PAGE24 THE RETRIEVER WEEKLY FEATURES May 4, 1999 Music Mary Prankster: Singer, Songwriter and Goddess EMILY BERNSTEIN I heard her a few more times in the follow­ Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff ing months and my sense of local pride reared its ugly head. In spite of the fact that I am Lou Brutus, WHFS morning jockey, loves usually adamantly against all things Dundalk, her. Jimi Haha of Jimmie's Chicken Shack I thought she was a pretty decent product of loves her. Those who follow the local music the place. scene love her. Even those who, like me, just In late December, I went to a They Might happened to be listening to HFS one morn­ Be Giants show at the 9:30 Club in DC. As ing and heard her sweet, throaty voice belt­ fate would have it, Mary Prankster was open­ ing out the lyrics of her first local hit "Blue ing for Them. When Mary came on stage, I Skies Over Dundalk," quickly grew to love just about fell over. She was not at all what I her. She's Mary Prankster, and she's my had envisioned - in fact, she was young and idol. stunningly gorgeous. Five minutes into her The first time I heard her was toward the set, the guys I was with were still gaping at middle oflast summer. I had been up all night her, and I can't say I blame them. reading and listening to HFS. Lou seemed I quickly got over her looks and realized really excited about a guest he was about to that she was ex­ have on the air, so I stayed tuned in, in spite ceptionally cool. of the fact that I was starting to space out Shortly after she from lack of adequate sleep. came out on When this mystery guest finally came on, stage, she ex­ her deep voice as she sang "Blue Skies Over plained how photo courtesy Mary Prankster Dundalk" led me to believe she was around psyched she was Prime Prankster: Mary sings the blues. 30 or 40, probably looking like a typical to be opening for Dundalk woman- scraggly, teased dark or They Might Be Off' ("Piss off the After the show, she hung out outside the bleached hair and lots of wrinkles only ac­ Giants. She ex­ wrong people and club and signed autographs and talked with centuated by a pound of cakey make-up. I plained that she they send you to the people who were still around. She even was nonetheless entertained by her song that worships Them jail; piss off the made fun of a friend of mine for getting to included the masterful lyrics "There'll be O's - as do I, so I right people and the club late and missing her set. · fans goin' down'ee ocean, hon [yes, that part was immediately they tell you She's great. If you're into entertaining is sung with the accent]. There'll be blue skies impressed by her-and was so excited about you're charming"). She also played what has music, local music or just plain good music, over Dundalk when I break your heart." meeting them that when John Flansburgh, one since become my favorite of her songs, check out her CD. You can buy it for $10 at I was intrigued. Over the course of that of the two main guys in They Might Be Gi­ "Breakfast." This little tune is the story of any area Record and Tape Traders. I have morning I heard two more songs by her: ants introduced himself to her, she flipped her bottle of Aunt Jemima talking to her at bought 10 copies of her CD- one for my­ "Bleeps and Whiskey (on the CD, the out. "I totally lost my shit. I just completely breakfast one morning ... among other ran­ self and the rest for friends and family - at "Bleeps" tum into "Tits") and "Mercyduck" lost my shit," she told the audience. dom things. It includes the lines: "This tat­ the R&TT on Frederick Road in Catonsville. (which is the radio-edit version of Mary played guitar and sang a bunch of too won't come off. I thought it was the lick­ With lyrics like "~uck me, fuck me, fuck "Mercyfuck"). In the next month or so, I con­ songs, including those played on HFS and ' em-stick-' em kind, but I couldn't figure out me, fuck me, I am Ernie's rubber duckie. Kiss tinued to hear her on the HFS morning show others like "Mac and Cheese" (All I want's a what that machine was for, or why I was in me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, let's break out with relative frequency. boy who's not a violent sociopath") and "Piss so much pain." the tits and whiskey," how can you go wrong? '"..... ATTENTION SCIENTISTS! LabSupporP, anationwide assignment service. staffs the best companies in your industry. Forbes named us "one of the best small companies in America." We have many great FULL-TIME opportunities including: Owsley: Owsley This CD is noteworthy for its overall up­ IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR LAB TECHS With his self-titled debut on Giant Records, beat tone - it's quite refreshing to be pre­ Numerous Positions Available in Rockville, MD · Owsley has made a very good first impres­ sented with a collection of songs that can Candidate will be responsible for operation of ABI3700automated DNASequencer,laboratory robots, thermal sion. The CD, produced by Owsley at his make you feel good without sappiness or sen­ cyclers and other miscellaneous lab equipment in a high-throughput DNA sequencing facility. home studio, features catchy, well-written timentality. "Uncle John's Farm" brings to RequiresANBSinBiology,Biochemistry,MolecularBiologyorrelatedfieldand1yearhands-onexperience pop songs with intelligent lyrics. The songs mind the comfort of a familiar retreat, while with sterile and Molecular Biology techniques. These positions are full-time, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. have the feel of British pop from the mid- "Zavelow House" is a humorous tale about a 1980s, with a sound reminiscent of XTC in haunted house. Even the songs that are in­ ADDITIONAL IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES particular- so you can imagine my surprise fused with a touch of melancholy, such as Metro DC, Richmond, VA and Baltimore, MD areas when I found out that Owsley is in fact "Good Old Days," nevertheless possess an • BS!MS Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists and Microbiologists with 0-2 years lab American, from Anniston, AL. Go figure. air of hope. experience- hands-on experience aplus. RECENT GRADS WELCOME! Owsley has performed with artists as di­ Owsley is musically interesting, as well. Competitive pay and excellent benefits including medical/dental. Call now! verse as Amy Grant, Shania Twain and Ben Some of the songs, especially "Oh No The Folds (of Ben Folds Five fame, of course), ·Radio," have a sound similar to XTC, as pre­ Metro DC (301) 340-3807 but his sound is definitely his own. Doing viously mentioned; while others, most nota­ Richmond (804) 560-1091 the CD at his home studio meant that he was bly "Sonny Boy," reveal the influence of art­ Baltimore (410) 821-3464 able to produce the CD according to his own ists such as Todd Rundgren. An adjective vision of how it should be, not some record such as "quirky" would definitely apply, but www.labsupport.com company executive's notion of what sells­ I use it carefully and according to the and it shows in the album's cohesiveness. Merriam-Webster definition of the word, Though the album absolutely works as a which lists a quirk as ''a peculiar trait" or "id­ whole, that's not to say there aren't anum­ iosyncrasy." All too often "quirky" has been ber of songs here with good potential as used in connection with artists who would singles. "Coming Up Roses" especially more accurately be described as "annoying" stands out - it's got enough of a hook to or "cutesy'' or "too clever by half." But I di­ catch a dozen rockfish. And the lyrics are gress. practically an anthem for anyone who has re­ On the vhole. (h1 sle\ is a very convinc­ cm erect. or i c;, 111 the process of recovering. ing debut from an obviously talented artlst. from a broken heart. ·'r m Alright [si~.: )" \\- ith If he 1 • Ilo\\ ed to reta r. ..ts mul.:h contr l over ·t taunchl_ ifJUl\· duah t attitude.· another ht a he had here. t. nd u nd l 'bl. 0\\ le ' ) n om .
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