Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 10-6-1961 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1961). The George-Anne. 2453. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P. O. Box lii* Munouth, Illinois GEORGE-ANNE Welcome Back PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE VOLUME 35 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1961 NUMBER 2 Enrollment Soars Above Predicted Total; Increases By 361 Students '♦2cV Students From Bolton Resigns; New Foreign Lands Council Officer Named House Officers Enrolled Here .The resignation of Embree A substitute has not been de- se that refreshes. Here, freshmen Bolton, first vice-president, was signated for Poole yet. ay parade. After starting at 4 a m. By TOM WILKINSON announced by Diane Brannen, Other plans were also an- nth marching, cleaning up dorms, president of the Georgia South- nounced at the student council Are Elected In Three foreign students will be ern Student Council . Wayne meeting on Wednesday. *d” events. Also included during sponsored for one year’s study Bland has been appointed to The theme of the student s competed with the “ink'd” sopho- at GSC beginning this fall by take his place. council this year is involving as Women’s Dorms the student body with their feats. the Georgia Rotary Fundation many students in as many and the Statesboro Rotary Club. Bolton is presently working events as possible. House Council elections were- Another foreign student in en- at Douglas Aircraft Company, The student council will hold held this past week in Ander- rolled under private sponsorship. in Los Angeles, Califmia and meetings every other Wednes- son Hall, Deal Hall, Lewis Hall, These four are Peder Lunde, will return to Georgia Southern day. The next meeting will take and Veazey Hall. Results of the I Oslo, Norway; Jorge Correa ngxt fall. (See Bolton’s letter place on October 18. The meet- elections are as fillows: officers Iinounced Taborda, Columbia, South on page 2.)' ings will be held in the student for Anderson Hall are the fol- America; Enza DeNino, Flor- Two other students have found council room in the Williams lowing: Caro! Green, president, J ence, Italy; and Wadih Maloof, Center at 4:30 p.m. Any stu- it necessary to take leave of Macon; Elva Clifton, vice-presi-iMPY* € I \1 Ealbek, Lebanon. dent interested in attending will absence this quarter, Jack Dill- dent, Sylvania; Lynne Storey, Lunde is a man of varied in- be welcome- secretary - treasurer, Statesboro; on, treasurer, and Mike Poole, 1 urse Marcia terests and skills. He has at- senior representative, are prac- Jamie Moore, fire marshall, 1 N - Marcia McCiurd; tended the Oslo Ris Secvondary tice teaching. Peggy Alexander Wadley; and Kay Preston, social 1 Doctor, Jerry Smith. The play School and the Oslo Commeri- has been appointed by Miss chairman Statesboro t will be under direction of Mr. cal College- Here at GSC his Brannen to substitute for Dillon. Wing monitors for Anderson, jRobert Overstreet, major interest is in the field of are Barbara Sandefur, Perry;. | economics. This appointment was approved Linda King, Lithonia: Lorene ; The French Quarter of New This Norwegian speaks En- by two-thirds majority vote of Barrow, Unidilla; Gledna Hart- Orleans is the setting of Wil- glish, German, Norwegian, the student council. ley, Alamo; Noel Benson, States-- Ham’s earthy tale of the de- French, Swedish, and Danish. boro; and Henriette Glisson, Gir-, gradation of a former Mississi- Aside from being a linguist, he ard. , ippi belle at the hands of her is also an avid sportsman. He House Council officers for- [boorish brother-in-law won the only gold metal his Social Committee Deal Hall are: Sandra Robert-- Admission will be 50c and $1. country received in the 1960 son, president, Adam; Poodle? Olympics. His triumph was in Fountain, vice-president, Savan-- the Flying Dutchman Class, Conducts Survey nah; Martha Collins, secretary, which is in the yatching divi- Collins; and Shelia Roberts, sion. treasurer, Donalsonville. ’ HINES Jorge Correa Taborda, also PEGGY ALEXANDER an accomplished linguist, is, by on Sat. Dances Wing monitors are the follow-5 profession, a high school teach- To promote better communi- ing: Jo Carol Gettys, Statesboro; LAUNDRY er in Columbia. The social committee of the cations on campus with the stu- Marilyn Hickox, Brunswick;; student council is now conduct- dents a suggestin box will be Judy Shepard, Sardis; Janie Jorge’s major interest in com- ing a campus-wide survey to placed outside of the snack bar. ing to GSC is to better acquaint determine which clubs will be Serious suggestions will be ap- continued on page 4 himself with the English lan- willing to sponsor a Saturday preciated. Evenly between two supervisors, the 69 student teachers from GSC represent this college guage and its uses. , ■ ;h. dance. Clubs must ap- Another activity the Student in high schools and elementary schools all over the state. Above pictured with those students Aside from English. Jorge is proach student council for ail Council has charge oi this yea: under his supervision is Dr. Harold Johnson, director of student teaching development- Pictured greatly interested in modern dances. is the nominations for the “Shoestring Revue’" Dates Set For American classroom and the y below with John Lindsey, coordinator of secondary student teaching, are the students of whom Questionaires are due in by “Who’s Who in American Uni- employment of the personal versities and Colleges ” Voting he is in charge. During orientation week, these sseniors met often during the first three days of October 14- A complete schedule guidance program. will then be drawn up. Clubs is scheduled in the near future. the week. At these- meetings they were informed of their responsibilities while practice teaching. Oct. 10,11 In Marvin Pittman Aud. When he finishes his studies must submit plans within a week They are also working oft a In order to fulfill degree requirements, all education majors must student teach for one quarter. here, Jorge will return to his before the scheduled date of the plan to enact an outline for an During the quarter Dr. Johnson and Dr. Lindsey will visit these students at least four times for con Phi Mu Alpha’s “Shoestring that part of the proceeds will native counrty to help others dance. organization consisting of repre- Revue,” to be presented in the provide funds for a music schol- ferences and observing. benefit from his newlv acquired Dates have been left open for sentatives frm every club. This Marvin Pittman auditorium Oct. arship to be given by the frater- knowledge. clubs to plan regular, dances. No will enable better communica- 10 and 11, will consist of twen- nity and awarded by the music The foreign student from dances will be planned unless tions among the clubs on ty-four acts of musical comedy, division. campus. Three Represent Italy, Miss Enza DeNino speaks dubs volunteer. This new sys- and satire on local campus Billy Martin, Valdosta, will Student council activities will Fall Quarter Student Teachers Italian, English, and Spanish. tem was invoked to encourage scenes and personalities- act as emcee. The show, which Her academic interest here is better participation at the Sat- be brought to the students at- will last about an hour will fea- GSC At College tention on a sign that they will The revue will run two nights, 4 political science, when: she urday night dances. ture a take-off on teenagers en- plans to teach upon her gradua- This Saturday night’s dance post. Tuesday and Wednesday begin- Practice At 20 Georgia Schools ning at 8:15. Admission will be titled “Where Are Your Chil- Day Programs tion. will be held in the Old Gym at A stated platform will be an- dren,” a Mexica skit, “Mari- 8 p.m. and is sponsored by the nounced by the student coun- fifty cents. Sixty-nine education majors Brock, business; Robert Hair, juana;” an impersonation of Three representatives of GSC Continued on page 5 Circle K Club. cil soon. from Georgia Southern College social science; Robert Van Sammy Prince, president of Jayne Mansfield by Amelia Ro- are student teaching in 15 Geor- Norte, social science;. Mitchell will be yisiting high schools bertson; satirical comedy on the throughout Georgia this month the local chapte r of Phi Mu gia high schools and five ele- Ray, industrial arts; Carl Kuin- Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, said PTA; skits covering “New mentary schools during the 1961 ers Jr., science; Faye Hodges, to participate in College Day Freshmen,” “Transfer Students,” programs. fall quarter. physical education; Clyde Mill- [and “Advice From A Senior,” er, physical education; Joanne Dr. Zach S. Henderson, presi- and many others. One full quarter of teaching dent of Georgia Southern Col- Forty Join Ranks Of QSC Choir Schedules in a classroom situation is a Radcliffe, home economics; and The eleven performers tak- Olin Presley, mathematics. lege, Richard A. Mandes, public , requirement for the Pachelor of relations director, and Miss ing part in the show will in- ** Science in Education degree. At Southeast Bulloch High Kirbylene Stephens, secretary Fall Performance clude: Peggy Alexander, Nash- Of the 69 student teachers, 11 School are Mary Johnson Burg- to the president, will give in- ville; Rosemary Bailey, Tifton; are assigned to the five elemen- Faculty And Staff Members The Philharmonic Choir of Hilda Blanton, Lakeland; Jayne ess, home ecnomics; Marian formative talks about GSC to Bragan, Statesboro; Tommy tary schools and the remaining Seckinger, home economics; Lee prospective college freshmen.
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