,3 Brussels, 18 January 2002 6WUXFWXUDO )XQGV &RPPLVVLRQ DSSURYHV PLOOLRQ (XUR LQ DLG IRU WKH 3URYLQFHV RI 1DPXU DQG /X[HPERXUJ %HOJLXP 7KH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ 0HPEHU UHVSRQVLEOH IRU UHJLRQDO SROLF\ 0LFKHO %DUQLHU WRGD\ DQQRXQFHG WKDW WKH &RPPLVVLRQ KDV DGRSWHG WKH VLQJOH SURJUDPPLQJGRFXPHQW 63' IRUWKH3URYLQFHVRI1DPXUDQG/X[HPERXUJ 1 IRU7KLV63'XQGHU2EMHFWLYH RIWKH6WUXFWXUDO)XQGV UHJLRQVLQ WKHSURFHVVRIHFRQRPLFDQGVRFLDOFRQYHUVLRQ LQYROYHVVHYHUDOUXUDODUHDV LQ%HOJLXP¶VUHJLRQRI:DOORQLDWKHGLVWULFWVRI'LQDQWDQG3KLOLSSHYLOOHZLWK SRSXODWLRQV RI DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ DQG WKUHH GLVWULFWV LQ WKH SURYLQFH RI /X[HPERXUJ ZKLFK ZLOO UHFHLYH &RPPXQLW\ VXSSRUW DW D GHFOLQLQJUDWH7KHWZRSURYLQFHVZLOOUHFHLYH&RPPXQLW\ILQDQFLQJRI¼ PLOOLRQZKLFKZLOOJHQHUDWHDQDGGLWLRQDO¼PLOOLRQIURPWKH%HOJLDQSXEOLF VHFWRU DQG ¼ PLOOLRQ IURP WKH SULYDWH VHFWRU UHVXOWLQJ LQ D VXP RI ¼ PLOOLRQDOWRJHWKHU7KHQHZSURJUDPPHVKRXOGOHDGWRWKHFUHDWLRQRI QHZMREVDQGLQFUHDVHSHUFDSLWDJURVVGRPHVWLFSURGXFWLQWKHSURYLQFHRI 1DPXUIURPRIWKH&RPPXQLW\DYHUDJH WR Said Michel Barnier: 7KLVSURJUDPPHKDVEHHQGHYHORSHGWKDQNVWRWKHH[FHOOHQW SDUWQHUVKLS EHWZHHQ WKH :DOORRQ UHJLRQDO DXWKRULWLHV DQG WKH &RPPLVVLRQ ,Q DSSURYLQJ WKLV HFRQRPLF GHYHORSPHQW SURJUDPPH WKH &RPPLVVLRQ LV GHPRQVWUDWLQJ LWV FRPPLWPHQW WR VXSSRUWLQJ WKH IDFWRUV RI FRPSHWLWLYHQHVV LQ D UXUDO UHJLRQDO HFRQRP\ ZLWKRXW FRPSURPLVLQJ WKH SULQFLSOH RI HQYLURQPHQWDO SURWHFWLRQ The strategy adopted will be based on three priorities: - 'LYHUVLILFDWLRQ RI WKH HFRQRPLF EDVH, through direct action in favour of economic stakeholders proposing investment projects in physical capital, so as to develop the productive base both in industry and in market services, especially through services related to management, new information and communication technologies (NICT), electronic commerce and economic networking (Community contribution: ¼ 20 165 247 from the ERDF ). - 5HVWUXFWXULQJ WKH FRXQWU\VLGH by encouraging tourism and the maintenance of business and services, and by enhancing cohesion and attractiveness through better-quality structures for acquiring knowledge (Community contribution: ¼ 32 213 764 from the ERDF). - to meet specific human resources (QKDQFLQJ³HPSOR\DELOLW\´DQGNQRZKRZ needs (Community contribution: ¼ 5 206 000 from the ESF ). Objective 2 covers regions undergoing socio-economic change, declining rural areas, less-favoured areas dependent on fisheries and problem neighbourhoods. European Regional Development Fund European Social Fund The Community is also contributing ¼ 793 734 in technical assistance measures (contribution: ¼ 619 734 from the ERDF and ¼ 174 000 from the ESF). The SPD covers the districts of Dinant and Philippeville (Namur province) and the districts of Bastogne, Marche-en-Famenne and Neufchâteau (Luxembourg province), which were part of the area eligible for Objective 5(b) transitional support in 1994-99 along with the municipality of Aubange under Objective 2 transitional support in 1994-99. The financial contribution to this SPD will be provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the responsibility of Michel Barnier (about ¼ 53 million) and the European Social Fund (ESF) under the responsibility of Anna Diamantopoulou (about ¼ 5 million). Before a final decision can be reached on the programming document for Namur and Luxembourg provinces, the Consultative Committee for the Development and Conversion of Regions and the ESF committee must be consulted. Mr Barnier will sign the decision within the next few weeks. )XUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQ Visit this European Commission website: http://www.inforegio.cec.eu.int 2.
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