Anak Society Sponsors Annual Honor Day Field Meet Technique "The South's Livest College Weekly" Georgia School of Technology ol. XXVII THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, MAY 14, 1937 No. 28 ODK Scholastic Exercises Honor Students Duckworth Makes Prominent Juniors Lead In Activities Principal Address; And Scholarship Awards Presented Honor Day exercises for Tech's Omicron Delta Kappa, one of the cholastic "supers" were held this highest national academic honorary lorning in the Tech Naval Armory. societies in the country, named six prominent juniors in the tapping cere­ V. H. Duckworth, Assistant Attorney monies held during the Honor Day Jeneral of Georgia, made the prin- exercises this morning. The men ipal address of the day. The address named on scholarship, leadership, and ras followed by the presentation of campus activities were: John Boy, tonors and awards. Bobby Burks, Jack Chivington, Morty Dr. B. P. Wroth, of the Chemistry Goldman, Nat Harrison, and Ed Mat­ )epartment, presented the Phi Kappa > J L ' tingly. John Griffin was elected fac­ J hi certificates and also the Phi Kap- ulty member to succeed Dr. Boggs. )a Phi scholarship cup. The Tau Beta ?\ scholarship cup was awarded by Griffin was also elected faculty ad­ visor and secretary-treasurer to re­ i. H. Jensen, and Prof. J. E. McDan- place Professor Fred Wenn, who was el presented the Briaerean cup. The made deputy of the Southeastern )resentation of the President's gold Top, Left to Right: Juniors province of O. D. K. at the recent Ts" was made by Dr. M. L. Brittain. • - - ^ f Boy, Harrison, National Convention in Atlanta. Pro­ fl. W. Swift, president of the Inter- Honored fessor Wenn has been faculty advisor Fraternity Council, awarded the Inter- Chivington, Mattingly. by of the Tech circle for fourteen years Fraternity Council scholarship cup. and was instrumental in establishing Prof. Harold Bush-Brown made the Omicron Bottom Row, the O. D. K. circle at Tech. presentation of the architect medals. Delta Burks and Mr. Norman E. Elsas of Fulton Bag & The initiation of the new members Cotton Mills awarded the Cotton Man­ Kappa Goldman will be held Friday night, May 21. ufacturers of Georgia medal. Other John Boy is Editor of The Tech­ awards were given by Alpha Chi Sig­ nique, Yellow Jacket staff, member of ma, Kappa Eta Kappa, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Freebody Club, Phi Eta A. I. Ch. E., and Phi Eta Sigma. Sigma, Honor Roll three years, Inter- Fraternity Council, Student Council, All parents are invited to a dinner student member of Athletic Board, Pi given by the Student Council in the Delta Epsilon, Bulldog, Skull and Key, Dining Hall at 12:30. Carnival Sponsored Anak Awards Prizes "Y" Cabinet, A. S. M. E., and is a At 1:30 p. m. all parents and vis­ Townsend Elected member of the Pi Kappa Phi social itors will be escorted about the cam­ By Ceramic Dept. Pres. Of PiD.E. For Honor Day fraternity. He is from Huntington, pus and through various departments West Virginia, and is taking Mechani­ :by members of O. D. K. The honor­ Field Meet The Georgia Tech student branch Pi Delta Epsilon honored four of cal Engineering. ary clubs of each department will of the American Ceramics Society Tech's outstanding journalists by assist in these tours, explaining dis­ The annual track and field meet will give a Ceramics Carnival on the Bobby Burks is a member of Pi plays which each department has ar­ electing them to serve as the chapter's sponsored each Honor Day by Anak night of May 15 from 8:00 till 10:00 Delta Epsilon, Technique staff, Blue Print staff for three years, Yellow ranged. officers for the coming year. Society will be held this afternoon at in the Ceramics building. Jacket staff, Honor Roll three years, At 4 o'clock the inter-fraternity Jimmie Townsend, managing editor Grant Field. The field events will The purpose of the carnival is to promote interest in ceramic engineer­ Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Chi Sigma, A. track meet will be held at Grant Field. of The Technique, was elected presi­ begin at 3:30, and the running events ing. To be conducted along the lines I. Ch. E., Tau Beta Pi, and he is a All visitors are invited to attend the dent; Bob Burks, Blue Print staff, vice- will start at 4:00. Anak announces of a carnival, each guest will be given member of Beta Theta Pi social fra­ meet. that the following rules will apply to president; Ed Mattingly, editor of the a certain amount of money made in ternity. He is from Birmingham, Ala- The combined military units will 1938 Blue Print, treasurer; and Nat the meet. Prizes will be awarded by hte department from various clays. continued on page 6) pass in review at 7:15, this being fol­ Harrison, secretary. Atlanta merchants to winners of each With this money he may buy refresh­ lowed by the annual military ball. Pi D. E. is a national honorary event. ments, play a game of chance, see a Phi Eta Sigma Elect journalistic fraternity having chap­ Eligibility: picture show, or see many other inter­ President And Wife Fraternity Men esting and instructional exhibits Officers For 1938 ters all over the country. Its purpose Any man listed in the Dean's Office which have been collected for this Host To Seniors is to foster college journalism and to as an active or a pledge of any fra­ event. At a banquet in the Cox-Carlton The President's annual reception reward those that have worked their ternity, and who has not received a This is the first event of its type Hotel, last Friday evening, May 7, Jo the Seniors will take place Friday way up. Pi D. E. is offered to those varsity letter, or who did not go out ever to be presented by the Ceramics the new Phi Eta Sigma men elected jafternoon, June 11, at .the Naval that have served two years or more on for varsity or freshman track this society. The invitations to this event officers for the coming year, as fol­ |Armory. the staff of one of the publications, year, is eligible to compete. were quite an innnovation in them­ lows: President, Roy Scanling; Vice- President, T. O. Day; Secretary, Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Brittain will and is rated as one of the higher hon­ Non-Fraternity Men selves. They were made from sheet steel cut to size, and then enameled George Fambro; Treasurer, Frank receive, assisted by Dean and Mrs. ors at Tech. Any man in school who has not V. V. Skiles, Bobbie Kelley, Sarah received a varsity letter or who has white with a gold border. The let­ Gardner; and Historian Richard Du- The annual party and picnic will lorne, Jean Fambrough, Clair Hun- not been out for varsity or freshman tering on the invitation was then senbury. be held this Saturday and all members picutt, June Spalding, Jerry Rivers, track this year is eligible. glazed on this white background in Previous to the banquet in honor of will meet at the Beta house at 2:00 [ean Turner, Rae Miller, Louisa Rob- gold letters. the new initiates, the men were ini­ promptly. The following are the events which jert, Sara Smith, Nancy Moorer and will be run off: 1. Shot put, 2. 100- tiated in the conference room of Harjorie Armstrong. yard dash, 3. High jump, 4. 120-yard Technique Presents Swann Hall. Prof. Fulmer, the Fac­ Escorts of the young ladies are Cosmopolitan Club low hurdles, 5. 440-yard dash, 6. Broad ulty Advisor, was also initiated at Medal To Preston this time. Barry Appleby, Dick Beard, Dave Selects Officers jump, 7. 220-yard dash, 8. Half-mile Long, Lawrence Hays, George High- run, 9. 440-yard relay, 10. Three-leg­ Each man present was introduced, An interesting event of Honor Day giving his name, home town and prep 'ower, Henry Swift, Don Johnston, The club of all nations, the Cos­ ged race. school, and his course at Tech. eorge Bevis, Mit FitzSimons, Theo- mopolitan Club, held elections last will be the medal presented to Charles lore Lambert, Jack McKinnon, and Monday in the Y. M. C. A. to designate B. Preston at the Military Review to­ [Henry Plage. the new officers for the next year. Doc Says — night. The medal is presented by The 1937 BLUE PRINT OUT Did you ever ask someone to do O-OPS SELECT SMITH Carlos Villanueva, from Mexico, was Technique to the man who played the NEXT WEDNESDAY NOON D elected president; F. Ferrer, from Cu­ you a favor and they did it, but in greatest number of minutes during the TO SERVE ON COUNCIL ba, vice-president; A. Salcedo, from such a grudging manner that you The 1937 edition of the Blue Print Cuba, treasurer; R. A. Ponce de Leon, wished they had refused? One can't past football season. S. D. "Pete" Smith, Co-op pre-jun- will be available next Wednesday, from Cuba, secretary. Professor Ajax respond to every request made of There will also be a plaque in the »r, has been selected to serve on the May 19, at 12 o'clock. Any person who was elected faculty advisor. him for he is not always sure of new gymnasium on which will be Student Council as representative for is a member of an organization which The new officers are working on the burden that a request implies. 'he co-operative students. Smith, a placed each year the name of the man plans for the next year that will make Say no with a smile if you can't has not paid for its page in the Blue Mechanical engineer from Jackson­ who plays the most during the foot­ comply; but if you promise, render Print will not be allowed to get his ville, Florida, will serve for two years.
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