Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET Devoted to Real Estate, Building Cionstruetion and Building Management in the Metropolitan District PnbUsbed Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY FRANK E. PERLEY. President and Editor; W. D. HADSELL, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer Bntered ss lecond olui mstter Norember 8. 18T». st Uis Pgat Offloe at New York. N. T., ondn tke Aot of Ustcb ». 18J9. Copyright, 1920, by The Record and Guide Comimny 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800) vol* CV NEW YORK, JUNE 2G, 1920 25o. A COPT NO. 26 (27 23 $12.00 A TEAB Advertising Index Advertislni; Index Page Page A B See Electric Elevator.lth Cover TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ackerly, Orville B., & Sons 842 New York Title & Mortgage Co..832 Acme Service Corp SislJ Niewenhous Bros., Inc b>9 A. J. Contracting Co S57 Editorials 833 Noyes Co., Chas. F Front CoviT Adler, Ernest N 842 Ogden & Clarkson Corp 841 Altmayer, Leon S Sll Burke Relief Foundation Sale Aggregates O'Hara Bros 842 American Bureau of R. E. , . .842 $502,000 835 O'Reilly & Dahn 841 Ames & Co Sll Orr & Co., John C 857 Amy & Co., A. V S41 Printing Plant for Metropolitan Life Insurance Anderson & Co., James S S32 Company 836 Payton, Jr., Co., Phillip A.2d Cover Armstrong, John S42 Pease & Elliman Front Cover Aspromonte & Son, L.. 3 S59 Real Estate Review for the Current Week 837 Pflomm, P. & G Front Cover Automatic Fire AJarn. Co S52 Pomeroy Co., Inc., S. H 854 Bauer, Millbanlt & MolIov.2d Cover Private Sales of the Week 837 Porter & Co Front Cover Beale Co., Harry S 844 Purdy & Co 832 Bechman Co., A. G 842 Real Estate Notes 844 Ratalsky Co., Mark Front Cover Benznig Co., Jos. H 856 Ray, Willes, Inc 841 Birdsall, Daniel, &. Co..Front Cover Statistical Table of the Week 846 Read & Co.. Geo. R Front Cover Boylan, John J S41 Realty Associates 846 Brown, Fredericli 2d Cover Freight Rate Increases on Building Materials Realty Associates Investment Brown Co., J. Romaije.Front Cover Corp 830 Bulkley & Horton Co 842 Unfair 847 Realty Company of America 832 Builders' Brick & Supply Co Realty Supervision Co 858 itli Cover Changes in Workmen's Compensation Insurance, Richardson & Boynton Co 855 Busher Co.. Eugene J 841 June 30 848 Ritch, Wm. T 852 Butler & Baldwin S41 Roman-Callman Co 844 C. H. Motors Co 850 Architects and Engineers Plan Many New Ruland & Whiting Front Cover Cammann, Voorhees i Floyd...841 Projects 849 Runk, George S.. 841 Carpenter, Leonard J 841 Ryan, George J 84J Chesley Co., Inc., A. C S.j7 Personal and Trade Notes 849 Sasse, Geo. W 842 City Investing Co 832 Schindler & Liebler 842 Classifled Advertisements 845 Trade and Technical Society Events 849 Schwiebert, Henry 842 Corning Co., Edward 4th Cover Scobie 841 Corwith Brotuerj 84G Building Material Markets 850 Smith Co., Inc., E. C 848 Coutoucas, Nicholas 2d Covei South Ferry Realty Co 832 Cross & Brown I'ront Cover Current Building Operations 850 Spear & Co 832 Cruikshank Co Front Covnr Spotts & Starr 842 Cruikshank's Sons, Wm. .Front Cover Contemplated Construction 852 Steinmetz, John A 842 Cudner R. E. Co 811 Structural Waterprooflng Co 847 Cushman & Wakefield..Frout Cover Plans Filed for New Cosntruction 855 Cutler & Co., Arthur 84-2 Tabolt, Jacob J 842 Cutner, Harry B S-tl Thompson Co., A. G 846 Davies, J. Clarence 846 Title Guarantee & Trust Co..2d Cover Day, Joseph P Sll Trageser Steam Copper Works, Dike, O. D. & H. V ^12 John 857 Dowd, James A *^42 tage Page Tucker, Speyers & Co 841 Duffy Co., J. P S.")4 Tyng & Co., Stephen H., Jr 832 Duross, Co 841 Hess, M. & L., Inc Front Cover Losere, L. G 842 Ullman 842 Dwight, Archibald & Perry 841 Holmes Elec. Protectlve..4th Cover Mack Co., James C 854 Uris Iron Works, Inc., Harris H. Electro Sun Co 8.58 Hygrade Builders' Supply Co...851 Manning & Trunk 841 4th Cover Elliman & Co., Douglas L 8^2 Jackson, Daniel H Titlj Page Marbleoid Co 856 Ely & Co., Horace ?. .Front Covei Martin, H. Samuel 8-tl Van Valen, Inc., Chas. B...2d Cover Kane Co., John P 4th Cover Maurer & Son, Henry....4th Cover Empire Brick & Supply. .4th Cover Kelly, Albert E f39 Walsh, J. Irving 841 English, J. B 841 Maxwell, J. S 841 Kennelly, Bryan L., Inc 8il May Co., Lewis H 841 Watson Elevator Co., Inc..4th Cover Feldbelt & O'Donnell S.5:) Kerns Co., James F .S42 McLaughlin, Thomas F...!. 8»- Weld & Suydam 832 Feuerbach, F. J , 842 Kilpatrick, Wm. D 832 McMahon, Joseph T 838 Wells Architectural Iron Co 859 Pinch & Co., Chaa. H 857 Kinnear Mtg. Co 852 Miller & Co., A. W 841 Weils Sons, James N 841 Finegan, Austin 841 Kloes, F. J 854 Mississippi Wire Glass: Coi 858 Welsch, S., Sons 842 Fischer, J. Arthur 841 Knap & Wasson Co tSil Moors, J. K ( 841 Wheeler, G. C. & A. E 854 Fogarty, J. A. & J. J 842 Kohler, Chas. S., Inc 882 •Morgenthau, Jr., & Ci., M 845 Wlieel,er Realty Corp 842 Fox & Co., Fredk 841 White iConstn. Co., The 840 Lackman, Otto 842 Moses & Moses ; 8-i6 White & Sons, Wm. A 832 Frank & Frank 8.56 Lawrence Cement Co 4th ppver Mural Floor Covering Co 857 Fuller Co., Geo. A 552 Whiting.*, Co.,, Wm. H..Front Cover Lawrence, Blake & Jewell '.832 Winter, Benjamin 2d Cover Gallin & Son, John KG Lawyers' Title & Trust Co.i...!)45 Nail & Parker 8.12 Wood-Dolson Co Front Cover Gates Elmer S42 Leaycraft & Co., J. Edgar Nason Realty Co Title PaKO Wyckoft, Walter C 841 Gold. Louis 844 Froilt Cover National Electrical Lab. Co....b4'4 Goodstein, Harry Title lage Leist, Henry G 842 Nehring Bros &4l Y. M. C. A.—West Side 838 Goodwin & Goodwin 841 Levers, Robert &t2 Newins, Harvey B 2d Covar Zicha Marble Co., A. R 85£^ Hecla Iron Works ,'•59 Levin, Inc., Jacob & Morris S3S New York Edison Co., The 853 Zittel & Sons, Fredk 841 Northwest Corner ATTENTION of 157th Street and Harry Goodstein BROOKLYN BROKERS Amsterdam Avenue Real Estate Operator PLOT OF ABOUT 11 LOTS Taxpayer with alirran (11) atorM. 12S feet oa 261 BROADWAY lS7th Street br 99.11 on Ain«t«T<1«ni Avetiaft. Sizo 172.10i^s250x210x295 RENTS, J13.860.00. Price, JIGO.OOO.OO. n«t Suite 609 " Phone Barclay 1922 MUe. $$5,000, 6H% 8 J—n pftyftble {1,000 yer S. W. Corner Ocean Parkway and Johnton Lane year. Held by * Sarliiffi Bank. Second Mtg. TO LEASE Near Ave. T Subway station and atljolnlng Sheeps- $20,000. Cfo S yean, no InatAllmentA liead Bay Airdrome. lUpe for any kind of build­ In new 3-STOBY BtHLDING to be erected ing. Free and clear and offered at a Bargain Brokers Protected—Further partioular$ and completed before OCTOBER 1, 1920 Price. Further particulars from from (opposite Columbia College) SEVERAL Two-Room and Bath Apartments Dauiel H. Jackson NA50N REALTY CO. Also Top Floor Ideal Three-Room 170 BROADWAY STUDIO 135 BROADWAY Apartment, fine north light, refined sec­ Suite 910 Phone: Rector 3569 suiu 9i8-»i» cortiudt risr-rut tion. Apply to above. 832 RECORD AND GUIDE June 26, 1920 To the REAL ESTATE ITEPHEN B. TTNO H. OAK ET HALL OWNER Wm. A. White & Sons Title Insur.nnee; Mortgage Ixinns; Stephen H.TyDg,Jr.,&Co. Efficient Service; Moderate Pecs. Incorporated The Management Member Beml £*t«t« Board N. T. To the BROKER of Re?l Estate- Prolcction in Placing Lot, Quick Service. Sales, Rentals and REAL ESTATE Mortgage Loans To the INVESTOR MANAGEMENT OF A wide niiiKo of riiiiirnntccd First 46 Cedar Street BUSINESS PROPERTY Mnrtgagi-s iiiiil 1-irsl Mnrtgnge Crr- tidcalrs, yielding current rules of Established 1868 interest. 41 Union Square West New York Title s^ 22 EAST 17TB STREET and Mortgage Company Telapbvne: StayTcaant tWW OFFICES MANHATTAN—ir> Broadway nUOOKLYN—20!) MoiiliiKuc St. (.ILF.ICNS—,^75 Pulton St., Jamaica. mcllMONn—21 Dav Ave, Hichinond. WELD^SUYDAM William D. Kilpatrick WESTC.llESTEn—1G.1 Main St., While Plains. MT. VEIINO.N—3 Soulh 3rd Ave. Incorporated Member of Real Estate Board, N. Y. Established 1887 SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE CHAS. S. KOHLER. Inc. Real Estate of OPERATOR Real Estate Highest Class Insurance For Sale For Lease 149 BROADWAY Broker and Manager of For Investment Estates Fifth Avenue Guaranty Building SAMUEL KILPATRICK MAIN OFFICE: 522 Fifth Avenue Ml Colmobus Ave.—Cx>rner 104th St. Phone: Vanderbilt 634-635 BRANCH OFFICE: MANAGEMENT OF 1428 St. Nicholas Ave.—Near 181st St NEW YORK COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Specialists in Harlem Sales — Appraisals — Insurance and James S. Anderson & Co. Colored Tenement REAL ESTATE Properties 840 BROADWAY NEW TORK Management—Leasing Stuyvesant 627 Rentals—Insurance NAIL & PARKER REAL ESTATE Over twenty-live years' experience In the management of property. 145 West 135th Street New York City Offices 82-84 Nassau Street JOHN E. NAIL Telephone (7682 HENRY C. PARKER Morningside I 7683 Etaltp Companp Phone: John 79 of America FRANKLIN PETTIT FOR LEASE ON Lawrence, President LONG TERM Transacts a Blake & Jewell General Business Four-Story Building, on Lot 20x100. Drsirnhle location, near Custom House. Mortgage Loans in th e Purchase Suitable for altering for business. Sales and Rentals and Sale of APPLY TO Business Properties New York City South Ferry Realty Co. Rea 1 Estate Clarlie G. Dailey, President 115 Broadway 2 WALL STREET, NEW YOFK CITY 115 Broadway, New York City TeL 4080 Rector Member Real Estate Board, N. Y. Telephone 275-276 Rector Douglas LaEUiman & Co, City Investing REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Company Now in Their New Building 165 Broadway, New York 15 East 49th Stieet Capital, $5,000,000 Tel.
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