALL Nr.: ASIE GEN. A425C: Inv. EFCM 04205. [1324] Allione, Tsultrim. Women of Wisdom (Chögyam Trungpa: foreword). - New York, NY: Arkana, Penguin Books, 1984. - xxxviii, 282 p.: couv. ill. coul.; 20 cm. - 0 14 019072 4. - NOTE: Gloss.: p. 265-271; Bibliogr.: p. 272-275; Index: p. 276-282. - CALL Nr.: ASIE TIBET E. A437W: Inv. LG 10657. [10657] Allison, Anne. "[Review of] Golden, Arthur. Memoirs of a Geisha. New York: Alfred A. Knopt, 1997, 434 p.". >>> Education about Asia, 05, 2 (2000, Fall), p. 42-44. - CALL Nr.: TAP. A438G: Inv . LGTAP 4595. [16466] Amara Pongsapich. "Female Participation and Industrial Development in Thailand". >>> Amara Pongsapich. Occasional Papers on Women in Thailand. - Bangkok: Women's Studies Programme, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1988, p. 1-30. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 29-30. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0001: Inv. LG 03489. [34891] Amara Pongsapich. Occasional Papers on Women in Thailand. - Bangkok: Women's Studies Programme, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1988. - (10), 99 p.: tabl.: Diagram; 23 cm. (Publication No. 3/1988). - 974 569 758 3. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. A4850: Inv. LG 03489. [34890] Amara Pongsapich. "Review of Women's Activities in the Fourth and Fifth National Development Plans (1977-1981 and 1982-1986)". >>> Amara Pongsapich. Occasional Papers on Women in Thailand. - Bangkok: Women's Studies Programme, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1988, p. 31-56. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 55-56. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0001: Inv. LG 03489. [34892] Amara Pongsapich. "Women's Political Participation in Thailand". >>> Amara Pongsapich. Occasional Papers on Women in Thailand. - Bangkok: Women's Studies Programme, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1988, p. 81-99. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 99. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0001: Inv. LG 03489. [34894] Feminism, Gender, Woman... 6 Amara Pongsapich. "Women's Movement in Thailand". >>> Amara Pongsapich. Occasional Papers on Women in Thailand. - Bangkok: Women's Studies Programme, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1988, p. 57-80. - NOTE: Bibliogr.: p. 79-80. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0001: Inv. LG 03489. [34893] Amara Soonthorndhada. "Adolescent Role Behavior, Expectations and Adaptations: Past to Present". >>> Bencha Yoddummnern-Attig et al. Changing roles and statuses of women in Thailand: a documentary assessment. - Bangkok: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, 1992, p. 55-63. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0109: Inv. LG 15978. [532] Amara Soonthorndhada. "Community Role Behavior, Expectations and Adaptations: Past to Present". >>> Bencha Yoddummnern-Attig et al. Changing roles and statuses of women in Thailand: a documentary assessment. - Bangkok: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, 1992, p. 76-79. - CALL Nr.: THAI. E. ANTHR. 0109: Inv. LG 15978. [533] Amara Soonthorndhada. "Domestic Role Behavior, Expectations and Adaptations: Past to Present". >>> Bencha Yoddummnern-Attig et al. Changing roles and statuses of women in Thailand: a documentary assessment. - Bangkok: Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, 1992, p.
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