December 7, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2463 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING RETIRING CONCORD sources, training and development, public af- RECOGNITION OF NIDA’S PSA CAM- TOWN JUSTICE MARY HUBERT fairs, staff advancement, public safety, infor- PAIGN CONNECTING DRUG mation technology, telecommunications and ABUSE WITH RISK OF HIV/AIDS HON. BRIAN HIGGINS government affairs. Additionally, Dr. Reis insti- OF NEW YORK tuted the ‘‘Jennings Scholar’’ program that rec- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS ognizes outstanding public school teachers, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS K–12, throughout Greater Cleveland. Beyond IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, December 7, 2005 his abiding dedication to his professional voca- Wednesday, December 7, 2005 Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to tion, Dr. Ries has volunteered countless hours honor a woman whose tireless service as as a member and leader within numerous civic Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on this Concord Town Justice has made her court the organizations, including the Community Orga- our first day in session following World AIDS envy of town courts throughout Erie County. I nization for Drug Abuse Control, Kidscope, day, I rise to recognize a public awareness want to honor the service of Judge Mary Hu- Recovery Resources and the Governor’s Re- campaign released by the National Institute on bert. gional Economic Advisory. Drug Abuse that brings critical attention to the A native of Buffalo, Judge Hubert has Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me dangerous link between drug abuse and HIV/ served on the bench as Town Justice in the in honor and recognition of Dr. Frank William AIDS. Town of Concord for many years. She is well Reis, whose retirement reflects 35 years of This campaign seeks to inform our youth known throughout the legal community as a educational excellence and accomplishment. how drug abuse can impair judgment and fair-minded and efficient judge. Dr. Reis’s steadfast devotion as an educator cause risky sexual behaviors that increase the The Hubert family has served their adopted and leader in education has empowered and danger of contracting or transmitting HIV. hometown very well. Judge Hubert’s husband, inspired countless students, young and old. The connection between drug abuse and Raymond, is a longtime member of the Con- We wish Dr. Reis and his family an abun- HIV/AIDS isn’t limited to the risks of injecting cord Town Board, and their combined service dance of peace, health and happiness as he drugs and being infected by contaminated has augured well for local residents; they are journeys onward from here. needles. It is much bigger than that. Drug or better for having had the privilege of Judge alcohol intoxication changes behavior—inhibi- tions disappear and the ability to make good Hubert’s service. f As Judge Hubert now goes into retirement decisions is impaired. as an active judge, I want to thank you, Mr. IN MEMORY OF VICE ADMIRAL Only 1 in 50 high school students report Speaker, for allowing me an opportunity to ARTHUR K. CEBROWSKI having ever injected an illegal drug. However, honor her service to the residents of the town young Americans use alcohol and other drugs of Concord in this manner. My thanks go out HON. IKE SKELTON at high rates. According to NIDA, between to Judge Hubert for her fine service, and my 2000 and 2003 about 10 young people (age OF MISSOURI best wishes go out to her, Ray and to their en- 13–24) were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS each tire family for good luck and Godspeed in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES day. Today an estimated 1 million people in the months and years to come. Wednesday, December 7, 2005 United States are living with HIV/AIDS, and, f Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it is with deep approximately 4 out of 10 U.S. AIDS deaths IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF sadness that I inform the House of the death are related to drug abuse. DR. FRANK WILLIAM REIS of Vice Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski, USN, My advisory committees on AIDS/HIV and Ret. Drugs and Substance Abuse confirm the toll HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Admiral Cebrowski was born in Passaic, NJ. that this dual epidemic has taken. Drug abuse He graduated from Villanova University in and HIV/AIDS affect our children, our families, OF OHIO 1964. He received a master’s degree in Com- and our communities not only in the 7th Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES puter Systems Management from the Naval trict of Illinois but also across this nation. Wednesday, December 7, 2005 Post Graduate School and attended the Naval I commend NIDA’s efforts in advancing re- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in War College. search and public awareness to better under- tribute and recognition of Dr. Frank William In 1964, he entered the Navy through the stand the pivotal role drug abuse (in all its Reis, upon his retirement that reflects 35 Reserve Officers Training Corps. He was a forms) can play in the spread of HIV/AIDS. We need to continue to educate our con- years of exemplary service as an educator naval aviator and commanded Fighter Squad- stituents about the risks of drug abuse and and leader within the public school and col- ron 41 and Air Wing 8. He commanded the HIV infection. We need to provide adequate lege arena. assault ship USS Guam, the aircraft carrier and accessible treatment for those with drug Dr. Reis honorably served our country as a USS Midway and the USS America Battle problems and HIV/AIDS. We need to support Vietnam war veteran. Following his service, he Group. He had combat experience in Vietnam what NIDA has established that drug abuse enrolled in college and earned a bachelor’s and Desert Storm. His joint assignments in- treatment is HIV prevention. Because by lim- degree in education, MBA and ME degrees, cluded service as the director, Command, iting and protecting against the risky behaviors and a Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leader- Control, Communications and Computers, J–6, associated with drug abuse, we can decrease ship. Equipped with an unwavering commit- Joint Staff. He also had served in the Office of the likelihood of spreading or contracting HIV/ ment to raising the lives of children through the Chief of Naval Operations as director of AIDS. the power of education, Dr. Reis brought his space, information warfare, and command and enthusiasm and concern for his students into control. Admiral Cebrowski retired from the f the inner city classrooms of Rhode Island. In Navy on October 1, 2001, after serving as the TRIBUTE TO BRONSON METHODIST 1974, Dr. Reis was named the Rhode Island president of the Naval War College in New- HOSPITAL Teacher of the Year—a rare occurrence at port, RI. On November 26, 2001, Admiral that time for an inner city schoolteacher. Cebrowski was appointed to the position of di- HON. FRED UPTON rector, Office of Force Transformation. For the past 16 years, Dr. Reis served in OF MICHIGAN critical positions at Cuyahoga Community Col- Mr. Speaker, Admiral Cebrowski was a valu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lege, most recently as executive vice president able leader in the U.S. Navy and our country. for Administration and chief operating office. I know the Members of the House will join me Wednesday, December 7, 2005 His leadership and expertise served to elevate in extending heartfelt condolences to his fam- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to operations throughout the areas of human re- ily. recognize and congratulate Bronson Methodist ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Dec 08, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.001 E07DEPT1 E2464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2005 Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan for providing Mr. Speaker, SURVIVORS works with refu- cluding nearly all U.S. centers. This funding is outstanding health care to the residents of gees, asylees, asylum seekers, and immi- also vital to groups like SURVIVORS for direct Southwestern Michigan. Bronson was recently grants who are survivors of torture. By working programs. honored with the 2005 Malcolm Baldrige Na- with this large population in San Diego Coun- In conclusion Mr. Speaker, the TVRA is a tional Quality Award, which is our Nation’s ty, SURVIVORS is strengthening the nation: vital piece of legislation which funds essential highest Presidential honor to commend quality many of its clients move to other communities services for survivors of torture throughout the and organizational performance excellence. in the United States after receiving the care 53rd District of California and San Diego The 6 recipients of the Malcolm Baldrige and services necessary to successfully build a County, and enhances the standing and rep- Award were selected from a highly competitive new life here. As SURVIVORS continues to utation by exporting America’s values in the field of 64 nation-wide applicants, which were work in the community, it receives an increas- form of support for foreign treatment centers. rigorously evaluated by an independent board ing number of referrals and requests for serv- I strongly urge my colleagues to join me in of examiners. ices each year. There is also a need to con- supporting this bill that is so important to so This prestigious award will come as no sur- tinue making services even more comprehen- many.
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