American Branch of the International Law Association ABILA Newsletter Issue No. 84 ILA—Founded 1873 September 2009 American Branch INTERNATIONAL LAW WEEKEND Inaugurates Patrons New York, October 22-24, 2009 Program The American Branch of the International The American Branch will hold its an- Process in International Law: State Prac- Law Association has inaugurated a Patrons nual International Law Weekend and its tice and Non-State Actor Access,” program. The Branch is immensely grateful 88th Annual Meeting in New York from “Transnational Legal Orders: International for the support of the following Patrons: October 22-24, 2009. The overarching Trade Regimes and Domestic Regulatory theme for the conference is “Challenges Policy,” and “The Role of International Charles N. Brower to Transnational Governance,” and many Environmental Law in Transnational Gov- Cynthia Lichtenstein of the panels during the conference will ernance.” The keynote speaker at the an- John F. Murphy focus on this critical international issue. nual luncheon on Friday, October 23, at James A.R. Nafziger The plenary session for the conference, 12:30 p.m., will be Lucy Reed, who will John E. Noyes and the opening reception, will take place speak on the topic "Not-So-Fine Lines in Charles D. Siegal on Thursday, October 22, at the Associa- Transnational Governance: Blurring of tion of the Bar of the City of New York, Public and Private in the International Patrons, who contribute at least $5000.00 42 West 44th Street in New York City. Legal Order." Ms. Reed is a partner with to the American Branch, become life mem- The opening session will focus on efforts Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, co- bers of the Branch. They will be recognized to reform the United Nations Security head of its global arbitration group, and on the ABILA website and in Branch publi- Council, including the initiation of inter- President of the American Society of Inter- cations. governmental negotiations in March of national Law. On Friday evening, the An- this year. Confirmed participants include nual Gala Reception will be hosted at the For information about becoming a Patron of the Deputy Permanent Representative of residence of the Deputy Permanent Repre- the American Branch, see http://www.ila- the Mission of the United States to the sentative of the United Kingdom to the americanbranch.org/Membership.aspx or United Nations, Ambassador Alejandro United Nations, 510 Park Avenue, 11A in contact John Noyes at President@ila- D. Wolff, the Permanent Representative New York City. americanbranch.org. of the Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, Ambassador Shekou M. Touray, and Professor Joseph E. Schwartzberg of the University of Minne- PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE sota. The panel’s moderator will be Pro- fessor Jose Alvarez of Columbia Univer- sity Law School. I urge you to attend International Law Weekend, October 22-24, 2009, in New On Friday and Saturday, the confer- York. The feature story in this issue is ence’s venue shifts to Fordham Univer- about ILW 2009. The Weekend's theme is sity’s School of Law, 140 West 62nd “Challenges to Transnational Governance,” Street in New York City. The conference and the Weekend will address a wide range schedule includes thirty-four panels, of private and public international law top- traversing a wide spectrum of contempo- Lucy Reed ics. There will be panels of interest to prac- rary international law, including interna- titioners, students, academics, government tional criminal law, human rights law, Rooms for ILW 2009 are available at the officials, and people working with interna- international environmental law, interna- Holiday Inn Midtown-57th Street (440 tional and nongovernmental organizations. tional economic law, commercial law, West 57th Street), which is located be- The keynote panel on Thursday evening, and trade law. Several of the panels dur- tween the Association of the Bar of the October 22, at the Association of the Bar of ing these two days focus on the confer- City of New York and Fordham University the City of New York, focusing on reform of ence’s theme of transnational govern- School of Law. Each guest must call the the UN Security Council, will feature several ance, including “The Contribution of the hotel directly (212-581-8100 or 800-231- ambassadors and leading academics. We International Law Commission to Trans- 0405) to secure a reservation. Individuals look forward to the annual luncheon ad- national Governance,” “Transnational identifying themselves as part of ILW dress by Lucy Reed of Freshfields, President Governance/Regulation in Global Com- 2009, group code XLW, may receive the of the American Society of International petition Law Enforcement,” “Democratic reduced rate of $217.00 per room, per Law, on Friday, October 23, and to the Fri- (Continued on page 2) Page 1 (Continued on page 3) PROFESSOR THOMAS M. FRANCK REMEMBERED INTERNATIONAL LAW BY RACHEL SMITH WEEKEND 2009 make the world a more ordered and hu- (Continued from page 1) mane place.” night, plus 14.25% tax and $3.50 occu- pancy tax. Each individual will pay the ho- Chris Borgen, an Associate Professor of tel directly for all room, tax, and incidental Law at St. John's University School of Law charges. Reservations must be made prior and one of Professor Franck’s former stu- to October 1, 2009, to receive the dis- dents, described Franck as the “epitome of counted rate. Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. the engaged scholar” in his tribute on the and check-out time is 12:00 noon. blog Opinio Juris: The co-chairs of ILW 2009 are Pierre As a student, I immediately Bodeau-Livinec, Legal Officer, Codification learned from Tom that interna- Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Prof. Thomas M. Franck tional law professors should act, Affairs ([email protected]); Dr. Wil not just talk. They should do Burns, Center for Environmental Studies, The ABILA lost one of its most distin- what they could in their own area Williams College (William.C.Burns@williams guished members, Professor Thomas M. to make the world a better place. .edu), and Aníbal Sabater, a partner with Franck, when he succumbed to cancer I had the opportunity to be one of the law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP on May 27, 2009. Elected Honorary Vice many students who assisted him ([email protected]). The International President of the ABILA in 1994, Professor in his work on Bosnia’s legal Law Students Association (contact registra- Franck previously served as an Honorary team for the Genocide Case. No [email protected]) will handle registration for Secretary-Treasurer and as a Vice Presi- abstract theoretician, he was an ILW 2009; registration materials can be dent of the American Branch for many object lesson in how to think found at www.ila-americanbranch.org/ years. through a case, build a file, and Intl_Law_Wknd.aspx. Registration for ILW construct an argument. 2009 is free to members of the American Franck and his parents fled Nazi Ger- Branch, students, members of the Associa- many in 1938, emigrating to Vancouver, Professor Franck authored over 30 books tion of the Bar of the City of New York, and Canada. After receiving his first law de- and received numerous awards and hon- members of co-sponsoring organizations; for gree from the University of British Co- ors, including the Christopher Medal (for others, the cost is $75.00. Advance registra- lumbia in 1953, he earned an LL.M. Resignation in Protest), the Hudson Medal tion is advised, to insure a spot at the Fri- (1954) and a J.S.D. (1959) from Harvard of the American Society of International day luncheon, the Friday evening reception, Law School. He joined the faculty of New Law (ASIL), the Read Medal of the Cana- and the Saturday boxed lunch programs. York University School of Law in 1957 dian Council of International Law, and two (Continued on page 3) and was the Director of NYU’s Center of Guggenheim Fellowships. Professor Franck International Studies from 1965 until his was President of the ASIL from 1998-2000, retirement served as edi- in 2002. tor-in-chief “Professor Franck’s life work CALENDAR OF EVENTS of the Ameri- Professor can Journal Franck had was dedicated to advancing of Interna- ILA AND ABILA EVENTS a distin- tional Law guished ca- the international rule of law.” from 1984- October 22-24, 2009 — reer practic- 1993, and International Law Weekend, New York ing as well as teaching international law. was named Honorary President of the ASIL He advised several foreign governments in March. February 12-13, 2010 — including Tanganyika, Kenya, Zanzibar, International Law Weekend — Mauritius, the Solomon Islands, El Sal- Members of the American Branch remem- Midwest, Denver vador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and ber Professor Franck’s service to the Chad. He served as an advocate before Branch through the Branch offices he ably August 15-20, 2010 — the International Court of Justice as well filled, the International Law Weekend pan- De lure Humanitatis: Peace, Justice as one of its ad hoc judges. He also els he organized and on which he elo- and International Law, The Hague served on the U.S. Department of State quently spoke, and his advice about ways Advisory Committee on International Law to promote the Branch and its unique role for many years. COSPONSORED EVENTS among international law organizations. They remember especially his wit, his Professor Franck’s life work was dedi- September 25, 2009 — charm, and his passion for international cated to advancing the international rule Workshop on Teaching International law and international justice. of law. He helped draft new constitu- Law tions, supporting democratic rule during For obituaries and more remembrances of decolonization in Africa, advised Bosnia December 20-31, 2009 — Professor Franck, please visit http://ila- in its genocide case against Serbia, and Continuing Legal Education in Israel americanbranch.org/LeadershipNews.aspx.
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