ChurchChurch HistoryHistory ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury th th TheThe AgeAge ofof EnlightenmentEnlightenment AD 1717th-18-18th centuriescenturies th TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution AD 1919th centurycentury th TheThe ModernModern AgeAge AD 2020th centurycentury st TheThe PostmodernPostmodern AgeAge AD 2121st centurycentury ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AncientAncient ChurchChurch AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies Constantine: The Thirteenth Apostle The First Ecumenical Council The Constantinian Line The Establishment of Christendom The Second Ecumenical Council Fathers of the New Church Things Fall Apart... TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom TheThe FallFall ofof thethe RomanRoman EmpireEmpire tooktook aa whilewhile 410410 AlaricAlaric andand hishis VisigothsVisigoths sackedsacked RomeRome ItIt waswas aa horrifichorrific threethree days,days, butbut thenthen itit waswas overover TheThe VisigothsVisigoths hadhad nono desiredesire toto occupyoccupy Rome,Rome, butbut ratherrather justjust toto taketake itsits spoilsspoils TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom TheThe FallFall ofof thethe RomanRoman EmpireEmpire tooktook aa whilewhile 410410 AlaricAlaric andand hishis VisigothsVisigoths sackedsacked RomeRome ItIt waswas aa horrifichorrific threethree days,days, butbut thenthen itit waswas overover ButBut thethe constantconstant streamstream ofof barbarianbarbarian raidsraids andand invasionsinvasions throughoutthroughout EuropeEurope nibblednibbled awayaway atat thethe EmpireEmpire ,, changingchanging thethe politicalpolitical landscapelandscape TheThe WesternWestern EmpireEmpire waswas inin tatterstatters TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom TheThe FallFall ofof thethe RomanRoman EmpireEmpire tooktook aa whilewhile 410410 AlaricAlaric andand hishis VisigothsVisigoths sackedsacked RomeRome ButBut byby far,far, thethe mostmost increasinglyincreasingly powerfulpowerful andand dangerousdangerous groupgroup ofof barbariansbarbarians werewere thethe Huns,Huns, whosewhose empireempire dwarfeddwarfed RomeRome andand whowho werewere continuallycontinually encroachingencroaching onon RomanRoman territoryterritory TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom TheThe FallFall ofof thethe RomanRoman EmpireEmpire tooktook aa whilewhile 410410 AlaricAlaric andand hishis VisigothsVisigoths sackedsacked RomeRome ButBut byby far,far, thethe mostmost increasinglyincreasingly powerfulpowerful andand dangerousdangerous groupgroup ofof barbariansbarbarians werewere thethe Huns,Huns, whosewhose empireempire dwarfeddwarfed RomeRome andand whowho werewere continuallycontinually encroachingencroaching onon RomanRoman territoryterritory ForFor decades,decades, emperorsemperors likelike HonoriusHonorius hadhad beenbeen payingpaying thethe HunsHuns tributetribute (i.e.;(i.e.; protectionprotection money)money) toto preventprevent themthem fromfrom aa wholesalewholesale invasioninvasion HonoriusHonorius eveneven hiredhired thethe HunsHuns asas mercenariesmercenaries andand stationedstationed themthem inin RomanRoman territoryterritory toto trytry toto fendfend offoff thethe VisigothsVisigoths TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom TheThe FallFall ofof thethe RomanRoman EmpireEmpire tooktook aa whilewhile 410410 AlaricAlaric andand hishis VisigothsVisigoths sackedsacked RomeRome ButBut byby far,far, thethe mostmost increasinglyincreasingly powerfulpowerful andand dangerousdangerous groupgroup ofof barbariansbarbarians werewere thethe Huns,Huns, whosewhose empireempire dwarfeddwarfed RomeRome andand whowho werewere continuallycontinually encroachingencroaching onon RomanRoman territoryterritory ForFor decades,decades, emperorsemperors likelike HonoriusHonorius hadhad beenbeen payingpaying thethe HunsHuns tributetribute (i.e.;(i.e.; protectionprotection money)money) toto preventprevent themthem fromfrom aa wholesalewholesale invasioninvasion Luckily,Luckily, they'dthey'd alwaysalways beenbeen aa nomadicnomadic people,people, withwith nono centralcentral leadership,leadership, soso itit waswas moremore likelike keepingkeeping wildwild dogsdogs atat baybay thanthan fightingfighting anan all-outall-out warwar AllAll thatthat changedchanged whenwhen RugilaRugila tooktook overover andand beganbegan unitinguniting thethe HunsHuns Suddenly,Suddenly, RomeRome waswas forcedforced toto tripletriple theirtheir demandeddemanded tributetribute TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— OneOne ofof thethe waysways thatthat relativerelative “peace”“peace” waswas maintainedmaintained inin thosethose daysdays waswas thethe exchangeexchange ofof high-levelhigh-level hostageshostages ThisThis couldcould bebe donedone throughthrough marriagemarriage (as(as itit waswas donedone laterlater inin Europe)—whereEurope)—where oneone kingking wouldwould marrymarry hishis daughterdaughter offoff toto anotheranother king'sking's son,son, andand hopefullyhopefully createcreate aa tentativetentative bondbond betweenbetween kingdomskingdoms thatthat wayway OrOr itit couldcould bebe donedone byby simplysimply tradingtrading importantimportant peoplepeople toto oneone another—usually,another—usually, sonssons TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— OneOne ofof thethe waysways thatthat relativerelative “peace”“peace” waswas maintainedmaintained inin thosethose daysdays waswas thethe exchangeexchange ofof high-levelhigh-level hostageshostages AroundAround 410,410, aa teenagedteenaged RomanRoman aristocrataristocrat namednamed FlaviusFlavius AetiusAetius waswas sentsent offoff toto livelive asas aa hostagehostage inin thethe HunnicHunnic courtcourt ofof KingKing RugilaRugila There,There, hehe waswas treatedtreated well,well, learnedlearned thethe HunnicHunnic language,language, andand trainedtrained inin theirtheir ownown artsarts ofof warwar —which—which hehe foundfound thatthat hehe excelledexcelled atat AetiusAetius waswas thethe perfectperfect hostagehostage choice—aschoice—as aa RomanRoman aristocrataristocrat,, hehe lookedlooked goodgood toto thethe HunsHuns butbut asas aa RomanRoman bornborn inin BulgariaBulgaria (i.e.;(i.e.; thethe wrongwrong sideside ofof thethe Danube)Danube) thethe RomansRomans wouldn'twouldn't feelfeel tootoo badbad ifif theythey nevernever gotgot himhim back—theyback—they consideredconsidered himhim half-barbarianhalf-barbarian anywayanyway TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching moment—moment— OneOne ofof thethe waysways thatthat relativerelative “peace”“peace” waswas maintainedmaintained inin thosethose daysdays waswas thethe exchangeexchange ofof high-levelhigh-level hostageshostages AroundAround 410,410, aa teenagedteenaged RomanRoman aristocrataristocrat namednamed FlaviusFlavius AetiusAetius waswas sentsent offoff toto livelive asas aa hostagehostage inin thethe HunnicHunnic courtcourt ofof KingKing RugilaRugila AtAt thethe samesame time,time, thethe nephewnephew ofof Rugila—namedRugila—named Attila—wasAttila—was sentsent offoff toto livelive asas aa hostagehostage inin RomeRome There,There, hehe waswas treatedtreated poorly,poorly, learnedlearned Latin,Latin, andand trainedtrained inin thethe RomanRoman artsarts ofof war—whichwar—which hehe foundfound thatthat hehe excelledexcelled at,at, tootoo TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching momentmoment2—— You'llYou'll noticenotice thatthat RomanRoman artart depicteddepicted thesethese twotwo asas antithesesantitheses ofof oneone another—whichanother—which theythey werewere TheyThey werewere likelike flip-sidesflip-sides ofof thethe samesame coincoin AndAnd afterafter theythey eacheach werewere returnedreturned toto theirtheir peoplepeople yearsyears later,later, theythey spentspent thethe restrest ofof thethe nextnext fewfew decadesdecades asas near-equalnear-equal opponentsopponents onon thethe battlefields—Aetiusbattlefields—Aetius isis thethe onlyonly personperson whowho everever beatbeat AttilaAttila thethe HunHun inin thethe fieldfield Ironically,Ironically, theythey hadhad actuallyactually becomebecome goodgood friends—Aetiusfriends—Aetius understoodunderstood Attila'sAttila's motivationsmotivations andand respectedrespected hishis abilities,abilities, andand AttilaAttila feltfelt thatthat AetiusAetius waswas thethe onlyonly RomanRoman hehe couldcould relaterelate toto BeforeBefore openopen hostilitieshostilities brokebroke out,out, theythey spentspent aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof timetime withwith oneone anotheranother andand learninglearning fromfrom oneone anotheranother InIn fact,fact, AetiusAetius eveneven usedused anan armyarmy ofof HunsHuns toto defeatdefeat thethe BurgundiansBurgundians inin 436436 TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom FunkyFunky littlelittle teachingteaching momentmoment3—— ButBut
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