www.orphancameras.com DETAITS /! i.. Ftlttl NBcenvn Stzn-Z4 x 86mm Fu-rvr-KoDAK135: 20- or 36-exposure I,ENS ScnNrmrn RrrrNe-XeNoN-Coated SOmm f/2 s-f 4, 8, l(odakRetina llaCa'tera LnNsOprNrNc /2, f /2.9, f / t /5.6, f / f/tt,f /rc RETTNA-XENON f/2 IENS . SYNCHRO.COiIPURSHUTTEn SHU''ER SvNcrrno-Coupun-Cocked by film advance lever Spsros-L,l/2, L/5, LiL0,L/25,I/50,1/100' l/250,1/500 second,and "8" www.orphancameras.com Fr,esn-Built-in synchronizationfor ClassF, M, and Speedlanrp TOCUSINGAND Y'EW'NG Coupr.rn ReNcr Frrvprn-Superimposed qage VrBw Frrvorn-Optical, eye-level, combined with range ffnder FocusrN6 ReNcs-}y' feet to inffnity DOUBTE- EXPOSIIRE PREVENfTON-Automatic Frllvl ADVANOELEyER-Advances fflm and cocks shutter with one stroke coNstRUctroN Eonv-Die-cast-Black leather eovered Tnrr,op Socxrr-Standard American thread coifErNAtroN l,[Ns Aff ASHTEN'S No. 29 Kodak Adapter Ring or the lX-inch Kodak Adaptei Ring, Series VI; Series VIA Lens Hood PRINTED IN U}IITED STATE9 OF AMERICA l(odakRetina lla Camera toble of contents ll 2 Introduction 3 Opening and Closing the Camera 4 A B C's and Simplest Settings 7 Shutter Speed www.orphancameras.com 7 Lens Opening 8 Focusing to Films l2 Loading t5 H olding the Camera- V iewing t6 Taking the Picture *importont: The film odvonce lever od- t7 Unloading vonces the film ond cocks the shuiler; IE Flash it should not be forced. lt locks when Time the counler is sel ol l, olso when the 2l Exposures film hos been odvonced but not exposed. 22 Depth of Field 23 Picture Taking Aids SERrAl. NUA,IBER- for positive identificotion - is locoted in front of lhe occessoryclip; keep o record of this number. The 28 Exposure Tables prefix "EK" is used to designote lhose Retino Comeros im- porled by lhe Eostmon Kodok Compony. Be sure io fully de- scribe your comero, including the full seriol number with pre- fix when correspondingobout it. Be sure to sove the Certificote of lmport ond Ownership included with your comero. T. M. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. o To get the most from your camera, take time to get acquainted with it. Follow the directions carefully, practicing with your To open the comero camera as you go along. This is a precision . press the OPEN|NG BUTTONond pull down instrument, never force anything; if some- lhe fronl until it locks. thing does not work smoothly, review the in- structions about its operation. Before making any important pictures-a trip, some special event, or any pictures ex- pected to provewww.orphancameras.com valuable- you should shoot a roll or introduction trvo of film and take a few flash pictures. This will give you practice and will provide a check To close the comero on equipment. If you have any ques- )/our . this comero con- tions, ),our Kodak dealer rvill always be glad not be closed if it is to help you in any way he can. focused for onything nole: Like any fine lens, this lens should be but infinity. Be sure cleaned with lur". To clean the front or back the focusing knob is pushed clockwise, os surface, first brush alvay any grit or dust. you foce lhe lens, os Then wipe the surface gently with Kodak for os it will go; then Lens Cleaning Paper or a soft, lintless cloth. squeeze the two CIOS- If moisture is necessary,breathe on the lens ING BUTTONS WhiIC closing the bed. or use Kodak Lens Cleaner. 2 the key to good pictures Y our Comero A B C's: When you press the exposurebutton to take a picture, light goesthrough the lens to make an invisible image of the subiect on the film. q By turning the knurled shutter speed rin$, "a," you control thewww.orphancameras.com lengtlt of tirne the fihn is exposedto this light. b By moving the lever, "b," to one of the settingson the lower scale,you change the arrrount of light reaching the film. C By moving the focusingknob, "c," Llntil the double image in the range finder The tinted oppeoronce of lhe becomessuperimposed, /ou control the lens is due lo o speciol cooting sharpnessof the picture. which improves the brillionce of block-ond-whitepiclures ond the color purity of full-color piclures. 4 stondqrd settings for simple snqpshots q shutter speed For snapshotsof average subjects in bright Turn the knurled shutter sunlight, use the following settings: speedring to bring the nnp Dor opposite thc required With Kodochrome Film Doylighl Type: shutter speed. The follow- Set "a" (shutterspeed) on 50 (L/50 second). itrg speeclsare provided: 1, l/2, L/5, r/70, r/25, Set "b" (lensopening) between f /5.6 and f /8. L/50, L/L00, "8" Set "c" (focus) to bring the small circle, near l/250, and f/500 second. exposurescan also be made; see 2I. the l0-foot mark, to the focusingwww.orphancameras.com index for page The shutter is subjectsin the 7- to lS-foot range. For sub- cocked automatically when the film jects 13 feet and beyond, bring the small is advanced. Do not change the circle, near the 2S-foot mark, to the focusing shutter setting from I/250 to t/500 index. or vice versa u;hen the shut- ter is cocked. With Kodqk Plus-X Film: A tripod or other firm support should be Set "a" (shutter speed) on 50 (1/50 second). used for speedsslower than I/25 second. Set "b" (lens opening) o.t I I (f/LI). N ote: Never oil the shtrtter or camel'a Set "c" (focus)to bring the small circle, near mechanism. the l0-foot mark, to the focusing index for b lens opening subjectsin the 6- to 2S-foot range. For sub- I\{ove the LENs opENrNGLEVER across the jects I0 feet and be1'ond, bring the small scale, illustrated on page 8, to regulate the circle, near the 2S-foot mark, to the focusing amount of light reaching the film. This lever index. click stopsat each opening.By pressingdown 6 on it, the lever is easierto move. 7 of the picture is clear and part is tinted. When the camera is out of focus, the tinted image is separatefrom the clear image, form- ing a double image of the subject. Move the focusing knob until the two images coincide The opening is largest rvhen the lever is to become a single image. The range finder sct at 2 (f tZ\ and smallestrvhen set at f 6 can be used only on still subjects. (ltt01. Each succeedinglargcr opening lets To focus the camera without using the throtrgh tu'ice the light of the one before; range finder, estimate the distance by eye; for example, /8lets through tr,vicethe light f then move the focusing knob to bring the of f /11, and f /lt lets throughwww.orphancameras.com twice the light proper distance to the FocusrNc rNDEx.The of /ta. f numbers on the FocusrNc scALE represent The shutter speeclancl lens opening r,vork the camera-to-subjectdistance in feet. When together to give the right exposure.Expo- using infrared film, use the red dot for the srrrctables are on pages 28 and 29. index instead of the regular index. c focusing The two small circleson the focusing scale are for the ts'o standard settings describecl The range finclerof this on page 6. camera is coupled to the lens. \loving the FocusrNcKNoB until the trvo imagesin the range fincler coincicle focuses the camera. Careftrllv _ look through the vierv-and-range fincler opening and you rvill see that part 8 For high-quoliry enlorgemenls . use Kodok Plus-X Kodok Films PonchromoticFilm-fine Use l(odclk | 35 Film groin ond high resolv- ing power permit high- quolity enlorgemenls. For beautiful color-use Kodacll'ome trilm- An excellent film f or Dal,light Type outdoors, Type A with flood generol outdoor ond or flarsh,20 or ,'36exposures. well-lighted interior With full-color Kodachrome you can cap- use.20 or 36 exposures. ture the vivid colorsof an autumnwww.orphancameras.com landscape, of spring florvers, of gaudy carnivals or For poor lighr the gny colors at a children's garden party, a . use Kodok Super- picnic, a cherishedholiday . or the delicate XX PonchromolicFilm- very high speed mokes colors of that infant son or daughter. Yes, f his on ideol film lo use with color there are new fields to conquer. with orlificiol light. 20 Kodachrome trilm is sent to Kodak for or 36 exposures. processingat no extra cost. It is returned to you as 2 x 2-inch mounted transparencies For fine-groin copying (unless otherwise specified) which can be vierved by transmitted light, projected as use Kodok Micro- File Film-on exlremely slides, ancl from rvhich color prints can be fine-groin, slow, pon- rnacle.See your Kodak dealer for full-color chromoticfilm for copy- Kodacolor Prints and Enlargententsat mod- ir,g printed molter, erate prices. mops, documents, efc. 36 exposures. t0 1l looding 3. Dro* oul lhe f ilm ReWIND os lor os it will light, never in KNOB 9o. Load the camera in subdued Insert lhe film mogozine in bright light. Kodak 135 Film is contained in lhe recess under fhe rewind a lighttight magazine. Reu;ind the film into knob. The end of lhe mog- this magazine after the exposltreslrutse been ozine contoining lhe cross- piece goes loword the re- made and bef ore the cantera back is opened. wind knob. Push in the re- Various Kodak 135 Films are described on wind knob ond lurn if to pagesl0 and ll.
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