INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, Jan. 1997, p. 220-223 Vol. 47, No. 1 0020-7713/97/$04.00+ 0 Copyright 0 1997, International Union of Microbiological Societies Reclassification of Cytophaga aprica (Lewin 1969) Reichenbach 1989 in Flammeovirga gen. nov. as Flammeovirga aprica comb. nov. and of Cytophaga difluens (ex Stanier 1940; emend. Lewin 1969) Reichenbach 1989 in Persicobacter gen. nov. as Persicobacter difluens comb. nov. YASUYOSHI NAKAGAWA,'" KOEI HAMANA,2 TAKESHI SAKANE,3 AND KAZUHIDE YAMASATO'T Institute of Applied Microbiology$, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, ' College of Medical Care and Technology, Gunma University, Maebashi 371, and Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532, Japan Phylogenetically, Cytophugu apricu and Cytophugu difluens occupy independent positions in the flavobacter- bacteroides phylum. Both of these organisms are gram-negative rods that are motile by gliding, chemoor- ganotrophic, and aerobic, degrade several kinds of biomacromolecules, and inhabit marine environments. Their major isoprenoid quinone is menaquinone 7. The G+C content of the DNA of C. upricu is 35 to 37 mol%, and the G+C content of the DNA of C. difluens is 40 to 42 mol%. In addition to constituting an independent phylogenetic lineage, each species has a distinctive cellular polyamine constitution. C. uprica is characterized by possessing cadaverine as its major polyamine, and C. difluens is characterized by possessing spermidine, in contrast to most species of the genera Cytophugu,Fluvobucterium, and Flexibucter and related organisms, which possess homospermidine. Transfer of C. upricu to the genus Flammeovirga gen. nov. as Flammeovirgu upricu comb. nov. and transfer of C. difluens to the genus Persicobucter gen. nov. as Persicobucter difluens comb. nov. are proposed. The taxonomic overlap among the genera Cytophaga, Fla- which degrade distinctly crystalline cellulose, and that the ge- vobacterium, and Flexibacter and related organisms and the nus Marinilabilia should be established for Cytophaga agaro- heterogeneity within these genera have been described in sev- vorans and Cytophaga salmonicolor, which are distinguished eral chemotaxonomic and phenotypic investigations (4,5,9,17, from other members of the genera Cytophaga, Flavobacterium, 26). 16s rRNA cataloging (19) and sequencing (30) have and Flexibacter and related genera by being facultative anaer- shown that the genera Cytophaga and Flavobacterium, along obes, inhabiting marine environments, and containing MK-7 as with the anaerobic genus Bacteroides and other taxa, constitute the major isoprenoid quinone and spermidine as the major one phylum in the domain Bacteria (31). 16s rRNA and ribo- polyamine. However, many misnamed cytophagas, flavobacte- somal DNA sequencing (7, 14-16, 29, 32) and DNA-rRNA ria, and flexibacteria remain to be reclassified. hybridization data (1, 2, 24, 25) have revealed that the genera The phylogenetic relationships among representative taxa of Cytophaga, Flavobacterium, Flexibacter and are all polyphyletic, the flavobacter-bacteroides phylum are shown in Fig. 1. 16s and the contradiction between phylogenetic relationships and rRNA and ribosomal DNA sequence data were obtained from the present classification means that these genera should be divided into several distinct genera. Vandamme et al. (28) previously published studies (3,7,14-16,18,29,30,32) and the proposed the genus Bergeyella for Weeksella zoohelcum, the DNA Data Bank of Japan database. The phylogenetic analysis genus Chryseobacterium for the Flavobacterium gleum group, procedures used in this study have been described previously and the genus Empedobacter for Flavobacterium breve. Re- (16). The reconstructed phylogenetic tree based on 16s rRNA cently, Bernardet et al. (2) emended the genus Flavobacterium sequences reveals that the species assigned to the genera Cy- to include Flavobacterium, Cytophaga, and Flexibacter species tophaga, Flavobacterium, and Flexibacter diverge into several which are characterized by containing menaquinone 6 (MK-6) phylogenetic lineages which should be assigned to several in- as the major isoprenoid quinone and by inhabiting soil and dependent genera (Fig. 1). The genera Bergeyella, Capnoqto- freshwater. Nakagawa and Yamasato (16) proposed that the phaga, Chiyseobacterium, Empedobacter, Flavobacterium, Omi- genus Cytophaga should be emended and restricted to two thobacterium, and Weeksella constitute a monophyletic group, species, Cytophaga hutchinsonii and Cytophaga aurantiaca, which is equivalent to the emended family Flavobacteriaceae (2), as reported previously (7, 14-16). The genera Bacteroides, Marinilabilia, Porphyromonas, and Rikenella belong to the bac- * Corresponding author. Present address: Institute for Fermenta- teroides subdivision (16, 18, 31). The genus Sphingobacterium tion, Osaka, 17-85, Juso-honmachi 2-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka forms an independent cluster (7, 16). Flexibacter jlexilis, the 532, Japan. Phone: 81-6-300-6555. Fax: 81-6-300-6814. Present address: Culture Collection Center, Tokyo University of type species of the genus Flexibacter, is independent of other Agriculture, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156, Japan. species. Microscilla marina, the type species of the genus Mi- $ The present name of the former Institute of Applied Microbiology croscilla, constitutes an independent phylogenetic lineage. The is Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. genera Flexibacter and Microscilla should each be restricted to 220 VOL. 47, 1997 NOTES 221 Agrobacterium tumefaciens Escherichia coli [Flavobacterium]ferrugineum Flnmmeovirga aprica Persicobacter dgmuens [Flexibacter]aggregans Sphingobacterium spiritivorum Sphingobacteriummizutae Sphingobacterium thalpophilum 100 100 Sphingobacterium multivorum Sphingobacterium heparinum [Flexibacter]canadensis Marinilabilia agarovorans Rikenella microfusus Porphyromonas asaccharolytica Bacteroidesfragilis Bergeyella zoohelcum Chryseobacteriumgleum Ornithobacteriumrhinotracheale Empedobacter brevis Weeksella virosa Flavobacterium aquatile Capnocytophaga ochracea FIG. 1. Phylogenetic tree derived from 16s rRNA sequences for the members of the Flavobactenum-Cytophaga complex and related genera. All of the sequences used are the sequences of the type strains (the strain of Eschenchia coli is unknown). The brackets indicate generically misclassified bacteria. Agrobacterium tumefaciens and E. coli were used as the root organisms. The software package Clustal V (10) was used to generate similarity values and K,,, values (13) and to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree by the neighbor-joining method (23). Scale bar = 0.01 K,,, in nucleotide sequences. The lengths of the vertical lines are not significant. The total number of nucleotides compared was 903 after elimination of the positions at which secondary structures varied in the strains (16) and all sites which were not determined in any sequence. The numbers on the branches are the confidence limits (expressed as percentages) estimated by a bootstrap analysis (6) with 1,000 replicates. Confidence limits of less than 60% are not shown. the species which are closely related to the respective type difluens ((Stanier 1940; emend. Lewin 1969) Reichenbach species of these genera. 1989) comb. nov. Taxonomic characteristics of the genera Cytophaga aprica and Cytophaga difluens occupy distinct po- Flammeovirga and Persicobacter and allied bacteria are shown sitions in this group of bacteria, and both of these taxa are far in Table 2. The descriptions of the genera Flammeovirga and removed from other previously described genera (Fig. 1). The Persicobacter which are given below are taken from the data of levels of 16s rRNA sequence similarity between C. aprica and Reichenbach (20) and our own data. other species are less than 85.1%, and the levels of 16s rRNA Description of Flarnrneovirga gen. nov. Flammeovirga (Flam. sequence similarity between C. difluens and other species are me.o.vir'ga. L. adj.flammeus, fire colored; L. fern. n. virga, rod; less than 89.4% (Table 1). Both C. aprica and C. difluens are L. fem. n. Flammeovirga, fire-colored rod). Cells are long and gram-negative rods that are motile by gliding, chemoor- flexible rods that are 0.5 to 0.7 pm wide and 6 to 30 pm long. ganotrophic, and aerobic, degrade several kinds of biomacro- There is no resting stage. Motile by gliding. Gram negative. molecules, inhabit marine environments, and contain MK-7 as Cell mass is orange to reddish orange. Oxidase positive and the major isoprenoid quinone (Table 2). In addition to consti- catalase negative. Strict aerobes with a respiratory type of tuting an independent phylogenetic lineage, each of these spe- metabolism. Chemoorganotrophs. All strains of the type spe- cies has a distinctive cellular polyamine constitution (8). C. cies decompose alginate, agar, gelatin, and starch but not crys- aprica is characterized by containing cadaverine as its only talline cellulose. Marine organisms. The optimum temperature major polyamine. The other cadaverine-containing species in is 25 to 30°C. The optimum pH is around 7. the group that contains C. aprica are Flexibacter maritimus and The major isoprenoid quinone is MK-7. The major poly- Cytophaga latercula (8), which are distinguished by containing amine is cadaverine. The G+C content of the DNA is 35 to 37 MK-6 as the major isoprenoid quinone (14). C. difluens is mol%. The type species of the genus is Flammeovirga apn'ca characterized by possessing spermidine as the major poly-
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